Herman Cain Making Another Run!!!

Not true...

I'd vote for Huntsman. In fact, I'd do that before Hillary.

Huntsman represents a true conservative.

Not a modern-day Neo-Con or far RW religious fundamentalist.

He doesn't kow-tow to Big Corporations like Hillary does, that's why he'd get my vote over hers.

I'd also vote for Colin Powell any day of the week. And he's a die-hard conservative.

Why would you ever vote for a true conservative?
Someone would ACTUALLY cut spending where it needed to be cut? Someone will the BALLS to stand up against the special interest groups? Someone who can be RESPECTED abroad? Someone that wouldn't kow-tow to the radical RW fundamentalist fringe? Someone who wouldn't kow-tow to Big Business? Someone believes in equity, justice and the American way?

Yes, I believe Huntman fits that bill. He ran his state fairly well from what I understand. He did well abroad as well. He's a good man, an honest man, a family man. Someone I could and would be proud to vote for to represent this country.

You have something against the gentleman?

I have something against being ruled by "conservative values".

I'm a Liberal. Why would I ever vote for someone who doesn't represent my values over someone who does, or even kind of does.

Hillary is no Liberal, but she's miles further Left than Huntsman.
Looney libs call republican candidate's clowns, while their own man releases 5 high ranked terrorists. Then yesterday admits that one of them will probably harm americans. Liberals still support the idiot in chief.

Who is claiming they are terrorists?

These are not al Qaeda.

And they are due to be released anyway within the next year when we end the Afghan war.

Don't you know anything? Didn't FOXNEWS tell you this part?

So why not get something for them?

And what about the 532 that Bush released from GTMO?
Should Republicans nominate Cain with Rice as VP candidate how could any Democrat NOT vote for them without standing accused of being a RACIST/RACIST/SEXIST?

Hey, their own "standards", right?
Looney libs call republican candidate's clowns, while their own man releases 5 high ranked terrorists. Then yesterday admits that one of them will probably harm americans. Liberals still support the idiot in chief.

Who is claiming they are terrorists?

These are not al Qaeda.

And they are due to be released anyway within the next year when we end the Afghan war.

Don't you know anything? Didn't FOXNEWS tell you this part?

So why not get something for them?

And what about the 532 that Bush released from GTMO?

Didn't you know? They've all accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.
Well, no, Americans didn't give a damn because Clinton brought home the bacon.

3% unemployment, peace, prosperity, a booming stock market, technical innovation, Clinton presided over a golden age.
You leftist are so disingenuous. .

Your the one who is promoting the big government, pinko inspired, "fairtax".


“Honest money and honest taxation, the Key to America’s future Prosperity“ ___ from “Prosperity Restored by the State Rate Tax Plan”, no longer in print.


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