Herman Cain

Face it.

Herman Cain will never be the Republican candidate.

And Obama will win in 2012 :cool:

I so, it's only because Obammie skimmed off the top of the Stimulus money to bribe more lobbyists and pay off organizations like acorn with.


One thing is certain.

Obami Salaami will not get re-elected.

No fucking away.

That doesn't mean that American Patriots should let their guard down, or not put out their maximum effort to defeat this MARXIST MONUMENTAL FRAUD and Piece of Shit Obami Salaami.
Face it.

Herman Cain will never be the Republican candidate.

And Obama will win in 2012 :cool:


Voice of Islam & Al Queda,

As usual, you and your Islamofascist Swine are full of shit.

Not only that, by stating your opinion you give us, the American Patriots, what an Al Queda piece of shit would like to happen ..... thus, what we should guard against.
All Muslim people need to vote for Herman Cain

Herman Cain is the man who will help us in our quest for world domination.

And, there you have it: The SunniBitch playing games underlining his Al Queda predilection.

Voice of Islam & Al Queda,

As usual, you and your Islamofascist Swine are full of shit.

Not only that, by stating your opinion you give us, the American Patriots, what an Al Queda piece of shit would like to happen ..... thus, what we should guard against.
All Muslim people need to vote for Herman Cain

Herman Cain is the man who will help us in our quest for world domination.

And, there you have it: The SunniBitch playing games underlining his Al Queda predilection.

He's just trying to stir the shit up dude, ignore him.
I am calling on all Muslims to vote for Herman Cain as our next president.

They will be the best person to further our agenda for America.

Further your agenda for America?


You mean to sell more slurpees with our jerky purchases?

And so......The SunniBitch is now in the Al Queda obfuscating mode.

Interesting to follow the transparent convolutions of an Al Queda pretzel like mind.
All Muslim people need to vote for Herman Cain

Herman Cain is the man who will help us in our quest for world domination.

And, there you have it: The SunniBitch playing games underlining his Al Queda predilection.

He's just trying to stir the shit up dude, ignore him.


Thanks for the advice.

However, I am on to SunniBitch's bullshit and will respond as long as I feel like informing the readers of this arsehole's crap.
I still dont understand why people think Obama is an intellect. He has to read everything off of a teleprompter, and the man cannot make a decision to save his life. Do you think he is an intellectual because someone told you he was? If not, please give me a reason to believe that he is because quite frankly, I dont see it in him,
No, I don't believe Obama is some great intellectual.

He is more like a Tony Robbins, walk barefoot on fire, motivational speaker. :doubt:
Cain is a nutcase.

If your daughter is raped, he wants the government to force her to have the rapist's child.
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Sunni.....when the next presidential election comes around....it's going to be about the economy, national debt, unemployment, and gas prices. It ain't going to be about the Muslim religion. just sayin'....

Believe me I agree with you 100%

This gaff by Herman Cain will mean nothing by the time the election comes up.

I know that many Republicans view Herman came as the "Great Black Hope"

They have the misguided notion that only another black can beat Obama in 2012

But in my opinion Herman Cain does not have the intellectual chops to beat Obama.

Plus, I doubt that he will win the nomination.

I still dont understand why people think Obama is an intellect. He has to read everything off of a teleprompter, and the man cannot make a decision to save his life. Do you think he is an intellectual because someone told you he was? If not, please give me a reason to believe that he is because quite frankly, I dont see it in him, I see him as a puppet being told what to do and what to say, the teleprompters prove that, he doesn't speak from the heart, he is being told what to say.
Hermen Cain on the other hand actually has real world business experience, and is not paid off by Soros or the Unions to do their bidding. Herman Cain is more qualified to be President then Obama will ever be.

Ask Bin Laden if Obama can make a decision.

Oh.....wait.....you can't.

He's at the bottom of the ocean....
He ran the Harvard review, has taught, passed the bar, was a lawyer and a senator.
Affirmative Action is a wonderful thing. :cool:

Yes it is.

President Obama is a prime example of Affirmative Action done right.

So is Justice Clarence Thomas.

You're right, affirmative action is a wonderful thing. However it has nothing to do with the Harvard Law Review and being editor. It also has nothing to do with graduating from Harvard with a Summa cum Laude.
Face it.

Herman Cain will never be the Republican candidate.

And Obama will win in 2012 :cool:

I agree with you Sunni Man. But I do think it isn't going to be a cakewalk. But it won't be the Dems that Cain has to worry about. He won't come close to getting the nomination.
Lecturing Americans To ‘Reread’ Constitution, Herman Cain Confuses It With Declaration of Independence

Americans should indeed read the Constitution.

But they must read the interpretive Constitutional case law as well to understand the issues in the proper legal and constitutional context. The Supreme Court decides what the Constitution means per the rule of law, not the politicians or voters.

There are things ‘in the Constitution’ that many Americans clearly don’t understand, such as the 10th Amendment.

And Cain in particular is ignorant of the Constitution in his belief he may legally refuse to hire someone to serve in his administration based on that person’s religion.

I think someone in the administration pushing for Sharia Law would be good for this country, wouldn't you?

See the ‘US Compliant with Sharia’ thread.

Clayton FulloShit Jones:

Show me the wording where in the Constitution we have the definition of ISLAM as a Religion !!!

You can NOT !!!

That's the kabash on your LIEberrhoidal bullshit.

And if you are looking for Islam in the constitution maybe you can come up with the definition of Christian and Jewish religions too. TIA

Honestly, I cannot remember when I've read a post that was as stupid as yours here. Unbelievable.
I still dont understand why people think Obama is an intellect.

It was rightists who branded him an ‘intellectual’ in the first place. Make up your minds.

They did do that, didn't they?

What's great is that they said Obama would not be able to protect us, and he was the one who got Bin Laden.

I know, it's wonderful isn't it? It's really amazing how hard they've worked to try and get some of the glory for Bush, even though we can show that he said years ago he no longer cared about OBL. And then he closed the office that was dedicated to getting asshole. In 71/2 years they couldn't come up with him. In 2 yrs the Obama intelligence community came up with him and 6 months later the evil doer was dead. And although my conscience bothers me a little, I'm actually thrilled he's dead.
Americans should indeed read the Constitution.

But they must read the interpretive Constitutional case law as well to understand the issues in the proper legal and constitutional context. The Supreme Court decides what the Constitution means per the rule of law, not the politicians or voters.

There are things ‘in the Constitution’ that many Americans clearly don’t understand, such as the 10th Amendment.

And Cain in particular is ignorant of the Constitution in his belief he may legally refuse to hire someone to serve in his administration based on that person’s religion.

See the ‘US Compliant with Sharia’ thread.

Clayton FulloShit Jones:

Show me the wording where in the Constitution we have the definition of ISLAM as a Religion !!!

You can NOT !!!

That's the kabash on your LIEberrhoidal bullshit.

And if you are looking for Islam in the constitution maybe you can come up with the definition of Christian and Jewish religions too. TIA

Honestly, I cannot remember when I've read a post that was as stupid as yours here. Unbelievable.

The Obamarrhoidal Crunt Susan,

My whole point is that the Christian Religion may have been inferred to in the Constitution because of the Christian connection of the majority, if not all, of the Founding Fathers.

But, the Consitution HAS NEVER INFERRED, OR DEFINED ISLAM......I say ISLAM.... as a "Religion".

Therefore, it is OBVIOUSLY RIDICULOUS to state that Herman Cain is violating the Constitution when the Constitution does not mention Islam as a Religion.


An idiot LIEberrhoidal arsehole like you, Obamarrhoidal Shithead Susan, considers my post as "unbelievable" and "stupid" ....... but I say that your ludicrous notion that our Constitution would honour Islam as a "RELIGION" when no other Organized World Religion postulates not only as its FIRST DICTUM......but ANY Dictum the Conquest of the World by Torture & Murder, if necessary.

And, as far as Herman Cain is concerned, his rejection of the fucking Muslims has the same logic as rejecting Nazis in our Government in WWII.

I doubt if an idiotic LIEberrhoidal crunt like you, Shithead Susan......or those of your ilk, will comprehend the OBVIOUS.......but in Life one expects a certain percentage of delusional arseholes that are almost completely out of contact with REALITY.
I am kind of surprised that they faked Osama Bin Laden's death now.

I figured that they would wait until right before the 2012 election.

WOW !!!!

This is really amazing !!!

The Voice of Islam & Al Queda, the SunniBitch, has come up with some more outlandish Islamofascist shit !!!

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