Herman Cain

How can any of you Cain supporters actually want this man to be president? He has never held public office. Ever. All he has done is run a business, which, last time I checked, doesn't provide anybody with political experience. Also, he has no grasp whatsoever on the Constitution.

Herman Cain enters 2012 GOP race - CBS News
Herman Cain would trade liberty for security | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

Only a racist would suggest that a Black CEO wasn't qualified to be President.
Oh please.

Herman Cain is a cynical candidate at best. If the Republicans really put him up..they would lose that racist bit of the party..because they simply won't vote. And that isn't a smaller number either.

The Tea Party is "with" him to prove they are not racist. They won't really put him up..but they figure by supporting him early is a win-win. His batshit crazy crapola fits in with the agenda..and he's black.

He's never been elected to anything. Nadda.. I can't believe anyone in their right mind would put a guy who's never been a politician into the most politically complicated position in the world. It would be like calling in a butcher to do heart surgery.

There's no way this guy is running.

Why does someone need to be a politician to succeed?
How about someone with a vision/some common sense/an American with a vision?
We're all witnessing the"community organizer's" attempt to run the country.
Excuse me while I check my home value, help my neighbor get a job, and go thru the kid's piggie bank to fill the tank.
Not to mention, fight four wars!

Why does someone need to go to medical college to succeed as a doctor?
Why does someone need to go to law school to succeed as a lawyer?
Why does someone need to go to the police academy to succeed as a policeman?
Why does someone need an MBA to get hired to a financial institution?
Why does someone need a Commercial Drivers License to Drive a truck?
Why does someone need a Pharmacist license to depense drugs?

Why does a community organizer think he can run the country?

Why do moonbats like you play enabler to said community organizer to no end?
I am kind of surprised that they faked Osama Bin Laden's death now.

I figured that they would wait until right before the 2012 election.

WOW !!!!

This is really amazing !!!

The Voice of Islam & Al Queda, the SunniBitch, has come up with some more outlandish Islamofascist shit !!!

The Osama death fraud has nothing to do with Islam apologists.

It's pure fact that Osama died in 2002 in Pakistan from kidney failure and marfan syndrome.

Startpage Web Search

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj1QMaJJUuo]YouTube - ‪Alex Jones - Proof Osama Bin Laden Death Another Gov't Lie!!‬‏[/ame]

Obama is like Jackie Robinson.

He had to do everything right.

The only difference is that the "Community Organizer" from the criminal establishment ACORN didn't do anything right ....... except one or two things like continuing Dubya's policies i.e, killing Osama Bin Arsehole, continuing with Iraq so that Iran doesn't seize Iraq's oil fields.....and maybe something else that I can't think of at the moment........but DEFINITELY not getting the MARXIST Black Racist MONUMERNTAL FRAUD on the positive side of being an effective President.
I am kind of surprised that they faked Osama Bin Laden's death now.

I figured that they would wait until right before the 2012 election.

WOW !!!!

This is really amazing !!!

The Voice of Islam & Al Queda, the SunniBitch, has come up with some more outlandish Islamofascist shit !!!

The Osama death fraud has nothing to do with Islam apologists.

It's pure fact that Osama died in 2002 in Pakistan from kidney failure and marfan syndrome.

Startpage Web Search

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pj1QMaJJUuo]YouTube - ‪Alex Jones - Proof Osama Bin Laden Death Another Gov't Lie!!‬‏[/ame]


Apparently, your info is Bullshit.

You need more proof than that to counter what's on the table.
Clayton FulloShit Jones,

Your cluesless rant about Herman Cain's EXCELLENT background (especially in comparison with the "Community Organizer" from the criminal enterprise ACORN) is ludicrous when even the liberal Wikipedia has the following resume of Herman Cain:

Herman Cain (born December 13, 1945) is an American businessman, columnist, and radio host from Georgia. He is best known as the former chairman and CEO of Godfather's Pizza. He is a former deputy chairman (1992–94) and chairman (1995–96) of the civilian board of directors to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Before his business and economics career he worked as a mathematician in ballistics for the United States Navy.[2] Cain's newspaper column is distributed by North Star Writers Group. He lives in the Atlanta suburbs, where he also serves as a minister.

Also, as stated, read my post regarding Herman Cain's excellence on Page 5 of this thread.

I am just responding to this to see what nick-name you select for me.

A LIEberrhoidal "warrior" is a blatant oxymoron.

In a way, you Obamarrhoidal stooges are even more dangerous than the Al Queda who are the recognized enemy of America whilst you LIEberrhoidal "warriors" are the camouflaged ENEMY WITHIN.....hypocritical, treacherous and dangerous because in addition to America fighting wars overseas......America ALWAYS has to fight you LIEberrhoidal traitors ("warriors") at home.

I am not an Obama supporter my friend. I don't know where you got that idea. But, keep flapping...
Herman Cain is not a professional politician like Bam Bam, Bush, Ron Paul. and all the folks getting ready to try for the GOP presidential slot. That alone gets me to listen when he talks.
But, the Consitution HAS NEVER INFERRED, OR DEFINED ISLAM......I say ISLAM.... as a "Religion".

For your sake I hope you’re either only a tedious troll or currently receiving mental health treatment.

Clayton FulloShit Jones,

Yours is meaningless verbiage. Prove me wrong or fuck off.

Making a LIEberrhoid arse of yourself with insults does not rebut my statement.
I am just responding to this to see what nick-name you select for me.

A LIEberrhoidal "warrior" is a blatant oxymoron.

In a way, you Obamarrhoidal stooges are even more dangerous than the Al Queda who are the recognized enemy of America whilst you LIEberrhoidal "warriors" are the camouflaged ENEMY WITHIN.....hypocritical, treacherous and dangerous because in addition to America fighting wars overseas......America ALWAYS has to fight you LIEberrhoidal traitors ("warriors") at home.

I am not an Obama supporter my friend. I don't know where you got that idea. But, keep flapping...

If you are NOT a "LIEberrhoidal" warrior, then my comment does not apply to you.
I still dont understand why people think Obama is an intellect.

It was rightists who branded him an ‘intellectual’ in the first place. Make up your minds.

They did do that, didn't they?

What's great is that they said Obama would not be able to protect us, and he was the one who got Bin Laden.

The "Community Organizer" had the invaluable help of Dubya's "enhanced interrogation techniques" including "waterboarding" (according to Paneta, Obambo's CIA chief) to achieve the death of Osama Bin Arsehole.....yet this MONUMENTAL MARXIST FRAUD rejected this important tool to safeguard America in times of Nuclear Peril.

Obami Salaami is a clueless ass.......and if you are his follower then that makes you a stupid Obamarrhoidal fuck.
Why does someone need to be a politician to succeed?
How about someone with a vision/some common sense/an American with a vision?
We're all witnessing the"community organizer's" attempt to run the country.
Excuse me while I check my home value, help my neighbor get a job, and go thru the kid's piggie bank to fill the tank.
Not to mention, fight four wars!

Why does someone need to go to medical college to succeed as a doctor?
Why does someone need to go to law school to succeed as a lawyer?
Why does someone need to go to the police academy to succeed as a policeman?
Why does someone need an MBA to get hired to a financial institution?
Why does someone need a Commercial Drivers License to Drive a truck?
Why does someone need a Pharmacist license to depense drugs?

Why does a community organizer think he can run the country?

Why do moonbats like you play enabler to said community organizer to no end?

That's the meme..isn't it.

It's incorrect...but carry on.
Sunni.....when the next presidential election comes around....it's going to be about the economy, national debt, unemployment, and gas prices. It ain't going to be about the Muslim religion. just sayin'....

Believe me I agree with you 100%

This gaff by Herman Cain will mean nothing by the time the election comes up.

I know that many Republicans view Herman came as the "Great Black Hope"

They have the misguided notion that only another black can beat Obama in 2012

But in my opinion Herman Cain does not have the intellectual chops to beat Obama.

Plus, I doubt that he will win the nomination.

I still dont understand why people think Obama is an intellect. He has to read everything off of a teleprompter, and the man cannot make a decision to save his life. Do you think he is an intellectual because someone told you he was? If not, please give me a reason to believe that he is because quite frankly, I dont see it in him, I see him as a puppet being told what to do and what to say, the teleprompters prove that, he doesn't speak from the heart, he is being told what to say.
Hermen Cain on the other hand actually has real world business experience, and is not paid off by Soros or the Unions to do their bidding. Herman Cain is more qualified to be President then Obama will ever be.

He passed the bar, taught at Harvard, ran the Harvard review, wrote several books, authored legislation, has a political science degree from Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard.
Believe me I agree with you 100%

This gaff by Herman Cain will mean nothing by the time the election comes up.

I know that many Republicans view Herman came as the "Great Black Hope"

They have the misguided notion that only another black can beat Obama in 2012

But in my opinion Herman Cain does not have the intellectual chops to beat Obama.

Plus, I doubt that he will win the nomination.

I still dont understand why people think Obama is an intellect. He has to read everything off of a teleprompter, and the man cannot make a decision to save his life. Do you think he is an intellectual because someone told you he was? If not, please give me a reason to believe that he is because quite frankly, I dont see it in him, I see him as a puppet being told what to do and what to say, the teleprompters prove that, he doesn't speak from the heart, he is being told what to say.
Hermen Cain on the other hand actually has real world business experience, and is not paid off by Soros or the Unions to do their bidding. Herman Cain is more qualified to be President then Obama will ever be.

He passed the bar, taught at Harvard, ran the Harvard review, wrote several books, authored legislation, has a political science degree from Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard.

He never taught at Harvard. He also didn't write those books, William Ayers did. He co-authored legislation but wasn't the driving force.

Graduating magna cum laude, which is mid-range, it isn't the highest so I'd give him a B.

Many institutes confer three levels of Latin honors, although some eschew the third, namely:

cum laude, meaning "with honor"—usually pronounced /kʊmˈlaʊdeɪ/ or /kʊmˈlɔːdeɪ/.
magna cum laude, meaning "with high honor"
summa cum laude, meaning "with highest honor"
Herman Cain is secretly a Muslim and a Taliban sympathizer

True story

Who cares. He could be Buddhist and I still dont give a damn as long as he puts an end to the money hemorrhage going on in this country. That Bam Bam will lose is pretty much a given. The thought that another looser could get elected on the "anyone but him" ticket like he did is what scares me, and should scare you to.

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