Herman Cain

I still dont understand why people think Obama is an intellect. He has to read everything off of a teleprompter, and the man cannot make a decision to save his life. Do you think he is an intellectual because someone told you he was? If not, please give me a reason to believe that he is because quite frankly, I dont see it in him, I see him as a puppet being told what to do and what to say, the teleprompters prove that, he doesn't speak from the heart, he is being told what to say.
Hermen Cain on the other hand actually has real world business experience, and is not paid off by Soros or the Unions to do their bidding. Herman Cain is more qualified to be President then Obama will ever be.

He passed the bar, taught at Harvard, ran the Harvard review, wrote several books, authored legislation, has a political science degree from Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard.

He never taught at Harvard. He also didn't write those books, William Ayers did. He co-authored legislation but wasn't the driving force.

Graduating magna cum laude, which is mid-range, it isn't the highest so I'd give him a B.

Many institutes confer three levels of Latin honors, although some eschew the third, namely:

cum laude, meaning "with honor"—usually pronounced /kʊmˈlaʊdeɪ/ or /kʊmˈlɔːdeɪ/.
magna cum laude, meaning "with high honor"
summa cum laude, meaning "with highest honor"

Ridiculous. And seriously..lying doesn't help your point.
He passed the bar, taught at Harvard, ran the Harvard review, wrote several books, authored legislation, has a political science degree from Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard.

He never taught at Harvard. He also didn't write those books, William Ayers did. He co-authored legislation but wasn't the driving force.

Graduating magna cum laude, which is mid-range, it isn't the highest so I'd give him a B.

Many institutes confer three levels of Latin honors, although some eschew the third, namely:

cum laude, meaning "with honor"—usually pronounced /kʊmˈlaʊdeɪ/ or /kʊmˈlɔːdeɪ/.
magna cum laude, meaning "with high honor"
summa cum laude, meaning "with highest honor"

Ridiculous. And seriously..lying doesn't help your point.

Lying about what?

magna cum laude isn't the highest honor.

Obama taught at the University of Chicago Law school.

William Ayers intimated that Obama didn't write his own books, which was two of worth, three if you want to count the forgettable "Change We Can Believe", not several. That would actually take hard work. At the very least, Bill Ayers edited "Dreams From My Father".....which is the same as re-writing it. I seriously doubt Obama found the time to write 'Change' during a campaign.

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Obama thought his life was so important he didn't just write one book, but TWO all about himself..

Must be a real thriller.:eusa_whistle:

Believe me I agree with you 100%

This gaff by Herman Cain will mean nothing by the time the election comes up.

I know that many Republicans view Herman came as the "Great Black Hope"

They have the misguided notion that only another black can beat Obama in 2012

But in my opinion Herman Cain does not have the intellectual chops to beat Obama.

Plus, I doubt that he will win the nomination.

I still dont understand why people think Obama is an intellect. He has to read everything off of a teleprompter, and the man cannot make a decision to save his life. Do you think he is an intellectual because someone told you he was? If not, please give me a reason to believe that he is because quite frankly, I dont see it in him, I see him as a puppet being told what to do and what to say, the teleprompters prove that, he doesn't speak from the heart, he is being told what to say.
Hermen Cain on the other hand actually has real world business experience, and is not paid off by Soros or the Unions to do their bidding. Herman Cain is more qualified to be President then Obama will ever be.

He passed the bar, taught at Harvard, ran the Harvard review, wrote several books, authored legislation, has a political science degree from Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard.

When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)
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That voice of Islam & Al Queda: SunniBitch just lies, lies, lies......treats Truth as though Truth is some sort of a joke.
Gautama, when you support Herman Cain. You are supporting terrorism !! :eek:

True story

I didn't know that Baptists were Muslim's and that they supported terrorism :eek:

He could worship at the alter of the pantheon of the Greek Gods, why the fuck does it matter ?
I still dont understand why people think Obama is an intellect. He has to read everything off of a teleprompter, and the man cannot make a decision to save his life. Do you think he is an intellectual because someone told you he was? If not, please give me a reason to believe that he is because quite frankly, I dont see it in him, I see him as a puppet being told what to do and what to say, the teleprompters prove that, he doesn't speak from the heart, he is being told what to say.
Hermen Cain on the other hand actually has real world business experience, and is not paid off by Soros or the Unions to do their bidding. Herman Cain is more qualified to be President then Obama will ever be.

He passed the bar, taught at Harvard, ran the Harvard review, wrote several books, authored legislation, has a political science degree from Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard.

When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)

He didn't teach at Harvard, but he did teach at University of Chicago and head the Harvard Law Review.

And could you provide some sources for the ghostwriter thing? I don't think that's true, though I wouldn't be surprised if you showed me some reliable source.
He never taught at Harvard. He also didn't write those books, William Ayers did. He co-authored legislation but wasn't the driving force.

Graduating magna cum laude, which is mid-range, it isn't the highest so I'd give him a B.

Ridiculous. And seriously..lying doesn't help your point.

Lying about what?

magna cum laude isn't the highest honor.

Obama taught at the University of Chicago Law school.

William Ayers intimated that Obama didn't write his own books, which was two of worth, three if you want to count the forgettable "Change We Can Believe", not several. That would actually take hard work. At the very least, Bill Ayers edited "Dreams From My Father".....which is the same as re-writing it. I seriously doubt Obama found the time to write 'Change' during a campaign.

Did Obama Write “Dreams from My Father” … Or Did Ayers? - By Andrew C. McCarthy - The Corner - National Review Online

Ayers was being sarcastic.

Funny you believe that.

You believe everything people say..sarcastic? Or misspoken?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8pvU1iyT3c]YouTube - ‪Freudian slip: Bush Threatening the United States‬‏[/ame]
Ridiculous. And seriously..lying doesn't help your point.

Lying about what?

magna cum laude isn't the highest honor.

Obama taught at the University of Chicago Law school.

William Ayers intimated that Obama didn't write his own books, which was two of worth, three if you want to count the forgettable "Change We Can Believe", not several. That would actually take hard work. At the very least, Bill Ayers edited "Dreams From My Father".....which is the same as re-writing it. I seriously doubt Obama found the time to write 'Change' during a campaign.

Did Obama Write “Dreams from My Father” … Or Did Ayers? - By Andrew C. McCarthy - The Corner - National Review Online

Ayers was being sarcastic.

Funny you believe that.

You believe everything people say..sarcastic? Or misspoken?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8pvU1iyT3c]YouTube - ‪Freudian slip: Bush Threatening the United States‬‏[/ame]

No. I believe some of what I read. Not all of it.
How can any of you Cain supporters actually want this man to be president? He has never held public office. Ever. All he has done is run a business, which, last time I checked, doesn't provide anybody with political experience. Also, he has no grasp whatsoever on the Constitution.

Herman Cain enters 2012 GOP race - CBS News
Herman Cain would trade liberty for security | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

To quote herman on the subject of no political experience, he stated "Washington is full of people with political experience. Look where it's gotten us". Makes sense to me.
Lying about what?

magna cum laude isn't the highest honor.

Obama taught at the University of Chicago Law school.

William Ayers intimated that Obama didn't write his own books, which was two of worth, three if you want to count the forgettable "Change We Can Believe", not several. That would actually take hard work. At the very least, Bill Ayers edited "Dreams From My Father".....which is the same as re-writing it. I seriously doubt Obama found the time to write 'Change' during a campaign.

Did Obama Write “Dreams from My Father” … Or Did Ayers? - By Andrew C. McCarthy - The Corner - National Review Online

Ayers was being sarcastic.

Funny you believe that.

You believe everything people say..sarcastic? Or misspoken?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8pvU1iyT3c]YouTube - ‪Freudian slip: Bush Threatening the United States‬‏[/ame]

No. I believe some of what I read. Not all of it.

Well you seem to believe the bits that suit your agenda..true or not. Since President Obama's candidacy, Ayers past terroristic activities with the Weathermen Underground, something long in his past has been harped on over and over again..as to present him as wanted criminal..and to map domestic terrorism to President Obama. President Obama's and Bill Ayer's relationship has been basically a "working one". Ayer's has become a contributing member of society even winning praise from people who sought to put him behind bars. And he's never been convicted of anything. That's key..because you guys seem to think if one is never convicted..they are innocent right? Like Reagan was never convicted of treason..yet admitted to Iran Contra..which..by ANY definition..is treason. Of course there are caveats to this hypocrisy..as in the case of G. Gordan Liddy, Oliver North and ol' Scooter Libby.

Ayers gets asked the same questions over and over..and he's finally just said..yeah he did this..and yeah he did that..and that he wanted the reporters asking these questions to help him prove that he wrote the book so he could start collecting royalties. It was sarcasm.

Glad you guys do your research.
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I still dont understand why people think Obama is an intellect. He has to read everything off of a teleprompter, and the man cannot make a decision to save his life. Do you think he is an intellectual because someone told you he was? If not, please give me a reason to believe that he is because quite frankly, I dont see it in him, I see him as a puppet being told what to do and what to say, the teleprompters prove that, he doesn't speak from the heart, he is being told what to say.
Hermen Cain on the other hand actually has real world business experience, and is not paid off by Soros or the Unions to do their bidding. Herman Cain is more qualified to be President then Obama will ever be.

He passed the bar, taught at Harvard, ran the Harvard review, wrote several books, authored legislation, has a political science degree from Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard.

When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)

So how many books have your written and how many classes have you taught?
For the cheap seats..

sev·er·al   /ˈsɛvərəl, ˈsɛvrəl/ Show Spelled
[sev-er-uhl, sev-ruhl] Show IPA

1. being more than two but fewer than many in number or kind: several ways of doing it.
2. respective; individual: They went their several ways.
3. separate; different: several occasions.
Several | Define Several at Dictionary.com
He passed the bar, taught at Harvard, ran the Harvard review, wrote several books, authored legislation, has a political science degree from Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard.

When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)

So how many books have your written and how many classes have you taught?

If writing books and teaching classes is the result of having a mother, father, and a grandfather being off the wall Commie Freaks, and one's mother loopy enough to hate her own race......and having a cousin like Raila ODINGA, whom Obami Salaami visited shortly before his Presidential campaign.....one who is known throughout Africa as the "African Stalin" for slaughtering THOUSANDS of his fellow Kenyans whilst being the leader of the Commie "Orange Democratic Party"......to sit arm-in-arm-smiling with this MONSTER during and after the rallies at the family gathering consisted of relatives, ALL of whom were Muslim Commies.......ain't exactly a feather in Obummer's cap.

But we don't end there either do we ????

Obummer was the "Community Organizer" of the criminal enterprise ACORN indicted in more than 13 states in America. Whilst at Acorn Obummer was buddies with the UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Bill Ayers from whose home OBummer kicked off his Senatorial Career.

One would think that would dissuade most from voting for this piece of shit......But....NO......it didn't !!!

But then, what about the TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Cathedral of Hate run by a Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright ????? Huh....not enough ????what about subsequently to that choosing ANOTHER Black Racist pastor Wallace Smith who claims that America is ruled by the whitey KKK but now dressed in fancy briefcases and expensive suits.....and claiming that his three-yr old son babbles that he won't be discriminated against being a 2/3 American ????

Oh.....and what about the fact that Obummer CATAPULTED thru the ranks of our Nation's most CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine laden with the Commie/Mafioso crooks where even the election of dog-catcher is not possible without the OK of its top crooks ????

Does ALL that count in considering the qualifications of a President of the United States of America compared to going to Harvard on Affirmative Action, writing books and teaching classes .......and BTW, having a wife who "wasn't proud to be an American" ????
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How can any of you Cain supporters actually want this man to be president? He has never held public office. Ever. All he has done is run a business, which, last time I checked, doesn't provide anybody with political experience. Also, he has no grasp whatsoever on the Constitution.

Herman Cain enters 2012 GOP race - CBS News
Herman Cain would trade liberty for security | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

b kid sez you do not have enuff steet cred to answer u - ill talk to anyone !

you deserve a reply !

the job of government is getting out of our way - the job of government is BUSINESS !

and cain shows that he knows BUSINESS !

people came from around the world to amerika so they could make money ! - communist demokrats have bought into socialism - they hate business and so called - "RICH PEOPLE "

it is a plus that cain was never in politics !

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