Herman Cain

How can any of you Cain supporters actually want this man to be president? He has never held public office. Ever. All he has done is run a business, which, last time I checked, doesn't provide anybody with political experience. Also, he has no grasp whatsoever on the Constitution.

Herman Cain enters 2012 GOP race - CBS News
Herman Cain would trade liberty for security | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

b kid sez you do not have enuff steet cred to answer u - ill talk to anyone !

you deserve a reply !

the job of government is getting out of our way - the job of government is BUSINESS !

and cain shows that he knows BUSINESS !

people came from around the world to amerika so they could make money ! - communist demokrats have bought into socialism - they hate business and so called - "RICH PEOPLE "

it is a plus that cain was never in politics !

I don't know if the Obamarrhoid stooges are getting the message, but objectively.......can't they feel that they are being squashed & squished like the bugs that they are ?????
When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)

So how many books have your written and how many classes have you taught?

If writing books and teaching classes is the result of having a mother, father, and a grandfather being off the wall Commie Freaks, and one's mother loopy enough to hate her own race......and having a cousin like Raila ODINGA, whom Obami Salaami visited shortly before his Presidential campaign.....one who is known throughout Africa as the "African Stalin" for slaughtering THOUSANDS of his fellow Kenyans whilst being the leader of the Commie "Orange Democratic Party"......to sit arm-in-arm-smiling with this MONSTER during and after the rallies at the family gathering consisted of relatives, ALL of whom were Muslim Commies.......ain't exactly a feather in Obummer's cap.

But we don't end there either do we ????

Obummer was the "Community Organizer" of the criminal enterprise ACORN indicted in more than 13 states in America. Whilst at Acorn Obummer was buddies with the UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Bill Ayers from whose home OBummer kicked off his Senatorial Career.

One would think that would dissuade most from voting for this piece of shit......But....NO......it didn't !!!

But then, what about the TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Cathedral of Hate run by a Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright ????? Huh....not enough ????what about subsequently to that choosing ANOTHER Black Racist pastor Wallace Smith who claims that America is ruled by the whitey KKK but now dressed in fancy briefcases and expensive suits.....and claiming that his three-yr old son babbles that he won't be discriminated against being a 2/3 American ????

Oh.....and what about the fact that Obummer CATAPULTED thru the ranks of our Nation's most CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine laden with the Commie/Mafioso crooks where even the election of dog-catcher is not possible without the OK of its top crooks ????

Does ALL that count in considering the qualifications of a President of the United States of America compared to going to Harvard on Affirmative Action, writing books and teaching classes .......and BTW, having a wife who "wasn't proud to be an American" ????

You guys got a big set of balls talking about terrorists.

You put up President Reagan, while not even President made a deal with a regime that was holding Americans hostage. Then financed the Contras and the Muj. That continued with President George HW Bush who financed the muj..who broke off into the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Then after being warned about the Terrorist..his father financed..George W. Bush ignore Osama Bin Laden..who then planned and ordered 9/11. Then George W. Bush let him go in Afghanistan and disbanded the units looking for him.

So yeah..you guys got a great big fucking set of balls talking about terrorists. When the guys you put up create them..and let them go.
So how many books have your written and how many classes have you taught?

If writing books and teaching classes is the result of having a mother, father, and a grandfather being off the wall Commie Freaks, and one's mother loopy enough to hate her own race......and having a cousin like Raila ODINGA, whom Obami Salaami visited shortly before his Presidential campaign.....one who is known throughout Africa as the "African Stalin" for slaughtering THOUSANDS of his fellow Kenyans whilst being the leader of the Commie "Orange Democratic Party"......to sit arm-in-arm-smiling with this MONSTER during and after the rallies at the family gathering consisted of relatives, ALL of whom were Muslim Commies.......ain't exactly a feather in Obummer's cap.

But we don't end there either do we ????

Obummer was the "Community Organizer" of the criminal enterprise ACORN indicted in more than 13 states in America. Whilst at Acorn Obummer was buddies with the UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Bill Ayers from whose home OBummer kicked off his Senatorial Career.

One would think that would dissuade most from voting for this piece of shit......But....NO......it didn't !!!

But then, what about the TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Cathedral of Hate run by a Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright ????? Huh....not enough ????what about subsequently to that choosing ANOTHER Black Racist pastor Wallace Smith who claims that America is ruled by the whitey KKK but now dressed in fancy briefcases and expensive suits.....and claiming that his three-yr old son babbles that he won't be discriminated against being a 2/3 American ????

Oh.....and what about the fact that Obummer CATAPULTED thru the ranks of our Nation's most CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine laden with the Commie/Mafioso crooks where even the election of dog-catcher is not possible without the OK of its top crooks ????

Does ALL that count in considering the qualifications of a President of the United States of America compared to going to Harvard on Affirmative Action, writing books and teaching classes .......and BTW, having a wife who "wasn't proud to be an American" ????

You guys got a big set of balls talking about terrorists.

You put up President Reagan, while not even President made a deal with a regime that was holding Americans hostage. Then financed the Contras and the Muj. That continued with President George HW Bush who financed the muj..who broke off into the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Then after being warned about the Terrorist..his father financed..George W. Bush ignore Osama Bin Laden..who then planned and ordered 9/11. Then George W. Bush let him go in Afghanistan and disbanded the units looking for him.

So yeah..you guys got a great big fucking set of balls talking about terrorists. When the guys you put up create them..and let them go.

Callow Sallow's LIEberrhoidal bullshit is so twisted in distortion and outright lies that suffice it to say that he is drowning in kool aid.

But.....all the rational folk know that already.
Cain did pretty good IMO at the debate tonight I would never vote for him bc of the Fed Reserve thing but still did good.

Big Hoss,

You are dead wrong about Cain's involvement with the Fed AT THE TIME WHEN HE WAS INVOLVED.......THE FED DID EVERYTHING CORRECTLY !!!

It is LATER, when Herman Cain was NO LONGER INVOLVED and the LIEberrhoids got in control that the SHIT HIT THE FAN !!!

Looks like we have a racist OP.

That's the spin that the left used with anyone who disagreed with the Messiah. What goes around, comes around.

Oh please.

Herman Cain is a cynical candidate at best. If the Republicans really put him up..they would lose that racist bit of the party..because they simply won't vote. And that isn't a smaller number either.

The Tea Party is "with" him to prove they are not racist. They won't really put him up..but they figure by supporting him early is a win-win. His batshit crazy crapola fits in with the agenda..and he's black.

He's never been elected to anything. Nadda.. I can't believe anyone in their right mind would put a guy who's never been a politician into the most politically complicated position in the world. It would be like calling in a butcher to do heart surgery.

There's no way this guy is running.

Why does someone need to be a politician to succeed?
How about someone with a vision/some common sense/an American with a vision?
We're all witnessing the"community organizer's" attempt to run the country.
Excuse me while I check my home value, help my neighbor get a job, and go thru the kid's piggie bank to fill the tank.
Not to mention, fight four wars!

Try addressing some of the points I put out there..but as to why?

Next time you want a tooth pulled..let me know who you go to. The plumber or the dentist.
If writing books and teaching classes is the result of having a mother, father, and a grandfather being off the wall Commie Freaks, and one's mother loopy enough to hate her own race......and having a cousin like Raila ODINGA, whom Obami Salaami visited shortly before his Presidential campaign.....one who is known throughout Africa as the "African Stalin" for slaughtering THOUSANDS of his fellow Kenyans whilst being the leader of the Commie "Orange Democratic Party"......to sit arm-in-arm-smiling with this MONSTER during and after the rallies at the family gathering consisted of relatives, ALL of whom were Muslim Commies.......ain't exactly a feather in Obummer's cap.

But we don't end there either do we ????

Obummer was the "Community Organizer" of the criminal enterprise ACORN indicted in more than 13 states in America. Whilst at Acorn Obummer was buddies with the UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Bill Ayers from whose home OBummer kicked off his Senatorial Career.

One would think that would dissuade most from voting for this piece of shit......But....NO......it didn't !!!

But then, what about the TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Cathedral of Hate run by a Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright ????? Huh....not enough ????what about subsequently to that choosing ANOTHER Black Racist pastor Wallace Smith who claims that America is ruled by the whitey KKK but now dressed in fancy briefcases and expensive suits.....and claiming that his three-yr old son babbles that he won't be discriminated against being a 2/3 American ????

Oh.....and what about the fact that Obummer CATAPULTED thru the ranks of our Nation's most CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine laden with the Commie/Mafioso crooks where even the election of dog-catcher is not possible without the OK of its top crooks ????

Does ALL that count in considering the qualifications of a President of the United States of America compared to going to Harvard on Affirmative Action, writing books and teaching classes .......and BTW, having a wife who "wasn't proud to be an American" ????

You guys got a big set of balls talking about terrorists.

You put up President Reagan, while not even President made a deal with a regime that was holding Americans hostage. Then financed the Contras and the Muj. That continued with President George HW Bush who financed the muj..who broke off into the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Then after being warned about the Terrorist..his father financed..George W. Bush ignore Osama Bin Laden..who then planned and ordered 9/11. Then George W. Bush let him go in Afghanistan and disbanded the units looking for him.

So yeah..you guys got a great big fucking set of balls talking about terrorists. When the guys you put up create them..and let them go.

Callow Sallow's LIEberrhoidal bullshit is so twisted in distortion and outright lies that suffice it to say that he is drowning in kool aid.

But.....all the rational folk know that already.

Feel free to dispute any point I've made.

Go on.

I double dog dare ya. Links and all.:lol:
He passed the bar, taught at Harvard, ran the Harvard review, wrote several books, authored legislation, has a political science degree from Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard.

When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)

So how many books have your written and how many classes have you taught?

This makes sense..how?
You guys got a big set of balls talking about terrorists.

You put up President Reagan, while not even President made a deal with a regime that was holding Americans hostage. Then financed the Contras and the Muj. That continued with President George HW Bush who financed the muj..who broke off into the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Then after being warned about the Terrorist..his father financed..George W. Bush ignore Osama Bin Laden..who then planned and ordered 9/11. Then George W. Bush let him go in Afghanistan and disbanded the units looking for him.

So yeah..you guys got a great big fucking set of balls talking about terrorists. When the guys you put up create them..and let them go.

Callow Sallow's LIEberrhoidal bullshit is so twisted in distortion and outright lies that suffice it to say that he is drowning in kool aid.

But.....all the rational folk know that already.

Feel free to dispute any point I've made.

Go on.

I double dog dare ya. Links and all.:lol:

Callow Sallow,

It's a total waste of time rebutting all your LIEberrhoidal bullshit links, or no links......all your CRAP has been debunked HUNDREDS OF TIMES in other threads.

What your CRAP amounts to is a DEFLECTION from REALITY.

The posters already KNOW your LIEberrhoidal bullshit and they will be able to tell the difference between the IRREFUTABLE DOCUMENTED FACTS ON NATIONAL TV ABOUT OBUMMER which I will state in my next post, and Herman Cain.

And, I know that you're not going to like the UNVARNISHED TRUTH ..... but that is the bottom line.
Callow Sallow,

It's a total waste of time rebutting all your LIEberrhoidal bullshit links, or no links......all your CRAP has been debunked HUNDREDS OF TIMES in other threads.

What your CRAP amounts to is a DEFLECTION from REALITY.

The posters already KNOW your LIEberrhoidal bullshit and they will be able to tell the difference between the IRREFUTABLE DOCUMENTED FACTS ON NATIONAL TV ABOUT OBUMMER which I will state in my next post, and Herman Cain.

And, I know that you're not going to like the UNVARNISHED TRUTH ..... but that is the bottom line.

Well try and "debunk" it 101 times.

It's never been debunked. In fact..when I break it down for "debunkers" they wind up agreeing with me.

I put up the unedited versions of videos and find articles from reputable news sources.

So again.

Put up or um..keep spouting your crap.

Either way..you lose.:lol:
In spite of all the LEIberrhoidal Bullshit of Callow Sallow, and his Obamarrhoidal colleagues, the issue in this thread is: DO YOU ELECT OBUMMER OR HERMAN CAIN

Anything else is a DEFLECTION. And all the non-LIEberrhoids know that whatever the LIEberrhoids puke out, it will be out of context DISTORTIONS, and/or OUTRIGHT LIES.

Short summary of Obummer & Herman Cain:

EVERYTHING I state in this post are Historically Documented IRREFUTABLE Facts: Obummer's mother, father, and grandfather were off the the wall Commie Freaks, with his mother loopy enough to hate her own race and inculcated her son with that aberration. Having a cousin like Raila ODINGA, doesn't help the image of Obambo not being a MARXIST. Since Obami Salaami visited this COMMIE MONSTER Raila Odinga shortly before his Presidential campaign.....one who is known throughout Africa as the "African Stalin" for slaughtering THOUSANDS of his fellow Kenyans whilst being the leader of the Commie "Orange Democratic Party"......to sit arm-in-arm-smiling with this COMMIE PSYCHO during and after the rallies at the family gathering consisted of relatives, ALL of whom were Muslim Commies.......ain't exactly a feather in Obummer's cap.

But we don't end there either do we ????

Obummer was the "Community Organizer" of the criminal enterprise ACORN indicted in more than 13 states in America. Whilst at Acorn Obummer was buddies with the UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Bill Ayers from whose home OBummer kicked off his Senatorial Career.

One would think that would dissuade most from voting for this piece of shit......But....NO......it didn't !!!

But then, what about the TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Cathedral of Hate run by a Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright ????? Huh....not enough ????what about subsequently to that choosing ANOTHER Black Racist pastor Wallace Smith who claims that America is ruled by the whitey KKK but now dressed in fancy briefcases and expensive suits.....and claiming that his three-yr old son babbles that he won't be discriminated against being a 2/3 American ????

Oh.....and what about the fact that Obummer CATAPULTED thru the ranks of our Nation's most CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine laden with the Commie/Mafioso crooks where even the election of dog-catcher is not possible without the OK of its top crooks ????

Wouldn't any rational person ponder about ALL of the above in considering the qualifications of Obummer as President of the United States of America .......and BTW, having a wife who "wasn't proud to be an American" ????

Compare that with the short summary of Herman Cain in the liberal Wikipedia:

Herman Cain (born December 13, 1945) is an American businessman, columnist, and radio host from Georgia. He is best known as the former chairman and CEO of Godfather's Pizza. He is a former deputy chairman (1992–94) and chairman (1995–96) of the civilian board of directors to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Before his business and economics career he worked as a mathematician in ballistics for the United States Navy.[2] Cain's newspaper column is distributed by North Star Writers Group. He lives in the Atlanta suburbs, where he also serves as a minister.


Herman Cain for President of the United States of America : YES, WE CAIN !!!
Last edited:

Lets go to the video tape.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHXq8TRejow&feature=related]YouTube - ‪Telling Lies‬‏[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qd4QMODnCc]YouTube - ‪George W Bush Not Concerned About Bin Laden (flashback 2006)‬‏[/ame]
Callow Sallow,

It's a total waste of time rebutting all your LIEberrhoidal bullshit links, or no links......all your CRAP has been debunked HUNDREDS OF TIMES in other threads.

What your CRAP amounts to is a DEFLECTION from REALITY.

The posters already KNOW your LIEberrhoidal bullshit and they will be able to tell the difference between the IRREFUTABLE DOCUMENTED FACTS ON NATIONAL TV ABOUT OBUMMER which I will state in my next post, and Herman Cain.

And, I know that you're not going to like the UNVARNISHED TRUTH ..... but that is the bottom line.

Well try and "debunk" it 101 times.

It's never been debunked. In fact..when I break it down for "debunkers" they wind up agreeing with me.

I put up the unedited versions of videos and find articles from reputable news sources.

So again.

Put up or um..keep spouting your crap.

Either way..you lose.:lol:

Callow Sallow,

Your opinion as a certified LIEberrhoid stooge.....and just a fool......has ZERO credibility among the rational posters.

So rant all you want.

The rational readers will decide.
Callow Sallow,

It's a total waste of time rebutting all your LIEberrhoidal bullshit links, or no links......all your CRAP has been debunked HUNDREDS OF TIMES in other threads.

What your CRAP amounts to is a DEFLECTION from REALITY.

The posters already KNOW your LIEberrhoidal bullshit and they will be able to tell the difference between the IRREFUTABLE DOCUMENTED FACTS ON NATIONAL TV ABOUT OBUMMER which I will state in my next post, and Herman Cain.

And, I know that you're not going to like the UNVARNISHED TRUTH ..... but that is the bottom line.

Well try and "debunk" it 101 times.

It's never been debunked. In fact..when I break it down for "debunkers" they wind up agreeing with me.

I put up the unedited versions of videos and find articles from reputable news sources.

So again.

Put up or um..keep spouting your crap.

Either way..you lose.:lol:

Callow Sallow,

Your opinion as a certified LIEberrhoid stooge.....and just a fool......has ZERO credibility among the rational posters.

So rant all you want.

The rational readers will decide.


I accept your defeat.
Well try and "debunk" it 101 times.

It's never been debunked. In fact..when I break it down for "debunkers" they wind up agreeing with me.

I put up the unedited versions of videos and find articles from reputable news sources.

So again.

Put up or um..keep spouting your crap.

Either way..you lose.:lol:

Callow Sallow,

Your opinion as a certified LIEberrhoid stooge.....and just a fool......has ZERO credibility among the rational posters.

So rant all you want.

The rational readers will decide.


I accept your defeat.

Callow Sallow,

You are not only a certified mendacious LIEberrhoid stooge, you are also a typical fool.

You can fantasize all you want about imaginary defeats and/or Weiner's Weanie ..... all you are accomplishing is making a bigger idiot of yourself than you already are.

As stated, your LIEberrhoidal BULLSHIT doesn't have anything to do with the thread and is an OBVIOUS DEFLECTION.

And, even as a DEFLECTION it is a conglomeration of out of context comments that DISTORT the non-related issues and/or are OUTRIGHT LIES artfully contrived by the George Soros Smear Machines.

I don't have any more time to waste on your drivel.
He passed the bar, taught at Harvard, ran the Harvard review, wrote several books, authored legislation, has a political science degree from Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard.

When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)

So how many books have your written and how many classes have you taught?

How stupid are you?
Looks like we have a racist OP.

That's the spin that the left used with anyone who disagreed with the Messiah. What goes around, comes around.

That's a pathetic attempt at a jab

It is no more pathetic than the accusations of racism against anyone who disagrees with your Messiah. What goes around, comes around. You disagree with Cain, you must be a racist.... because that's how it worked with Obama. Sucks, huh?
When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)

So how many books have your written and how many classes have you taught?

If writing books and teaching classes is the result of having a mother, father, and a grandfather being off the wall Commie Freaks, and one's mother loopy enough to hate her own race......and having a cousin like Raila ODINGA, whom Obami Salaami visited shortly before his Presidential campaign.....one who is known throughout Africa as the "African Stalin" for slaughtering THOUSANDS of his fellow Kenyans whilst being the leader of the Commie "Orange Democratic Party"......to sit arm-in-arm-smiling with this MONSTER during and after the rallies at the family gathering consisted of relatives, ALL of whom were Muslim Commies.......ain't exactly a feather in Obummer's cap.

But we don't end there either do we ????

Obummer was the "Community Organizer" of the criminal enterprise ACORN indicted in more than 13 states in America. Whilst at Acorn Obummer was buddies with the UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Bill Ayers from whose home OBummer kicked off his Senatorial Career.

One would think that would dissuade most from voting for this piece of shit......But....NO......it didn't !!!

But then, what about the TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Cathedral of Hate run by a Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright ????? Huh....not enough ????what about subsequently to that choosing ANOTHER Black Racist pastor Wallace Smith who claims that America is ruled by the whitey KKK but now dressed in fancy briefcases and expensive suits.....and claiming that his three-yr old son babbles that he won't be discriminated against being a 2/3 American ????

Oh.....and what about the fact that Obummer CATAPULTED thru the ranks of our Nation's most CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine laden with the Commie/Mafioso crooks where even the election of dog-catcher is not possible without the OK of its top crooks ????

Does ALL that count in considering the qualifications of a President of the United States of America compared to going to Harvard on Affirmative Action, writing books and teaching classes .......and BTW, having a wife who "wasn't proud to be an American" ????

Did anyone here take the time to read this?
Cain is a niche candidate for those who believe someone with a business background knows all the answers

His bigotry and fear of Muslims makes him a nonfactor

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