Herman Cain

So how many books have your written and how many classes have you taught?

If writing books and teaching classes is the result of having a mother, father, and a grandfather being off the wall Commie Freaks, and one's mother loopy enough to hate her own race......and having a cousin like Raila ODINGA, whom Obami Salaami visited shortly before his Presidential campaign.....one who is known throughout Africa as the "African Stalin" for slaughtering THOUSANDS of his fellow Kenyans whilst being the leader of the Commie "Orange Democratic Party"......to sit arm-in-arm-smiling with this MONSTER during and after the rallies at the family gathering consisted of relatives, ALL of whom were Muslim Commies.......ain't exactly a feather in Obummer's cap.

But we don't end there either do we ????

Obummer was the "Community Organizer" of the criminal enterprise ACORN indicted in more than 13 states in America. Whilst at Acorn Obummer was buddies with the UNREPENTANT HOMICIDAL, MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Bill Ayers from whose home OBummer kicked off his Senatorial Career.

One would think that would dissuade most from voting for this piece of shit......But....NO......it didn't !!!

But then, what about the TWENTY YEAR TENURE in the Cathedral of Hate run by a Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright ????? Huh....not enough ????what about subsequently to that choosing ANOTHER Black Racist pastor Wallace Smith who claims that America is ruled by the whitey KKK but now dressed in fancy briefcases and expensive suits.....and claiming that his three-yr old son babbles that he won't be discriminated against being a 2/3 American ????

Oh.....and what about the fact that Obummer CATAPULTED thru the ranks of our Nation's most CORRUPT Chicago Political Machine laden with the Commie/Mafioso crooks where even the election of dog-catcher is not possible without the OK of its top crooks ????

Does ALL that count in considering the qualifications of a President of the United States of America compared to going to Harvard on Affirmative Action, writing books and teaching classes .......and BTW, having a wife who "wasn't proud to be an American" ????

Did anyone here take the time to read this?

Read what???
How can any of you Cain supporters actually want this man to be president? He has never held public office. Ever. All he has done is run a business, which, last time I checked, doesn't provide anybody with political experience. Also, he has no grasp whatsoever on the Constitution.

Herman Cain enters 2012 GOP race - CBS News
Herman Cain would trade liberty for security | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government

I can want him to be president because his values are closer to my own than President Obama's.

I can want him to be president because he appears to love america for how it was founded instead of wanting to fundamentally transform it.

I can want him to be president because he showed, that as an executive, he can make the decisions to make the organization he is running successful.

I can want him to be president because he IS NOT BARACK OBAMA!
Cain is a niche candidate for those who believe someone with a business background knows all the answers

His bigotry and fear of Muslims makes him a nonfactor

He's not a bigot, and he - like any intelligent person - fears extremist Muslims. But I am not surprised that you are so afraid of an intelligent black conservative that you'll slander him. You're a despicable racist.
Cain is a niche candidate for those who believe someone with a business background knows all the answers

His bigotry and fear of Muslims makes him a nonfactor

He's not a bigot, and he - like any intelligent person - fears extremist Muslims. But I am not surprised that you are so afraid of an intelligent black conservative that you'll slander him. You're a despicable racist.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Herman Cain: "No, I Would Not" Appoint A Muslim In My Admin

Seems pretty clear here.
Sharia Law has no place in America.
We do not kill our daughters because they have become to westernized, nor do we stone our women for adultery.
And making sure that Muslims are for our constitution is not bigotry.
You move to America you become an American and live under our laws, not shara law.
Cain is a niche candidate for those who believe someone with a business background knows all the answers

His bigotry and fear of Muslims makes him a nonfactor

He's not a bigot, and he - like any intelligent person - fears extremist Muslims. But I am not surprised that you are so afraid of an intelligent black conservative that you'll slander him. You're a despicable racist.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Herman Cain: "No, I Would Not" Appoint A Muslim In My Admin

Seems pretty clear here.

Yea, it does here too.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf-RiiC7w-o]YouTube - ‪Herman Cain on having a Muslim in his cabinet‬‏[/ame]

Now, my question has to be, Sallow.... just how partisan are you? Are you able to accept that this is being spun - just like I have with some of Obama's statements - or are you one of the hacks that is soooo terrified of real honest political debate that you will continue to follow the fools?
He's not a bigot, and he - like any intelligent person - fears extremist Muslims. But I am not surprised that you are so afraid of an intelligent black conservative that you'll slander him. You're a despicable racist.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Herman Cain: "No, I Would Not" Appoint A Muslim In My Admin

Seems pretty clear here.

Yea, it does here too.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf-RiiC7w-o]YouTube - ‪Herman Cain on having a Muslim in his cabinet‬‏[/ame]

Now, my question has to be, Sallow.... just how partisan are you? Are you able to accept that this is being spun - just like I have with some of Obama's statements - or are you one of the hacks that is soooo terrified of real honest political debate that you will continue to follow the fools?

Disabled by request.

Anyway..I am pretty much with the Constitution and against a religious litmus test. What Cain says in the link I provided basically showed that he thinks all people that follow the Muslim faith are incapable of serving in Government. That's not a man I want as our President.

Yea, it does here too.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf-RiiC7w-o]YouTube - ‪Herman Cain on having a Muslim in his cabinet‬‏[/ame]

Now, my question has to be, Sallow.... just how partisan are you? Are you able to accept that this is being spun - just like I have with some of Obama's statements - or are you one of the hacks that is soooo terrified of real honest political debate that you will continue to follow the fools?

Disabled by request.

Anyway..I am pretty much with the Constitution and against a religious litmus test. What Cain says in the link I provided basically showed that he thinks all people that follow the Muslim faith are incapable of serving in Government. That's not a man I want as our President.

That's not what he says at all.

However, let me ask you this. Let's take Sunni Boy as an example of a Muslim. Seems fair, right? So, since he is for stoning women to death if they cannot provide 4 witnesses for rape, and his stated aim is to make Sharia law the law of the United States of America, is that the kind of American you want in our Administration?

What is so wrong about a man who believes in the Constitution and wants to protect it? Because that's what Cain is.

On the bright side, I bet Cain knows how many states make up our Union. I could say I don't want someone in the White House who can't count and doesn't even know how many states there are in the Union.... of course, that would be ridiculous.... and so is this bullshit about Cain.
When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)

So how many books have your written and how many classes have you taught?

How stupid are you?

Do you really need to ask? Anyhoo... Obama didn't teach at Harvard... he was a senior lecturer, which means he talked a lot.
California girl you keep saying that I am not example of a good Muslim.

And use me as an example why Herman Cain should be prejudiced and bigoted towards Muslims.

Then on other posts use your relatives as examples of how good Muslims should be.

So is it okay for Herman came to be prejudiced against them also ??

Yea, it does here too.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf-RiiC7w-o]YouTube - ‪Herman Cain on having a Muslim in his cabinet‬‏[/ame]

Now, my question has to be, Sallow.... just how partisan are you? Are you able to accept that this is being spun - just like I have with some of Obama's statements - or are you one of the hacks that is soooo terrified of real honest political debate that you will continue to follow the fools?

Disabled by request.

Anyway..I am pretty much with the Constitution and against a religious litmus test. What Cain says in the link I provided basically showed that he thinks all people that follow the Muslim faith are incapable of serving in Government. That's not a man I want as our President.

Why don't you follow that lie with "and he's not an authentic black"

If you're gonna lie about the man at least call him an Oreo or House-****** like liberals usually do.
He is against Sharia Law being pushed into our court system.
A 7th century set of laws has no place here in America.
Yea, it does here too.

YouTube - ‪Herman Cain on having a Muslim in his cabinet‬‏

Now, my question has to be, Sallow.... just how partisan are you? Are you able to accept that this is being spun - just like I have with some of Obama's statements - or are you one of the hacks that is soooo terrified of real honest political debate that you will continue to follow the fools?

Disabled by request.

Anyway..I am pretty much with the Constitution and against a religious litmus test. What Cain says in the link I provided basically showed that he thinks all people that follow the Muslim faith are incapable of serving in Government. That's not a man I want as our President.

That's not what he says at all.

However, let me ask you this. Let's take Sunni Boy as an example of a Muslim. Seems fair, right? So, since he is for stoning women to death if they cannot provide 4 witnesses for rape, and his stated aim is to make Sharia law the law of the United States of America, is that the kind of American you want in our Administration?

What is so wrong about a man who believes in the Constitution and wants to protect it? Because that's what Cain is.

On the bright side, I bet Cain knows how many states make up our Union. I could say I don't want someone in the White House who can't count and doesn't even know how many states there are in the Union.... of course, that would be ridiculous.... and so is this bullshit about Cain.


You equate something said by a person obviously exhausted..to rant?

President Obama has shown some pretty good chops as President. You may not agree with everything he does..but to say that he was unqualified despite passing graduating from Columbia and Harvard, despite passing the bar, despite teaching at universities, despite his law practice and despite successfully mounting a campaign for senate..is not all that credible. At some point we have to agree on some base protocols.

Herman Cain has no experience as a politician. None. And none as a public servant. Everything he's done, for the most part, is self motivated. That's fine..I don't have a problem with that. But if he wants to be President..which is an amazingly complex position, he should at least try out being a politician first.

I saw both videos. And I am still basically shocked by this one:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDXCwd65R5o&feature=related]YouTube - ‪Herman Cain refuses to appoint a Muslim in his administration‬‏[/ame]

He would have been able to walk back this..if it wasn't such a hate filled diatribe.
Yes, Herman Cain did backtrack from his original statement.

But I have to admit he does make a good "House Negro" for the Republican Party.

And, I have to admit that you are a transparent TAQIYAH-ed Islamofascist Al Queda SunniBitch Swine.....and would make the MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED, who is a Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST very proud of you.


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