Herman Cain


You do realize that I am a conservative Republican?? :cool:




Yep, that's me.

is a vulgarism, primarily referring to the female genitalia,[1] specifically the vulva, and including the cleft of Venus. The earliest citation of this usage in the 1972 Oxford English Dictionary, c 1230, refers to the London street known as Gropecunt Lane. Scholar Germaine Greer has said that "it is one of the few remaining words in the English language with a genuine power to shock."[2]
That's right Herman Cain.

Get your uppity black ass back on the left's plantation befer Sunni Man has to pull off his belt

You do realize that I am a conservative Republican?? :cool:

Think about it California Girl.

I am "for" the 2nd Amend, death penalty, and fiscal conservatism.

And "against" abortion, gay marriage, homos in the military.

So guess which party better reflects my views and get's my vote. :cool:
Yes, Herman Cain did backtrack from his original statement.

But I have to admit he does make a good "House Negro" for the Republican Party.

I hope your not throwing stones because, as of this post, your house is 100% glass.
Many Republicans think he is the "Great Black Hope" for the party.

And that it's going to take another black to beat Obama.

Maybe it will take a black challenger to unseat Obame.

But Herman Cain ain't the negro to do it. :cool:
Disabled by request.

Anyway..I am pretty much with the Constitution and against a religious litmus test. What Cain says in the link I provided basically showed that he thinks all people that follow the Muslim faith are incapable of serving in Government. That's not a man I want as our President.

That's not what he says at all.

However, let me ask you this. Let's take Sunni Boy as an example of a Muslim. Seems fair, right? So, since he is for stoning women to death if they cannot provide 4 witnesses for rape, and his stated aim is to make Sharia law the law of the United States of America, is that the kind of American you want in our Administration?

What is so wrong about a man who believes in the Constitution and wants to protect it? Because that's what Cain is.

On the bright side, I bet Cain knows how many states make up our Union. I could say I don't want someone in the White House who can't count and doesn't even know how many states there are in the Union.... of course, that would be ridiculous.... and so is this bullshit about Cain.


You equate something said by a person obviously exhausted..to rant?

President Obama has shown some pretty good chops as President. You may not agree with everything he does..but to say that he was unqualified despite passing graduating from Columbia and Harvard, despite passing the bar, despite teaching at universities, despite his law practice and despite successfully mounting a campaign for senate..is not all that credible. At some point we have to agree on some base protocols.

Herman Cain has no experience as a politician. None. And none as a public servant. Everything he's done, for the most part, is self motivated. That's fine..I don't have a problem with that. But if he wants to be President..which is an amazingly complex position, he should at least try out being a politician first.

I saw both videos. And I am still basically shocked by this one:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDXCwd65R5o&feature=related]YouTube - ‪Herman Cain refuses to appoint a Muslim in his administration‬‏[/ame]

He would have been able to walk back this..if it wasn't such a hate filled diatribe.

Oh, purrrrllleeeeze, we really don't need to resort to ridiculously laughable accusations such as 'hate filled diatribe'.

You accept one comment, and refuse to consider the further explanation of his comment... that's partisan hackery. I thought you were better than that.

You do realize that I am a conservative Republican?? :cool:

Think about it California Girl.

I am "for" the 2nd Amend, death penalty, and fiscal conservatism.

And "against" abortion, gay marriage, homos in the military.

So guess which party better reflects my views and get's my vote. :cool:

I don't care what you say you are 'for' or 'against', you are a hate filled, bitter little man. You are no conservative that I recognize. If you were, you would be accept other people as equals, you do not. You hate blacks, gays, Jews and non Muslims.

Fuck off Sonny Boy.

is a vulgarism, primarily referring to the female genitalia,[1] specifically the vulva, and including the cleft of Venus. The earliest citation of this usage in the 1972 Oxford English Dictionary, c 1230, refers to the London street known as Gropecunt Lane. Scholar Germaine Greer has said that "it is one of the few remaining words in the English language with a genuine power to shock."[2]

That's your interpretation, I stand by mine.

You're a sad little person who runs away from the forum every time you get your ass kicked.
I don't care what you say you are 'for' or 'against', you are a hate filled, bitter little man. You are no conservative that I recognize. If you were, you would be accept other people as equals, you do not. You hate blacks, gays, Jews and non Muslims.

Fuck off Sonny Boy.
My wife who is from east Africa would disagree :lol:

Edited by PixieStix

Sunni altering another members posts is a no no
Yes, Herman Cain did backtrack from his original statement.

But I have to admit he does make a good "House Negro" for the Republican Party.

I hope your not throwing stones because, as of this post, your house is 100% glass.
Many Republicans think he is the "Great Black Hope" for the party.

And that it's going to take another black to beat Obama.

Maybe it will take a black challenger to unseat Obame.

But Herman Cain ain't the negro to do it. :cool:

Their best hope of any color is Colin Powell He is the only candidate who is universally respected, except in his own party
I don't care what you say you are 'for' or 'against', you are a hate filled, bitter little man. You are no conservative that I recognize. If you were, you would be accept other people as equals, you do not. You hate blacks
My wife who is from east Africa would disagree :lol:

Don't alter my posts. Not only is it unnecessary, it's against the rules. I don't give a damn where your wife is from - other than she has my sympathy to be married to a misogynistic, racist, anti semitic idiot.
I hope your not throwing stones because, as of this post, your house is 100% glass.
Many Republicans think he is the "Great Black Hope" for the party.

And that it's going to take another black to beat Obama.

Maybe it will take a black challenger to unseat Obame.

But Herman Cain ain't the negro to do it. :cool:

Their best hope of any color is Colin Powell He is the only candidate who is universally respected, except in his own party
I would vote for Colin Powell in a nano second.

Reguardlees of which party nominated him.

I was really upset when he didn't run. :evil:
Last edited:
Yes, Herman Cain did backtrack from his original statement.

But I have to admit he does make a good "House Negro" for the Republican Party.

I hope your not throwing stones because, as of this post, your house is 100% glass.
Many Republicans think he is the "Great Black Hope" for the party.

And that it's going to take another black to beat Obama.

Maybe it will take a black challenger to unseat Obame.

But Herman Cain ain't the negro to do it. :cool:

Me personally I just like him because most of his values are in line with mine, way more so than obama. However, there is the texas governor who is talking about entering the race now who I like too.

I think anyone can beat obama, hell I know im already suffering from Anybody But Obama syndrome.

And my comment about your house being glass was in relation to the way you describe cain in the "house negro" terms...just so you know, maybe I took it the wrong way so you can correct me if i did.
He is against Sharia Law being pushed into our court system.
A 7th century set of laws has no place here in America.

Unless it is the Bible

Separation of church and state has been a cornerstone of our laws. Only an idiot would believe that 2% of our population could force Sharia Law on us

It's just rightwing fear mongering
Yes, Herman Cain did backtrack from his original statement.

But I have to admit he does make a good "House Negro" for the Republican Party.

I hope your not throwing stones because, as of this post, your house is 100% glass.
Many Republicans think he is the "Great Black Hope" for the party.

And that it's going to take another black to beat Obama.

Maybe it will take a black challenger to unseat Obame.

But Herman Cain ain't the negro to do it. :cool:

Really??? Care to back that up with any links to any Republicans referring to him as the "Great Black Hope"? Heck, I'll take just 4 links. It should be easy since "many" think this.

It will take a good candidate to beat Obama. Color has little to do with it.

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