Herman Cain

I hope your not throwing stones because, as of this post, your house is 100% glass.
Many Republicans think he is the "Great Black Hope" for the party.

And that it's going to take another black to beat Obama.

Maybe it will take a black challenger to unseat Obame.

But Herman Cain ain't the negro to do it. :cool:

Me personally I just like him because most of his values are in line with mine, way more so than obama. However, there is the texas governor who is talking about entering the race now who I like too.

I think anyone can beat obama, hell I know im already suffering from Anybody But Obama syndrome.

And my comment about your house being glass was in relation to the way you describe cain in the "house negro" terms...just so you know, maybe I took it the wrong way so you can correct me if i did.
No problem friend. :eusa_angel:

Yes, I wish Rick Perry would throw his hat in the ring.

Cain, Mitt, and the rest would be sucking hind tit. :cool:
I still dont understand why people think Obama is an intellect. He has to read everything off of a teleprompter, and the man cannot make a decision to save his life. Do you think he is an intellectual because someone told you he was? If not, please give me a reason to believe that he is because quite frankly, I dont see it in him, I see him as a puppet being told what to do and what to say, the teleprompters prove that, he doesn't speak from the heart, he is being told what to say.
Hermen Cain on the other hand actually has real world business experience, and is not paid off by Soros or the Unions to do their bidding. Herman Cain is more qualified to be President then Obama will ever be.

He passed the bar, taught at Harvard, ran the Harvard review, wrote several books, authored legislation, has a political science degree from Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard.

When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)

he taught constitutional law at harvard.

it's beneath you to lie about his books being ghostwritten and his history.

really, really beneath you, chere.
I hope your not throwing stones because, as of this post, your house is 100% glass.
Many Republicans think he is the "Great Black Hope" for the party.

And that it's going to take another black to beat Obama.

Maybe it will take a black challenger to unseat Obame.

But Herman Cain ain't the negro to do it. :cool:

Their best hope of any color is Colin Powell He is the only candidate who is universally respected, except in his own party

Watching what Bush/Rumsfeld did to him and the military commanders in the field after the defeat of Saddam was terrible.
Powell is respected amongst real conservatives. The problem is the religous right and their cronies have still hijacked the party. They believe opposing gays, giving government the power to pick and choose who gets an abortion and who doesn't and chanting Onward Christian Soldiers makes one a conservative.
Goldwater is rolling in his grave.
He is against Sharia Law being pushed into our court system.
A 7th century set of laws has no place here in America.

Unless it is the Bible

Separation of church and state has been a cornerstone of our laws. Only an idiot would believe that 2% of our population could force Sharia Law on us

It's just rightwing fear mongering

It's not 'fear mongering' when the left seem hell bent on pandering to every fucking minority with a 'cause'. We can't trust the left to keep Sharia out of our legal system, because y'all have a history of pandering to whatever minority group is your 'victim of the month'.
He is against Sharia Law being pushed into our court system.
A 7th century set of laws has no place here in America.

Unless it is the Bible

Separation of church and state has been a cornerstone of our laws. Only an idiot would believe that 2% of our population could force Sharia Law on us

It's just rightwing fear mongering

Yeah right,

May 27, 2011
Sharia Law Involved in 23 US Court Cases

Think Sharia might be coming to America? Well yeah.

Key Findings include:

22 trial court decisions refused to apply Shariah; 15 utilized or recognized Shariah; 9 were indeterminate; and in 4 cases Shariah was not applicable to the decision at the trial court level, but was applicable at the appellate level.

23 appellate decisions refused to apply Shariah; 12 utilized or recognized Shariah; 8 were indeterminate; and in 7 cases Shariah was not applicable to the appellate decision, but had been applicable at the trial court level.

The 50 cases arose in 23 different states: 6 cases were found in New Jersey; 5 in California; 4 each in Florida, Massachusetts and Washington; 3 each in Maryland, Texas and Virginia; 2 each in Louisiana, Iowa and Nebraska; and 1 each in Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio and South Carolina.
Many Republicans think he is the "Great Black Hope" for the party.

And that it's going to take another black to beat Obama.

Maybe it will take a black challenger to unseat Obame.

But Herman Cain ain't the negro to do it. :cool:

Their best hope of any color is Colin Powell He is the only candidate who is universally respected, except in his own party

Watching what Bush/Rumsfeld did to him and the military commanders in the field after the defeat of Saddam was terrible.
Powell is respected amongst real conservatives. The problem is the religous right and their cronies have still hijacked the party. They believe opposing gays, giving government the power to pick and choose who gets an abortion and who doesn't and chanting Onward Christian Soldiers makes one a conservative.
Goldwater is rolling in his grave.

While I personally think he screwed up alot of his credibility by going to the UN with Intel he really didn't buy into..he's got my respect.

And I suppose..he has the respect of many Liberals.
Many Republicans think he is the "Great Black Hope" for the party.

And that it's going to take another black to beat Obama.

Maybe it will take a black challenger to unseat Obame.

But Herman Cain ain't the negro to do it. :cool:

Me personally I just like him because most of his values are in line with mine, way more so than obama. However, there is the texas governor who is talking about entering the race now who I like too.

I think anyone can beat obama, hell I know im already suffering from Anybody But Obama syndrome.

And my comment about your house being glass was in relation to the way you describe cain in the "house negro" terms...just so you know, maybe I took it the wrong way so you can correct me if i did.
No problem friend. :eusa_angel:

Yes, I wish Rick Perry would throw his hat in the ring.

Cain, Mitt, and the rest would be sucking hind tit. :cool:

Perry is one the biggest supporter of Israel there is.
Me personally I just like him because most of his values are in line with mine, way more so than obama. However, there is the texas governor who is talking about entering the race now who I like too.

I think anyone can beat obama, hell I know im already suffering from Anybody But Obama syndrome.

And my comment about your house being glass was in relation to the way you describe cain in the "house negro" terms...just so you know, maybe I took it the wrong way so you can correct me if i did.
No problem friend. :eusa_angel:

Yes, I wish Rick Perry would throw his hat in the ring.

Cain, Mitt, and the rest would be sucking hind tit. :cool:

Perry is one the biggest supporter of Israel there is.

that wouldn't make me change my vote for him if he gets the nomination.
Me personally I just like him because most of his values are in line with mine, way more so than obama. However, there is the texas governor who is talking about entering the race now who I like too.

I think anyone can beat obama, hell I know im already suffering from Anybody But Obama syndrome.

And my comment about your house being glass was in relation to the way you describe cain in the "house negro" terms...just so you know, maybe I took it the wrong way so you can correct me if i did.
No problem friend. :eusa_angel:

Yes, I wish Rick Perry would throw his hat in the ring.

Cain, Mitt, and the rest would be sucking hind tit. :cool:

Perry is one the biggest supporter of Israel there is.
They all are reguardless of party.

Cause you have to kowtow to AIPAC in order to get elected. :evil:
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He passed the bar, taught at Harvard, ran the Harvard review, wrote several books, authored legislation, has a political science degree from Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard.

When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)

he taught constitutional law at harvard.

it's beneath you to lie about his books being ghostwritten and his history.

really, really beneath you, chere.

as far as i can tell, he never taught at harvard.

he was a lecturer at chicago, i believe.
He is against Sharia Law being pushed into our court system.
A 7th century set of laws has no place here in America.

Unless it is the Bible

Separation of church and state has been a cornerstone of our laws. Only an idiot would believe that 2% of our population could force Sharia Law on us

It's just rightwing fear mongering

It's not 'fear mongering' when the left seem hell bent on pandering to every fucking minority with a 'cause'. We can't trust the left to keep Sharia out of our legal system, because y'all have a history of pandering to whatever minority group is your 'victim of the month'.

You may be right California Girl. You can't be too careful. Before you know it, them Muslims would have California Girl wearing a burka.

Thank goodness you have Cain protecting you
When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)

he taught constitutional law at harvard.

it's beneath you to lie about his books being ghostwritten and his history.

really, really beneath you, chere.

as far as i can tell, he never taught at harvard.

he was a lecturer at chicago, i believe.

yeah he never taught at harvard...i know that much.

and yes i also believe his only role was a lecturer, not a professor.
He passed the bar, taught at Harvard, ran the Harvard review, wrote several books, authored legislation, has a political science degree from Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard.

When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)

he taught constitutional law at harvard.

it's beneath you to lie about his books being ghostwritten and his history.

really, really beneath you, chere.

I have read quite a lot about Obama's life before he ran for POTUS. I have no recollection of him teaching constitutional law at Harvard.

And, I'm not lying about his books. No one in the industry believes he wrote his books himself. It is quite commonly accepted that Ayers ghosted for him. I use that to mock the left - because, for some strange reason - it seems to be hugely important to them that he actually wrote them. Whereas, those of us who understand this shit, realize that it's actually no big deal... it's the denial that's interesting, not the ghostwriting.

Same thing with his speeches.... the left swear blind he writes every word - and even his own Administration have said he doesn't. Nor does any other President - it just appears to me that the left seem to need to have him be some flawless person who does everything himself. He isn't.
When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)

he taught constitutional law at harvard.

it's beneath you to lie about his books being ghostwritten and his history.

really, really beneath you, chere.

I have read quite a lot about Obama's life before he ran for POTUS. I have no recollection of him teaching constitutional law at Harvard.

And, I'm not lying about his books. No one in the industry believes he wrote his books himself. It is quite commonly accepted that Ayers ghosted for him. I use that to mock the left - because, for some strange reason - it seems to be hugely important to them that he actually wrote them. Whereas, those of us who understand this shit, realize that it's actually no big deal... it's the denial that's interesting, not the ghostwriting.

Same thing with his speeches.... the left swear blind he writes every word - and even his own Administration have said he doesn't. Nor does any other President - it just appears to me that the left seem to need to have him be some flawless person who does everything himself. He isn't.

I have a song that sums that up

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xxgRUyzgs0]YouTube - ‪Living Colour - Cult Of Personality‬‏[/ame]

or a picture

Many Republicans think he is the "Great Black Hope" for the party.

And that it's going to take another black to beat Obama.

Maybe it will take a black challenger to unseat Obame.

But Herman Cain ain't the negro to do it. :cool:

Their best hope of any color is Colin Powell He is the only candidate who is universally respected, except in his own party
I would vote for Colin Powell in a nano second.

Reguardlees of which party nominated him.

I was really upset when he didn't run. :evil:

The Voice of IslamoFascism & Al Queda; the TAQIYAH-ed SunniBitch,

Colon Powell is a RINO arsehole, a treacherous Piece of Shit who used Dubya.

A IslamoFascist Piece of Shit like you would naturally vote for Colon Powell who is NOW showing his true colours by being bribed by the 130 BILLION CARLYLE Group headed by GEORGE SOROS, and Prince Al Waleed of the Saudi Royalty (a wahhabi stooge).

As I stated before, no matter how you twist & turn, go thisaway or thataway.....in the final analysis your agenda is transparently clear: you are the Voice of Islamofascism & Al Queda, the TAQIYAH-ed SunniBitch !!!

And, the BogusWanger as a certified LIEberrhoidal Stooge naturally touts Colon Powell as one who is "universally respected except in his own party."
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Many Republicans think he is the "Great Black Hope" for the party.

And that it's going to take another black to beat Obama.

Maybe it will take a black challenger to unseat Obame.

But Herman Cain ain't the negro to do it. :cool:

Their best hope of any color is Colin Powell He is the only candidate who is universally respected, except in his own party

Watching what Bush/Rumsfeld did to him and the military commanders in the field after the defeat of Saddam was terrible.
Powell is respected amongst real conservatives. The problem is the religous right and their cronies have still hijacked the party. They believe opposing gays, giving government the power to pick and choose who gets an abortion and who doesn't and chanting Onward Christian Soldiers makes one a conservative.
Goldwater is rolling in his grave.

Gadawg, I hven't read many of your posts so I don't know if you're ignorant or a LIEberrhoidal Stooge.

Colon Powel is a RINO of the worst kind. He was a Republican ONLY because it served his purposesd for advancement. He USED Dubya.

Colon Powell is now a member of the 130 BILLION CARLYLE GROUP. Colon Powell has been bribed by the other members of that ISLAMOFASCIST FINANCIAL BEHEMOTH run by GEOGE SOROS and Prince Al-Waleed the Saudi Royalty toadie of the WAHHABIS, the most virulent of all of Islam's Fanatical Imams.

And, please note the Voice of Islamofascism & Al Queda, the SunniBitch Swine claims that he would vote for the Colon if he ran.
When did he teach at Harvard?

And, it's not 'several' books, it's three - one kids book and two about himself.... hardly challenging (oh, and the first two were ghostwritten. LOL)

he taught constitutional law at harvard.

it's beneath you to lie about his books being ghostwritten and his history.

really, really beneath you, chere.

I have read quite a lot about Obama's life before he ran for POTUS. I have no recollection of him teaching constitutional law at Harvard.

And, I'm not lying about his books. No one in the industry believes he wrote his books himself. It is quite commonly accepted that Ayers ghosted for him. I use that to mock the left - because, for some strange reason - it seems to be hugely important to them that he actually wrote them. Whereas, those of us who understand this shit, realize that it's actually no big deal... it's the denial that's interesting, not the ghostwriting.

Same thing with his speeches.... the left swear blind he writes every word - and even his own Administration have said he doesn't. Nor does any other President - it just appears to me that the left seem to need to have him be some flawless person who does everything himself. He isn't.

What industry?

Most of the mainstream media believes he wrote his own books. It's the right that was snookered by Ayer's sarcastic quips at press conferences.:lol:
he taught constitutional law at harvard.

it's beneath you to lie about his books being ghostwritten and his history.

really, really beneath you, chere.

I have read quite a lot about Obama's life before he ran for POTUS. I have no recollection of him teaching constitutional law at Harvard.

And, I'm not lying about his books. No one in the industry believes he wrote his books himself. It is quite commonly accepted that Ayers ghosted for him. I use that to mock the left - because, for some strange reason - it seems to be hugely important to them that he actually wrote them. Whereas, those of us who understand this shit, realize that it's actually no big deal... it's the denial that's interesting, not the ghostwriting.

Same thing with his speeches.... the left swear blind he writes every word - and even his own Administration have said he doesn't. Nor does any other President - it just appears to me that the left seem to need to have him be some flawless person who does everything himself. He isn't.

What industry?

Most of the mainstream media believes he wrote his own books. It's the right that was snookered by Ayer's sarcastic quips at press conferences.:lol:


Calm down, there is no shame in having a professional writer produce a book - the vast majority of politicians, celebrities, etc do it. It's no big deal.... I just find it entertaining as hell that the left get all butt hurt about it.
I have read quite a lot about Obama's life before he ran for POTUS. I have no recollection of him teaching constitutional law at Harvard.

And, I'm not lying about his books. No one in the industry believes he wrote his books himself. It is quite commonly accepted that Ayers ghosted for him. I use that to mock the left - because, for some strange reason - it seems to be hugely important to them that he actually wrote them. Whereas, those of us who understand this shit, realize that it's actually no big deal... it's the denial that's interesting, not the ghostwriting.

Same thing with his speeches.... the left swear blind he writes every word - and even his own Administration have said he doesn't. Nor does any other President - it just appears to me that the left seem to need to have him be some flawless person who does everything himself. He isn't.

What industry?

Most of the mainstream media believes he wrote his own books. It's the right that was snookered by Ayer's sarcastic quips at press conferences.:lol:


Calm down, there is no shame in having a professional writer produce a book - the vast majority of politicians, celebrities, etc do it. It's no big deal.... I just find it entertaining as hell that the left get all butt hurt about it.

President Obama is not your run of the mill politician..he's a lawyer. Lawyers are constantly writing all sorts of pieces. It's not far fetched that he wrote his own books..in fact, that's probably the case. Clinton, another lawyer..wrote a book as well. I think he really wrote it..

Heck..when I was in college..I did enough writing to publish several books. And I wasn't even an English major.
And, please note the Voice of Islamofascism & Al Queda, the SunniBitch Swine claims that he would vote for the Colon if he ran.
Muslims need to vote for Herman Cain.

He is the Islamofascist choice to bring in sharia law.

Don't let his speech fool you.

He is a secret muslim.

True story :cool:

:eusa_shifty: now how do i vote for? :paranoid:

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