Herman Cain

What industry?

Most of the mainstream media believes he wrote his own books. It's the right that was snookered by Ayer's sarcastic quips at press conferences.:lol:


Calm down, there is no shame in having a professional writer produce a book - the vast majority of politicians, celebrities, etc do it. It's no big deal.... I just find it entertaining as hell that the left get all butt hurt about it.

President Obama is not your run of the mill politician..he's a lawyer. Lawyers are constantly writing all sorts of pieces. It's not far fetched that he wrote his own books..in fact, that's probably the case. Clinton, another lawyer..wrote a book as well. I think he really wrote it..

Heck..when I was in college..I did enough writing to publish several books. And I wasn't even an English major.

Then it would naturally follow that Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly all wrote their books too, huh? There really is a Santa Claus and an Easter Bunny.
Their best hope of any color is Colin Powell He is the only candidate who is universally respected, except in his own party

Watching what Bush/Rumsfeld did to him and the military commanders in the field after the defeat of Saddam was terrible.
Powell is respected amongst real conservatives. The problem is the religous right and their cronies have still hijacked the party. They believe opposing gays, giving government the power to pick and choose who gets an abortion and who doesn't and chanting Onward Christian Soldiers makes one a conservative.
Goldwater is rolling in his grave.

Gadawg, I hven't read many of your posts so I don't know if you're ignorant or a LIEberrhoidal Stooge.

Colon Powel is a RINO of the worst kind. He was a Republican ONLY because it served his purposesd for advancement. He USED Dubya.

Colon Powell is now a member of the 130 BILLION CARLYLE GROUP. Colon Powell has been bribed by the other members of that ISLAMOFASCIST FINANCIAL BEHEMOTH run by GEOGE SOROS and Prince Al-Waleed the Saudi Royalty toadie of the WAHHABIS, the most virulent of all of Islam's Fanatical Imams.

And, please note the Voice of Islamofascism & Al Queda, the SunniBitch Swine claims that he would vote for the Colon if he ran.

Colin Powell was in The Nam as a combat vet. Where was Boy George?
Who else spoke up about the absurd strategy of fighting a land war of attrition against an Asian foe when it was not chic to do so? And he advanced his career IN SPITE OF THAT.
How many lives have been saved as a result of a different strategy of land war gains formulated by Powell and implemented in each of the last 3 wars?
Yes, Herman Cain did backtrack from his original statement.

But I have to admit he does make a good "House Negro" for the Republican Party.

I hope your not throwing stones because, as of this post, your house is 100% glass.
Many Republicans think he is the "Great Black Hope" for the party.

And that it's going to take another black to beat Obama.

Maybe it will take a black challenger to unseat Obame.

But Herman Cain ain't the negro to do it. :cool:

Cain won't win the nomination, and he couldn't beat Obama even if he did win the nomination. But the reasons that Cain, an excellent man in every sense, is embraced by so many has absolutely nothing to do with his skin color. You're delusional.
Muslims need to vote for Herman Cain.

He is the Islamofascist choice to bring in sharia law.

Don't let his speech fool you.

He is a secret muslim.

True story :cool:

:paranoid: now how do i vote for? :paranoid:

The post was for Gautama.

Secret: he is really a muslim :eek:

The Voice of Islamofascism & Al Queda: The SunniBitch,

Herman Cain a Muslim ???

Impossible !!!

You know why we know that Herman Cain is not a Muslim ???

Answer: If Herman Cain was a Muslim he couldn't stand it because his righteous sense of values would compel him to drown himself in pigshit.

Watching what Bush/Rumsfeld did to him and the military commanders in the field after the defeat of Saddam was terrible.
Powell is respected amongst real conservatives. The problem is the religous right and their cronies have still hijacked the party. They believe opposing gays, giving government the power to pick and choose who gets an abortion and who doesn't and chanting Onward Christian Soldiers makes one a conservative.
Goldwater is rolling in his grave.

Gadawg, I hven't read many of your posts so I don't know if you're ignorant or a LIEberrhoidal Stooge.

Colon Powel is a RINO of the worst kind. He was a Republican ONLY because it served his purposesd for advancement. He USED Dubya.

Colon Powell is now a member of the 130 BILLION CARLYLE GROUP. Colon Powell has been bribed by the other members of that ISLAMOFASCIST FINANCIAL BEHEMOTH run by GEOGE SOROS and Prince Al-Waleed the Saudi Royalty toadie of the WAHHABIS, the most virulent of all of Islam's Fanatical Imams.

And, please note the Voice of Islamofascism & Al Queda, the SunniBitch Swine claims that he would vote for the Colon if he ran.

Colin Powell was in The Nam as a combat vet. Where was Boy George?
Who else spoke up about the absurd strategy of fighting a land war of attrition against an Asian foe when it was not chic to do so? And he advanced his career IN SPITE OF THAT.
How many lives have been saved as a result of a different strategy of land war gains formulated by Powell and implemented in each of the last 3 wars?


Yes Colon Powell was a Nam combat vet that served with distinction. But he DID advance his career as a Republican and he DID dupe Dubya by being a Piece of Shit RINO.

Your snide remark about Dubya's military record: Dubya was a sucessful FIGHTER PILOT in the Natl Guard. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A FIGHTER PILOT ......the intelligence and split second reaction time ???And, acknowledged as an excellent pilot by his Commanding Officers. The fact that he had political duties to perform does not excuse your slurs....ESPECIALLY when you consider Slick Willy's disgraceful buggout to Canada, then England...then to Moscow where Slick marched in parades vilifying our Military as they were being wounded and dying in Nam. And, then we have the Dem Presidential choice Hanoi Kerry who was a TOTAL PHONEY rejected by 25 out of 26 officers he served with in the Swift Boat command...including their Commanding Admiral, Rear Admiral Roy F. Hoffmann who labeled Hanoi Kerry as "UNFIT FOR COMMAND". BTW, Hanoi Kerry's photo still hangs in the Hall of Fame....not in our Country.....but in Hanoi's War Remnants Museum dedicated to their heroes. Finally, what the fuck did Obama do w/r/t to the Military. This MONUMENTAL BLACK RACIST MARXIST FRAUD and fucking idiot repeatedly used the word "CORPSE MAN" 4 or 5 times honouring our CORPSMEN (pronounced "kor/men") at a Military Celebration. And, the fucking Dems call Sarah Palin "stupid" when this idiot probably still thinks, as he sated, that there are "57" states in America.

The fucker did not save a SINGLE life in the last three Wars....you are totally full of shit on that.


And, to put a final nail in your idiotic coffin: The Voice of Islamofascism & Al Queda: The SunniBitch would vote in Colon Powell, the newly formed Piece of Shit, as President of the United States of America.
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I think you are a muslim Gautama

True story :eusa_angel:

The Voice of Islamofascism & Al Queda: The SunniBitch,

Identically same answer to your idiotic accusation that Herman Cain is a Muslim:

I am a Muslim ???

Impossible !!!

You know why every rational person knows that I am not a Muslim ???

Answer: If I was a Muslim I couldn't stand it because my righteous sense of values would compel me to drown myself in pigshit......and that is proof positive that I couldn't be one of you Piece Of Shit Muslims.

I think you are a muslim Gautama

True story :eusa_angel:

The Voice of Islamofascism & Al Queda: The SunniBitch,

Identically same answer to your idiotic accusation that Herman Cain is a Muslim:

I am a Muslim ???

Impossible !!!

You know why every rational person knows that I am not a Muslim ???

Answer: If I was a Muslim I couldn't stand it because my righteous sense of values would compel me to drown myself in pigshit......and that is proof positive that I couldn't be one of you Piece Of Shit Muslims.


That's actually quite funny.
I think you are a muslim Gautama

True story :eusa_angel:

The Voice of Islamofascism & Al Queda: The SunniBitch,

Identically same answer to your idiotic accusation that Herman Cain is a Muslim:

I am a Muslim ???

Impossible !!!

You know why every rational person knows that I am not a Muslim ???

Answer: If I was a Muslim I couldn't stand it because my righteous sense of values would compel me to drown myself in pigshit......and that is proof positive that I couldn't be one of you Piece Of Shit Muslims.


That's actually quite funny.


Thanks for your flashes of perception.

All the Muslims drowning in pigshit is a hilarious scene.
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Herman Cain makes Sarah Palin look like a rocket scientist.

You do know that Herman Cain actually worked as a rocket scientist, don't you?

He has degrees in Math and Computer Science, and used to work for the Navy designing guidance systems for ballistic missiles.

Herman Cain may be a lot of things, but dumb isn't one of them. He's smart; real smart; like rocket scientist smart.
If Herman Cain was a Democrat, the tone would be a lot different around here amongst our Liberal friends.

Strange, but true.

I like Herman. Seems like a good guy who is trying and has a passion to be president.

I respect him for that. Do I think he has a chance of winning?

Not yet - and he probably won't win the nomination.

But, he strikes me as a great American.
If Herman Cain was a Democrat, the tone would be a lot different around here amongst our Liberal friends.

Strange, but true.

I like Herman. Seems like a good guy who is trying and has a passion to be president.

I respect him for that. Do I think he has a chance of winning?

Not yet - and he probably won't win the nomination.

But, he strikes me as a great American.

I don't know that either side of the fence would fully support him. I like what you said, though.
He is climbing up there. The more recognition he gets the higher up he goes in the polls.
I like him a lot. I like his ideas.
He is doing really good in the south with conservative black dems.
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Herman Cain makes Sarah Palin look like a rocket scientist.

You do know that Herman Cain actually worked as a rocket scientist, don't you?

He has degrees in Math and Computer Science, and used to work for the Navy designing guidance systems for ballistic missiles.

Herman Cain may be a lot of things, but dumb isn't one of them. He's smart; real smart; like rocket scientist smart.

Score! Touchdown! Spike da ball, game, set match.. :lol:
Herman Cain makes Sarah Palin look like a rocket scientist.

You do know that Herman Cain actually worked as a rocket scientist, don't you?

He has degrees in Math and Computer Science, and used to work for the Navy designing guidance systems for ballistic missiles.

Herman Cain may be a lot of things, but dumb isn't one of them. He's smart; real smart; like rocket scientist smart.

Score! Touchdown! Spike da ball, game, set match.. :lol:

Education ≠ Intelligence

Mark Twain, one of the greatest American writers ever, had no formal education ever, and many consider him to be one of the most intelligent Americans ever.

Also, I don't dislike Cain because I think he's unintelligent; I dislike him because I think he's an evil, greedy scumbag (like the large majority of the right these days).
You do know that Herman Cain actually worked as a rocket scientist, don't you?

He has degrees in Math and Computer Science, and used to work for the Navy designing guidance systems for ballistic missiles.

Herman Cain may be a lot of things, but dumb isn't one of them. He's smart; real smart; like rocket scientist smart.

Score! Touchdown! Spike da ball, game, set match.. :lol:

Education ≠ Intelligence

Mark Twain, one of the greatest American writers ever, had no formal education ever, and many consider him to be one of the most intelligent Americans ever.

Also, I don't dislike Cain because I think he's unintelligent; I dislike him because I think he's an evil, greedy scumbag (like the large majority of the right these days).

Cain has business experience. He came in to many corporations and SAVED JOBS when those companies were on the brink of bankruptcy.

You believe saving jobs is "evil, greedy"?
You do not know anything about Cain yet make bogus accusations.
Prior holding of public office is probably over-rated as a qualifier for the Presidency.

The claim that Mr. Cain has "no grasp" on the Constitution is also baseless -- to the point of dishonesty.

I have not closely followed the Cain campaign. But I did recently hear Mr. Cain speak (right after Jon Liebowitz Stewart did his Amos n Andy impersonation). Mr. Cain came across as quite impressive. If he did nothing else, he made me decide to dig into his expressed positions on various important issues.
You do know that Herman Cain actually worked as a rocket scientist, don't you?

He has degrees in Math and Computer Science, and used to work for the Navy designing guidance systems for ballistic missiles.

Herman Cain may be a lot of things, but dumb isn't one of them. He's smart; real smart; like rocket scientist smart.

Score! Touchdown! Spike da ball, game, set match.. :lol:

Education ≠ Intelligence

Mark Twain, one of the greatest American writers ever, had no formal education ever, and many consider him to be one of the most intelligent Americans ever.

Also, I don't dislike Cain because I think he's unintelligent; I dislike him because I think he's an evil, greedy scumbag (like the large majority of the right these days).

The "majority on the right?"
So, you're OK with John Kerry? Nancy Pelosi? Charlie Rangel? Barbra Boxer? Henry Waxman? Other leftist elitists?

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