Herman Cain

There's a very valid reason for his comment. Can you work out what it is?

Yes, Cain understands neither the Constitution nor the law.

Our president is a supposed constitutional law professor and don't understand it either, I guess this means Cain is more than capable right?
Obama is *NO* Professor of anything but Anti-Colonialist/Statism/Marxism. Obama is a short bill of goods sent to us via the Bildebergers, the Media, and the elites hanging on for dear life for their control over us...TAKE that to the bank...
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What the fuck has Obama done so far?[/url]

He's killed Osama bin Laden[/QUOTE]

Thanks to Dubya, you fucking Obnamarrhoidal idiot.

What Obami Salaami did NOW is tossed into the garbage can the very important tool of "enhanced interrogation techniques" including "waterboarding" that got Osma bin Arsehole killed, and is one of the MOST IMPORTANT TOOLS TO SAFEGUARD OUR COUNTRY FROM DESTRUCTION IN A NUCLEAR AGE !!!

THAT is what the clueless MARXIST Black Racist MONUMENTAL FRAUD and "Community Organizer" of the criminal enterprise ACORN has done NOW !!!
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Lecturing Americans To ‘Reread’ Constitution, Herman Cain Confuses It With Declaration of Independence

Americans should indeed read the Constitution.

But they must read the interpretive Constitutional case law as well to understand the issues in the proper legal and constitutional context. The Supreme Court decides what the Constitution means per the rule of law, not the politicians or voters.

There are things ‘in the Constitution’ that many Americans clearly don’t understand, such as the 10th Amendment.

And Cain in particular is ignorant of the Constitution in his belief he may legally refuse to hire someone to serve in his administration based on that person’s religion.

I think someone in the administration pushing for Sharia Law would be good for this country, wouldn't you?

See the ‘US Compliant with Sharia’ thread.

Clayton FulloShit Jones:

Show me the wording where in the Constitution we have the definition of ISLAM as a Religion !!!

You can NOT !!!

That's the kabash on your LIEberrhoidal bullshit.
He Cites Think Progress...or more aptly known as George Soros...

What else to expect from a wealthy shit disturber?

And by "wealthy shit disturber" T means GEORGE SOROS, the Piece of Shit that finances the LIEberrhoid Smear and Slime Machines such as MoveOn .Org, Daily Kos, Media Matters, Puffington Post, and many more.....
There's a very valid reason for his comment. Can you work out what it is?

Yes, Cain understands neither the Constitution nor the law.

Clayton FulloShit Jones:

I have already REPEATEDLY informed you, and you COULD NOT rebut my statement that nowhere in the Constitutiuon is Islam defined as a Religion.

I also referred you to Page 5 of this thread that explains, very clearly, so that a LIEberrhoid stooge like you can understand WHY Herman Cain is correct. And, not only is correct but the reason Herman Cain should be America's choice for the Presidency of the United States of America.

Here is my explanation via my post to Bass the Black Racist Ass on Page 5 of this thread:

"Black Racist Bass the LIEberrhoid Ass,

Islam is a Political Force (disguised as a Religion) that isn't any different than Fascism or Communism with it's clear and unmistakable FIRST DICTUM concocted by the Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, RAPIST & PEDOPHILIC RAPIST, The MONUMENTAL WHACKJOB MOHAMMED in his Principal Document, the Qu'ran: "Make the World the Caliphate of Islam, preferably by word, by SWORD (caps mine) if necessary."

Among the Five Organized Religions of the World, there isn't a single RELIGION that has it's clear and unmistakable FIRST DICTUM in it's official most important document, in the case of Islam, the Qu'ran, the CONQUEST OF THE WORLD by MONSTROUS bloodcurdling TORTURE & MURDER !!!

The US Constitution does not ANYWHERE recognize Islam as a RELIGION.

As a matter of fact, other than Christianity, I am not aware that the US Constitution names any other Religion as a Religion.......so the self-serving crap by idiots like the Black Racist PSYCHO Bass the Racist Ass regarding Herman Cain's perceptive comments about Islam and/or the fucking Muslims is correct.

Herman Cain's comments regarding Islam and the fucking Muslims is even more correct, and PERTINENT in the sense that even though we are in a semi-declared WAR AGAINST ISLAMOFASCISM, we are not OFFICIALLY IN A WAR AGAINST ISLAM........but, for all intents and purposes.......WE ARE IN A WAR AGAINST ISLAM !!!

The exactly same UNREAL and semi-delusional state of WAR exists between us and IRAN.....and actively so in IRAQ ..... yet we play the same sort of INSANE GAME OF UNREALITY with IRAN !!!

It is just that our politicos are living in some sort of a delusional coma where the followers of this perfidious POLITICAL FORCE: ISLAM, i.e. the Muslims, ARE OUR ENEMIES but not officially recognized as such by our politicos.

Herman Cain is the ONLY politico, fortunately, running for the Presidency of the United States of America, who has recognized this OBVIOUS DANGER TO OUR COUNTRY.

Although Herman Cain EXCELLS in his all around perceptiveness and knowledge of Domestic & World Affairs, and demonstrated that in all of his public appearances and is eminently qualified to be our next President ..... Herman Cain's PRINCIPAL ATTRIBUTE that is OUTSTANDING is his remarkable perception of the MONSTROUS DANGER of ISLAM when no other politico either is aware of that OBVIOUS FACT..... or is brave enough to enunciate it.

Personally, and without any hesitation, I declare Herman Cain as my choice for the Presidency of the United States of America.

For the Black Racist Bass the Racist Ass to insult Herman Cain is just another indication that this Obamarrhoid idiot is a PSYCHO." __________________
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Here's how I see it. For decades we've elected career politicians and each and every one has been a clusterfuck for the country - some more than others. So, I'd go for someone who is not an 'insider', who really will throw some cold water on the assholes in Congress. That's what Obama SAID he would do. I didn't believe him then but I was prepared to give him the chance to prove me wrong. He didn't. He said 'no lobbyists', he has more fucking lobbyists than Bush did. He said no partisan politics, and we have the same old shit we had with Bush - partisan politics. He said he'd clean up DC, and international research says this administration is the least transparent, most corrupt Congress in history. Instead of prioritizing the economy, Obama chose to play politics and focus on healthcare. Bad decision and the US is paying for it. Fuck this, Huggy. You fall for the bullshit again if you want to, but I'm done with it.

I'll vote for whoever prioritizes the economy of this country. If Cain gets the nomination, I will absolutely vote for him.

Two interesting points. Your vantage point, similar to Sarah Palins on Russia, is as a much distantly removed overseas observer or a political hobbyist. Not that you should be stripped of your privilege to vote for being the traitor that you are living in and amongst a pack of Queen worshiping fags. I prefer the "boots on the ground" kinda input for my "sway". Thanks anyway. Your perspective is if nothing entertaining... if not....BITCHY!!!!

You...Pointing out that lobbiests are the major problem with US politics has been late coming but much appreciated.

I am an American, it is my right - not my privilege - to vote. You're just pissed because I'm right and you're wrong....

No..I'm not pissed. ... Of course you are...who am I to suggest otherwise...

and, for your information,

Nice "bitchy" touch!

I've been 'pointing' out the crap about lobbyists since BEFORE Obama got elected. So, not late.... you just don't pay attention. Fool.

I used to... "outrageous parties..heavenly bills.." I'm trying to cut back... I might have had you on ignore for a while... I've been railing against lobbyists for since before God was a baby... Funny.. I didn't think we had anything in common...
Face it.

Herman Cain will never be the Republican candidate.

And Obama will win in 2012 :cool:

Sunni.....when the next presidential election comes around....it's going to be about the economy, national debt, unemployment, and gas prices. It ain't going to be about the Muslim religion. just sayin'....
ONLY thing REMOTELY is National DEFENSE....
Face it.

Herman Cain will never be the Republican candidate.

And Obama will win in 2012 :cool:

Sunni.....when the next presidential election comes around....it's going to be about the economy, national debt, unemployment, and gas prices. It ain't going to be about the Muslim religion. just sayin'....

Believe me I agree with you 100%

This gaff by Herman Cain will mean nothing by the time the election comes up.

I know that many Republicans view Herman came as the "Great Black Hope"

They have the misguided notion that only another black can beat Obama in 2012

But in my opinion Herman Cain does not have the intellectual chops to beat Obama.

Plus, I doubt that he will win the nomination.
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Face it.

Herman Cain will never be the Republican candidate.

And Obama will win in 2012 :cool:


Voice of Islam & Al Queda,

As usual, you and your Islamofascist Swine are full of shit.

Not only that, by stating your opinion you give us, the American Patriots, what an Al Queda piece of shit would like to happen ..... thus, what we should guard against.
Two interesting points. Your vantage point, similar to Sarah Palins on Russia, is as a much distantly removed overseas observer or a political hobbyist. Not that you should be stripped of your privilege to vote for being the traitor that you are living in and amongst a pack of Queen worshiping fags. I prefer the "boots on the ground" kinda input for my "sway". Thanks anyway. Your perspective is if nothing entertaining... if not....BITCHY!!!!

You...Pointing out that lobbiests are the major problem with US politics has been late coming but much appreciated.

I am an American, it is my right - not my privilege - to vote. You're just pissed because I'm right and you're wrong....

No..I'm not pissed. ... Of course you are...who am I to suggest otherwise...

and, for your information,

Nice "bitchy" touch!

I've been 'pointing' out the crap about lobbyists since BEFORE Obama got elected. So, not late.... you just don't pay attention. Fool.

I used to... "outrageous parties..heavenly bills.." I'm trying to cut back... I might have had you on ignore for a while... I've been railing against lobbyists for since before God was a baby... Funny.. I didn't think we had anything in common...

Buggy Huggy,

You are a LIEberrhoidal stooge.

Everything you state underlines that fact.
But in my opinion Herman Cain does not have the intellectual chops to beat Obama.

Plus, I doubt that he will win the nomination.

He won't need "intellectual chops" to beat Obama, anymore than Reagan needed them to beat Carter.

Elitist snobs (both R & D) always make the fatal mistake of believing the Average American voter gives a shit about a candidate's "intellectual chops."
Face it.

Herman Cain will never be the Republican candidate.

And Obama will win in 2012 :cool:

Sunni.....when the next presidential election comes around....it's going to be about the economy, national debt, unemployment, and gas prices. It ain't going to be about the Muslim religion. just sayin'....

Unfortunately, you are correct.

Apparently, America is STILL to naive to recognize the OBVIOUS RAMIFICATIONS of the Muslim threat.
Face it.

Herman Cain will never be the Republican candidate.

And Obama will win in 2012 :cool:

Sunni.....when the next presidential election comes around....it's going to be about the economy, national debt, unemployment, and gas prices. It ain't going to be about the Muslim religion. just sayin'....

Believe me I agree with you 100%

This gaff by Herman Cain will mean nothing by the time the election comes up.

I know that many Republicans view Herman came as the "Great Black Hope"

They have the misguided notion that only another black can beat Obama in 2012

But in my opinion Herman Cain does not have the intellectual chops to beat Obama.

Plus, I doubt that he will win the nomination.

I still dont understand why people think Obama is an intellect. He has to read everything off of a teleprompter, and the man cannot make a decision to save his life. Do you think he is an intellectual because someone told you he was? If not, please give me a reason to believe that he is because quite frankly, I dont see it in him, I see him as a puppet being told what to do and what to say, the teleprompters prove that, he doesn't speak from the heart, he is being told what to say.
Hermen Cain on the other hand actually has real world business experience, and is not paid off by Soros or the Unions to do their bidding. Herman Cain is more qualified to be President then Obama will ever be.
Face it.

Herman Cain will never be the Republican candidate.

And Obama will win in 2012 :cool:


Voice of Islam & Al Queda,

As usual, you and your Islamofascist Swine are full of shit.

Not only that, by stating your opinion you give us, the American Patriots, what an Al Queda piece of shit would like to happen ..... thus, what we should guard against.
All Muslim people need to vote for Herman Cain

Herman Cain is the man who will help us in our quest for world domination.

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