HEY!......are we still counting the Lybia mission in days?

No, your son is misled.

My son is now with special forces...and he has No REASON to lie about it. You are the one that's miss led!
Ya' don't just go into a mission blind. You have special op's spotters on the ground directing fire from day one.

We have never gone into ANY conflict without first putting boots on the ground.

Ya' must understand CJ, up here on this board you are dealing with many from the Nintendo generation. They are clueless as to how things work in the real world.....They just think that these Drones are flying around spotting targets through a camera and then firing. That is surely not the case........There ARE US military boots on the ground directing. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a clueless idiot, who has never served, and has no idea what missions entail.

It's like the many fools who bought into Obama's claims that all combat forces were withdrawn from Iraq.........A blatant lie meant to deceive and pretty up the situation to the american people.......'cause yes, there are many combat troops still on the ground in Iraq, engaging in combat operations. That is a fact.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQFEY9RIRJA]‪Cricket Chirping‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

"How much is this Libyan "Action " costing us?" Not much. NO HOSTILE ACTION anymore, Gaddafi lovers.

"How much is this Libyan "Action " costing us?" Not much. NO HOSTILE ACTION anymore, Gaddafi lovers.
Yeah, drones firing and cruise missiles launching are not hostile actions.

Seriously, are you really that clueless, or just pulling our legs by acting so clueless?
How much is this Libyan "Action " costing us?
To give just a lil' perspectice on the cost, Sarge.............The 200 or so Tomahawks we've fired in thus far cost around a million apiece.

Thus far, we're approaching a billion with no end in site.

And what was the reasonong going in?.......Oh yeah, to keep Qadaffi from killing their "citizens."
yeah I know about what the tomahawks cost. My point is that there is nothing out there telling us what the US is spending. I found dozens of articles about what the UK was spending on it.... But the US news????????????? Nothing............
Yup, the bozo dupes on here and the kid in special forces know all the top secret stuff...

"I found dozens of articles about what the UK was spending on it.... But the US news????????????? Nothing............" Maybe because the UK and France are doing EVERYTHING now, and If the USA did anything, the pubs would impeach Obama. Knuckleheads.
Libya, I guess since we were not using enough munitions in Iraq now we had to find someplace to shoot em off to keep our MIC buddies happy.
Can't have a slowdown in our govt purchasing missles and bombs and such.
Yup, the bozo dupes on here and the kid in special forces know all the top secret stuff...

"I found dozens of articles about what the UK was spending on it.... But the US news????????????? Nothing............" Maybe because the UK and France are doing EVERYTHING now, and If the USA did anything, the pubs would impeach Obama. Knuckleheads.
Really, so the Pentagon is lying when it says that OUR drones and cruise missiles are still being used, you dumbass?

Get back to your Playstation. The adults are having a conversation here.
We spent about 100 million on the first cruise missle bombardment. Just on missles alone.
think of the jobs and profit that makes back home ;) All paid for with borrowed money.
yeah I know about what the tomahawks cost. My point is that there is nothing out there telling us what the US is spending. I found dozens of articles about what the UK was spending on it.... But the US news????????????? Nothing............
According to DOD back in March, the cost at that point was around 600 million.

And for what?........Oh yeah, to keep Qadaffi from killing citizens.:cuckoo:
The USA has done basically nothing since June, nothing HOSTILE at all....ever heard of the War Powers Act? And I'm 60 years old, have never played Nintendo, MORON.
The USA has done basically nothing since June, nothing HOSTILE at all....ever heard of the War Powers Act? And I'm 60 years old, have never played Nintendo, MORON.
You're 60 years old and STILL that friggin' clueless in life?

Christ, my 12 year old twin daughters are more aware of what's going on in the world than you.

Friggin' sad state of affairs in this country to be sure.

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