Hey Barack, why so socialist?

Time to unsubscribe to this now boring thread. Americano just likes to bump it up on days when s/he's not getting enough attention.
Well is spreading the wealth isn't Socialist. I don't know what is. Its taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't. Spread the Wealth.

All liberals and like miinded folks should pool their money and spread their wealth and leave the rest of us alone. They can provide healthcare, food and basically take care of anyone who who kinda sorta forgot to get a job. Kinda sorta forgot to take birth control and kinda sorta forgot to assume responsibility for any part of their lives. Yes. Works for me. Spread that wealth baby.
Time to unsubscribe to this now boring thread. Americano just likes to bump it up on days when s/he's not getting enough attention.

I bump it every time I run into Obama's new socialistic action. As you can see, there are few, every week. Not interested in reeding, plese unsuscribe. Just spare me and others from stupid comments.
Ame®icano;1733047 said:
Time to unsubscribe to this now boring thread. Americano just likes to bump it up on days when s/he's not getting enough attention.

I bump it every time I run into Obama's new socialistic action. As you can see, there are few, every week. Not interested in reeding, plese unsuscribe. Just spare me and others from stupid comments.

All you've been doing is just hurling accusations that Obama's a socialist or a communist with no apparent rhyme or reason. I can call you a Nazi all day long if I wanted to, wouldn't really change anything and only the truly moronic would believe me just because I repeat it over and over.
Ame®icano;1733047 said:
Time to unsubscribe to this now boring thread. Americano just likes to bump it up on days when s/he's not getting enough attention.

I bump it every time I run into Obama's new socialistic action. As you can see, there are few, every week. Not interested in reeding, plese unsuscribe. Just spare me and others from stupid comments.

All you've been doing is just hurling accusations that Obama's a socialist or a communist with no apparent rhyme or reason. I can call you a Nazi all day long if I wanted to, wouldn't really change anything and only the truly moronic would believe me just because I repeat it over and over.

No apparent rhyme or reason? Are you nuts?

It's not my fault you chose not to see it.
Ame®icano;1736425 said:
Ame®icano;1733047 said:
I bump it every time I run into Obama's new socialistic action. As you can see, there are few, every week. Not interested in reeding, plese unsuscribe. Just spare me and others from stupid comments.

All you've been doing is just hurling accusations that Obama's a socialist or a communist with no apparent rhyme or reason. I can call you a Nazi all day long if I wanted to, wouldn't really change anything and only the truly moronic would believe me just because I repeat it over and over.

No apparent rhyme or reason? Are you nuts?

It's not my fault you chose not to see it.

What is there to see? All you do is keep calling him a communist over and over again.
Time to unsubscribe to this now boring thread. Americano just likes to bump it up on days when s/he's not getting enough attention.

Start a new thread,

"Why I love Obama and"
A. Want to father his ilegitmate children
B. Have Gay Sex with him

Then you can hang out in that thread all day long and leave the rest alone.

Huh ?
Ame®icano;1736425 said:
All you've been doing is just hurling accusations that Obama's a socialist or a communist with no apparent rhyme or reason. I can call you a Nazi all day long if I wanted to, wouldn't really change anything and only the truly moronic would believe me just because I repeat it over and over.

No apparent rhyme or reason? Are you nuts?

It's not my fault you chose not to see it.

What is there to see? All you do is keep calling him a communist over and over again.

You're repeating yourself. Over and over again? Before I accuse anyone of anything, I would first check the facts. and I suggest you do the same. Go back to the beginning of the thread, find all posts (if there are any) where I called him a communist, and link it here.
Ame®icano;1744683 said:
Ame®icano;1736425 said:
No apparent rhyme or reason? Are you nuts?

It's not my fault you chose not to see it.

What is there to see? All you do is keep calling him a communist over and over again.

You're repeating yourself. Over and over again? Before I accuse anyone of anything, I would first check the facts. and I suggest you do the same. Go back to the beginning of the thread, find all posts (if there are any) where I called him a communist, and link it here.

Ame®icano;1744683 said:
What is there to see? All you do is keep calling him a communist over and over again.

You're repeating yourself. Over and over again? Before I accuse anyone of anything, I would first check the facts. and I suggest you do the same. Go back to the beginning of the thread, find all posts (if there are any) where I called him a communist, and link it here.


That is cartoon, not my words... just a link to what someone drew.

Where did I called him a communist... over and over?
Ame®icano;1745382 said:
Ame®icano;1744683 said:
You're repeating yourself. Over and over again? Before I accuse anyone of anything, I would first check the facts. and I suggest you do the same. Go back to the beginning of the thread, find all posts (if there are any) where I called him a communist, and link it here.


That is cartoon, not my words... just a link to what someone drew.

Where did I called him a communist... over and over?

You expect me to believe you just posted it because you thought it looked pretty?
I expect you to believe there are no unicorns...

Where did I write, over and over, that obama is a communist?
By cynically trying to parse on the semantics of the term "socialist".

That seems to be the tactic of U.S. economic rightists when they insist that Republican legislators aren't true conservatives or that capitalist economic structure is actually "corporatist." The difference is that the socialists are correct about the fallacy of associating socialism with dictatorial political regimes.
For all those who still hope for "change we can believe in", here is little reminder of people that Obama surround himself with. By the time Obama's term in office is up, U.S. could be near the status of third world countries.

'Climate czar' Carol Browner

Carol Browner's official title is assistant to the president for energy and climate change. She formerly served as Environmental Protection Agency administrator during the Clinton administration and was Florida secretary of the environment.

Browner was a member of the Commission for a Sustainable World Society at Socialist International, a group that Discover the Networks reports is the "umbrella for 170 'social democratic, socialist and labor parties' in 55 countries."

The Washington Times explained Browner's group called for "global governance" and asserts rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change.

'Regulatory czar' Cass Sunstein

According to Cass Sunstein, administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, global climate change is primarily the fault of U.S. environmental behavior and can, therefore, be used as a mechanism to redistribute the country's wealth.

The Obama czar penned a 2007 University of Chicago Law School paper – obtained and reviewed by WND – in which he debated whether America should pay "justice" to the world by entering into a compensation agreement that would be a net financial loss for the U.S.

Sunstein leans on the side of such an agreement, particularly a worldwide carbon tax that would heavily tariff the U.S.

A prominent theme throughout Sunstein's 39-page paper, "Climate Change Justice," maintains U.S. wealth should be redistributed to poorer nations. He uses terms such as "distributive justice" several times. The paper was written with fellow attorney Eric A. Posner.

'Science czar' John Holdren

He has been a longtime climate-change alarmist who has advocated ideas such as enforcing limits to world population growth.

Holdren's name was in the e-mails hacked from the Climatic Research Unit at East Anglia University in the U.K., which show that some climate researchers declined to share their data with fellow scientists, conspired to rig data and sought to keep researchers with dissenting views from publishing in leading scientific journals.

Meet Obama's climate 'experts'

No socialist here... Riiiight.
More about Carol Browner:

A U.S. district court judge said Friday that there was "substantial evidence" the Environmental Protection Agency violated his order to preserve Clinton-era computer records and would decide soon whether to hold EPA officials in contempt.

U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth issued an injunction on January 19 ordering the EPA to preserve all computer records, including those of former EPA Administrator Carol Browner, but Browner and other officials said they failed to receive the order until after several computer drives were already erased.

Royce's injunction was issued after conservative legal group Landmark Legal Foundation filed suit in September under the Freedom of Information Act, seeking access to documents involving outside groups involved in EPA regulatory rules during the Clinton administration.

In a briefing late Thursday, the group accused the EPA of violating Royce's order and urged the court to hold three top agency officials in contempt.

Lamberth said Friday there is evidence to indicate the EPA violated his order and he has given them until July 16 to respond before deciding whether to proceed with the contempt request.

Judge Says EPA May Have Violated Order

This comes before the Court on the plaintiff's motion for civil contempt [50], the memoranda in opposition of EPA [55], Gary Guzy [54], Michael McCabe [56], and Carol Browner [59], and Plaintiff’s reply [58]. Also before the Court is Plaintiff’s Motion for Sanctions [26], which predates its motion for contempt, defendant’s response [30], and plaintiff’s reply [32]. Upon consideration of the briefing, the law, and the record in this case, the Court will deny the motion as to Gary Guzy, Michael McCabe, Carol Browner, and the United States Attorney’s Office. EPA will be held in contempt, and ordered to pay sanctions in the amount of Landmark’s legal fees and costs expended as a result of EPA’s contumacious conduct. Plaintiff’s motion for sanctions [26] is moot in part as to legal fees and costs incurred as a result of EPA’s contumacious conduct, and will be denied in part as to fees and costs unrelated to the contempt.

Judge Lamberth's Contempt Order Against the EPA

Just reminder of what kind of people we are dealing with.

I wonder if the EAU's CRU consulted with her? Somehow the records got destroyed in both cases. Is anyone buying anything she's saying?

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