High School Friend says Obama is Gay & a Liar.

I almost missed the part where she said the CIA arranged for Obama to get into his fancy high school. Apparently, the CIA was grooming teenage Obama for the presidency.

She claims he self-identified as "Barry Soetoro", something contradicted by all his other classmates, and his high school yearbooks.

And apparently, he was "smoking" cocaine prior to 1980, even though crack cocaine didn't appear until 1984. That leads to only one conclusion -- that Obama invented crack. And was openly gay. And black. And flashy, a drag queen out in public. In 1977. And almost nobody noticed.

Still, I'm convinced. Therefore, I won't be voting for Obama in 2016.

Wow....He amazes me more every day. Now there is evidence that he is a leading chemist. Healthcare was enough to convince me, but I guess someone that smart has a lot of skills.
Wow, I did not know that BHO was such a sooper hero, according to analysis of the far right's memos.
We have it now on various threads, but he always is so extreme in claiming he is so center. Right, Mal?
The far right thinks any who oppose them are "far left." Moon bats.

I am FAR more central than you


Central Standard time doesn't count.

You're an idiot.

I am very centrist, I think BOTH sides have wingers that are stupid. Jake, not so much.

Considering the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else. The far left are just a few. The far right are nearly the entire party.

It's hilarious that Republicans say they support equal pay, but their leaders vote against it. If they vote people into office who vote against it, they are also against it.
The far right thinks any who oppose them are "far left." Moon bats.

I am FAR more central than you


Central Standard time doesn't count.

You're an idiot.

I am very centrist, I think BOTH sides have wingers that are stupid. Jake, not so much.

Considering the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else. The far left are just a few. The far right are nearly the entire party.

It's hilarious that Republicans say they support equal pay, but their leaders vote against it. If they vote people into office who vote against it, they are also against it.

Please prove all whites who are in the GOP are far right RDean...

I'm sure this will be another time you will run from me.
The far right are nearly the entire party. rdean, it is not, you know it, so that means you lie as readily as Yurt and his ilk.

The majority of each party is more to the center than to the extreme.

We simply see much more of the rdeans and yurts than of the normal folks.
The far right are nearly the entire party. rdean, it is not, you know it, so that means you lie as readily as Yurt and his ilk.

The majority of each party is more to the center than to the extreme.

We simply see much more of the rdeans and yurts than of the normal folks.

^ Is this the first time Jake has ever called a left winger a liar?

RDean must not have gave Jake a reach around this week.

Larry Sinclair states old Barry is a receiver and not the passer!

Larry Sinclair states old Barry is a receiver and not the passer!

LOL....and people claim that we never landed on the moon....

I understand, if you don't see it in the DemocRAT Underground, it's NOT TRUE!

LOL....I understand- you will believe anything a felon tells you.

Funny that the POS in the White House never denied a word of it! Had to get Biden's son, the AG of Delaware to make up some bullshit! But, we understand, you probably wish you had been old Larry!

Is it true that Biden s son attorney general of Delaware was behind Larry Sinclair s arrest

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