Highway Patrol in Seattle Finally Arrests BLM. And What About The Rest of The Cities ???

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

The Seattle Morning March shut down the freeway


Washington State Patrol approaches the lead protest vehicle.

On Friday morning the Washington State Patrol (WSP) arrested nine people on suspicion of disorderly conduct during a protest that shut down the southbound lanes of I-5, congested Seattle streets, and backed up traffic to Bellevue.

Marchers say they block traffic to disrupt people living their day-to-day lives, and to bring the Black Lives Matter protest to where those people are.

Last week Morning Marchers shut down the Ballard Bridge. Yesterday, they shut down the southbound lanes on State Route Highway 99. In this latest demonstration, a team drove cars onto I-5, slowly merged across all lanes, and then came to a stop on the road.

After ducking and weaving through South Lake Union and Eastlake, the cars made it onto I-5 from the University District entrance on 45th Avenue Northeast. Once they stopped traffic, protesters exited the cars, signs in tow.

In front of the protesters was a wide open Ship Canal Bridge. Behind them, traffic started stacking up. For just over 20 minutes, around 40 protesters stalled traffic and spoke to the people in their cars about the racist history of the Seattle Police Department. An SPD patrol car was in the mix.

The protest parted to allow a woman to get through so she could take her dad to his radiation treatment.

Phillip Aaron, a civil rights lawyer stood outside of his car watching the protest.

"I'm with them 1,000 percent," Aaron said in the middle of the freeway."[The protesters] need to make it uncomfortable for everybody. I respect them. That's a lot of courage. These are beautiful people."

WSP arrested every Morning Marcher they could identify, and they impounded all the arrested drivers' vehicles.

After the arrests, Marchers regrouped on the side of I-5 on Eastlake Boulevard. At least 12 WSP cars arrived on the scene with multiple tow trucks. Traffic remained stalled.

One officer said the response was proportional because "people get killed when you block the freeway." He may have been referencing Summer Taylor. She was killed on July 4 when a driver plowed into a group of protesters on I-5.

"They got some of our people, our cars, our property," Elisha Ewing, 23, an organizer with the protest. "But we'll be back at it. I'm literally breathing right now, and that's protesting."

From the author

Participation in protests, or rather, in the actions that provoke pogroms, arsons, murders, and anarchy, seems to have become the professional activity of a part of those who do not want to work and exploit Welfare.

Having closely watched the "protests" in New York, I noticed that their "conductors" were the same people, who had clearly received special training in organizing riots.

In Europe, many were surprised by the participation of a relatively noticeable part of the "white" youth. In my comments, I initially said that these are the marginalized people without certain professional occupations, exploiting Welfare, and receiving $ 10 an hour for the participation in riots.

Who funds them? Clinton, Pelosi, Soros, Deep State? Or these names are all synonymous???

The ethnicity of this youth did not escape my attention either. All this looks extremely suspicious and is increasingly beginning to resemble a conspiracy of a certain part of the elite of the Democratic Party of the cryptoneozionist brand.

The time has come to restore order in the country.

Nine Marchers Arrested After Shutting Down I-5
All we need to do is pass a law that allows cars to drive righr through any organized attempts to stop traffic.

After enough of them pay the consequences, the worthless little shits will stop. .

This law needs to be amended: if someone survives - expulsion to West Africa, regardless of skin color. Then the order will be revived...
View attachment 385692

Who funds them? Clinton, Pelosi, Soros, Deep State? Or these names are all synonymous???

Who funds and organizes them? The folks that lost their jobs when Trump came to office, and the same folks that created that "Russia did it" narrative. . .

They have experience, lot of it, doing just this sort of thing.

It's bad to have so many of them disgruntled and unemployed. The folks that should be locked up and shot aren't out there protesting. . .

America’s Own Color Revolution
America’s Own Color Revolution - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
By F. William Engdahl
Global Research

June 24, 2020

" . . . Gene Sharp: Template for Regime Overthrow

In the year 2000 the US State Department, aided by its National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and select CIA operatives, began secretly training a group of Belgrade university students led by a student group that was called Otpor! (Resistance!). The NED and its various offshoots was created in the 1980’s by CIA head Bill Casey as a covert CIA tool to overthrow specific regimes around the world under the cover of a human rights NGO. In fact, they get their money from Congress and from USAID.

In the Serb Otpor! destabilization of 2000, the NED and US Ambassador Richard Miles in Belgrade selected and trained a group of several dozen students, led by Srđa Popović, using the handbook, From Dictatorship to Democracy, translated to Serbian, of the late Gene Sharp and his Albert Einstein Institution. In a post mortem on the Serb events, the Washington Post wrote, “US-funded consultants played a crucial role behind the scenes in virtually every facet of the anti-drive, running tracking polls, training thousands of opposition activists and helping to organize a vitally important parallel vote count. US taxpayers paid for 5,000 cans of spray paint used by student activists to scrawl anti-Milošević graffiti on walls across Serbia.”

This is the Logo of "Otpor!" Does this look familiar to anyone? Yeah, the left likes their recycling. :heehee:

Here is the
All we need to do is pass a law that allows cars to drive righr through any organized attempts to stop traffic.

After enough of them pay the consequences, the worthless little shits will stop. .

This law needs to be amended: if someone survives - expulsion to West Africa, regardless of skin color. Then the order will be revived...
I don't think Africa will have them. They have troublemakers enough of their own.
All we need to do is pass a law that allows cars to drive righr through any organized attempts to stop traffic.

After enough of them pay the consequences, the worthless little shits will stop. .

This law needs to be amended: if someone survives - expulsion to West Africa, regardless of skin color. Then the order will be revived...
I don't think Africa will have them. They have troublemakers enough of their own.

We don't have to land the planes to drop them off, do we?
All we need to do is pass a law that allows cars to drive righr through any organized attempts to stop traffic.

After enough of them pay the consequences, the worthless little shits will stop. .

This law needs to be amended: if someone survives - expulsion to West Africa, regardless of skin color. Then the order will be revived...
I don't think Africa will have them. They have troublemakers enough of their own.

We don't have to land the planes to drop them off, do we?
Water all around. 20,000 altitude is low enough for this scum.
All we need to do is pass a law that allows cars to drive righr through any organized attempts to stop traffic.

After enough of them pay the consequences, the worthless little shits will stop. .

This law needs to be amended: if someone survives - expulsion to West Africa, regardless of skin color. Then the order will be revived...
I don't think Africa will have them. They have troublemakers enough of their own.

Our trouble makers will look like poofties compared to africas bad side.
Ours will be the ones digging for diamonds with AK's pointed at em.
Marchers say they block traffic to disrupt people living their day-to-day lives, and to bring the Black Lives Matter protest to where those people are
The marchers are morons. The more you disrupt regular people just going about their business, the less those people give a rats ass about their cause.
Protesters must really want Trump to win.
All we need to do is pass a law that allows cars to drive righr through any organized attempts to stop traffic.

After enough of them pay the consequences, the worthless little shits will stop. .
The vast majority of the people stuck in the traffic jams that these "protestors" create are going to remember how the left didn't give a crap about THEIR lives when they go to the polls in November! Keep it up, BLM...you're going to hand this election to the Republicans and you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves!
There was a time when I was supportive of blacks and their issues.

But the emergence of BLM, their never-ending riots, whining, brainless demands, the stepping on other peoples' rights, and their behaving like rabid apes, has made me come to hate these worthless pieces of human waste.

If they want to riot and destroy property and cause never-ending problems, they should be treated exactly like the worthless animals they've proven themselves to be.
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View attachment 385692

Who funds them? Clinton, Pelosi, Soros, Deep State? Or these names are all synonymous???

Who funds and organizes them? The folks that lost their jobs when Trump came to office, and the same folks that created that "Russia did it" narrative. . .

They have experience, lot of it, doing just this sort of thing.

It's bad to have so many of them disgruntled and unemployed. The folks that should be locked up and shot aren't out there protesting. . .

America’s Own Color Revolution
America’s Own Color Revolution - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
By F. William Engdahl
Global Research

June 24, 2020

" . . . Gene Sharp: Template for Regime Overthrow

In the year 2000 the US State Department, aided by its National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and select CIA operatives, began secretly training a group of Belgrade university students led by a student group that was called Otpor! (Resistance!). The NED and its various offshoots was created in the 1980’s by CIA head Bill Casey as a covert CIA tool to overthrow specific regimes around the world under the cover of a human rights NGO. In fact, they get their money from Congress and from USAID.

In the Serb Otpor! destabilization of 2000, the NED and US Ambassador Richard Miles in Belgrade selected and trained a group of several dozen students, led by Srđa Popović, using the handbook, From Dictatorship to Democracy, translated to Serbian, of the late Gene Sharp and his Albert Einstein Institution. In a post mortem on the Serb events, the Washington Post wrote, “US-funded consultants played a crucial role behind the scenes in virtually every facet of the anti-drive, running tracking polls, training thousands of opposition activists and helping to organize a vitally important parallel vote count. US taxpayers paid for 5,000 cans of spray paint used by student activists to scrawl anti-Milošević graffiti on walls across Serbia.”

This is the Logo of "Otpor!" Does this look familiar to anyone? Yeah, the left likes their recycling. :heehee:

Here is the

Raised fist has been a Civil Rights protest symbol in the US for a very long times.
Like the 1968 Olympic protest.

There was a time when I was supportive of blacks and their issues.

But the emergence of BLM, their never-ending riots, whining, brainless demands, the stepping on other peoples' rights, and their behaving like rabid apes, has made me come to hate these worthless pieces of human waste.

If they want to riot and destroy property and cause never-ending problems, they should be treated exactly like the worthless animals they've proven themselves to be.
Yes, they went too far. An armed confrontation with black extremists is inevitable anyway.

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