Hillary says GOP are FOS on Bengazi...duh.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
"Those who exploit this tragedy over and over as a political tool minimize the sacrifice of those who served our country," Clinton writes in the 34-page chapter, which was obtained by Politico.

Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said that "until the book is released, there's nothing to say. And once it's released, it will speak for itself."

The former first lady and senator from New York is the leading potential Democratic presidential candidate if she decides to run again. Looking to weaken her well before she announces her plans, Republicans have been tireless in criticizing Clinton's response to the Benghazi attack.

Clinton writes that she takes responsibility for the deaths, but adds that there has been "a regrettable amount of misinformation, speculation and flat-out deceit" by some in politics and the media.

"I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans. It's just plain wrong, and it's unworthy of our great country," Clinton writes. "Those who insist on politicizing the tragedy will have to do so without me."
Report: Clinton Defends Response to Benghazi - ABC News
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"Ben..what? who?? Where am I?"
Clinton says she respects the oversight role of Congress but adds, "Many of these same people are a broken record about unanswered questions. But there is a difference between unanswered questions and unlistened to answers."

The Obama administration has said it attempted to provide the public with the best information available after the attack, which came as U.S. embassies, consulates and other facilities in the Muslim world were facing angry demonstrations over a YouTube video mocking Islam's prophet, Muhammed. Administration officials originally attributed the Benghazi attack to a similar protest that extremists launched but retracted that account following criticism.

Clinton writes that there were "scores of attackers that night, almost certainly with differing motives. It is inaccurate to state that every single one of them was influenced by this hateful video. It is equally inaccurate to state that none of them were. Both assertions defy not only the evidence but logic as well."

Clinton also writes that she didn't see cables requesting additional security, a point she made during her congressional testimony in 2013. The secretary of state's name is routinely attached to State Department correspondence but often is not consulted on it. Lower-level department officials have said they were responsible for specific security decisions related to Benghazi.
Clinton writes that she takes responsibility for the deaths, but adds that there has been "a regrettable amount of misinformation, speculation and flat-out deceit" by some in politics and the media.

"I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans. It's just plain wrong, and it's unworthy of our great country," Clinton writes. "Those who insist on politicizing the tragedy will have to do so without me."

Anybody got a link to that picture of Sen. Clinton at the Senate dias, holding up the banner headline saying "BUSH LIED AND PEOPLE DIED"?

It's a little late for her to pretend she "will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans", when she practically invented the technique.

Clearly she relies heavily on the short attention spans and shorter memories of her voting base. But does she expect normal people to go along with her too?
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Anybody got a link to that picture of Sen. Clinton at the Senate dias, holding up the banner headline saying "BUSH LIED AND PEOPLE DIED"?

We can't link to the voices in your head that make shit up. Sorry.
What else can she say? That she lied to cover her own ass? That she lied to cover her Master's ass?

the God damned bitch lied, that's as plain as she is ugly, and god....................that is one ugly bitch!
What else can she say? That she lied to cover her own ass? That she lied to cover her Master's ass?

the God damned bitch lied, that's as plain as she is ugly, and god....................that is one ugly bitch!

I suppose "Obama watched as they died" is the truth, eh?

I suppose the "stand down order" is the truth, eh?

Don't kid yourself that the hacks on the Right are after the truth. They aren't. The last thing they want is the truth.

They want power. And they will lie, cheat, and steal to get it away from the Democrats. The ends justify the means.

So don't be an idiot buying into this circus as a search for truth.
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What else can she say? That she lied to cover her own ass? That she lied to cover her Master's ass?

the God damned bitch lied, that's as plain as she is ugly, and god....................that is one ugly bitch!

I suppose "Obama watched as they died" is the truth, eh?

I suppose the "stand down order" is the truth, eh?

Don't kid yourself that the hacks on the Right are after the truth. They aren't. The last thing they want is the truth.

They want power. And they will lie, cheat, and steal to get it away from the Democrats. The ends justify the means.

So don't be an idiot buying into this circus as a search for truth.

Didnt they abondon those memes when they found out both were wrong or not?

Just kidding facts dont mean anything to them lol
Dead Americans, you mean Bumps in the road

What difference does it make?

The out of context "What difference does it make" bullshit is just as stupid as the out of context "Mission Accomplished" bullshit was during Bush's rein.

You really want to be that guy?
A bj is not sexual relations. That's a darn good idea. And irrelevant lol....

Bush's lies were ACTUAL, just like the GOP ones about Bengazi....or anything else- totally FOS, for hater dupes on their alternate planet only...lol
What else can she say? That she lied to cover her own ass? That she lied to cover her Master's ass?

the God damned bitch lied, that's as plain as she is ugly, and god....................that is one ugly bitch!

You have totally nailed the truth regarding The Hildebeast!

The feeble attempts of the libs around her to rationalize her actions or the lack thereof speak poorly for them!

To continually lie and rationalize for the lying dimocrats must really suck lately. :eek:
What else can she say? That she lied to cover her own ass? That she lied to cover her Master's ass?

the God damned bitch lied, that's as plain as she is ugly, and god....................that is one ugly bitch!

I suppose "Obama watched as they died" is the truth, eh?

I suppose the "stand down order" is the truth, eh?

Don't kid yourself that the hacks on the Right are after the truth. They aren't. The last thing they want is the truth.

They want power. And they will lie, cheat, and steal to get it away from the Democrats. The ends justify the means.

So don't be an idiot buying into this circus as a search for truth.

Didnt they abondon those memes when they found out both were wrong or not?

Just kidding facts dont mean anything to them lol

OK. SO it is a GOP witch hunt and all pertinent questions have been answered.

So please.....tell me.....

How did the administration know how long the siege would last? I mean, they didn't send in military support because it would take too long to get there. So how did they know it would take too long?

(Been asking this in every Benghazi related thread and still have not received a response.....will you be man enough to NOT ignore it?)
I suppose "Obama watched as they died" is the truth, eh?

I suppose the "stand down order" is the truth, eh?

Don't kid yourself that the hacks on the Right are after the truth. They aren't. The last thing they want is the truth.

They want power. And they will lie, cheat, and steal to get it away from the Democrats. The ends justify the means.

So don't be an idiot buying into this circus as a search for truth.

Didnt they abondon those memes when they found out both were wrong or not?

Just kidding facts dont mean anything to them lol

OK. SO it is a GOP witch hunt and all pertinent questions have been answered.

So please.....tell me.....

How did the administration know how long the siege would last? I mean, they didn't send in military support because it would take too long to get there. So how did they know it would take too long?

(Been asking this in every Benghazi related thread and still have not received a response.....will you be man enough to NOT ignore it?)

You were lied to. Again.

A rescue force from the CIA annex was dispatched to assist the Benghazi consulate within 20 minutes of the attack.

There. Your question has finally been answered. You could have found that out all by your little self IF YOU REALLY WANTED THE TRUTH.

Happy now?

I bet not.
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Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Report on Benghazi

Read it.

After the Diplomatic Security (DS) agent in the Tactical Operations Center at the Temporary Mission Facility alerted the Annex security team that TMF was under attack at 9:40, the Chief of Base called the [redacted] "who advised that he would immediately deploy a force to provide assistance," according to a September 19, 2012, cable.

Two armored vehicles were prepared so the security team could respond from the Annex. Approximately 20-25 minutes after the first call came into the Annex that the Temporary Mission Facility (TMF) was under attack, a security team left the Annex for the Mission compound. In footage taken from the Annex's security cameras, the security team can be observed departing the CIA Annex at 10:03 p.m. Benghazi time.

The team drove to the Mission facility and made their way onto the Mission compound in the face of enemy fire, arriving in the vicinity of the compound at approximately 10:10 p.m. Benghazi time. The Committee explored claims that there was a "stand down" order given to the security team at the Annex. Although some members of the security team expressed frustration that they were unable to respond more quickly to the Mission compound, 12 the Committee found no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction by the Chief of Base or any other party.
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Didnt they abondon those memes when they found out both were wrong or not?

Just kidding facts dont mean anything to them lol

OK. SO it is a GOP witch hunt and all pertinent questions have been answered.

So please.....tell me.....

How did the administration know how long the siege would last? I mean, they didn't send in military support because it would take too long to get there. So how did they know it would take too long?

(Been asking this in every Benghazi related thread and still have not received a response.....will you be man enough to NOT ignore it?)

You were lied to. Again.

A rescue force from the CIA annex was dispatched to assist the Benghazi consulate within 20 minutes of the attack.

There. Your question has finally been answered. You could have found that out all by your little self IF YOU REALLY WANTED THE TRUTH.

Happy now?

I bet not.

Facts dont matter - Jarhead will repeat the same bullshit bumper sticker talking points next week and pretend this info was never seen.

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