Hillary says GOP are FOS on Bengazi...duh.

Didnt they abondon those memes when they found out both were wrong or not?

Just kidding facts dont mean anything to them lol

OK. SO it is a GOP witch hunt and all pertinent questions have been answered.

So please.....tell me.....

How did the administration know how long the siege would last? I mean, they didn't send in military support because it would take too long to get there. So how did they know it would take too long?

(Been asking this in every Benghazi related thread and still have not received a response.....will you be man enough to NOT ignore it?)

You were lied to. Again.

A rescue force from the CIA annex was dispatched to assist the Benghazi consulate within 20 minutes of the attack.

There. Your question has finally been answered. You could have found that out all by your little self IF YOU REALLY WANTED THE TRUTH.

Happy now?

I bet not.

you misread my question....intentionally, of course.

Try answering the question.

Why did the military not dispatch air support which would have been most effective in scattering any type of perimeter attacking forces and allow marines to storm the consulate and protect the Americans?

Go ahead...answer it. Don't be a child and give some flimsy response.
OK. SO it is a GOP witch hunt and all pertinent questions have been answered.

So please.....tell me.....

How did the administration know how long the siege would last? I mean, they didn't send in military support because it would take too long to get there. So how did they know it would take too long?

(Been asking this in every Benghazi related thread and still have not received a response.....will you be man enough to NOT ignore it?)

You were lied to. Again.

A rescue force from the CIA annex was dispatched to assist the Benghazi consulate within 20 minutes of the attack.

There. Your question has finally been answered. You could have found that out all by your little self IF YOU REALLY WANTED THE TRUTH.

Happy now?

I bet not.

Facts dont matter - Jarhead will repeat the same bullshit bumper sticker talking points next week and pretend this info was never seen.

yeah yeah...

When asked, the administration said the military air support would not have arrived in time so they di not send it in.

So how did they know how long the siege would last?

Why do you divert from that question with childish attacks on me?
You were lied to. Again.

A rescue force from the CIA annex was dispatched to assist the Benghazi consulate within 20 minutes of the attack.

There. Your question has finally been answered. You could have found that out all by your little self IF YOU REALLY WANTED THE TRUTH.

Happy now?

I bet not.

Facts dont matter - Jarhead will repeat the same bullshit bumper sticker talking points next week and pretend this info was never seen.

yeah yeah...

When asked, the administration said the military air support would not have arrived in time so they di not send it in.

So how did they know how long the siege would last?




If people spent as much time reading the facts as they do reading piss rags, we wouldn't be here.

What's wrong? Does 85 pages exceed your intellectual bandwidth?
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Facts dont matter - Jarhead will repeat the same bullshit bumper sticker talking points next week and pretend this info was never seen.

yeah yeah...

When asked, the administration said the military air support would not have arrived in time so they di not send it in.

So how did they know how long the siege would last?




If people spent as much time reading the facts as they do reading piss rags, we wouldn't be here.


I see you didn't for if you did you would be well aware that the answer given was:


'It would have taken 10 hours minimum to arrive there and the siege was over in less than 8 hours'

Thus my question that you ONCE AGIN have avoided......

How did the administration know the siege would last less t 10 hours?
Can't say she hasn't learned from the mulatto messiah, stonewall, obfuscate, and belittle as long a possible and then declare the problem old news and a political witch hunt. The maobabotzombies and the LSM have supported this type of accountability, or should I say this type of non-accountability, why change the game plan.
yeah yeah...

When asked, the administration said the military air support would not have arrived in time so they di not send it in.

So how did they know how long the siege would last?




If people spent as much time reading the facts as they do reading piss rags, we wouldn't be here.


I see you didn't for if you did you would be well aware that the answer given was:


'It would have taken 10 hours minimum to arrive there and the siege was over in less than 8 hours'

Thus my question that you ONCE AGIN have avoided......

How did the administration know the siege would last less t 10 hours?

You really, really,. really don't want to read it, do you.
yeah yeah...

When asked, the administration said the military air support would not have arrived in time so they di not send it in.

So how did they know how long the siege would last?




If people spent as much time reading the facts as they do reading piss rags, we wouldn't be here.


I see you didn't for if you did you would be well aware that the answer given was:


'It would have taken 10 hours minimum to arrive there and the siege was over in less than 8 hours'

Thus my question that you ONCE AGIN have avoided......

How did the administration know the siege would last less t 10 hours?

You really, really, really don't want to read it, do you.
I wonder if Hill isn't just responding now, so in the general election she can just say "read the report, book or my previous answer. And can we talk about the economy now?"
I suppose "Obama watched as they died" is the truth, eh?

I suppose the "stand down order" is the truth, eh?

Don't kid yourself that the hacks on the Right are after the truth. They aren't. The last thing they want is the truth.

They want power. And they will lie, cheat, and steal to get it away from the Democrats. The ends justify the means.

So don't be an idiot buying into this circus as a search for truth.

Didnt they abondon those memes when they found out both were wrong or not?

Just kidding facts dont mean anything to them lol

OK. SO it is a GOP witch hunt and all pertinent questions have been answered.

So please.....tell me.....

How did the administration know how long the siege would last? I mean, they didn't send in military support because it would take too long to get there. So how did they know it would take too long?

(Been asking this in every Benghazi related thread and still have not received a response.....will you be man enough to NOT ignore it?)

IMO by the time the CIA and their militia allies launched their counter assault on the Consulate and rescued all but the Ambassador and brought them to the CIA Annex, they, the military commanders, knew that the CIA and their allies could hold out until the response team from Tripoli could evacuate them to safety. My guess is the Annex was much more fortified than the Consulate was. But I'm sure the Senators who attended the classified briefings know more about that.
Didnt they abondon those memes when they found out both were wrong or not?

Just kidding facts dont mean anything to them lol

OK. SO it is a GOP witch hunt and all pertinent questions have been answered.

So please.....tell me.....

How did the administration know how long the siege would last? I mean, they didn't send in military support because it would take too long to get there. So how did they know it would take too long?

(Been asking this in every Benghazi related thread and still have not received a response.....will you be man enough to NOT ignore it?)

IMO by the time the CIA and their militia allies launched their counter assault on the Consulate and rescued all but the Ambassador and brought them to the CIA Annex, they, the military commanders, knew that the CIA and their allies could hold out until the response team from Tripoli could evacuate them to safety. My guess is the Annex was much more fortified than the Consulate was. But I'm sure the Senators who attended the classified briefings know more about that.

the bottom line is....the answer by the administration was that there was not enough time to get air support there.

And they were correct.

But at the moment they found out about the attack, how did they know how long it would last? Why didn't they, at least, get the ball rolling with air support? They certainly did not know how successful the allies would be, nor the response team from Tripoli.

Likewise, they did not know if there would be additional support for the original attackers.

But all in the military know that air support is the MOST EFFECTIVE way to clear a perimeter of hostile forces. Heck, you bring in a few, and the noise alone is intimidating. They likely would have been able to scatter the attackers just with fly bys alone.

Now, sure, they couldn't get there in time......

But how did they know?

It is a very pertinent question as it pertains to the response....and one that has been asked numerous times, but never answered.

The only answer we get is...."the military concurs that it would not have been able to get there in less than 10 hours."

We get it.

But how did you know it would not last 20 hours. Or 30?



If people spent as much time reading the facts as they do reading piss rags, we wouldn't be here.


I see you didn't for if you did you would be well aware that the answer given was:


'It would have taken 10 hours minimum to arrive there and the siege was over in less than 8 hours'

Thus my question that you ONCE AGIN have avoided......

How did the administration know the siege would last less t 10 hours?

You really, really, really don't want to read it, do you.

Grow up and answer the question.

Never mind. You don't have an answer. So you opt to attack my intelligence.

Im cool with it.

"Those who exploit this tragedy over and over as a political tool minimize the sacrifice of those who served our country," Clinton writes in the 34-page chapter, which was obtained by Politico

I hear ya man, people should be exploiting tragedies like Sandy Hook, not Benghazi. Democrats have standards you know...
Didnt they abondon those memes when they found out both were wrong or not?

Just kidding facts dont mean anything to them lol

OK. SO it is a GOP witch hunt and all pertinent questions have been answered.

So please.....tell me.....

How did the administration know how long the siege would last? I mean, they didn't send in military support because it would take too long to get there. So how did they know it would take too long?

(Been asking this in every Benghazi related thread and still have not received a response.....will you be man enough to NOT ignore it?)

You were lied to. Again.

A rescue force from the CIA annex was dispatched to assist the Benghazi consulate within 20 minutes of the attack.

There. Your question has finally been answered. You could have found that out all by your little self IF YOU REALLY WANTED THE TRUTH.

Happy now?

I bet not.

Not for the Ambassador and you know it.

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