Hillary says GOP are FOS on Bengazi...duh.

It wasn't a siege, and it was over in less than 2 hours. Air support would have done NOTHING anyway. Hang it up, brainwashed ones.
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It wasn't a siege, and it was over in less than 2 hours. Air support would have done NOTHING anyway. Hang it up, brainwashed ones.

I see you know nothing of the situation.

I also see you know nothing about the military.

Air support is the most effective way to clear a perimeter.

You are a poorly informed poster on this board.
So far G5000 ha no answer..

Blindboo has an opinion as an answer

Franco has only an opinion that isn't even based on accurate facts.

But that question....a very pertinent question.... that has been asked by Congress has not been answered.

Yet, for some reason, the administration claims ALL QUESTIONS have been answered.

And we are supposed to simply "move on"....
It wasn't a siege, and it was over in less than 2 hours. Air support would have done NOTHING anyway. Hang it up, brainwashed ones.

That would have been a good defense if they hadn't been requesting backup before that. So you're saying Obama was just waiting until they were actually attacked and then he said crap, forget it it's too late? An interesting defense.
It wasn't a siege, and it was over in less than 2 hours. Air support would have done NOTHING anyway. Hang it up, brainwashed ones.

I see you know nothing of the situation.

I also see you know nothing about the military.

Air support is the most effective way to clear a perimeter.

You are a poorly informed poster on this board.

Franko knows everything he needs to know. He knows what they reported on MS-NBC.
It wasn't a siege, and it was over in less than 2 hours. Air support would have done NOTHING anyway. Hang it up, brainwashed ones.

Every time I think you've reached the epitome of stupidity, you reach further.
It wasn't a siege, and it was over in less than 2 hours. Air support would have done NOTHING anyway. Hang it up, brainwashed ones.

Here you go, I am awarding you the dumb fuck award of the day.

It went on for HOURS you idiot.
Didnt they abondon those memes when they found out both were wrong or not?

Just kidding facts dont mean anything to them lol

OK. SO it is a GOP witch hunt and all pertinent questions have been answered.

So please.....tell me.....

How did the administration know how long the siege would last? I mean, they didn't send in military support because it would take too long to get there. So how did they know it would take too long?

(Been asking this in every Benghazi related thread and still have not received a response.....will you be man enough to NOT ignore it?)

You were lied to. Again.

A rescue force from the CIA annex was dispatched to assist the Benghazi consulate within 20 minutes of the attack.

There. Your question has finally been answered. You could have found that out all by your little self IF YOU REALLY WANTED THE TRUTH.

Happy now?

I bet not.

No, it has not been answered. No rescue force was dispatched to assist the people at the CIA annex, before, during, or after the CIA rescued the people at the consulate. No force was sent to protect the embassy in Tripoli in light of the obvious fact that it could have been next.

Did the President, or Secretary of State call the leader of Libya to attempt to get help from his militia group? Did they do anything beyond considering the political implications of a terrorist attack on the election campaign?

Too many unanswered questions about who established the policy that resulted in the people in Libya not being properly protected. Was it a breakdown in intelligence? Was it a breakdown in communications and/or the chain of command at the State Department?

Hillary Clinton does not want to answer those questions, and that is why she needs to be forced to answer them.

Personally, I lean toward the concept that this administration is reaction oriented versus being proactive on foreign policy. This President does not make decisions until circumstances force him to do so, and I believe that attitude has bled down to his cabinet members. Benign neglect.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWwFmZfr5y0]Benghazi: The Truth Behind the Smokescreen. - YouTube[/ame]
So far G5000 ha no answer..

Blindboo has an opinion as an answer

Franco has only an opinion that isn't even based on accurate facts.

But that question....a very pertinent question.... that has been asked by Congress has not been answered.

Yet, for some reason, the administration claims ALL QUESTIONS have been answered.

And we are supposed to simply "move on"....

Fact. The personnel in the Consulate building were rescued by a few CIA men and lots of Libyan militia before the surveillance drone could barely get airborne. They were taken to the CIA Annex which was not under siege.

Really the only remaining pertinent question I see is this. Why haven't we captured or killed those responsible yet? Not the Monday morning quarterbacking you're attempting.
So far G5000 ha no answer..

Blindboo has an opinion as an answer

Franco has only an opinion that isn't even based on accurate facts.

But that question....a very pertinent question.... that has been asked by Congress has not been answered.

Yet, for some reason, the administration claims ALL QUESTIONS have been answered.

And we are supposed to simply "move on"....

Fact. The personnel in the Consulate building were rescued by a few CIA men and lots of Libyan militia before the surveillance drone could barely get airborne. They were taken to the CIA Annex which was not under siege.

Really the only remaining pertinent question I see is this. Why haven't we captured or killed those responsible yet? Not the Monday morning quarterbacking you're attempting.

You are saying Stevens was rescued and taken to the Annex?
If bushii/cheney got this scruitiny on 9-11, they'd have been impeached. It's absurd.

This whole benghanzi crapola is just a roman circus for the RW. The more they play it, the less it'll play in 16, and I think she is running. So instead of finding a sane middle right nominee, we do roman circus bullshit. Marvelous.
If bushii/cheney got this scruitiny on 9-11, they'd have been impeached. It's absurd.

This whole benghanzi crapola is just a roman circus for the RW. The more they play it, the less it'll play in 16, and I think she is running. So instead of finding a sane middle right nominee, we do roman circus bullshit. Marvelous.

Sorry, you're wrong.
If bushii/cheney got this scruitiny on 9-11, they'd have been impeached. It's absurd.

This whole benghanzi crapola is just a roman circus for the RW. The more they play it, the less it'll play in 16, and I think she is running. So instead of finding a sane middle right nominee, we do roman circus bullshit. Marvelous.

You lie like a dog, partial pun intended!:badgrin:
OK. SO it is a GOP witch hunt and all pertinent questions have been answered.

So please.....tell me.....

How did the administration know how long the siege would last? I mean, they didn't send in military support because it would take too long to get there. So how did they know it would take too long?

(Been asking this in every Benghazi related thread and still have not received a response.....will you be man enough to NOT ignore it?)

You were lied to. Again.

A rescue force from the CIA annex was dispatched to assist the Benghazi consulate within 20 minutes of the attack.

There. Your question has finally been answered. You could have found that out all by your little self IF YOU REALLY WANTED THE TRUTH.

Happy now?

I bet not.

No, it has not been answered. No rescue force was dispatched to assist the people at the CIA annex, before, during, or after the CIA rescued the people at the consulate. No force was sent to protect the embassy in Tripoli in light of the obvious fact that it could have been next.

Did the President, or Secretary of State call the leader of Libya to attempt to get help from his militia group? Did they do anything beyond considering the political implications of a terrorist attack on the election campaign?

Too many unanswered questions about who established the policy that resulted in the people in Libya not being properly protected. Was it a breakdown in intelligence? Was it a breakdown in communications and/or the chain of command at the State Department?

Hillary Clinton does not want to answer those questions, and that is why she needs to be forced to answer them.

Personally, I lean toward the concept that this administration is reaction oriented versus being proactive on foreign policy. This President does not make decisions until circumstances force him to do so, and I believe that attitude has bled down to his cabinet members. Benign neglect.


At approximately 5:00 a.m. Benghazi time, the security team from Tripoli
arrived at the Annex just moments before the third attack that night. At
approximately 5: 15 a.m. Benghazi time, mortar rounds began to hit the Annex.
Two security officers, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, were killed when they
took direct mortar fire as they engaged the enemy from the roof of the Annex.

Less than an hour later, a heavily-armed Libyan militia unit arrived to help
evacuate the Annex of all U.S. personnel to the airport.
The Ambassador's body,
which had been secured by a local Libyan coordinating with the State Department,
was also transported from the Benghazi Medical Center to the airport. By
approximately 10:00 a.m. Benghazi time, all U.S. personnel and the bodies of the
four dead Americans departed from Benghazi to Tripoli.

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