Hillary says GOP are FOS on Bengazi...duh.

So far G5000 ha no answer..

Blindboo has an opinion as an answer

Franco has only an opinion that isn't even based on accurate facts.

But that question....a very pertinent question.... that has been asked by Congress has not been answered.

Yet, for some reason, the administration claims ALL QUESTIONS have been answered.

And we are supposed to simply "move on"....

Fact. The personnel in the Consulate building were rescued by a few CIA men and lots of Libyan militia before the surveillance drone could barely get airborne. They were taken to the CIA Annex which was not under siege.

Really the only remaining pertinent question I see is this. Why haven't we captured or killed those responsible yet? Not the Monday morning quarterbacking you're attempting.

You are saying Stevens was rescued and taken to the Annex?

He was not found in the building by the rescue team. The Body of Mr. Smith however was recovered at that time. The Ambassadors body was return to the Americans at the airport when they were departing to Tripoli. It was return by the Libyans who were in contact with the State Department.

It's all in the report.
The report does not find Hill personally responsible for the attack, nor does it find her liable for personal damages resulting from the attack; therefore, the report is irrelevant. (-:
So far G5000 ha no answer..

Blindboo has an opinion as an answer

Franco has only an opinion that isn't even based on accurate facts.

But that question....a very pertinent question.... that has been asked by Congress has not been answered.

Yet, for some reason, the administration claims ALL QUESTIONS have been answered.

And we are supposed to simply "move on"....

Fact. The personnel in the Consulate building were rescued by a few CIA men and lots of Libyan militia before the surveillance drone could barely get airborne. They were taken to the CIA Annex which was not under siege.

Really the only remaining pertinent question I see is this. Why haven't we captured or killed those responsible yet? Not the Monday morning quarterbacking you're attempting.

Good point; however, Benghazi has been investigated to a greater extent than the Iraq War in which 4,488 (estimate only of course) Americans DIED.
Fact. The personnel in the Consulate building were rescued by a few CIA men and lots of Libyan militia before the surveillance drone could barely get airborne. They were taken to the CIA Annex which was not under siege.

Really the only remaining pertinent question I see is this. Why haven't we captured or killed those responsible yet? Not the Monday morning quarterbacking you're attempting.

You are saying Stevens was rescued and taken to the Annex?

He was not found in the building by the rescue team. The Body of Mr. Smith however was recovered at that time. The Ambassadors body was return to the Americans at the airport when they were departing to Tripoli. It was return by the Libyans who were in contact with the State Department.

It's all in the report.

When does your report tell you it started?
"I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans."

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

next !

It was Hillary and Obama who minimized the deaths of those Americans. They wanted to make it all about a filmmaker and placed all the blame there. We were supposed to be angry at the anti-Muslim film and be understanding of those who were offended.

They still can't understand why people are upset at the senseless terrorist attack and the cover up.

They need to understand that people hate being lied to.
A bj is not sexual relations. That's a darn good idea. And irrelevant lol....

Bush's lies were ACTUAL, just like the GOP ones about Bengazi....or anything else- totally FOS, for hater dupes on their alternate planet only...lol

A bj is not sexual relations.


It's also called oral sex...

And Bill got busted not fo the BJ but for lying under oath..
"Those who exploit this tragedy over and over as a political tool minimize the sacrifice of those who served our country," Clinton writes in the 34-page chapter, which was obtained by Politico.

Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said that "until the book is released, there's nothing to say. And once it's released, it will speak for itself."

The former first lady and senator from New York is the leading potential Democratic presidential candidate if she decides to run again. Looking to weaken her well before she announces her plans, Republicans have been tireless in criticizing Clinton's response to the Benghazi attack.

Clinton writes that she takes responsibility for the deaths, but adds that there has been "a regrettable amount of misinformation, speculation and flat-out deceit" by some in politics and the media.

"I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans. It's just plain wrong, and it's unworthy of our great country," Clinton writes. "Those who insist on politicizing the tragedy will have to do so without me."
Report: Clinton Defends Response to Benghazi - ABC News

Looking to weaken her well before she announces her plans, Republicans have been tireless in criticizing Clinton's response to the Benghazi attack.

And MSNBC didn't try to take out Chris Christie over the bridge closings?

When that bitch gets dragged in front of the investigators and is under oath answering real questions......she is fucked.

She needs to rot in a Federal prison.
"Those who exploit this tragedy over and over as a political tool minimize the sacrifice of those who served our country," Clinton writes in the 34-page chapter, which was obtained by Politico.

Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said that "until the book is released, there's nothing to say. And once it's released, it will speak for itself."

The former first lady and senator from New York is the leading potential Democratic presidential candidate if she decides to run again. Looking to weaken her well before she announces her plans, Republicans have been tireless in criticizing Clinton's response to the Benghazi attack.

Clinton writes that she takes responsibility for the deaths, but adds that there has been "a regrettable amount of misinformation, speculation and flat-out deceit" by some in politics and the media.

"I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans. It's just plain wrong, and it's unworthy of our great country," Clinton writes. "Those who insist on politicizing the tragedy will have to do so without me."
Report: Clinton Defends Response to Benghazi - ABC News
Who cares what the lying witch says other than stupid idiotic libtards like you? She is a liar and fos like her lying husband and the liar in chief, obamashitforbrains.
What else can she say? That she lied to cover her own ass? That she lied to cover her Master's ass?

the God damned bitch lied, that's as plain as she is ugly, and god....................that is one ugly bitch!

I suppose "Obama watched as they died" is the truth, eh?

I suppose the "stand down order" is the truth, eh?

Don't kid yourself that the hacks on the Right are after the truth. They aren't. The last thing they want is the truth.

They want power. And they will lie, cheat, and steal to get it away from the Democrats. The ends justify the means.

So don't be an idiot buying into this circus as a search for truth.
The libtards bought into the clown obamashitforbrains and his circus.
We know Benghazi was not a protest in response to a video we know the administration knew this within 24 hours are less we know they knew this before Susan Rice went on five Sunday morning talk shows and claimed it was about a video they knew this when Obama was out making speeches still referencing the video most notably at the U.N. We also know that despite concerns by Ambassador Stevens over security previous attacks on the consulate and even a attack on a British diplomatic convey there was no increase in security. Wanting answers to why the administration told the nation a fairy tale about a video and the security in Benghazi was not better is not politicizing the tragedy it's asking legitimate questions which have still not been answered.
A bj is not sexual relations. That's a darn good idea. And irrelevant lol....

Bush's lies were ACTUAL, just like the GOP ones about Bengazi....or anything else- totally FOS, for hater dupes on their alternate planet only...lol

oh damn--you wanna split hairs huh ? Oh wait----that's what he did with the cigar. :lol:
You know, they say Madness is doing the same thing over and over again; and expecting different results. How many times do you need to investigate something, still not find what you want or think is there... before you just kind of say "Well, I guess it just ain't there."

It's always "Well once this happens", I'm sure at some point it was "Once the Report comes out, OBAMA is LEH FUCKED" etc, etc. That being said, this is a free country, and you're welcome to wait for as long as you want...just don't hold your breath, since in case you haven't noticed, you'd have passed out a number of times if you had started back when this had.
If bushii/cheney got this scruitiny on 9-11, they'd have been impeached. It's absurd.

Don't forget Condi Rice. She's the one who blew off the August 2001 warning of an eminent attack by OBL.

No wonder you loons vote Democrat, you are so easily duped by your political leaders. The warnings of an eminent attack by OBL were going on before Clinton left the White House. No one blew them off, or ignored them.

Warnings, without actionable intelligence, are only good for getting your blood pressure up. How were the attacks going to be carried out? Where were they going to be carried out? When were they going to be carried out? Who was going to carry them out?

A bank is going to be robbed. Without knowing where, when, how, or who, there is not a chance in hell of preventing the robbery. Yet, you loons expect President Bush to prevent an attack somewhere in America (maybe?), sometime in the future, by some method, and by persons unknown.

The same anti-terrorist measures were in place that the Clinton administration put in place, and relied on, with the same warnings. But, in loonville, it was Bush who should have been able to prevent 9/11.
When that bitch gets dragged in front of the investigators and is under oath answering real questions......she is fucked.

She needs to rot in a Federal prison.

Hillary will have another lapse of memory, just like she did in the Rose Law Firm hearings. She couldn't remember what she had for breakfast. And, she certainly didn't know where the billing records were.
You know, they say Madness is doing the same thing over and over again; and expecting different results. How many times do you need to investigate something, still not find what you want or think is there... before you just kind of say "Well, I guess it just ain't there."

It's always "Well once this happens", I'm sure at some point it was "Once the Report comes out, OBAMA is LEH FUCKED" etc, etc. That being said, this is a free country, and you're welcome to wait for as long as you want...just don't hold your breath, since in case you haven't noticed, you'd have passed out a number of times if you had started back when this had.
It is there, they re just trying to get the lying pieces of shit obamashitforbrains and hilldildo to own up to it.
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