Hillary says torture doesn't work

I would say she disproves her own statement. Democrats have listened to her speak (torture) and she is winning the nomination.

It does work.
Evidently it does. she's been around so long that: the one word people think of when asked to describe her and they come up with DISHONEST, liar, shrill, loser

then yes torture sure does work. why wont she get a clue?
When we torture, the terrorists win.

We as a people are better than that.

Unfortunately, as the last sixteen years have proven, no, we are not better than that. We call our enemies "cowards" and "savages", but we are morally very little different-- we are motivated by our national cowardice to behave in a savage fashion and we are seemingly completely immune to self-reflection as some of the posts in this thread demonstrate.

We can say that we should be better than this, that our national ideals are better than this, but we can't lay claim to any kind of moral superiority to the cowards and savages we're fighting.

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