Hillary should drop out before doing more damage to the Left

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
If she is found guilty of breaking the law then we're fucked anyways. That is a dumb reason to disagree with Dotcom about.
please, dale... she's counting on your vote and just can't make it withoutchya.

or is she? :laugh2:
If she is found guilty of breaking the law then we're fucked anyways. That is a dumb reason to disagree with Dotcom about.
Honestly Matt?

The Dems are fucked this election season not matter what they do. :lmao:

The elites play the electorate and the party like a couple of fiddles. The media is their bow.
If she is found guilty of breaking the law then we're fucked anyways. That is a dumb reason to disagree with Dotcom about.

Laws apply to EVERYONE Val EVEN the Annointed One (hiLIARy)
Valerie SEZ???? "Vote Hitlery!!!!!!!.......she has a vagina!!!?

^ that


I hate anatomy voters :( HATE!!! :mad-61:

Both "wings" are simply part of the same bird. The more I learn, the more disgusted I get. Politics (as it is set up now) is only used to divide people and keep them arguing over which side is "better" so they never come to the realization that there is a bigger entity pulling the strings.
Valerie SEZ???? "Vote Hitlery!!!!!!!.......she has a vagina!!!?

^ that


I hate anatomy voters :( HATE!!! :mad-61:

Both "wings" are simply part of the same bird. The more I learn, the more disgusted I get. Politics (as it is set up now) is only used to divide people and keep them arguing over which side is "better" so they never come to the realization that there is a bigger entity pulling the strings.

Its a sham. Too bad people like Val have drank the Establ kool aid
Valerie SEZ???? "Vote Hitlery!!!!!!!.......she has a vagina!!!?

^ that


I hate anatomy voters :( HATE!!! :mad-61:

Both "wings" are simply part of the same bird. The more I learn, the more disgusted I get. Politics (as it is set up now) is only used to divide people and keep them arguing over which side is "better" so they never come to the realization that there is a bigger entity pulling the strings.
Valerie SEZ???? "Vote Hitlery!!!!!!!.......she has a vagina!!!?

^ that


I hate anatomy voters :( HATE!!! :mad-61:

Both "wings" are simply part of the same bird. The more I learn, the more disgusted I get. Politics (as it is set up now) is only used to divide people and keep them arguing over which side is "better" so they never come to the realization that there is a bigger entity pulling the strings.

It sure as hell would not surprise me in the least and that pretty much finishes us off......
Valerie SEZ???? "Vote Hitlery!!!!!!!.......she has a vagina!!!?

^ that


I hate anatomy voters :( HATE!!! :mad-61:

Both "wings" are simply part of the same bird. The more I learn, the more disgusted I get. Politics (as it is set up now) is only used to divide people and keep them arguing over which side is "better" so they never come to the realization that there is a bigger entity pulling the strings.

It sure as hell would not surprise me in the least and that pretty much finishes us off......

If he has fascist tendencies as the progressive left believes, and they SO hate him, what I am expecting once he is elected, is a false flag of spectacular proportions. Something that will unite both the left and the right like 9/11 did. Something they can use to set up some FEMA camps, rework the currency and debt situation. . . .

And what the hell, while they are at it, maybe they will confiscate guns from certain profiled Americans. :lmao: The NSA and intelligence network has the capability, just ask Snowden. You know how much Trump hates Snowden, right? He thinks Snowden should get the death penalty. :wtf:

Those sinister Globalist Rockefeller eugenicists Republicans will have no problem making an alliance with the right leaning Democrats that think like Matthew and Rightwinger to doom the whole goddamned nation. Use that illegal alien issue to set up camps, and while they are at it, throw the ISIS, Islamic fundies, and patriot militias in with them. That sort of thing.

When the economy and currency collapses, this shit is about to get real.

At least there is a candidate being honest about what is going on. . . :laugh:

Trump: Economic bubble about to burst
Trump: Economic bubble about to burst
Valerie SEZ???? "Vote Hitlery!!!!!!!.......she has a vagina!!!?

^ that


I hate anatomy voters :( HATE!!! :mad-61:

Both "wings" are simply part of the same bird. The more I learn, the more disgusted I get. Politics (as it is set up now) is only used to divide people and keep them arguing over which side is "better" so they never come to the realization that there is a bigger entity pulling the strings.

It sure as hell would not surprise me in the least and that pretty much finishes us off......

If he has fascist tendencies as the progressive left believes, and they SO hate him, what I am expecting once he is elected, is a false flag of spectacular proportions. Something that will unite both the left and the right like 9/11 did. Something they can use to set up some FEMA camps, rework the currency and debt situation. . . .

And what the hell, while they are at it, maybe they will confiscate guns from certain profiled Americans. :lmao: The NSA and intelligence network has the capability, just ask Snowden. You know how much Trump hates Snowden, right? He thinks Snowden should get the death penalty. :wtf:

Those sinister Globalist Rockefeller eugenicists Republicans will have no problem making an alliance with the right leaning Democrats that think like Matthew and Rightwinger to doom the whole goddamned nation. Use that illegal alien issue to set up camps, and while they are at it, throw the ISIS, Islamic fundies, and patriot militias in with them. That sort of thing.

When the economy and currency collapses, this shit is about to get real.

At least there is a candidate being honest about what is going on. . . :laugh:

Trump: Economic bubble about to burst
Trump: Economic bubble about to burst

Yep, the banking system is on the verge of collapse and they are eyeing the bank deposits and retirement accounts of the serfs. They have already done drills and exercises of how this will all go down. The "too big to fail" banks have over-extended themselves and they have sold gold certificates many times over of what they actually have....that is why they have been training for martial law.......once people that saved and scrimped for a lifetime realize that they have been "Enron'd"? The feces is gonna hit the oscillating blades. The derivatives market will be what sinks it this time.

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