Hillary's Health Debate Exposes Yet Another Double-Standard By Democrats

Hillary's aged big-time in the last couple of years. You can see it in her face. Something is going on with her health-wise. If she runs, I don't think she'd make it to the convention.
The winning double standard move here is the 2014 Karl Rove vs. the 2008 Karl Rove.

Rove in 2008:

HEMMER: All right. Let’s shift our focus now to John McCain. Howard Dean and the DNC is circulating a rather extensive study that they have done in 17 different swing states across the country and they conclude that the age of John McCain is hurting him with some of these moderate voters. What is your take on that as they take on McCain?

ROVE: You know, look, I think this is really reprehensible on Dean’s part. First of all, I don’t accept the argument because if Senator McCain were having a problem with independents because of his age, he would not be tied or slightly ahead of or slightly behind either Clinton or Obama in all of these national polls. In fact, right now, he should be way, way behind both Obama and Clinton and he’s not. In fact, he’s ahead of them in most of the national polls.

And, I think, this is really – I mean, the Democrats have done this before. We saw this drama being played out and their story being spun out on the same way in 1979 and 1980 when Ronald Reagan was on the ballot. And I think, it’s going to probably be as unhelpful to Democratic cause again this year.

The 2008 Karl Rove calls the 2014 Karl Rove ?reprehensible? | FreakOutNation

It's 3AM, the phone rings.

"You've reached Hillary, I can't come to the phone right now, I bumped my head last month and am taking time to chillax"
The winning double standard move here is the 2014 Karl Rove vs. the 2008 Karl Rove.

Rove in 2008:

HEMMER: All right. Let’s shift our focus now to John McCain. Howard Dean and the DNC is circulating a rather extensive study that they have done in 17 different swing states across the country and they conclude that the age of John McCain is hurting him with some of these moderate voters. What is your take on that as they take on McCain?

ROVE: You know, look, I think this is really reprehensible on Dean’s part. First of all, I don’t accept the argument because if Senator McCain were having a problem with independents because of his age, he would not be tied or slightly ahead of or slightly behind either Clinton or Obama in all of these national polls. In fact, right now, he should be way, way behind both Obama and Clinton and he’s not. In fact, he’s ahead of them in most of the national polls.

And, I think, this is really – I mean, the Democrats have done this before. We saw this drama being played out and their story being spun out on the same way in 1979 and 1980 when Ronald Reagan was on the ballot. And I think, it’s going to probably be as unhelpful to Democratic cause again this year.

The 2008 Karl Rove calls the 2014 Karl Rove ?reprehensible? | FreakOutNation

McCains' medical history is well known.

Hillary's seems to be some sort of secret.

Guess you're not objective enough to see the difference.
I really am tired of the hypocrisy, and on both sides. The truth is the dems and the reps are the worst thing to ever happen to this country and until we get rid of them, nothing is going to get better.
Bill Clinton reveals it took Hillary 'six months of very serious work to get over' accident | Mail Online

Bill Clinton reveals it took Hillary 'six months of very serious work to get over' her concussion after accident - so why did State Department claim that she 'fully recovered' a month later

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton suffered a concussion and blood clot in December 2012, for which she was hospitalized for three days
Karl Rove suggested last week that Hillary Clinton is hiding something about her health
On Tuesday Bill Clinton spoke out about his wife's health and said 'there's nothing to' the Republican's claims
Hillary's concussion 'required six months of very serious work to get over,' Bill said. 'It’s something she never low-balled with the American people, never tried to pretend it didn’t happen.'
But the State Department said less than a month after Hillary's accident 'she seems to be fully recovered'

Read more: Bill Clinton reveals it took Hillary 'six months of very serious work to get over' accident | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Bill will do anything to regain the White House and control of the Oval Office. Does anyone question whether a woman who would just roll over and accept her husband's philandering with not so much as a whimper as a leader who would resist his influence should she gain that office?
The winning double standard move here is the 2014 Karl Rove vs. the 2008 Karl Rove.

Rove in 2008:

HEMMER: All right. Let’s shift our focus now to John McCain. Howard Dean and the DNC is circulating a rather extensive study that they have done in 17 different swing states across the country and they conclude that the age of John McCain is hurting him with some of these moderate voters. What is your take on that as they take on McCain?

ROVE: You know, look, I think this is really reprehensible on Dean’s part. First of all, I don’t accept the argument because if Senator McCain were having a problem with independents because of his age, he would not be tied or slightly ahead of or slightly behind either Clinton or Obama in all of these national polls. In fact, right now, he should be way, way behind both Obama and Clinton and he’s not. In fact, he’s ahead of them in most of the national polls.

And, I think, this is really – I mean, the Democrats have done this before. We saw this drama being played out and their story being spun out on the same way in 1979 and 1980 when Ronald Reagan was on the ballot. And I think, it’s going to probably be as unhelpful to Democratic cause again this year.

The 2008 Karl Rove calls the 2014 Karl Rove ?reprehensible? | FreakOutNation

McCains' medical history is well known.

Hillary's seems to be some sort of secret.

Guess you're not objective enough to see the difference.

Objectivity does not seem to be a liberal strong point.
I think at her age and what happened recently questions about her health are fair.
Maybe Rove went about it in a crude way but the fact remains Hillary is a question mark health wise.
Can she survive the rigors of a national campaign?
We need to see her medical records.

What's the point?
You wouldn't believe them anyway.

I heard that The Don has sent a team of investigators 'down there' ... "And they cannot believe what they're finding. And I'm serious."

Hillary fell and hit her head and spent close to a month away from work recovering. Many believe she was faking it because she was set to testify before Congress on Benghazi.

Karl Rove brought the subject up. Did Hillary suffer any permanent damage from her concussion? The media claims that football players suffer permanent damage from their concussions. Why not Hillary, Rove claims.

Bill Clinton decided to take this opportunity to prognosticate about how Rove has no right to be critical of Hillary's advanced age or her medical condition. The main-streamers were furious that somebody would dare question the mental faculties of their favorite perspective candidate. How dare anyone be critical of their air-apparent. This woman already has won the election and some ingrate Republicans dares to question if the doesn't have bats in the belfry?

Bill actually said she had a terrible concussion which required 6 months of work to recover from.

Sounds like a serious injury that should be a concern. We have a right to question if Hillary is up to the job she hasn't decided to run for.

Strange, I don't remember the left ever cutting Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole, or John McCain that same kind of slack. Reagan was accused of memory lapses and advanced age, but he was 69 in 1980, and Hillary will be 68 in 2016. Bob Dole was criticized for being a cripple and so was John McCain. So once again, we see a double-standard by the left. You can ask questions about a Republican's health, but you're out of line if you ask it of Hillary's health.



Bill Clinton responds to Rove, says Hillary 'strong' - CNN.com

I'll tell you what her "problem" is - it's the ghost of Vince Foster - come back for revenge...:D Honestly, I don't think the murdering bitch is going to run. She LOVES the limelight, but not enough to be out through the hell that she would get from both the democrats and the republicans.
I think at her age and what happened recently questions about her health are fair.
Maybe Rove went about it in a crude way but the fact remains Hillary is a question mark health wise.
Can she survive the rigors of a national campaign?

I personally believe that the health of ANYONE running for King should be examined closely. There is no excuse for NOT providing medical records to the "press" when running for the office. Look at Barry - he looked reasonably young when he was anointed "King" - now, 5 years later, he looks like "Uncle Ben" from the box of rice......:lol:

I think at her age and what happened recently questions about her health are fair.
Maybe Rove went about it in a crude way but the fact remains Hillary is a question mark health wise.
Can she survive the rigors of a national campaign?

I personally believe that the health of ANYONE running for King should be examined closely. There is no excuse for NOT providing medical records to the "press" when running for the office. Look at Barry - he looked reasonably young when he was anointed "King" - now, 5 years later, he looks like "Uncle Ben" from the box of rice......:lol:




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