History of your peaceful muslims:


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2010

Islam has never been a peaceful religion. It's peaceful only after it kills or enslaves all non muslims. Here;s the truth if you've got the honor and honesty to watch it.
Top 10 Atrocities in the name of religion:

1The Crusades (Christianity)
The Crusades were a series of conquests undertaken by various Christian groups ranging from 1095 AD to 1453 AD. Though the numbers aren't conclusive there were an estimated 1 to 3 million deaths from these campaigns. While some historians see the Crusades as a defensive action against Islamic conquest, most see them as a papal-led expansion attempt by Western Christendom.

3The Inquisition (Christianity)
Everyone has heard of the "Spanish Inquisition" but the Inquisition is actually a group of institutions within the Roman Catholic Church. Tracing back to the 12th-century, the goal of the institutions is to combat secular sectarianism. Aimed at keeping it's own members "faithful" the Catholic Church began holding trials for those with non-mainstream beliefs within the church and, for along period of time, engaging in torture to coerce the individual to conform. In the cases where no repentance was received, the death penalty was used as punishment. All in all there were an estimated 300,000 people put on trial with about 6,000 being executed.
To sum it up, those who didn't follow what the church said, including Muslims, Jews, and Protestants, were found, questioned, and killed. This shows the corruption of the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

530 Years' War (Christianity)
Initially, religion was a motivation for the war as Protestant and Catholic states fought over what is now modern-day Germany and Italy. Involving most of the European countries, it was one of the most destructive conflicts in European history with an estimated 3 to 11.5 million casualties.

6French Wars of Religion (Christianity)
The French Wars of Religion is the name of a period of civil infighting and military operations, primarily fought between French Catholics and Protestants. Between 2 and 4 million people were killed.

8The Ku Klux Klan Murders (Christianity)

Top Ten Atrocities Committed In the Name of Religion - TheTopTens.com
Top 10 Atrocities in the name of religion:

1The Crusades (Christianity)
The Crusades were a series of conquests undertaken by various Christian groups ranging from 1095 AD to 1453 AD. Though the numbers aren't conclusive there were an estimated 1 to 3 million deaths from these campaigns. While some historians see the Crusades as a defensive action against Islamic conquest, most see them as a papal-led expansion attempt by Western Christendom.

3The Inquisition (Christianity)
Everyone has heard of the "Spanish Inquisition" but the Inquisition is actually a group of institutions within the Roman Catholic Church. Tracing back to the 12th-century, the goal of the institutions is to combat secular sectarianism. Aimed at keeping it's own members "faithful" the Catholic Church began holding trials for those with non-mainstream beliefs within the church and, for along period of time, engaging in torture to coerce the individual to conform. In the cases where no repentance was received, the death penalty was used as punishment. All in all there were an estimated 300,000 people put on trial with about 6,000 being executed.
To sum it up, those who didn't follow what the church said, including Muslims, Jews, and Protestants, were found, questioned, and killed. This shows the corruption of the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

530 Years' War (Christianity)
Initially, religion was a motivation for the war as Protestant and Catholic states fought over what is now modern-day Germany and Italy. Involving most of the European countries, it was one of the most destructive conflicts in European history with an estimated 3 to 11.5 million casualties.

6French Wars of Religion (Christianity)
The French Wars of Religion is the name of a period of civil infighting and military operations, primarily fought between French Catholics and Protestants. Between 2 and 4 million people were killed.

8The Ku Klux Klan Murders (Christianity)

Top Ten Atrocities Committed In the Name of Religion - TheTopTens.com
While Christians and Islamists are both proselytizing there is a difference between the methods of peaceful and forced attempts of converting.
You need to do some historical research before you blindly quote stupidity in some of the points.
1/ Crusades: True, it was a religious war but if you look at the dates when they took place it should reveal to you that Christianity was well established in the region before the Saracen occupation of the "Holy Land" and crusades were aiming to retake Jerusalem and stop Saracen expansion. You got Hussein Obama fever on this one, at least seems like it.
3/ Inquisition. Again if you look at it with open eyes you can see that the "Holy Inquisition" did not target Blow Joe the serf tilling the dirt on the Feudal Lord's land but influential persons who actually could damage the authority of the Church of Rome while Islamists persecute everybody - even Blow Joe - who is "infidel" and does not convert to Islamism.
8/ Ku Klux Klan:
KKK was not a Christian movement in a sense that it could be categorized as such, apart from that its members may have been Christians. For instance not all Americans of Sicilian descent are Mafioso.

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"Though most members of the KKK saw themselves as holding to American values and Christian morality, virtually every Christian denomination officially denounced the Ku Klux Klan."
These issues are written black on white on great famous books of Islam. If Al Qaeda comes with its own interpretation, still it does not change the laws of Islam.


Islam literally means the religion of peace. In Islam, Muslims are asked to love a God that loves His creation, and nothing else.

Muslims greet each other saying "peace be unto you" with the reply "and unto you be peace". If you know of the Qur'an only, each of the 114 Chapters in the Qur'an start with "In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Great Merciful" (my translation, because Rahman and Rahim both indicate Rahma, mercy). If you know of the Hadiths only, the Hadiths for the most part are sayings of Muhammad inside the mosque (peace be upon him and his family) -the Mosque of Medina- to his Companions seated before him and listening. In other words, knowledge and seeking knowledge. If you know of the Islamic scholarship only, know that it is part of human nature to have a fascination for knowledge, by human I mean mature humans.

Islam is not just a religion of peace, it is the religion of peace.

The elements that seem to contradict this, within Islam, are details; not the heart or the body of Islam. Be responsible.
I hae not watched the video, unfortunately. But why would anyone pay attention to the argumentative of someone foreign to Islam, about the realities of Islam ? Do not insult people.

Islam has never been a peaceful religion. It's peaceful only after it kills or enslaves all non muslims. Here;s the truth if you've got the honor and honesty to watch it.

None of the big 3 religions are peaceful.

Religions are made up of people, and people are people. Put them in the right conditions and they will be peaceful. Put them in other conditions and they will be violent. Christian, Muslim, Jew, right wing, left wing, etc. are just labels and they make no difference at all.

Islam has never been a peaceful religion. It's peaceful only after it kills or enslaves all non muslims. Here;s the truth if you've got the honor and honesty to watch it.

None of the big 3 religions are peaceful.

Religions are made up of people, and people are people. Put them in the right conditions and they will be peaceful. Put them in other conditions and they will be violent. Christian, Muslim, Jew, right wing, left wing, etc. are just labels and they make no difference at all.

are you over the age of 12 years?

Islam has never been a peaceful religion. It's peaceful only after it kills or enslaves all non muslims. Here;s the truth if you've got the honor and honesty to watch it.

None of the big 3 religions are peaceful.

Religions are made up of people, and people are people. Put them in the right conditions and they will be peaceful. Put them in other conditions and they will be violent. Christian, Muslim, Jew, right wing, left wing, etc. are just labels and they make no difference at all.

are you over the age of 12 years?

Yes. Are you?
I hae not watched the video, unfortunately. But why would anyone pay attention to the argumentative of someone foreign to Islam, about the realities of Islam ? Do not insult people.

do you think that muslims are capable of discussing Christianity or Judaism or even Hinduism?

I believe you are talking to a Muslim. Why don't you discuss them with him?

I do not grasp your reason for suggesting that I talk to
"muslim" about various religions. In the course of
my own life I have had EXTENSIVE discussions with
muslims about religion------I do not feel a need for more

Islam has never been a peaceful religion. It's peaceful only after it kills or enslaves all non muslims. Here;s the truth if you've got the honor and honesty to watch it.

None of the big 3 religions are peaceful.

Religions are made up of people, and people are people. Put them in the right conditions and they will be peaceful. Put them in other conditions and they will be violent. Christian, Muslim, Jew, right wing, left wing, etc. are just labels and they make no difference at all.

are you over the age of 12 years?

Yes. Are you?

yes----well over In the course of my long life----I have learned that people can be VERY different in their beliefs and more's. The differences are based on the ideologies to which they have been exposed in childhood.--------for insight-----read Erik Erikson's
"CHILDHOOD AND SOCIETY"----it is an excellent book.
Have you had much interaction with persons of various
religions and from various parts of the world?
Top 10 Atrocities in the name of religion:

1The Crusades (Christianity)
The Crusades were a series of conquests undertaken by various Christian groups ranging from 1095 AD to 1453 AD. Though the numbers aren't conclusive there were an estimated 1 to 3 million deaths from these campaigns. While some historians see the Crusades as a defensive action against Islamic conquest, most see them as a papal-led expansion attempt by Western Christendom.

3The Inquisition (Christianity)
Everyone has heard of the "Spanish Inquisition" but the Inquisition is actually a group of institutions within the Roman Catholic Church. Tracing back to the 12th-century, the goal of the institutions is to combat secular sectarianism. Aimed at keeping it's own members "faithful" the Catholic Church began holding trials for those with non-mainstream beliefs within the church and, for along period of time, engaging in torture to coerce the individual to conform. In the cases where no repentance was received, the death penalty was used as punishment. All in all there were an estimated 300,000 people put on trial with about 6,000 being executed.
To sum it up, those who didn't follow what the church said, including Muslims, Jews, and Protestants, were found, questioned, and killed. This shows the corruption of the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

530 Years' War (Christianity)
Initially, religion was a motivation for the war as Protestant and Catholic states fought over what is now modern-day Germany and Italy. Involving most of the European countries, it was one of the most destructive conflicts in European history with an estimated 3 to 11.5 million casualties.

6French Wars of Religion (Christianity)
The French Wars of Religion is the name of a period of civil infighting and military operations, primarily fought between French Catholics and Protestants. Between 2 and 4 million people were killed.

8The Ku Klux Klan Murders (Christianity)

Top Ten Atrocities Committed In the Name of Religion - TheTopTens.com
While Christians and Islamists are both proselytizing there is a difference between the methods of peaceful and forced attempts of converting.
You need to do some historical research before you blindly quote stupidity in some of the points.
1/ Crusades: True, it was a religious war but if you look at the dates when they took place it should reveal to you that Christianity was well established in the region before the Saracen occupation of the "Holy Land" and crusades were aiming to retake Jerusalem and stop Saracen expansion. You got Hussein Obama fever on this one, at least seems like it.
3/ Inquisition. Again if you look at it with open eyes you can see that the "Holy Inquisition" did not target Blow Joe the serf tilling the dirt on the Feudal Lord's land but influential persons who actually could damage the authority of the Church of Rome while Islamists persecute everybody - even Blow Joe - who is "infidel" and does not convert to Islamism.
8/ Ku Klux Klan:
KKK was not a Christian movement in a sense that it could be categorized as such, apart from that its members may have been Christians. For instance not all Americans of Sicilian descent are Mafioso.

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"Though most members of the KKK saw themselves as holding to American values and Christian morality, virtually every Christian denomination officially denounced the Ku Klux Klan."

Do not confuse Christianity with Catholicism. The Crusades, the Inquistions, the Holocaust, the world wars, created by the Romanist Vatican were meant to massacre the Jews and Bible Believing Christians. Catholicism has never been about Christianity. Furthermore, the Jesuits founded the KKK and pretended to be Protestants - they were not - nor have they ever been - although if you study the assignments of Ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera that is precisely what they are told to tell people. That they are protestants - in order to infiltrate and bring bad reputation to the bible believing Christians. Wikipedia is a very poor source for fact checking history of the Jesuits - see Two Babylons, also Babylon Religion, also Secrets of the Jesuits - Jack Chick Publication and also Is Alberto for real? All of those books are available at Jack Chick publications.

Islam has never been a peaceful religion. It's peaceful only after it kills or enslaves all non muslims. Here;s the truth if you've got the honor and honesty to watch it.

None of the big 3 religions are peaceful.

Religions are made up of people, and people are people. Put them in the right conditions and they will be peaceful. Put them in other conditions and they will be violent. Christian, Muslim, Jew, right wing, left wing, etc. are just labels and they make no difference at all.

But Catholicism isn't based on Christianity. So there is nothing to explain here - with the people are people story - the truth is as Jesus said it - Ye shall know them by their fruits. The fruit of Catholicism is the antithesis of Christianity. They do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ but rather their religion is rooted in the very same religion of Babylon - from Nimrod and Semiramis. Even the confessionals were designed from Semiramis' own confessionals to the Queen of Heaven - her own title - she now pretends to be the Virgin Mary and Catholicism has given her the platform - thank Constantine. The sun god worshipper - he worshipped Semiramis's son - Tammuz.
These issues are written black on white on great famous books of Islam. If Al Qaeda comes with its own interpretation, still it does not change the laws of Islam.


Islam literally means the religion of peace. In Islam, Muslims are asked to love a God that loves His creation, and nothing else.

Muslims greet each other saying "peace be unto you" with the reply "and unto you be peace". If you know of the Qur'an only, each of the 114 Chapters in the Qur'an start with "In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Great Merciful" (my translation, because Rahman and Rahim both indicate Rahma, mercy). If you know of the Hadiths only, the Hadiths for the most part are sayings of Muhammad inside the mosque (peace be upon him and his family) -the Mosque of Medina- to his Companions seated before him and listening. In other words, knowledge and seeking knowledge. If you know of the Islamic scholarship only, know that it is part of human nature to have a fascination for knowledge, by human I mean mature humans.

Islam is not just a religion of peace, it is the religion of peace.

The elements that seem to contradict this, within Islam, are details; not the heart or the body of Islam. Be responsible.

Bull shit!!

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