History repeats itself...why Democrats are terrified...

I was just wondering...

In a tie...Where congress gets 1 vote per state....

Would a State where Biden won, that by chance or fluke has more House Representatives that were Republican than Democratic, cast their one vote for their state for President, to Trump, even though their citizens chose Biden as the winner when they voted?

Would they use their representative majority, to over rule their citizen's choice via vote, for President?

Or are the state congress critters obligated to the citizens of their state and honor how the citizens voted?
That was the plan in 2020
Just to show how a small swing in one swing state can make the difference in this election, consider PA:

Biden won the state by only 40,000 votes, and it’s practically a must-win for Kamala. Now, she has alienated a lot of groups, from the working class concerned about inflation, to the industry involved with fracking, to Jews who support Israel and were dissed by her skipping over their governor because he is Jewish and she’s worried about pissing off the antisemitic Muslims.

Let’s take the Jews, since that’s the group I’m most familiar with. There are 550,000 Jews in PA. Let’s say 400,000 are voting age and voted, 300,000 for Biden and 100,000 for Trump in 2020. If just 10% of the Jews switch from the D to Trump this time, that’s a swing of 60,000 right there. That alone would win PA for Trump.

NOW consider all the millions of working class people, struggling with the high inflation created under the Harris Administration. Let’s say of the 13 million in PA, 10 million are working or lower-middle class - and 7 million voted, half for Biden. That means 3.5 million, and if only 2% - that would be 70,000 - switch to Trump this time, that’s another swing of 140,000.

This alone is a swing of 200,000 - and we haven’t even considered the fracking industry.

And Biden won by just 40,000.
Fyi Biden won Pennsylvania by 80,000 votes not 40,000 in 2020.
Meh. The only one that counts is on Nov. 5.

True, but taking the white pill gets a lot more MAGA soldiers out there on 11/5 then moping.

And it's based on pure reality.

The commies and their pathetic desperate joke of a "candidate" are fucking LOSING.

So let's finish 'em off at the ballot box in six weeks.
By this time in 2016 Hillary had stopped campaigning and just assumed she had it won.

Harris does not seem to be making that mistake.
I don't remember it that way.

She was campaigning...just not in former "blue wall" states.

I suspect she believed campaigning in supposedly "safe" states sent the wrong message...that her support was going backward.

On election day, she only had a 3.5% advantage. The New York Times 95% chance of winning was nothing put propaganda, gaslighting and wishful thinking.

Biden barely won with a 7% lead.
Yup, in national polls, the democrats need a 4.5 to 5% lead to have a 50/50 shot at winning the electoral college. Banking votes in enormous amounts in California, New York and Illinois don’t help em.
I don't remember it that way.

She was campaigning...just not in former "blue wall" states.

I suspect she believed campaigning in supposedly "safe" states sent the wrong message...that her support was going backward.

On election day, she only had a 3.5% advantage. The New York Times 95% chance of winning was nothing put propaganda, gaslighting and wishful thinking.

Biden barely won with a 7% lead.
Biden won by 7 million votes. And in this election, we won't see James Comey suddenly deciding to open an investigation aginst Harris the week before the election. This is not 2016. Trump has been president. His record was not good.

And the spectre of Trump being sentenced will influence this election.

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