The heil-Hitler attack on non-Zionists pious Jews in London (at a neignourhood known as a bastion of orthodox Jews adherents to Talmud and oppose Zionism) comes as racist Arabism and bigoted Islamism sweeep all over. From jihad-zeera to twisted Arab reporters-cum-Hamas stenographers Raja Abdulrahim and Iyad Ibuheweila in NYT.
London cyclist assaults Orthodox Jews.
Man on bicycle assaults multiple Jewish men in Stamford Hill neighborhood as London sees hundreds of percent rise in antisemitism.
Israel National News
Dec 27, 2023, 7:21 PM
...Police are still attempting to identify a man who earlier this month threatened Jewish children before accosting a Jewish mother pushing her baby in a stroller and shouting at her "I will kill you."
The "Campaign Against Anti-Semitism" organization published additional videos in which an unidentified woman was seen shouting at Jewish children who were standing outside a synagogue "I will kill all of you Jews", and another person who was shouting "Heil Hitler."
According to data from the London police, there has been an increase of hundreds of percent in the number of antisemitic incidents in London since the Hamas massacre of October 7. Watch: London cyclist assaults Orthodox Jews
Why Khazarian Ashkenazi fake 'Jews' were kicked out from almost any village they lived in through the history.
And acquisition are almost similar, on any continent at any time.
Why true Jews from Ethiopia have never had any problem with any neighbor?
There are only two answers:
Either the world is wrong or Khazarians, a nomadic robber Turkish people who were converted to Judaism in the 8th century
By the way God promised Abraham to give Palestine to his children ( to Arabs too)
Khazarians aren't children in Abraham, they have no right to claim Palestine
* First of all what right to Arab immigrants have to the land that was exclusively given to Abraham's son Isaac's children excluding (Ishmael) Arabs? Genesis 21:12
*Most Arab "Palestinians" are 3rd generation immigrants.
*Racist Arab terrorists do not differentiate between Jews.
*But here we go again with that falsehood khazar debunked.
*In any case any convert to Judaism us considered children of Jacob, Isaac...
Because it's NOT about race.
An Arab or German who converts to Judaism has as much a right.
All true converts are real Jews. And not "fake."
You can either be born to a Jewish mother or convert per law .
The whole idea of khazar began by a non -historian author who tried to combat anti-Semitism by arguing that the persecured Jews were not at "fault" about when the Romans nailed Jesus. It got a new 'life' only by anti Jewish bigots since 1970, such as by Arab neo nazi Issa Nakhleh who wrote his...
* You also make it sound as if Jews in Ethiopia or Jews among Arabs were not persecutedvas Dhimmis and more.
From one of the most popular historians writing today comes a book as fascinating as the bestsellers of Karen Armstrong and Reza Aslan.In this captivating chronicle, Martin Gilbert shines new light on a controversial dilemma in the modern world: the troubled relationship between Jews and...
As to your blaming the victim: The onus is on the rapist. Not the woman.
Actually the history of persecution, particularly since Haman, proves the Jews as Jews !
But he disdained to lay hands on Mordecai alone; having been told who Mordecai’s people were, Haman plotted to do away with all the Jews, Mordecai’s people, throughout the kingdom of Ahasuerus.
But he disdained to lay hands on Mordecai alone; having been told who Mordecai’s people were, Haman plotted to do away with all the Jews, Mordecai’s people,...
Did you read Himmler's 'understanding ' of Haman???
The heil-Hitler attack on non-Zionists pious Jews in London (at a neignourhood known as a bastion of orthodox Jews adherents to Talmud and oppose Zionism) comes as racist Arabism and bigoted Islamism sweeep all over. From jihad-zeera to twisted Arab reporters-cum-Hamas stenographers Raja Abdulrahim and Iyad Ibuheweila in NYT.
London cyclist assaults Orthodox Jews.
Man on bicycle assaults multiple Jewish men in Stamford Hill neighborhood as London sees hundreds of percent rise in antisemitism.
Israel National News
Dec 27, 2023, 7:21 PM
...Police are still attempting to identify a man who earlier this month threatened Jewish children before accosting a Jewish mother pushing her baby in a stroller and shouting at her "I will kill you."
The "Campaign Against Anti-Semitism" organization published additional videos in which an unidentified woman was seen shouting at Jewish children who were standing outside a synagogue "I will kill all of you Jews", and another person who was shouting "Heil Hitler."
According to data from the London police, there has been an increase of hundreds of percent in the number of antisemitic incidents in London since the Hamas massacre of October 7. Watch: London cyclist assaults Orthodox Jews
Hitler and Mussolini were brought to the fore in Palestine following the fuehrer's Nurnberg speech last Tuesday in which he said Arabs in the Holy Land were "Defenseless and left in the lurch."
Arabs greeted the statement Jubilantly, one spokesman declaring: "Now we are not without friends in Europe; our ultimate success as a nation lies in the hands of Hitler and Mussolini and not in Britain and France."
Arabs in the Holy Land were hailing Adolf Hitler of Germany and Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy as their "hope" in the Arab-Jewish dispute.
The Italian premier and the German Fuehrer were brought into Palestine's troubled picture following Hitler's Nuremberg speech of September -12 in which he said Arabs-in the Holy Land were "defenseless and left in the lurch."
Pin Hope to Hitler
An Arab spokesman greeted Hitler's: statement with this declaration: "Now we are not without friends in Europe; our ultimate success as a nation lies in the hands of Hitler and Mussolini and not Britain and France."
And: 'Arabs Hail Hitler As Liberator… Arabs Look to Hitler.’
Arabs Hail Hitler As Liberator; In Spain Franco Is Worried
London. –(AP)– A broad scale of British reinforcements to troubled Palestine was announced here yesterday simultaneous with reports that Egypt was taking defense precautions in North Africa…
Although the officials declined to disclose the exact number of troops going to Palestine, it was estimated 8,000 men were involved in the transfer to the Holy Land where many Arabs are hailing Reichsfuehrer Hitler of Germany and Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy as their "hope" in the Arab-Jewish dispute...
Arabs Look to Hitler
Hitler and Mussolini were brought to the fore in Palestine following the fuehrer’s Nurnberg speech last Tuesday I which he said, Arabs in the Hoy Land were “defenseless and left in the lurch.”
Commenting (Sep. 1938) on Hitler's speech (mentioning Palestine's Arabs), while casting doubts on Hitler's sincere "concern" for them, it still, without being convinced Hitler would be of benefit, boasted Nazi anti-Semitism in the same breath defined what is a dictatorship, ''Falastin'': "dictatorship was really a State which had freed itself of Jewish influence, while democracies were countries which still bore that onus."
The Palestine Post, 16 September 1938 — Page 2. FALASTIN DEFINES DICTATORSHIP
Writing in its Tuesday's issue, Falastin devoted a leading article to the theory that Palestine was in the forefront of world affairs, and that the position in Palestine had become more grave in view of Herr Hitler's speech at Nuremberg.
The paper expressed doubts as to whether the German Fuehrer was really and sincerely concerned with Arab rights or merely championed them in order to annoy the Democracies. The reference to Palestine in Herr Hitler's speech showed, the paper added, how parlous the situation here really was.
<i>'Falastin' then explained that a dictatorship was really a State which had freed itself of Jewish influence, while democracies were countries which still bore that onus. source:
Falastin, commenting on Hitler's speech at Nuremburg, declared that a Dictatorship was really a state which had freed itself from Jews
* First of all what right to Arab immigrants have to the land that was exclusively given to Abraham's son Isaac's children excluding (Ishmael) Arabs? Genesis 21:12
Right, but Ashkenazi Khazarians aren't true Jews, only true Jews from Ethiopia are children of Abraham
Arabs have more right for Palestine as Khazarian fake 'Jews' aka The Thirteen Tribe
Baron, still with that debunked theory, put up by Arthur koestler only trying to repel antisemitism based on surrounding Romans killing Jesus?
But even if that theory were a any true.
Most Israelis are brown and not A. And convets have the same rights as born Jews. As a nation. All Jews are natives to the land
* First of all what right to Arab immigrants have to the land that was exclusively given to Abraham's son Isaac's children excluding (Ishmael) Arabs? Genesis 21:12
*Most Arab "Palestinians" are 3rd generation immigrants.
*Racist Arab terrorists do not differentiate between Jews.
*But here we go again with that falsehood khazar debunked.
*In any case any convert to Judaism us considered children of Jacob, Isaac...
Because it's NOT about race.
An Arab or German who converts to Judaism has as much a right.
All true converts are real Jews. And not "fake."
You can either be born to a Jewish mother or convert per law .
The whole idea of khazar began by a non -historian author who tried to combat anti-Semitism by arguing that the persecured Jews were not at "fault" about when the Romans nailed Jesus. It got a new 'life' only by anti Jewish bigots since 1970, such as by Arab neo nazi Issa Nakhleh who wrote his...
* You also make it sound as if Jews in Ethiopia or Jews among Arabs were not persecutedvas Dhimmis and more.
From one of the most popular historians writing today comes a book as fascinating as the bestsellers of Karen Armstrong and Reza Aslan.In this captivating chronicle, Martin Gilbert shines new light on a controversial dilemma in the modern world: the troubled relationship between Jews and...
As to your blaming the victim: The onus is on the rapist. Not the woman.
Actually the history of persecution, particularly since Haman, proves the Jews as Jews !
But he disdained to lay hands on Mordecai alone; having been told who Mordecai’s people were, Haman plotted to do away with all the Jews, Mordecai’s people, throughout the kingdom of Ahasuerus.
But he disdained to lay hands on Mordecai alone; having been told who Mordecai’s people were, Haman plotted to do away with all the Jews, Mordecai’s people,...
Did you read Himmler's 'understanding ' of Haman???
Discover the archaeology, genealogy, and history that supports Jewish claim as the indigenous peoples of Israel.
Home is where the Jews are.
May 31, 2018
By David Weinfeld
European Jewish immigrants arriving in New York.
I have some difficulty with the concept of indigeneity. Please allow me to explain.
I was born and raised in Montreal, as were both my parents. But if I claimed to be indigenous to Canada, the Mohawks of Kahnawake would likely – and rightly – object.
All four of my grandparents were born in a region once called Poland, though parts of it are today in Ukraine. But if I claimed to be indigenous to Poland, many native Poles would scoff, especially those who are currently whitewashing Polish complicity in the Holocaust. If my father and I had told the Ukrainians we found living in my grandfather’s former house that their home still belonged to us, we might have been chased away.
And if I went to Israel, where that same grandfather is buried, and asserted my indigenous right to the land, many Palestinians, both Muslim and Christian, would contest that claim and see me as an interloper. Would they be right?
Former justice minister Irwin Cotler has argued for Jewish indigeneity in the Middle East, calling ]Jews the “original aboriginal people,” who speak a language and practice a religion derived from the Bible. In this narrative, Zionism represents an astonishing, almost unbelievable, return home. But indigeneity in Israel is not so simple.
As a historian, I embrace the over 3,000-year historical connection that the Jews have to the Land of Israel. I know that the cultural and religious ancestors of the Jewish people walked and worshipped on that land, speaking Hebrew and Aramaic, centuries before Jesus and Muhammad were born, and before Arabic became the dominant language in the region.
That connection is meaningful to me, but does not supersede the claims made by Palestinians to the land they call Palestine, a land their ancestors have inhabited for nearly two millennia. The Jewish return to Israel after 2,000 years raises the question: did too much time pass for it to count as a return? If we believe in indigeneity, everyone should be indigenous to somewhere. But to where am I indigenous? To everywhere and nowhere. I am indigenous to the Diaspora.
This idea isn’t as strange as it sounds. Over a century ago, Russian-Jewish historian Simon Dubnow (1860-1941) argued that the greatest strength of the Jewish people was their national spirit, which allowed them to function as a collective, even when they were far removed from their ancestral homeland.
Judaism was shaped in the Diaspora, under Christian and Muslim rule. The emphasis on laws and rituals, on textual learning, on familial and communal integrity, all facilitated existence as a minority people, living under foreign governments, helping Jews survive enormous oppression and pressure to assimilate.
Through Zionism, Jews have done much more than survive. In Israel, Jews resurrected the Hebrew language, created a secular Hebraic culture of scholarship, art and science, and a dynamic economy based on technological innovation, all while reinvigorating the Jewish religion. These accomplishments fill me with pride. The Jewish state’s brutal response to Palestinian protests in Gaza, however, fills me with sadness, leaving me more alienated from the ancient land of my ancestors.
I still love Israel, but it is not my home. I live in Richmond, Va., near the spot where Pocahontas encountered English settler John Smith. I feel at home here, but feeling at home and being indigenous are not the same thing. I can feel at home anywhere I find family and community. That has been the Jewish story for 2,000 years. It is not about a mystical connection to a particular land. It is about looking backward to history and tradition, and using that past to look forward – in Israel or the Diaspora.
In our Richmond living room, we have a star map on the wall, with a quote from Jewish cosmologist Carl Sagan: “We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still.” And so some Jews wander home, while others are at home wandering.
Your off topic, debunked repeated K. Silky-Thing, still does not explain why racist Arabs, fascist Muslims attack pious non Zionists Jews (who even oppose Israel) in London, UK.
Discover the archaeology, genealogy, and history that supports Jewish claim as the indigenous peoples of Israel.
Home is where the Jews are.
May 31, 2018
By David Weinfeld
European Jewish immigrants arriving in New York.
I have some difficulty with the concept of indigeneity. Please allow me to explain.
I was born and raised in Montreal, as were both my parents. But if I claimed to be indigenous to Canada, the Mohawks of Kahnawake would likely – and rightly – object.
All four of my grandparents were born in a region once called Poland, though parts of it are today in Ukraine. But if I claimed to be indigenous to Poland, many native Poles would scoff, especially those who are currently whitewashing Polish complicity in the Holocaust. If my father and I had told the Ukrainians we found living in my grandfather’s former house that their home still belonged to us, we might have been chased away.
And if I went to Israel, where that same grandfather is buried, and asserted my indigenous right to the land, many Palestinians, both Muslim and Christian, would contest that claim and see me as an interloper. Would they be right?
Former justice minister Irwin Cotler has argued for Jewish indigeneity in the Middle East, calling ]Jews the “original aboriginal people,” who speak a language and practice a religion derived from the Bible. In this narrative, Zionism represents an astonishing, almost unbelievable, return home. But indigeneity in Israel is not so simple.
As a historian, I embrace the over 3,000-year historical connection that the Jews have to the Land of Israel. I know that the cultural and religious ancestors of the Jewish people walked and worshipped on that land, speaking Hebrew and Aramaic, centuries before Jesus and Muhammad were born, and before Arabic became the dominant language in the region.
That connection is meaningful to me, but does not supersede the claims made by Palestinians to the land they call Palestine, a land their ancestors have inhabited for nearly two millennia. The Jewish return to Israel after 2,000 years raises the question: did too much time pass for it to count as a return? If we believe in indigeneity, everyone should be indigenous to somewhere. But to where am I indigenous? To everywhere and nowhere. I am indigenous to the Diaspora.
This idea isn’t as strange as it sounds. Over a century ago, Russian-Jewish historian Simon Dubnow (1860-1941) argued that the greatest strength of the Jewish people was their national spirit, which allowed them to function as a collective, even when they were far removed from their ancestral homeland.
Judaism was shaped in the Diaspora, under Christian and Muslim rule. The emphasis on laws and rituals, on textual learning, on familial and communal integrity, all facilitated existence as a minority people, living under foreign governments, helping Jews survive enormous oppression and pressure to assimilate.
Through Zionism, Jews have done much more than survive. In Israel, Jews resurrected the Hebrew language, created a secular Hebraic culture of scholarship, art and science, and a dynamic economy based on technological innovation, all while reinvigorating the Jewish religion. These accomplishments fill me with pride. The Jewish state’s brutal response to Palestinian protests in Gaza, however, fills me with sadness, leaving me more alienated from the ancient land of my ancestors.
I still love Israel, but it is not my home. I live in Richmond, Va., near the spot where Pocahontas encountered English settler John Smith. I feel at home here, but feeling at home and being indigenous are not the same thing. I can feel at home anywhere I find family and community. That has been the Jewish story for 2,000 years. It is not about a mystical connection to a particular land. It is about looking backward to history and tradition, and using that past to look forward – in Israel or the Diaspora.
In our Richmond living room, we have a star map on the wall, with a quote from Jewish cosmologist Carl Sagan: “We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still.” And so some Jews wander home, while others are at home wandering.
All Jews recognize Talmudic Law and. In fact, most religious Jews support The Jewish State and Orthodox Jews are one of Israel's fastest grown demographics
Hitler and Mussolini were brought to the fore in Palestine following the fuehrer's Nurnberg speech last Tuesday in which he said Arabs in the Holy Land were "Defenseless and left in the lurch."
Arabs greeted the statement Jubilantly, one spokesman declaring: "Now we are not without friends in Europe; our ultimate success as a nation lies in the hands of Hitler and Mussolini and not in Britain and France."
Arabs in the Holy Land were hailing Adolf Hitler of Germany and Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy as their "hope" in the Arab-Jewish dispute.
The Italian premier and the German Fuehrer were brought into Palestine's troubled picture following Hitler's Nuremberg speech of September -12 in which he said Arabs-in the Holy Land were "defenseless and left in the lurch."
Pin Hope to Hitler
An Arab spokesman greeted Hitler's: statement with this declaration: "Now we are not without friends in Europe; our ultimate success as a nation lies in the hands of Hitler and Mussolini and not Britain and France."
Arabs Hail Hitler As Liberator; In Spain Franco Is Worried
London. –(AP)– A broad scale of British reinforcements to troubled Palestine was announced here yesterday simultaneous with reports that Egypt was taking defense precautions in North Africa…
Although the officials declined to disclose the exact number of troops going to Palestine, it was estimated 8,000 men were involved in the transfer to the Holy Land where many Arabs are hailing Reichsfuehrer Hitler of Germany and Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy as their "hope" in the Arab-Jewish dispute...
Arabs Look to Hitler
Hitler and Mussolini were brought to the fore in Palestine following the fuehrer’s Nurnberg speech last Tuesday I which he said, Arabs in the Hoy Land were “defenseless and left in the lurch.”
Commenting (Sep. 1938) on Hitler's speech (mentioning Palestine's Arabs), while casting doubts on Hitler's sincere "concern" for them, it still, without being convinced Hitler would be of benefit, boasted Nazi anti-Semitism in the same breath defined what is a dictatorship, ''Falastin'': "dictatorship was really a State which had freed itself of Jewish influence, while democracies were countries which still bore that onus."
The Palestine Post, 16 September 1938 — Page 2. FALASTIN DEFINES DICTATORSHIP
Writing in its Tuesday's issue, Falastin devoted a leading article to the theory that Palestine was in the forefront of world affairs, and that the position in Palestine had become more grave in view of Herr Hitler's speech at Nuremberg.
The paper expressed doubts as to whether the German Fuehrer was really and sincerely concerned with Arab rights or merely championed them in order to annoy the Democracies. The reference to Palestine in Herr Hitler's speech showed, the paper added, how parlous the situation here really was.
<i>'Falastin' then explained that a dictatorship was really a State which had freed itself of Jewish influence, while democracies were countries which still bore that onus. source:
Falastin, commenting on Hitler's speech at Nuremburg, declared that a Dictatorship was really a state which had freed itself from Jews
Baron, still with that debunked theory, put up by Arthur koestler only trying to repel antisemitism based on surrounding Romans killing Jesus?
But even if that theory were a any true.
Most Israelis are brown and not A. And convets have the same rights as born Jews. As a nation. All Jews are natives to the land
The Akkadian Empire from Arabia was in Palestine long before Judaism existed. What is your argument exactly? The Visigoths, German pagans, were in Spain before the Muslims.
A resident of a-Tur in east Jerusalem was found to be in possession of a firearm, a Hamas flag, and an embroid
East Jerusalem resident found with gun, Hamas flag, and swastika badge.
A resident of a-Tur in east Jerusalem was found to be in possession of a firearm, a Hamas flag, and an embroidered swastika, Israel Police said Monday.
Police searched the resident's home after he attacked and threatened a worker in Beit Shemesh due to stickers with the emblems of the State of Israel and the Border Police. A relative of the suspect was also taken in for questioning. The investigation is ongoing.
Jews batttling other Jews to see who are the most Racist .
Well, Forum Outcasts, your heroes have lost it .
Seems the Jewish race is all for Hitler thse days which I guess is not too strange as he was Jewish on both sides of his family
What made you big Hitler fans, Sayiamanarse and Peegay ? Did you prefer the Ovens or the Gas Chambers ?