Hiyeeee! *waves*

Red Monkey

Stop reading my title.
Nov 21, 2009
Helloooooo all! Stopping by to intro myself formally and let you all in on the vast, deep, dark secrets of myself. Or something. I can't remember. Anyhow, I'm going to cheat and copy a bunch of this straight from my profile:

About Red Monkey

25 years old, female, college graduate (major in history, minor in political science), spoken for, semi-split personality, expressive YACKER!, little kid at heart, fan of game tunes...uhhhh...yeah. YEAH!! :)

Vermont, USA

Video gaming, snowboarding, practicing Shaolin Kempo, reading, wasting time online, riding dragons (or roller coasters), eating teriyaki, flying through loops, YELLING!, laughing, etc. Oh yeah, and history and politics too...DUH! :D

Two jobs: retail and fast food, respectively.

Politically, I'm an independent Maoist. (Though there is a U.S. political party I'm particularly interested in.) I can be serious too, believe it or not. (Probably not.) It's hard to believe I'm 25 years old now. I don't think I really act my age. Oh well, I have FUN! and that's what counts for me. :redface:

Right now, from this console generationI like the Wii. I defy all stereotypes about Wii owners in that I'm neither particularly a casual gamer nor a big "Nintendo fan". I just like the oddball, quirky sorts of games that come out exclusively (or semi-exclusively) for Wii 'cause they'd never make it on one of the more advanced systems. e.g. De Blob, the Boom Blox games, Elebits, Dewy's Adventure, the Rabbids games, Domino Rally, etc. I also enjoy some slightly more serious Wii games, like Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Okami, and yes, of course, Wii Sports Resort. Looking forward greatly to titles including Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon, Tower of Shadow, Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love, Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (I like Sonic waaaaaay better than hysterical rightist Mario the Plumber who has this problem with Bowser spreading the wealth around (reference: Bowser Revolution from the Mario Party games)...probably took his hammer to the health care town hall meeting...), and Super Monkey Ball Step & Roll.

By the way, I sometimes shift from serious to not-so-serious and back again on the fly. I also do some in-line skating. Forgot to mention that before. RRRROOOOAAAAR! :evil:(<--:cuckoo:)
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Helloooooo all! Stopping by to intro myself formally and let you all in on the vast, deep, dark secrets of myself. Or something. I can't remember. Anyhow, I'm going to cheat and copy a bunch of this straight from my profile:

About Red Monkey

25 years old, female, college graduate (major in history, minor in political science), spoken for, semi-split personality, expressive YACKER!, little kid at heart, fan of game tunes...uhhhh...yeah. YEAH!! :)

Vermont, USA

Video gaming, snowboarding, practicing Shaolin Kempo, reading, wasting time online, riding dragons (or roller coasters), eating teriyaki, flying through loops, YELLING!, laughing, etc. Oh yeah, and history and politics too...DUH! :D

Two jobs: retail and fast food, respectively.

Politically, I'm an independent Maoist. (Though there is a U.S. political party I'm particularly interested in.) I can be serious too, believe it or not. (Probably not.) It's hard to believe I'm 25 years old now. I don't think I really act my age. Oh well, I have FUN! and that's what counts for me. :redface:

Right now, from this console generationI like the Wii. I defy all stereotypes about Wii owners in that I'm neither particularly a casual gamer nor a big "Nintendo fan". I just like the oddball, quirky sorts of games that come out exclusively (or semi-exclusively) for Wii 'cause they'd never make it on one of the more advanced systems. e.g. De Blob, the Boom Blox games, Elebits, Dewy's Adventure, the Rabbids games, Domino Rally, etc. I also enjoy some slightly more serious Wii games, like Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Okami, and yes, of course, Wii Sports Resort. Looking forward greatly to titles including Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon, Tower of Shadow, Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love, Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (I like Sonic waaaaaay better than hysterical rightist Mario the Plumber who has this problem with Bowser spreading the wealth around (reference: Bowser Revolution from the Mario Party games)...probably took his hammer to the health care town hall meeting...), and Super Monkey Ball Step & Roll.

By the way, I sometimes shift from serious to not-so-serious and back again on the fly. I also do some in-line skating. Forgot to mention that before. RRRROOOOAAAAR! :evil:(<--:cuckoo:)



(Oh, and welcome.)
Hello Red Monkey. Welcome to the playground. I recommend taking half of a valium. Now, take a deep breath. Let it out slowly. Keep your breathing steady and deep. Go ahead and sit back. Get comfortable - Maybe kick your shoes off. Now, tell us what's on your mind.
Hello Red Monkey. Welcome to the playground. I recommend taking half of a valium. Now, take a deep breath. Let it out slowly. Keep your breathing steady and deep. Go ahead and sit back. Get comfortable - Maybe kick your shoes off. Now, tell us what's on your mind.

:lol::lol: That's it, pretend any of us give a shit, BBD.
A gamer... I never had a chance to try the Wii but I hear some of the games actually get a bit athletic. Still, I'm sticking to my PS3.

Welcome to the nut house.
Helloooooo all! Stopping by to intro myself formally and let you all in on the vast, deep, dark secrets of myself. Or something. I can't remember. Anyhow, I'm going to cheat and copy a bunch of this straight from my profile:

About Red Monkey

25 years old, female, college graduate (major in history, minor in political science), spoken for, semi-split personality, expressive YACKER!, little kid at heart, fan of game tunes...uhhhh...yeah. YEAH!! :)

Vermont, USA

Video gaming, snowboarding, practicing Shaolin Kempo, reading, wasting time online, riding dragons (or roller coasters), eating teriyaki, flying through loops, YELLING!, laughing, etc. Oh yeah, and history and politics too...DUH! :D

Two jobs: retail and fast food, respectively.

Politically, I'm an independent Maoist. (Though there is a U.S. political party I'm particularly interested in.) I can be serious too, believe it or not. (Probably not.) It's hard to believe I'm 25 years old now. I don't think I really act my age. Oh well, I have FUN! and that's what counts for me. :redface:

Right now, from this console generationI like the Wii. I defy all stereotypes about Wii owners in that I'm neither particularly a casual gamer nor a big "Nintendo fan". I just like the oddball, quirky sorts of games that come out exclusively (or semi-exclusively) for Wii 'cause they'd never make it on one of the more advanced systems. e.g. De Blob, the Boom Blox games, Elebits, Dewy's Adventure, the Rabbids games, Domino Rally, etc. I also enjoy some slightly more serious Wii games, like Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Okami, and yes, of course, Wii Sports Resort. Looking forward greatly to titles including Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon, Tower of Shadow, Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love, Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (I like Sonic waaaaaay better than hysterical rightist Mario the Plumber who has this problem with Bowser spreading the wealth around (reference: Bowser Revolution from the Mario Party games)...probably took his hammer to the health care town hall meeting...), and Super Monkey Ball Step & Roll.

By the way, I sometimes shift from serious to not-so-serious and back again on the fly. I also do some in-line skating. Forgot to mention that before. RRRROOOOAAAAR! :evil:(<--:cuckoo:)
Interesting. Welcome.

I don't see that you've revealed the depth and darkness of your secrets...just teased us a bit. What party might you be interested in pursuing? Might it be Green. That's the closest thing to communism that we have without being called communist.

Have you ever tried chess...as a game?

Do you occasionally skate naked?

Can you show us your monkey?

How can you be in retail and be a Maoist?

How can you be here.... and there?

Creepy if you ask me.
I think it depends on what's being smoked.
Wow! This place is quite a bit more active than I thought. :disbelief: Thanks all for the welcome! :happy-1: (Btw, I like the awesome selection of emoticons here. :cool:)

Originally posted by Big Black Dog:
Hello Red Monkey. Welcome to the playground. I recommend taking half of a valium. Now, take a deep breath. Let it out slowly. Keep your breathing steady and deep. Go ahead and sit back. Get comfortable - Maybe kick your shoes off. Now, tell us what's on your mind.

*Follows steps* 1...2...3...Aaaaaahhhh, I feel so much more relaxed now. :eusa_angel: Anyhow, my boyfriend's on my mind, but that's another story.

Originally posted by asaratis:
Have you ever tried chess...as a game?

I was in the chess club in 11th grade. That's because there was nothing else that sounded good was available. Does that count?

Do you occasionally skate naked?

Yes actually. :eusa_angel: Public nudity is legal where I live and every once in a long while I take advantage of that fact, as do some other people.

Can you show us your monkey?

I would, but it seems I'm not yet allowed to post links. (Meaning obviously that I don't have one of my own. :eusa_boohoo:)

I don't see that you've revealed the depth and darkness of your secrets...just teased us a bit. What party might you be interested in pursuing? Might it be Green. That's the closest thing to communism that we have without being called communist.

Nope, not by a long shot. (Meaning I'm not remotely interested in the Green Party.) I referred to the Revolutionary Communist Party which is, as you'd probably guess, a Maoist organization.

Originally posted by Xenophon:
How can you be in retail and be a Maoist?

Like this: :eusa_wall: :mad:

That's you on the inside when you have the prestigious occupation of cashier/courtesy clerk.

Originally posted by Sidestreamer:
A gamer... I never had a chance to try the Wii but I hear some of the games actually get a bit athletic. Still, I'm sticking to my PS3.

Some games are more athletic than others. Muramasa for example uses no motion controls. But then there are the games that use the Wii Balance Board on the other hand (like Shaun White Snowboarding) and kinda in-between titles like Wii Sports Resort (which uses the Wii Motion Plus in a variety of less to more active ways), so there's a whole range. I like the wide selection in that respect. When it comes to the other systems, you're more or less confined to boring old button-mashing, at least for now anyway. I may see if I can afford a PS3 some time next year though now that they've finally knocked the price down to a half-sane level and with the PlayStation Motion Controller coming out early next year. I'd be interested in checking out Noby Noby Boy, Little Big Planet, and Katamari Forever. :woohoo:
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Originally posted by asaratis:
Have you ever tried chess...as a game?

I was in the chess club in 11th grade. That's because there was nothing else that sounded good was available. Does that count?
Unless you just talked about playing a game and never tried one, that would be a "yes".

Yes actually. :eusa_angel: Public nudity is legal where I live and every once in a long while I take advantage of that fact, as do some other people.
Was it at such a gathering that you chose your present boyfriend?

I would, but it seems I'm not yet allowed to post links. (Meaning obviously that I don't have one of my own. :eusa_boohoo:)
If you are female, you have a monkey.

Nope, not by a long shot. (Meaning I'm not remotely interested in the Green Party.) I referred to the Revolutionary Communist Party which is, as you'd probably guess, a Maoist organization.
Have you thought of relocating to Communist China? I understand they live there under the results of Maoism. Of course you probably couldn't skate naked there.

They have a unique solution to overpopulation, too. They just kill a few million of their own people. If I remember correctly, China holds the record for that.
Originally posted by Xenophon:
How can you be in retail and be a Maoist?

Like this: :eusa_wall: :mad:

That's you on the inside when you have the prestigious occupation of cashier/courtesy clerk.
The wealth envy is obvious.

Originally posted by asaratis:
Was it at such a gathering that you chose your present boyfriend?

I met my present boyfriend at a Halloween party last year. (I was dressed in a Twister costume, he as the Grim Reaper.) We started out as friends and gradually moved on to better things. He, unlike yourself, is a very nice person. :ahole-1:

Have you thought of relocating to Communist China? I understand they live there under the results of Maoism. Of course you probably couldn't skate naked there.

They have a unique solution to overpopulation, too. They just kill a few million of their own people. If I remember correctly, China holds the record for that.

There are no sincerely socialist countries on Earth today as far as I'm concerned. China was the last and their revolution was violently overthrown in 1976 shortly after Mao's death in a conflict that saw thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of arrests, including the arrest of Mao's so-called "gang" of closest supporters in the party. Since that time, China has been a capitalist country. The only people who today continue to claim that China is anything else than that are those who simply won't see otherwise out of either wishful thinking or (as in your case) the convenience of a reactionary nationalist argument in defense of American or European imperialism.

Point: I'm serious about world revolution and about eliminating all oppressive and exploitative relations and sweeping away everything reactionary, including the liquidation of all national boundaries and the cessation of commodity production (money, etc.), and about the establishment of a classless society based on the free association of people freely sharing all the world. This isn't some utopian vision that can't be realized, but something that's very much on the historical agenda in today's world from a scientific standpoint.

...See, I CAN be serious! Woodleedoodleedoo!:eusa_dance:
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Originally posted by asaratis:
Was it at such a gathering that you chose your present boyfriend?

I met my present boyfriend at a Halloween party last year. (I was dressed in a Twister costume, he as the Grim Reaper.) We started out as friends and gradually moved on to better things. He, unlike yourself, is a very nice person. :ahole-1:

Have you thought of relocating to Communist China? I understand they live there under the results of Maoism. Of course you probably couldn't skate naked there.

They have a unique solution to overpopulation, too. They just kill a few million of their own people. If I remember correctly, China holds the record for that.

There are no sincerely socialist countries on Earth today as far as I'm concerned. China was the last and their revolution was violently overthrown in 1976 shortly after Mao's death in a conflict that saw thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of arrests, including the arrest of Mao's so-called "gang" of closest supporters in the party. Since that time, China has been a capitalist country. The only people who today continue to claim that China is anything else than that are those who simply won't see otherwise out of either wishful thinking or (as in your case) the convenience of a reactionary nationalist argument in defense of American or European imperialism.

Point: I'm serious about world revolution and about eliminating all oppressive and exploitative relations and sweeping away everything reactionary, including the liquidation of all national boundaries and the cessation of commodity production (money, etc.), and about the establishment of a classless society based on the free association of people freely sharing all the world. This isn't some utopian vision that can't be realized, but something that's very much on the historical agenda into today's world from a scientific standpoint.

...See, I CAN be serious! Woodleedoodleedoo!:eusa_dance:
Correct. I am an asshole, for sure. I can be a very nice person, too...when I choose to be so. Just a bit abrasive, you might say...and insensitive. Thoughts of communism raise my blood pressure and I morph from sarcastic to sardonic. Only thick-skinned people like me a lot. That's the way I want it to be, so I'm comfortable with being an asshole.

China has long been recognized as having abandoned true communism. They have long been the largest seller of goods to Wal-Mart and other retailers alike, after having realized the value of capitalism and using their ability to produce goods at near zero cost on the backs of the billions of peasants that reside there.

Your dream world sounds interesting as a fantasy. If you suppose to get enough people to agree with you to establish a worldwide commune of flower children, I suggest you start with converting radical religious leaders to atheism.
Originally posted by asaratis:
Your dream world sounds interesting as a fantasy. If you suppose to get enough people to agree with you to establish a worldwide commune of flower children, I suggest you start with converting radical religious leaders to atheism.

Flower children? You make it sound like I'm a spoiled, middle class junkie. :lol:

The above type of pseudo-intellectual cynicism does not dissuade me.
well if you can make it pass the introduction thread without crying.....you may be a keeper....

other than that...what the fuck you are 25.....mal for brains....(in real bad mood with that age group)
the emotes are more fun that i ever figured...i didnt care for them at first....



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