Hobby Lobby Invested in Abortion and Contraception Products

Those companies they invested in don't specialize in just making abortifacients.

But at least some of the profits Hobby Lobby was pocketing came from the sale of abortifacients.

Blood money.

Hypocrisy on a grand scale. Hypocrites hide behind a veil of piety in order to hide their crimes. But eventually someone comes along and pulls the curtain back.

The Greens don't give a phlying phuck about their religious beliefs, they just want to reduce the overall cost of the employee insurance plan.
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you liberals are idiots. Learn how a 401k works you morons.

Yup, try to veer off and deflect. Facts are facts, the Greens had millions invested in abortion and contraception devices and drugs with Big Pharma.

I've posted the link to IRS docs.

Own it.
Those companies they invested in don't specialize in just making abortifacients.

But at least some of the profits Hobby Lobby was pocketing came from the sale of abortifacients.

Blood money.

Hypocrisy on a grand scale. Hypocrites hide behind a veil of piety in order to hide their crimes. But eventually someone comes along and pulls the curtain back.

The Greens don't give a phlying phuck about their religious beliefs, they just want to reduce the overall cost of the employee insurance plan.

Slandering the family goes nowhere. The story DID originate in Mother Jones, I would not draw conclusions so soon on hypocrisy.
You could have a lot of fun looking into people's 401ks.

Who is invested in oil companies, gun manufacturers, the military-industrial complex...:badgrin:
But at least some of the profits Hobby Lobby was pocketing came from the sale of abortifacients.

Blood money.

Hypocrisy on a grand scale. Hypocrites hide behind a veil of piety in order to hide their crimes. But eventually someone comes along and pulls the curtain back.

The Greens don't give a phlying phuck about their religious beliefs, they just want to reduce the overall cost of the employee insurance plan.

Slandering the family goes nowhere. The story DID originate in Mother Jones, I would not draw conclusions so soon on hypocrisy.

Plenty of links are provided to Hobby Lobby's own investment reports.
You could have a lot of fun looking into people's 401ks.

Who is invested in oil companies, gun manufacturers, the military-industrial complex...:badgrin:

Many, many people and businesses have no idea where 401k dollars are invested.
Hypocrisy on a grand scale. Hypocrites hide behind a veil of piety in order to hide their crimes. But eventually someone comes along and pulls the curtain back.

The Greens don't give a phlying phuck about their religious beliefs, they just want to reduce the overall cost of the employee insurance plan.

Slandering the family goes nowhere. The story DID originate in Mother Jones, I would not draw conclusions so soon on hypocrisy.

Plenty of links are provided to Hobby Lobby's own investment reports.

You are really stupid. It is amazing how fucking ignorant you are about this.
But at least some of the profits Hobby Lobby was pocketing came from the sale of abortifacients.

Blood money.

Hypocrisy on a grand scale. Hypocrites hide behind a veil of piety in order to hide their crimes. But eventually someone comes along and pulls the curtain back.

The Greens don't give a phlying phuck about their religious beliefs, they just want to reduce the overall cost of the employee insurance plan.

Slandering the family goes nowhere. The story DID originate in Mother Jones, I would not draw conclusions so soon on hypocrisy.

Slander would mean the story is false. Is it?
Straight from Mother Jones. I don't think so. Those companies they invested in don't specialize in just making abortifacients. They make a wide array of drugs that the Hobby Lobby plan covers.

Thread fail. Citing Mother Jones and touting an opinion piece was your first mistake.

An ad hominem attack on the messenger is not an argument.
Straight from Mother Jones. I don't think so. Those companies they invested in don't specialize in just making abortifacients. They make a wide array of drugs that the Hobby Lobby plan covers.

Thread fail. Citing Mother Jones and touting an opinion piece was your first mistakes.

It's quoted and verified by Forbes. ANd of course you didn't click on the link to the IRS returns either, now did you?

They knew what those pharmas were making and they kept the stock anyway.

Post fail, bub.


Wow, posting in bold really makes me look cool!

The author obviously anticipated fucklets like you would try that card, because he included this:

As I suspect many readers will find this as hard to believe and digest as I, the data can be confirmed by reviewing the company’s 2012 Annual Report of Employee Benefit Plan as filed with the Department of Labor.

Now apologize to us, once for your ignorance, once for your obstinance.
Didn't take long to discover this bit of typical rightwing hypocrisy, as reported by Forbes:

Hobby Lobby Invested In Numerous Abortion And Contraception Products While Claiming Religious Objection

Hobby Lobby Invested In Numerous Abortion And Contraception Products While Claiming Religious Objection - Forbes

Savings Incentive and Profit Sharing Plan for Employees of the Hobby Lobby Group

According to the Green family, interfering with an already fertilized egg is tantamount to abortion—an act unacceptable to the family and one they refuse to participate in no matter what the Affordable Care Act may require .

However, it turns out that the owners of Hobby Lobby do not appear to have any problem with profiting from the companies that manufacture the very products that so grievously offend their religious principles.

The following is a summation of the companies manufacturing these products that are held by the Hobby Lobby employee retirement plan, as set forth by Ms. Redden’s remarkable reporting:

These companies include Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, which makes Plan B and ParaGard, a copper IUD, and Actavis ACT +0.26%, which makes a generic version of Plan B and distributes Ella. Other holdings in the mutual funds selected by Hobby Lobby include Pfizer PFE +0.25%, the maker of Cytotec and Prostin E2, which are used to induce abortions; Bayer , which manufactures the hormonal IUDs Skyla and Mirena; AstraZeneca AZN +0.54%, which has an Indian subsidiary that manufactures Prostodin, Cerviprime, and Partocin, three drugs commonly used in abortions; and Forest Laboratories, which makes Cervidil, a drug used to induce abortions. Several funds in the Hobby Lobby retirement plan also invested in Aetna AET -0.49% and Humana, two health insurance companies that cover surgical abortions, abortion drugs, and emergency contraception in many of the health care policies they sell.

I see you don't understand the difference between a Corporation and a Franchise.
The Hobby Lobby Corporation (Group) made those decisions, not the individual owner (Franchise).
The owner of the Hobby Lobby has no problem with his employees who want to pay for it on their own.
Hypocrisy on a grand scale. Hypocrites hide behind a veil of piety in order to hide their crimes. But eventually someone comes along and pulls the curtain back.

The Greens don't give a phlying phuck about their religious beliefs, they just want to reduce the overall cost of the employee insurance plan.

Slandering the family goes nowhere. The story DID originate in Mother Jones, I would not draw conclusions so soon on hypocrisy.

Slander would mean the story is false. Is it?

Too soon to know for sure, but attacking the family is not an answer if one disagrees with the ruling. It is a closed company, they may have chosen a 401k that LATER invested in contraceptives they believe violate the tenents of their faith.
Straight from Mother Jones. I don't think so. Those companies they invested in don't specialize in just making abortifacients. They make a wide array of drugs that the Hobby Lobby plan covers.

Thread fail. Citing Mother Jones and touting an opinion piece was your first mistake.

Here you go, troll:

Anti-abortion company Hobby Lobby invests in contraception makers

CBS has corroborated MJ's findings, too.

Anti-abortion company Hobby Lobby invests in contraception makers - CBS News

Sounds very indirect, like saying that they support Obama if someone in the company has insurance.

It's crap. You are reaching while claiming victory! I was for employers having to pay ... at first. Oh, well - I know when I'm licked.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Slandering the family goes nowhere. The story DID originate in Mother Jones, I would not draw conclusions so soon on hypocrisy.

Plenty of links are provided to Hobby Lobby's own investment reports.

You are really stupid. It is amazing how fucking ignorant you are about this.

I think we know who the idiots are. Those who have contempt prior to investigation, and just dismiss the story because it comes from Mother Jones. Those people are idiots.

I simply pointed out there is factual proof of what 401k plans Hobby Lobby uses provided in the form of Hobby Lobby's own investment reports. Dumbass.
Straight from Mother Jones. I don't think so. Those companies they invested in don't specialize in just making abortifacients. They make a wide array of drugs that the Hobby Lobby plan covers.

Thread fail. Citing Mother Jones and touting an opinion piece was your first mistake.

So its OK to invest in a company that sells things you find morally repugnant - as long as they sell other stuff, to.

Got it.
Straight from Mother Jones. I don't think so. Those companies they invested in don't specialize in just making abortifacients. They make a wide array of drugs that the Hobby Lobby plan covers.

Thread fail. Citing Mother Jones and touting an opinion piece was your first mistake.

An ad hominem attack on the messenger is not an argument.

Says the racist far left Obama drone.
Straight from Mother Jones. I don't think so. Those companies they invested in don't specialize in just making abortifacients. They make a wide array of drugs that the Hobby Lobby plan covers.

Thread fail. Citing Mother Jones and touting an opinion piece was your first mistakes.

It's quoted and verified by Forbes. ANd of course you didn't click on the link to the IRS returns either, now did you?

They knew what those pharmas were making and they kept the stock anyway.

Post fail, bub.


Wow, posting in bold really makes me look cool!

You should at least reduce your excuses for not reading something to one per page.

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