Hobby Lobby Invested in Abortion and Contraception Products

What those who are snickering at Hobby Lobby are failing to realize is that the Supreme Court was not making a decision about Hobby Lobby. They were making a decision about religious freedom. This decision applies to all closely held companies, not just Hobby Lobby.

A guy who publishes dirty magazines speaks for us all in the Supreme Court when he fights for freedom of speech even if we all find him personally morally reprehensible.

SCOTUS has decided to make it legal to bring religion back into the employee work place. That's what they have done, ultimately. And ultimately this ruling will impact EOE laws.

Oh my the racist far left Obama drone propaganda!

Can the far left not post in in talking points and propaganda?
Let's for the sake of argument say that Hobby Lobby is guilty of hypocrisy. So what?

How exactly does that give the Federal Government the right to force people to act against their religious beliefs?

I find it completely amazing that you seem to think that because someone may or may not be a hypocrite, that somehow empowers you to take aware their freedom.
Didn't take long to discover this bit of typical rightwing hypocrisy, as reported by Forbes:

Hobby Lobby Invested In Numerous Abortion And Contraception Products While Claiming Religious Objection

Hobby Lobby Invested In Numerous Abortion And Contraception Products While Claiming Religious Objection - Forbes

Savings Incentive and Profit Sharing Plan for Employees of the Hobby Lobby Group

According to the Green family, interfering with an already fertilized egg is tantamount to abortion—an act unacceptable to the family and one they refuse to participate in no matter what the Affordable Care Act may require .

However, it turns out that the owners of Hobby Lobby do not appear to have any problem with profiting from the companies that manufacture the very products that so grievously offend their religious principles.

The following is a summation of the companies manufacturing these products that are held by the Hobby Lobby employee retirement plan, as set forth by Ms. Redden’s remarkable reporting:

These companies include Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, which makes Plan B and ParaGard, a copper IUD, and Actavis ACT +0.26%, which makes a generic version of Plan B and distributes Ella. Other holdings in the mutual funds selected by Hobby Lobby include Pfizer PFE +0.25%, the maker of Cytotec and Prostin E2, which are used to induce abortions; Bayer , which manufactures the hormonal IUDs Skyla and Mirena; AstraZeneca AZN +0.54%, which has an Indian subsidiary that manufactures Prostodin, Cerviprime, and Partocin, three drugs commonly used in abortions; and Forest Laboratories, which makes Cervidil, a drug used to induce abortions. Several funds in the Hobby Lobby retirement plan also invested in Aetna AET -0.49% and Humana, two health insurance companies that cover surgical abortions, abortion drugs, and emergency contraception in many of the health care policies they sell.

I see you don't understand the difference between a Corporation and a Franchise.
The Hobby Lobby Corporation (Group) made those decisions, not the individual owner (Franchise).
The owner of the Hobby Lobby has no problem with his employees who want to pay for it on their own.

Hobby Lobby doesn't contribute to employers' 401K's? Are you sure you want to go with that?

Yes they do as a Corporation.
That is exactly what I am saying.
It's a Corp. decision not the individual owner.
The owner has a problem with paying for it.
He does not have a problem with the drug's existence.
Didn't take long to discover this bit of typical rightwing hypocrisy, as reported by Forbes:

Hobby Lobby Invested In Numerous Abortion And Contraception Products While Claiming Religious Objection

Hobby Lobby Invested In Numerous Abortion And Contraception Products While Claiming Religious Objection - Forbes

Savings Incentive and Profit Sharing Plan for Employees of the Hobby Lobby Group

According to the Green family, interfering with an already fertilized egg is tantamount to abortion—an act unacceptable to the family and one they refuse to participate in no matter what the Affordable Care Act may require .

However, it turns out that the owners of Hobby Lobby do not appear to have any problem with profiting from the companies that manufacture the very products that so grievously offend their religious principles.

The following is a summation of the companies manufacturing these products that are held by the Hobby Lobby employee retirement plan, as set forth by Ms. Redden’s remarkable reporting:

These companies include Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, which makes Plan B and ParaGard, a copper IUD, and Actavis ACT +0.26%, which makes a generic version of Plan B and distributes Ella. Other holdings in the mutual funds selected by Hobby Lobby include Pfizer PFE +0.25%, the maker of Cytotec and Prostin E2, which are used to induce abortions; Bayer , which manufactures the hormonal IUDs Skyla and Mirena; AstraZeneca AZN +0.54%, which has an Indian subsidiary that manufactures Prostodin, Cerviprime, and Partocin, three drugs commonly used in abortions; and Forest Laboratories, which makes Cervidil, a drug used to induce abortions. Several funds in the Hobby Lobby retirement plan also invested in Aetna AET -0.49% and Humana, two health insurance companies that cover surgical abortions, abortion drugs, and emergency contraception in many of the health care policies they sell.

Clearly, their religious beliefs are not as strong as they portrayed in their lawsuit. But they are Conservatives, so it's no shocker that they're hypocrites too.
It is indirect. Which is why I said someone could have fun looking at other people's 401ks to find out who is invested in oil companies, and arms manufacturers, etc. Turnabout is fair play.

It is virtually impossible to invest in a 401k that is morally pure from whatever one's viewpoint is.

The idea that Hobby Lobby willfully knew they were receiving blood money from abortifacient manufacturers is a bit of a stretch.

Then why is there a prosperous industry around providing ethical investments for Christians?

That is a very new industry.

No it isn't. They're also a big corporation - they can afford to hire the ONE financial advisor it would have taken to advise them on the morals of their investments. They didn't, know why? Because to hobby lobby: GREEN > THE BIBLE THey don't give a shit about whether their employees have contraception or not! They just know all you right wing so called Christians are a bunch of moron suckers who will flock to their stores the minute they hold up a Bible!
I'm sure there is also a similar ethical investment industry for hippies. But I doubt a lot of liberals are flocking to it.

8 Great Socially Responsible Funds - US News
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The Supremes ruled that Hobby Lobby can't be forced by government to pay for insurance policies that provide the contraceptives they object to on religious grounds.

We won. Get over it.

That this case even happened is only because the Supreme Court upheld the ACA.

Obama won. YOU get over it.

Spot on. Excellent point, and a fact. Wingies here hate facts.
Didn't take long to discover this bit of typical rightwing hypocrisy, as reported by Forbes:

Hobby Lobby Invested In Numerous Abortion And Contraception Products While Claiming Religious Objection

Hobby Lobby Invested In Numerous Abortion And Contraception Products While Claiming Religious Objection - Forbes

Savings Incentive and Profit Sharing Plan for Employees of the Hobby Lobby Group

According to the Green family, interfering with an already fertilized egg is tantamount to abortion—an act unacceptable to the family and one they refuse to participate in no matter what the Affordable Care Act may require .

However, it turns out that the owners of Hobby Lobby do not appear to have any problem with profiting from the companies that manufacture the very products that so grievously offend their religious principles.

The following is a summation of the companies manufacturing these products that are held by the Hobby Lobby employee retirement plan, as set forth by Ms. Redden’s remarkable reporting:

These companies include Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, which makes Plan B and ParaGard, a copper IUD, and Actavis ACT +0.26%, which makes a generic version of Plan B and distributes Ella. Other holdings in the mutual funds selected by Hobby Lobby include Pfizer PFE +0.25%, the maker of Cytotec and Prostin E2, which are used to induce abortions; Bayer , which manufactures the hormonal IUDs Skyla and Mirena; AstraZeneca AZN +0.54%, which has an Indian subsidiary that manufactures Prostodin, Cerviprime, and Partocin, three drugs commonly used in abortions; and Forest Laboratories, which makes Cervidil, a drug used to induce abortions. Several funds in the Hobby Lobby retirement plan also invested in Aetna AET -0.49% and Humana, two health insurance companies that cover surgical abortions, abortion drugs, and emergency contraception in many of the health care policies they sell.

Clearly, their religious beliefs are not as strong as they portrayed in their lawsuit. But they are Conservatives, so it's no shocker that they're hypocrites too.

The irony of those comments from another racist far left Obama drone.
The Supremes ruled that Hobby Lobby can't be forced by government to pay for insurance policies that provide the contraceptives they object to on religious grounds.

We won. Get over it.

the Supreme Court upheld the ACA.

No, they didn't. They didn't even rule or examine, most of it.

And the part they did rule on, they announced was flatly unconstitutional.

And then they said that if it had been a tax instead of a penalty, it would have been barely constitutional, though still nothing the Founders would ever have supported.

And then they rewrote it from the bench, changing "penalty" into "tax", as though they had any power to to do that.

And then, instead of submitting the modified version to Cnngress to vote on the changes to the law, they simply announced the new version was Law.

In other words, they haven't ruled on what Congress actually passed and the President signed, except to say that it was UNconstitutional.

And ever since then, they have been chopping away at it, finding more and more that's also unconstitutional.

We won. Get over it.
Let's for the sake of argument say that Hobby Lobby is guilty of hypocrisy. So what?

How exactly does that give the Federal Government the right to force people to act against their religious beliefs?

I find it completely amazing that you seem to think that because someone may or may not be a hypocrite, that somehow empowers you to take aware their freedom.

I find it completely amazing that you condone hypocrisy when it's convenient for you.
Straight from Mother Jones. I don't think so. Those companies they invested in don't specialize in just making abortifacients. They make a wide array of drugs that the Hobby Lobby plan covers.

Thread fail. Citing Mother Jones and touting an opinion piece was your first mistake.

Seems like only a couple months ago you had an entirely different attitude towards attacking the messenger. In fact, you put it this way:

A lot of you are shooting the messenger because you can't handle the truth in it's raw form.

Of course that was story from the other side of the partisan fence.

Mr. I'm-not-hypocrite caught once more. lolol.

Yes they do as a Corporation.
That is exactly what I am saying.
It's a Corp. decision not the individual owner.
The owner has a problem with paying for it.
He does not have a problem with the drug's existence.

The Hobby Lobby owner feels abortifacients are morally wrong, and therefore he should not be forced to buy insurance coverage for it.

But if he willingly profits off abortifacients, then he is clearly a hypocrite.

It would be like someone who wants to ban all guns investing in Colt.

We have evidence Hobby Lobby's 401k plan invests in companies which make abortifacients. What we do not know is if the Hobby Lobby owner knows this.
Let's for the sake of argument say that Hobby Lobby is guilty of hypocrisy. So what?

How exactly does that give the Federal Government the right to force people to act against their religious beliefs?

It raises the question of whether or not they are acting in a bona fide attempt to defend their religious beliefs - or do they just want to save a buck?

Given that they clearly have no problem violating the beliefs they claim to hold when it is profitable - I'd say there's a good chance they aren't being honest.

Its also true they in fact covered contraception for their employees until 2012. Why the sudden change of heart?

I find it completely amazing that you seem to think that because someone may or may not be a hypocrite, that somehow empowers you to take aware their freedom.

Their freedom to do what? Change their policy just to piss off Obama?
The Supremes ruled that Hobby Lobby can't be forced by government to pay for insurance policies that provide the contraceptives they object to on religious grounds.

We won. Get over it.

the Supreme Court upheld the ACA.

No, they didn't. They didn't even rule or examine, most of it.

And the part they did rule on, they announced was flatly unconstitutional.

And then they said that if it had been a tax instead of a penalty, it would have been barely constitutional, though still nothing the Founders would ever have supported.

And then they rewrote it from the bench, changing "penalty" into "tax", as though they had any power to to do that.

And then, instead of submitting the modified version to Cnngress to vote on the changes to the law, they simply announced the new version was Law.

In other words, they haven't ruled on what Congress actually passed and the President signed, except to say that it was UNconstitutional.

And ever since then, they have been chopping away at it, finding more and more that's also unconstitutional.

We won. Get over it.

OMG you're more retarded that Kormac, as high as that bar is.
Hypocrisy on a grand scale. Hypocrites hide behind a veil of piety in order to hide their crimes. But eventually someone comes along and pulls the curtain back.

The Greens don't give a phlying phuck about their religious beliefs, they just want to reduce the overall cost of the employee insurance plan.

Slandering the family goes nowhere. The story DID originate in Mother Jones, I would not draw conclusions so soon on hypocrisy.

And again you failed to scratch beneath the story based on YOUR prejudice. MJ's story has been corroborated by every major news agency if you cared to Google it, along with Hobby Lobby's Dept of Labor filings and the IRS links I posted.

Lazy, lazy, lazy. Wingers are so fucking lazy.

I am left wing & right wing at the same time it appears:lol: I must be a moderate.
What those who are snickering at Hobby Lobby are failing to realize is that the Supreme Court was not making a decision about Hobby Lobby. They were making a decision about religious freedom. This decision applies to all closely held companies, not just Hobby Lobby.

A guy who publishes dirty magazines speaks for us all in the Supreme Court when he fights for freedom of speech even if we all find him personally morally reprehensible.

True, just as the KKK may march, if the leaders get a permit. We may not like all liberties, but all remain essential.
Let's for the sake of argument say that Hobby Lobby is guilty of hypocrisy. So what?

How exactly does that give the Federal Government the right to force people to act against their religious beliefs?

I find it completely amazing that you seem to think that because someone may or may not be a hypocrite, that somehow empowers you to take aware their freedom.

Don't you think, in the interests of justice, that the claim of a religious belief ought to actually BE a religious belief, that one genuinely adheres to whenever one has a reasonable opportunity to make a conscious choice? As opposed to a professed belief that one only occasionally practices?
Slandering the family goes nowhere. The story DID originate in Mother Jones, I would not draw conclusions so soon on hypocrisy.

And again you failed to scratch beneath the story based on YOUR prejudice. MJ's story has been corroborated by every major news agency if you cared to Google it, along with Hobby Lobby's Dept of Labor filings and the IRS links I posted.

Lazy, lazy, lazy. Wingers are so fucking lazy.

I am left wing & right wing at the same time it appears:lol: I must be a moderate.

It is not uncommon for the far left to lash out at their own.
The Supremes ruled that Hobby Lobby can't be forced by government to pay for insurance policies that provide the contraceptives they object to on religious grounds.

We won. Get over it.

the Supreme Court upheld the ACA.

No, they didn't. They didn't even rule or examine, most of it.

And the part they did rule on, they announced was flatly unconstitutional.

And then they said that if it had been a tax instead of a penalty, it would have been barely constitutional, though still nothing the Founders would ever have supported.

And then they rewrote it from the bench, changing "penalty" into "tax", as though they had any power to to do that.

And then, instead of submitting the modified version to Cnngress to vote on the changes to the law, they simply announced the new version was Law.

In other words, they haven't ruled on what Congress actually passed and the President signed, except to say that it was UNconstitutional.

And ever since then, they have been chopping away at it, finding more and more that's also unconstitutional.

We won. Get over it.

Oh, oh....I think you're confused. This was the Supreme Court, not the Supremes.

And again you failed to scratch beneath the story based on YOUR prejudice. MJ's story has been corroborated by every major news agency if you cared to Google it, along with Hobby Lobby's Dept of Labor filings and the IRS links I posted.

Lazy, lazy, lazy. Wingers are so fucking lazy.

I am left wing & right wing at the same time it appears:lol: I must be a moderate.

It is not uncommon for the far left to lash out at their own.

She's no liberal, but she is lazy.

Anyone who knee-jerks at a source and won't even scratch the surface is lazy.
Let's for the sake of argument say that Hobby Lobby is guilty of hypocrisy. So what?

How exactly does that give the Federal Government the right to force people to act against their religious beliefs?

I find it completely amazing that you seem to think that because someone may or may not be a hypocrite, that somehow empowers you to take aware their freedom.

Don't you think, in the interests of justice, that the claim of a religious belief ought to actually BE a religious belief, that one genuinely adheres to whenever one has a reasonable opportunity to make a conscious choice? As opposed to a professed belief that one only occasionally practices?

So someone who wants to force someone to act contrary to their religious belief is going to try to lecture the rest of us on justice?

And there is no doubt it's a religious belief. Maybe if you stopped being such a totalitarian and let people be, you would realize that.

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