Holder Uses Government Jets For Personal Trips


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
The political class living good off tax payer money most of them do it. Liberals are probably worst though..

On a pleasant Saturday this summer, Eric Holder, his daughters, their boyfriends and two security officers boarded a government-owned Gulfstream and jetted off to New York for the Belmont Stakes Thoroughbred horse race.

Even for personal trips like this, the attorney general doesn’t fly commercial. For security reasons, Holder — like other top government officials — flies a government plane, though is required to reimburse taxpayers for airfare.

According to records obtained by The Daily Caller through a Freedom of Information Act request, Holder is getting pretty good deal here — especially when he flies a government-owned Gulfstream V jet.

That one day trip to Elmont, N.Y. on June 7, according to records provided to TheDC by the Department of Justice, ended up costing the government $14,440.

But Holder only had to reimburse the government $955 for flying him and four passengers to the final leg of the Triple Crown horse races that day.

Read more: What Taxpayers Pay When Eric Holder Uses Government Jets | The Daily Caller

He and his Thug President make me sick with the way they loot the taxpayer and live like Kings.. Using taxpayer money to fly his daughters and their boyfriends to see a horse race?????
He and his Thug President make me sick with the way they loot the taxpayer and live like Kings.. Using taxpayer money to fly his daughters and their boyfriends to see a horse race?????
Yep. I saw this earlier today. These people are BILKING the Taxpayer and decry the "MIDDLE CLASS" and defending it...and usually the LEFT that thinks nothing wrong...what brainwashed MORONS as this OPPRESSIVE government yanks their NOSE CHAINS...STEALS every CENT out of their wallets
but yet the victims DEFEND the criminals STEALING from them...BUSH's FAULT I tells YA!
Erich HOLDER is a fucking CRIMINAL.
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He and his Thug President make me sick with the way they loot the taxpayer and live like Kings.. Using taxpayer money to fly his daughters and their boyfriends to see a horse race?????
Yep. I saw this earlier today. These people are BILKING the Taxpayer and decry the "MIDDLE CLASS" and defending it...and usually the LEFT that thinks nothing wrong...what brainwashed MORONS as this OPPRESSIVE government yanks their NOSE CHAINS...STEALS every CENT out of their wallets
but yet the victims DEFEND the criminals STEALING from them...BUSH's FAULT I tells YA!
Erich HOLDER is a fucking CRIMINAL.

Liberals are the biggest hypocrites and crooks... I include liberal Republicans in that
He and his Thug President make me sick with the way they loot the taxpayer and live like Kings.. Using taxpayer money to fly his daughters and their boyfriends to see a horse race?????
Yep. I saw this earlier today. These people are BILKING the Taxpayer and decry the "MIDDLE CLASS" and defending it...and usually the LEFT that thinks nothing wrong...what brainwashed MORONS as this OPPRESSIVE government yanks their NOSE CHAINS...STEALS every CENT out of their wallets
but yet the victims DEFEND the criminals STEALING from them...BUSH's FAULT I tells YA!
Erich HOLDER is a fucking CRIMINAL.

Liberals are the biggest hypocrites and crooks... I include liberal Republicans in that
So Do I...and shame that many Conservatives in office HAVE TO RUN on a Republican Ticket...that DUOPOLY has to be busted up. It is tearing this country asunder.

/OT And I demand an explanation from HOLDER. This is like Obama and MOOCHELLE going to the SAME destination on their all too frequent VACATIONS but on SEPARATE aircraft with their leeches/hangers-on (including the MEDIA), in TOW...WE PAY for this shit, and it IS BILKING the people...No fucking wonder we have this outrageous DEBT approaching 18 TRILLION.
The political class living good off tax payer money most of them do it. Liberals are probably worst though..

On a pleasant Saturday this summer, Eric Holder, his daughters, their boyfriends and two security officers boarded a government-owned Gulfstream and jetted off to New York for the Belmont Stakes Thoroughbred horse race.

Even for personal trips like this, the attorney general doesn’t fly commercial. For security reasons, Holder — like other top government officials — flies a government plane, though is required to reimburse taxpayers for airfare.

According to records obtained by The Daily Caller through a Freedom of Information Act request, Holder is getting pretty good deal here — especially when he flies a government-owned Gulfstream V jet.

That one day trip to Elmont, N.Y. on June 7, according to records provided to TheDC by the Department of Justice, ended up costing the government $14,440.

But Holder only had to reimburse the government $955 for flying him and four passengers to the final leg of the Triple Crown horse races that day.

Read more: What Taxpayers Pay When Eric Holder Uses Government Jets | The Daily Caller


Elections have consequences. If Romney was president you'd be here defending one of his guys flying around in an airplane.
The political class living good off tax payer money most of them do it. Liberals are probably worst though..

On a pleasant Saturday this summer, Eric Holder, his daughters, their boyfriends and two security officers boarded a government-owned Gulfstream and jetted off to New York for the Belmont Stakes Thoroughbred horse race.

Even for personal trips like this, the attorney general doesn’t fly commercial. For security reasons, Holder — like other top government officials — flies a government plane, though is required to reimburse taxpayers for airfare.

According to records obtained by The Daily Caller through a Freedom of Information Act request, Holder is getting pretty good deal here — especially when he flies a government-owned Gulfstream V jet.

That one day trip to Elmont, N.Y. on June 7, according to records provided to TheDC by the Department of Justice, ended up costing the government $14,440.

But Holder only had to reimburse the government $955 for flying him and four passengers to the final leg of the Triple Crown horse races that day.

Read more: What Taxpayers Pay When Eric Holder Uses Government Jets | The Daily Caller


Elections have consequences. If Romney was president you'd be here defending one of his guys flying around in an airplane.

OMG!!! you said AIRPLANE.., good for you. :lmao:
The political class living good off tax payer money most of them do it. Liberals are probably worst though..

On a pleasant Saturday this summer, Eric Holder, his daughters, their boyfriends and two security officers boarded a government-owned Gulfstream and jetted off to New York for the Belmont Stakes Thoroughbred horse race.

Even for personal trips like this, the attorney general doesn’t fly commercial. For security reasons, Holder — like other top government officials — flies a government plane, though is required to reimburse taxpayers for airfare.

According to records obtained by The Daily Caller through a Freedom of Information Act request, Holder is getting pretty good deal here — especially when he flies a government-owned Gulfstream V jet.

That one day trip to Elmont, N.Y. on June 7, according to records provided to TheDC by the Department of Justice, ended up costing the government $14,440.

But Holder only had to reimburse the government $955 for flying him and four passengers to the final leg of the Triple Crown horse races that day.

Read more: What Taxpayers Pay When Eric Holder Uses Government Jets | The Daily Caller


Elections have consequences. If Romney was president you'd be here defending one of his guys flying around in an airplane.

Yes, they do. And you will get to experience the long term repercussions of the elections in your lifetime. I hope you survive it.
The political class living good off tax payer money most of them do it. Liberals are probably worst though..

On a pleasant Saturday this summer, Eric Holder, his daughters, their boyfriends and two security officers boarded a government-owned Gulfstream and jetted off to New York for the Belmont Stakes Thoroughbred horse race.

Even for personal trips like this, the attorney general doesn’t fly commercial. For security reasons, Holder — like other top government officials — flies a government plane, though is required to reimburse taxpayers for airfare.

According to records obtained by The Daily Caller through a Freedom of Information Act request, Holder is getting pretty good deal here — especially when he flies a government-owned Gulfstream V jet.

That one day trip to Elmont, N.Y. on June 7, according to records provided to TheDC by the Department of Justice, ended up costing the government $14,440.

But Holder only had to reimburse the government $955 for flying him and four passengers to the final leg of the Triple Crown horse races that day.

Read more: What Taxpayers Pay When Eric Holder Uses Government Jets | The Daily Caller


I don't care what political party you are from, if ANY personal trip is taken by these politicians they should have to pick up the entire tab, period. Not some discounted rate.

Same way with presidents and their family. They should have a 4 weeks of vacation where the taxpayer can pick up part of the tab for security.

After that, every expense for personal trips should come from the president to include paying for security since it was his or her decision to take another trip.
OP- Just the same bills as you had with Bushies, and they were a total catastrophe lol. This is stupid propaganda, for ignorant hater dupes ONLY. Try reading about how GOP policy is ruining your life. See sig, you perfect chumps of the greedy idiot rich...
The political class living good off tax payer money most of them do it. Liberals are probably worst though..

On a pleasant Saturday this summer, Eric Holder, his daughters, their boyfriends and two security officers boarded a government-owned Gulfstream and jetted off to New York for the Belmont Stakes Thoroughbred horse race.

Even for personal trips like this, the attorney general doesn’t fly commercial. For security reasons, Holder — like other top government officials — flies a government plane, though is required to reimburse taxpayers for airfare.

According to records obtained by The Daily Caller through a Freedom of Information Act request, Holder is getting pretty good deal here — especially when he flies a government-owned Gulfstream V jet.

That one day trip to Elmont, N.Y. on June 7, according to records provided to TheDC by the Department of Justice, ended up costing the government $14,440.

But Holder only had to reimburse the government $955 for flying him and four passengers to the final leg of the Triple Crown horse races that day.

Read more: What Taxpayers Pay When Eric Holder Uses Government Jets | The Daily Caller


Elections have consequences. If Romney was president you'd be here defending one of his guys flying around in an airplane.

:eusa_hand:I include Romney in the liberal Republican group
He and his Thug President make me sick with the way they loot the taxpayer and live like Kings.. Using taxpayer money to fly his daughters and their boyfriends to see a horse race?????
Yep. I saw this earlier today. These people are BILKING the Taxpayer and decry the "MIDDLE CLASS" and defending it...and usually the LEFT that thinks nothing wrong...what brainwashed MORONS as this OPPRESSIVE government yanks their NOSE CHAINS...STEALS every CENT out of their wallets
but yet the victims DEFEND the criminals STEALING from them...BUSH's FAULT I tells YA!
Erich HOLDER is a fucking CRIMINAL.

He should be showering tax-cuts on the wealthy like your people do when they're in office :rolleyes:
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Why is the general public considered such a security threat? IMO; don't do the job if you see the general public (or they see you) in such ugly terms.
Why is the general public considered such a security threat? IMO; don't do the job if you see the general public (or they see you) in such ugly terms.

Holder is above us common folks. It's not about security its about convenience why should he haft to wait at the airport?

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