homosexual troops perform in drag at AF base

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Not a sock for anyone...I find it disgusting and hilarious at the same time. Our military has been reduced to faggots and drag queens that's who is supposed to defend us! No wonder most nations laugh at us now!
Not a sock for anyone...I find it disgusting and hilarious at the same time. Our military has been reduced to faggots and drag queens that's who is supposed to defend us! No wonder most nations laugh at us now!

We can't get professional wrestlers to join......

What does it matter if they are gay? Straight (and closeted gay) Sailors have been performing in drag for a LOOOOONG time and Shellback ceremonies.


Still a Navy tradition and has been for a long time. My father's uncle was a pollywog queen just after WWII. He even got a Naval Achievement Medal for doing it so well (he took bets that he couldn't make the Skipper blush and donated the money to an orphanage).

Where and when did you serve tough guy?

:lol::lol: You are funny. I went and talked to a Marine Recruiter one time...I was so damn bored at home at a dead end job I wanted ACTION! Thank goodness it didn't work out. I know better now than I did then...more than enough Americans die for Israels interests as it is I have absolutely 0% interest in being one of them or my kids being one of them. I will hammer it home the US military is not what it was in my fathers day its now just a extension of Israel's military.

Where and when did you serve tough guy?

:lol::lol: You are funny. I went and talked to a Marine Recruiter one time...I was so damn bored at home at a dead end job I wanted ACTION! Thank goodness it didn't work out. I know better now than I did then...more than enough Americans die for Israels interests as it is I have absolutely 0% interest in being one of them or my kids being one of them. I will hammer it home the US military is not what it was in my fathers day its now just a extension of Israel's military.

I get it now, you are a Nazi.
I am an AMERICAN get over it. :) Let the butt fuckers and dykes go fight for Israel at least the nations best and brightest won't be wasted in war.

Where and when did you serve tough guy?

:lol::lol: You are funny. I went and talked to a Marine Recruiter one time...I was so damn bored at home at a dead end job I wanted ACTION! Thank goodness it didn't work out. I know better now than I did then...more than enough Americans die for Israels interests as it is I have absolutely 0% interest in being one of them or my kids being one of them. I will hammer it home the US military is not what it was in my fathers day its now just a extension of Israel's military.

Ah. Yes, thank goodness it didn't work out. It sounds like you would have been dead weight at best, or reckless and dangerous to our side at worst. Most of the guys who were "bored" and wanted some "action" were like that when I was in.

Did you know that some of the most Nancy-looking fellows took over the entire Pacific island by island? Were you aware that during Vietnam when we had a very unpopular war and a strong statist in charge that being gay did not disqualify anyone from military service? Some of the most effeminate fellows you'd ever see were stone cold gook killers. I mean we're talking real bonafide San Fransissy butt pirates that lived their lives in drag but had Silver Stars in their desk drawers and racked up many confirmed kills.

So you can call it disgusting, that is your right - bought and paid for by many homosexuals that killed some commies for you.
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I was in the military for 6 years and never went to war, so I never fought for da Jooooooooooooos, but there are more than Jewish people that are rich....

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