Hostile and mentally unstable progressive females


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I came across this Progressive website while searching for Minneapolis immigrant issues. I then got curious about the writer of this article so I looked her up and came across this so I snapshot it to put into the bottom of the post as a portion concerning my thoughts on how birth control pills may be the causation in creating some real whackjobs. Hormones play an intricate part in mental stability and they are studies on the matter that have found this but many women keep taking them and people keep wondering where some of these whackos are coming from. Pharmaceuticals are a blessing for the modern society but they are and can be a severe curse too.

You guys on here wondering about the females and why some are so whacky; common sense is tossed when you want sex on demand without wanting to get females PG or use a temporary contraceptive. It is a vast circle jerk of consequences when one starts looking into the ins and outs of it all. For convenience sake you give away other things up to and including security of having citizens with sound minds.

She seems to be having a tough time. Eugenics is out but birth control and abortion are in? Does she not know that abortions and birth control are a portion of the eugenics push? Not that we need more messes like this out there but I mean really there is no common sense here with type.
Birth control mess.PNG

Next up foreign workers.

The clueless "Banshee" types are supporting and boosting out of control immigration and large corporations. By doing that they help create more slums where people cannot find jobs. These companies like Cargill immigrant workers - Google Search have been displacing American workers for many years unabated.

More nonsense from hysterical right-wingers who cannot understand that people need and want birth control, and that birth control decreases the number of abortions. Why can't you idiots acknowledge that preventing unplanned/unwanted pregnancies is an important issue with thinking people. Aren't you people capable of a mature discussion?
More nonsense from hysterical right-wingers who cannot understand that people need and want birth control, and that birth control decreases the number of abortions. Why can't you idiots acknowledge that preventing unplanned/unwanted pregnancies is an important issue with thinking people. Aren't you people capable of a mature discussion?
I see you haven't got a thing to add to the conversation so let me help you out here.

More nonsense from hysterical right-wingers who cannot understand that people need and want birth control, and that birth control decreases the number of abortions. Why can't you idiots acknowledge that preventing unplanned/unwanted pregnancies is an important issue with thinking people. Aren't you people capable of a mature discussion?
I see you haven't got a thing to add to the conversation so let me help you out here.

What makes you think that everyone is having casual sex? Are you thinking of something in your own personal history? Any pickups? One-night stands?

Why do you pretend that people in relationships and married folks don't exist? You are ignoring a large segment of the heterosexual population. Ever hear of couples wanting to delay having kids or space their kids? Couples who are having financial difficulties and can't afford a baby at the moment? Couples who want to finish their education and get settled before having kids? Moreover, women who have just had a baby might not want another one nine months later. Would it hurt you to think?
More nonsense from hysterical right-wingers who cannot understand that people need and want birth control, and that birth control decreases the number of abortions. Why can't you idiots acknowledge that preventing unplanned/unwanted pregnancies is an important issue with thinking people. Aren't you people capable of a mature discussion?
That's not the subject under discussion. It's the effect of hormonal birth control on mental and physical stability.
I am not a fan of long term use of hormone based birth control. It can and certainly has caused cancer in women. From what I have read and the women I have known, hormone birth control should not be used for longer than ten years. Then find something else. Perhaps an IUD.
What makes you think that everyone is having casual sex? Are you thinking of something in your own personal history? Any pickups? One-night stands?
You've never had a one-night stand outside your bedroom window? Some dude isn't hanging around offering money for sex? The cops aren't trying to arrest you for loitering, trespassing, or prostitution? And there isn't an underage girl in the restroom digging through your purse offering to suck up to you? The cops aren't trying to arrest you for that, too? Maybe you need a civil commitment or a stay in the state mental hospital until you're feeling better. What have you been smoking anyways?
I came across this Progressive website while searching for Minneapolis immigrant issues. I then got curious about the writer of this article so I looked her up and came across this so I snapshot it to put into the bottom of the post as a portion concerning my thoughts on how birth control pills may be the causation in creating some real whackjobs. Hormones play an intricate part in mental stability and they are studies on the matter that have found this but many women keep taking them and people keep wondering where some of these whackos are coming from. Pharmaceuticals are a blessing for the modern society but they are and can be a severe curse too.

You guys on here wondering about the females and why some are so whacky; common sense is tossed when you want sex on demand without wanting to get females PG or use a temporary contraceptive. It is a vast circle jerk of consequences when one starts looking into the ins and outs of it all. For convenience sake you give away other things up to and including security of having citizens with sound minds.

She seems to be having a tough time. Eugenics is out but birth control and abortion are in? Does she not know that abortions and birth control are a portion of the eugenics push? Not that we need more messes like this out there but I mean really there is no common sense here with type.
View attachment 390203

There are over 200 drugs to cure chemical imbalances. Most contain poisons you don't put in your body. Prozac one of the more popular drugs main ingredients is fluoride The NAZIs used it during WWII to make their victims go mad. Each of these poisons cure a different chemical imbalance. EVERY school shooting since the mid 50's the shooter was taking at least one of these drugs or just coming off these drugs. World wide over 100 million are prescribed these drugs. Every member of the FDA has financial ties with the pharmaceutical industry. Mix up a poison , pick some chemical imbalance for it to cure and get it on the market as soon as you can. The average profit a day for these drugs is $7.5 million with the FDA approving twice as many of these drugs and doing it in half the time.

Don't expect any politician to tell you this or blame anything but the steel for these shootings. The pharmaceutical industry is the number one lobbyist in DC spending 7 times that of number two. $400 billion a year profit grease a lot of palms including at the state level. The Drug User's act took all the small ma and pa businesses putting them out of business having to pay $1 million to the FDA to test a drug to make sure it's safe and the user won't kill as many as he can. I didn't say they did their job only what their job is to be. This is when all the known cures that have worked for thousands of years were pulled from the shelfs. This industry must be headed by Satan. That birth control device doctors have been putting in women that they say is the best thing since can milk but you never hear of the thousands of law suits because of the damage it has done in women. Greed of some kill many. Same stuff, different day. Did I mention no body on Earth knows what a chemical imbalance is.
I am not a fan of long term use of hormone based birth control. It can and certainly has caused cancer in women. From what I have read and the women I have known, hormone birth control should not be used for longer than ten years. Then find something else. Perhaps an IUD.
After seeing what and how hormone based birth control affected a few young women very negatively that were close to us I think even ten years is too much. A year of altered hormones changes a person psychologically and physiologically. IUD's can cause long term health issues too.

Although you can use spermicide alone, it works better when you combine it with a condom or diaphragm. Spermicide used alone is about 70% to 80% effective, but when used together and properly, spermicide and condoms are about 97% effective in preventing pregnancy.

Cognitive function refers to the brain’s ability to process information about the world and includes thinking, memory, recall, mental flexibility, problem solving and learning (1, 2). Without all these functions operating properly, people can display abnormalities that may be diagnosed as diseases or disorders. Some examples of cognitive impairment are Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and neuropsychiatric disorders (2). Cognitive impairment can be caused by numerous factors (i.e., genetics, aging, lifestyle, environment), but surprisingly, several studies have found that hormonal fluctuations are one of the key factors that lead to defects in cognitive function (3, 4, 5). Hormones are modulated from the beginning of life in utero, as the differentiations of gender begin in utero (6, 7). The sexual/gonadal hormones such as androgen, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone are continuously produced by gonads and are regulated throughout adolescence and adulthood (8).

More nonsense from hysterical right-wingers who cannot understand that people need and want birth control, and that birth control decreases the number of abortions. Why can't you idiots acknowledge that preventing unplanned/unwanted pregnancies is an important issue with thinking people. Aren't you people capable of a mature discussion?
We were having one until you crawled in....
I am not a fan of long term use of hormone based birth control. It can and certainly has caused cancer in women. From what I have read and the women I have known, hormone birth control should not be used for longer than ten years. Then find something else. Perhaps an IUD.
After seeing what and how hormone based birth control affected a few young women very negatively that were close to us I think even ten years is too much. A year of altered hormones changes a person psychologically and physiologically. IUD's can cause long term health issues too.

Although you can use spermicide alone, it works better when you combine it with a condom or diaphragm. Spermicide used alone is about 70% to 80% effective, but when used together and properly, spermicide and condoms are about 97% effective in preventing pregnancy.

Cognitive function refers to the brain’s ability to process information about the world and includes thinking, memory, recall, mental flexibility, problem solving and learning (1, 2). Without all these functions operating properly, people can display abnormalities that may be diagnosed as diseases or disorders. Some examples of cognitive impairment are Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and neuropsychiatric disorders (2). Cognitive impairment can be caused by numerous factors (i.e., genetics, aging, lifestyle, environment), but surprisingly, several studies have found that hormonal fluctuations are one of the key factors that lead to defects in cognitive function (3, 4, 5). Hormones are modulated from the beginning of life in utero, as the differentiations of gender begin in utero (6, 7). The sexual/gonadal hormones such as androgen, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone are continuously produced by gonads and are regulated throughout adolescence and adulthood (8).

Every woman I have known that used birth control pills long term got breast cancer. That's 100%. I asked my doctor if there was a link and she said that every study she has seen said no. Every medical investigation she read found no causal link whatsoever. I asked her what has she personally seen in her own practice. She admitted that women on hormone based pills got breast or ovarian cancer.
I am not a fan of long term use of hormone based birth control. It can and certainly has caused cancer in women. From what I have read and the women I have known, hormone birth control should not be used for longer than ten years. Then find something else. Perhaps an IUD.
After seeing what and how hormone based birth control affected a few young women very negatively that were close to us I think even ten years is too much. A year of altered hormones changes a person psychologically and physiologically. IUD's can cause long term health issues too.

Although you can use spermicide alone, it works better when you combine it with a condom or diaphragm. Spermicide used alone is about 70% to 80% effective, but when used together and properly, spermicide and condoms are about 97% effective in preventing pregnancy.

Cognitive function refers to the brain’s ability to process information about the world and includes thinking, memory, recall, mental flexibility, problem solving and learning (1, 2). Without all these functions operating properly, people can display abnormalities that may be diagnosed as diseases or disorders. Some examples of cognitive impairment are Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and neuropsychiatric disorders (2). Cognitive impairment can be caused by numerous factors (i.e., genetics, aging, lifestyle, environment), but surprisingly, several studies have found that hormonal fluctuations are one of the key factors that lead to defects in cognitive function (3, 4, 5). Hormones are modulated from the beginning of life in utero, as the differentiations of gender begin in utero (6, 7). The sexual/gonadal hormones such as androgen, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone are continuously produced by gonads and are regulated throughout adolescence and adulthood (8).

Every woman I have known that used birth control pills long term got breast cancer. That's 100%. I asked my doctor if there was a link and she said that every study she has seen said no. Every medical investigation she read found no causal link whatsoever. I asked her what has she personally seen in her own practice. She admitted that women on hormone based pills got breast or ovarian cancer.
That "no casual link" crap comes is in a lot of studies as they work to approve drugs.

I've seen several that took BCP get breast cancer or ovarian cancer by their 30's and 40's; and their families had no previous history of cancer. The SV-40 virus could be a contributing factor in that too.

I do believe the dangers are widely under stated when they give these young women the BCP.

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