House finally votes to condemn Biden/Harris for the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal

Trump made the agreement. His agreement freed the terrorists that kiled the soldiers. Trump should be held equally accountable if not more accountable..

What took them so long? This happened 3 years ago. Biden/Harris responsible, but let's see how long it takes for someone to blame Trump.

10 Democrats actually have an honest bone in their body and voted with the Republicans on this one.

The withdrawal culminated in the Abbey Gate terrorist attack on August 26, 2021, which killed 13 U.S. servicemembers, wounding another 45, and killed more than 170 Afghan civilians. The withdrawal concluded on August 30, 2021, when the last U.S. military aircraft left Afghanistan.

This wasn't in February, or March, or April, or May of 2021 ...the early days of the Biden regime. This was AUGUST. If Trump didn't negotiate a good deal, BIDEN and company had more than enough time to modify it.

Biden and Harris 100% responsible for this debacle.
How about them actually doing their jobs? They need to be voted out.

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Trump made the agreement. His agreement freed the terrorists that kiled the soldiers. Trump should be held equally accountable if not more accountable..

The Taliban wanted the cameras to see them chasing us out of their country. Even if Trump would have gotten us out of Afghanistan, which he didn't, but even if he did, I'm pretty sure more than 13 people would have died and Republicans would be saying 13 is a very very small number. What is Trump supposed to do protect every single person in every country? Gimme a break.

Trump doesn't plan things out well. Are we pretending Trump would have had a well thought out plan on exactly how we were going to get out? Or just the concepts of a plan like he has with healthcare?

So it's a joke to think Trump would have had a well planned out exit from Afghanistan. His agreement like you said wasn't well thought out either.
To get at the truth why not start with the number of troops withdrawn during Trump's and then Biden's administration?
The Taliban wanted the cameras to see them chasing us out of their country. Even if Trump would have gotten us out of Afghanistan, which he didn't, but even if he did, I'm pretty sure more than 13 people would have died and Republicans would be saying 13 is a very very small number. What is Trump supposed to do protect every single person in every country? Gimme a break.

Trump doesn't plan things out well. Are we pretending Trump would have had a well thought out plan on exactly how we were going to get out? Or just the concepts of a plan like he has with healthcare?

So it's a joke to think Trump would have had a well planned out exit from Afghanistan. His agreement like you said wasn't well thought out either.
But he had a “concept of a plan”! That always seems to be good enough for MAGA, while Democrats must have a plan completely worked out and vetted on FOX!


What took them so long? This happened 3 years ago. Biden/Harris responsible, but let's see how long it takes for someone to blame Trump.

10 Democrats actually have an honest bone in their body and voted with the Republicans on this one.

The withdrawal culminated in the Abbey Gate terrorist attack on August 26, 2021, which killed 13 U.S. servicemembers, wounding another 45, and killed more than 170 Afghan civilians. The withdrawal concluded on August 30, 2021, when the last U.S. military aircraft left Afghanistan.

This wasn't in February, or March, or April, or May of 2021 ...the early days of the Biden regime. This was AUGUST. If Trump didn't negotiate a good deal, BIDEN and company had more than enough time to modify it.

Biden and Harris 100% responsible for this debacle.

House Republicans are garbage. Trump signed the surrender agreement and ignored the fact that the Taliban broke the agreement from day one.
Trump made the agreement. His agreement freed the terrorists that kiled the soldiers. Trump should be held equally accountable if not more accountable..
I stopped reading your DRIVEL after the first word.

BIDEN had 7 months to alter the agreement if he thought Trump signed a bad deal.

I know, I know.... that makes me a racist.
Too bad the mainstream media had better things to do than hold Biden responsible for the deaths of 13 members of the Military.
The Taliban wanted the cameras to see them chasing us out of their country. Even if Trump would have gotten us out of Afghanistan, which he didn't, but even if he did, I'm pretty sure more than 13 people would have died and Republicans would be saying 13 is a very very small number. What is Trump supposed to do protect every single person in every country? Gimme a break.

Trump doesn't plan things out well. Are we pretending Trump would have had a well thought out plan on exactly how we were going to get out? Or just the concepts of a plan like he has with healthcare?

So it's a joke to think Trump would have had a well planned out exit from Afghanistan. His agreement like you said wasn't well thought out either.
But once again: the bottom line is, that BIDEN was the guy in charge of the withdrawal. You can put all kinds of "what ifs" on it, and speculate all you want, and say it might have been worse with Trump but that really doesn't matter, does it?
I despise Biden and Harris, but doing this now makes it so obvious it is a political stunt by the Pubs.

I guess they just took a page from the Dim playbook. Yes, it should have been done a long time ago.
The investigation and final report were just completed.

I stopped reading your DRIVEL after the first word.

BIDEN had 7 months to alter the agreement if he thought Trump signed a bad deal.
So? The fact remains that trumps deal freed the terrorists and they were free when Biden took office. You guys seem to forget the soldiers killed in various places durng trump. Like the soldiers in Niger where trump told his wife that he knew what he signed up for.

Pentagon report finds multiple failures leading to Niger attack​

“The direct cause of the enemy attack in Tongo Tongo is that the enemy achieved tactical surprise there and our forces were outnumbered approximately three-to-one.”
This happened during Trump. American soldiers sent into an ambush tactically unprepared. So you might want to stop talking about Biden.

Trump And The Military: What An Erratic Commander In Chief Leaves Behind​

January 4, 2021

"Obama in his first term spent more than [Trump] did," says Larry Korb of the Center for American Progress. Obama spent $3.3 trillion on the military in his first term, Korb points out, compared with $2.9 trillion during Trump's term.

Moreover, Trump's claim of a military that was lagging under Obama was not the case, Korb says. Back in the summer of 2016, retired Gen. David Petraeus and O'Hanlon wrote an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal titled:

The Myth of a U.S. Military ‘Readiness’ Crisis​

So? The fact remains that trumps deal freed the terrorists and they were free when Biden took office. You guys seem to forget the soldiers killed in various places durng trump. Like the soldiers in Niger where trump told his wife that he knew what he signed up for.

Pentagon report finds multiple failures leading to Niger attack​

“The direct cause of the enemy attack in Tongo Tongo is that the enemy achieved tactical surprise there and our forces were outnumbered approximately three-to-one.”
This happened during Trump. American soldiers sent into an ambush tactically unprepared. So you might want to stop talking about Biden.

Trump And The Military: What An Erratic Commander In Chief Leaves Behind​

January 4, 2021

"Obama in his first term spent more than [Trump] did," says Larry Korb of the Center for American Progress. Obama spent $3.3 trillion on the military in his first term, Korb points out, compared with $2.9 trillion during Trump's term.

Moreover, Trump's claim of a military that was lagging under Obama was not the case, Korb says. Back in the summer of 2016, retired Gen. David Petraeus and O'Hanlon wrote an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal titled:

The Myth of a U.S. Military ‘Readiness’ Crisis​

Did I not speak clearly?

I'm not reading your "analysis" here.
It's a waste of time.
This transparent theater for the rubes is about Harris, not Biden.
Biden - Harris - Obama - Pelosi - Hillary - Bill Clinton - George W. Bush - they are all the same. They are the UNIPARTY. They don't give a F about you. It's a big club - and you are not in it.
To get at the truth why not start with the number of troops withdrawn during Trump's and then Biden's administration?

Since nobody is willing to step up and face the truth,

The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.

And the Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.


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