House finally votes to condemn Biden/Harris for the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal

But he had a “concept of a plan”! That always seems to be good enough for MAGA, while Democrats must have a plan completely worked out and vetted on FOX!

Step 1 was Obamacare.

Do you realize that in order to get a deal, we had to give your buddies the insurance companies time to prepare for Obamacare price controls to kick in. Like, 2 or 3 years. And in that time guess what they did? That's right. They gouged you. You people are so fucking stupid.

I can't fix stupid. Like, full blown stupid. Ever notice Psychiatrists never cure sociopaths or psychopaths? Those people are full blown crazy. So they work with people in the middle. Reasonable nuts. You're not one of them.

Do you want to fix healthcare costs? Then don't fight FOR the insurance companies next year when Kamala tries.
I stopped reading your DRIVEL after the first word.

BIDEN had 7 months to alter the agreement if he thought Trump signed a bad deal.

I know, I know.... that makes me a racist.

The only condition the Taliban complied with was the truce between the US and our NATO allies. Yet we complied with all the agreed upon troop reductions, abandoning 5 military bases, and forced a 5 to 1 prisoner swap between the Afghan government and the Taliban (without input from the Afghan government). That was all within the 135 day time line in the Doha Accords signed at the end of February. Then, even though none of the other conditions were met, Trump ordered the reduction of troop level from 8,600 to just 2,500 just days before Biden took office. How was President Biden suppose to put those horses back in the barn? President Biden had to weigh the option of redeploying tens of thousands or young soldiers to that fruitless occupation to fix Trumps lack of fealty to the agreement, verses the cost of quitting the occupation.

Realize Trump didn't order the final troop reduction down to the skeleton crew of 2,500 US Soldiers until after Biden was declared the victor in 2020. I believe it was on purpose to hamstring the US Military and the Commander in Chief.
The only condition the Taliban complied with was the truce between the US and our NATO allies. Yet we complied with all the agreed upon troop reductions, abandoning 5 military bases, and forced a 5 to 1 prisoner swap between the Afghan government and the Taliban (without input from the Afghan government). That was all within the 135 day time line in the Doha Accords signed at the end of February. Then, even though none of the other conditions were met, Trump ordered the reduction of troop level from 8,600 to just 2,500 just days before Biden took office. How was President Biden suppose to put those horses back in the barn? President Biden had to weigh the option of redeploying tens of thousands or young soldiers to that fruitless occupation to fix Trumps lack of fealty to the agreement, verses the cost of quitting the occupation.

Realize Trump didn't order the final troop reduction down to the skeleton crew of 2,500 US Soldiers until after Biden was declared the victor in 2020. I believe it was on purpose to hamstring the US Military and the Commander in Chief.
Whether or not Trump withdrew 7,500 troops makes no difference. That was 7 months before the terrorist attack. Biden had 7 months to do something. Add more troops, beef up security, alter the agreement. He did what he does best: nothing. Biden responsible.

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