House GOPers War On Birth Control

sure they do, but I won't respect anyone who so openly says this as if it is TRUTH, just can't do it.
Abortion is one issue that I CAN'T STOMACH. there are reasons for it.
And I support your right to not have one
Holy shit Maddie, I can't believe you just called a child, a Zygote. Is that what it take to be able to convince oneself they are NOT KILLING THEIR OWN CHILD?
you are one sick and twisted person.
now I go and puke.

a very generous number of people believe this Stephanie. I disagree with them.....but we must respect the sentiments of others if we expect them to respect our own.

sure they do, but I won't respect anyone who so openly says this as if it is TRUTH, just can't do it.
Abortion is one issue that I CAN'T STOMACH. there are reasons for it.

But Stephanie...they have valid reason to believe abortion should be acceptable. They do not see a fertilized egg as the beginning of life. Do I agree? Heck no....but who am I to say they cant do it?

I will never support my son's girlfirends aborting nor will I support my wife aborting. But I will always vote in favor of them having the choice to do so.


Becuase those who see it as murder wont do it and those that dont see it as murder can do it.
a very generous number of people believe this Stephanie. I disagree with them.....but we must respect the sentiments of others if we expect them to respect our own.

sure they do, but I won't respect anyone who so openly says this as if it is TRUTH, just can't do it.
Abortion is one issue that I CAN'T STOMACH. there are reasons for it.

But Stephanie...they have valid reason to believe abortion should be acceptable. They do not see a fertilized egg as the beginning of life. Do I agree? Heck no....but who am I to say they cant do it?

I will never support my son's girlfirends aborting nor will I support my wife aborting. But I will always vote in favor of them having the choice to do so.


Becuase those who see it as murder wont do it and those that dont see it as murder can do it.

Fine for you dear.
Of course they can still get an abortion. But.
If by speaking out AGAISNT IT can change a few minds, then that is what I will do.
Well, in all fairness to Stephanie, some people feel very strongly about life beginning at conception. Right or wrong is not the issue. It is about a belief system
What's funny is how regarding fiscal issues, the left wants government to do their charity for them and when the right objects, the left says the right are greedy and don't believe in helping people. The left are unable to question their basic premise that maybe charity's not reasonably a government function, it's a personal one.

Now if you switch sides, maybe the right needs to learn that morality is not a government function, it's a personal one and get out there and provide women alternatives and ask them to use them rather then running to government to use it's guns to force them.

The idea that government can tell a woman that she must carry a baby to term in her own body or government is going to make her is just as intellectually and personally lazy as when the right tells the left to get a job and fund their own charities.

I dont think you intentionally spun the premise of the right....but you did.

The right sees abortion as murder. It has nothing to do with the woman's body as it pertains to the issue.
It has to do with the eyes of the right...
They are not arguing the rights of a woman...they are arguing the right to murder.

Yeah yeah...I know....but it is her body...and it is not life yet...and all that stuff...

But see it from their perspective....MY perspective....aborting is murdering a child.
sure they do, but I won't respect anyone who so openly says this as if it is TRUTH, just can't do it.
Abortion is one issue that I CAN'T STOMACH. there are reasons for it.

But Stephanie...they have valid reason to believe abortion should be acceptable. They do not see a fertilized egg as the beginning of life. Do I agree? Heck no....but who am I to say they cant do it?

I will never support my son's girlfirends aborting nor will I support my wife aborting. But I will always vote in favor of them having the choice to do so.


Becuase those who see it as murder wont do it and those that dont see it as murder can do it.

Fine for you dear.
Of course they can still get an abortion. But.
If by speaking out AGAISNT IT can change a few minds, then that is what I will do.

I agree with you.
But speaking out about it and demeaning those who see it differently are two different things.

Convince them with your passion...not with hatred.

Just sayin'...kinda sorta
I dont think you intentionally spun the premise of the right....but you did.

The right sees abortion as murder. It has nothing to do with the woman's body as it pertains to the issue.
It has to do with the eyes of the right...
They are not arguing the rights of a woman...they are arguing the right to murder.

Yeah yeah...I know....but it is her body...and it is not life yet...and all that stuff...

But see it from their perspective....MY perspective....aborting is murdering a child.
I don't think you got my point. I'm not arguing any of this. , I'm arguing that the solution to your view to set up charities and provide women choices, not run to government and ask them to with the force of government guns implement your view. Does that argument not sound familiar at all regarding other issues in reverse? I am saying I respect your view, make it so. But take that responsibility yourself, don't pawn it off on politicians and force.

There is no other case in which government forces someone what to do with their life. This is not like don't steal. You either steal or don't steal. This is not like murder where you kill or you don't. With the government final solution to this, you are forcing a woman to ongoingingly subject her body to your view for the balance of 9 months. To compare that to shooting someone in a bar is preposterous. What is not preposterous is your convincing it's moral to carry the baby to term.
But Stephanie...they have valid reason to believe abortion should be acceptable. They do not see a fertilized egg as the beginning of life. Do I agree? Heck no....but who am I to say they cant do it?

I will never support my son's girlfirends aborting nor will I support my wife aborting. But I will always vote in favor of them having the choice to do so.


Becuase those who see it as murder wont do it and those that dont see it as murder can do it.

Fine for you dear.
Of course they can still get an abortion. But.
If by speaking out AGAISNT IT can change a few minds, then that is what I will do.

I agree with you.
But speaking out about it and demeaning those who see it differently are two different things.

Convince them with your passion...not with hatred.

Just sayin'...kinda sorta

yeah, I hear what you're saying. I don't HATE much, I dislike a lot. But I absolutely HATE ABORTIONS. I guess it comes out in the way I speak about it. oh well, I'll punish myself later. ;)
yeah, I hear what you're saying. I don't HATE much, I dislike a lot. But I absolutely HATE ABORTIONS. I guess it comes out in the way I speak about it. oh well, I'll punish myself later. ;)

Can you post videos of that???
yeah, I hear what you're saying. I don't HATE much, I dislike a lot. But I absolutely HATE ABORTIONS. I guess it comes out in the way I speak about it. oh well, I'll punish myself later. ;)

Can you post videos of that???

It boggles the mind that ANYONE would have a problem with birth control. Free condoms, free the Pill!

The GOP has lost it's mind.
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I'm glad you can have a little fun with it. Here, I'll help get you started...

"you're a very bad girl, you need to be punished..."

I think the approrpaite word is "spanked"

But I am a pervert so what do I know.
Spanking is certainly a good choice, but it's more fun if they pick their own punishment.


I'm just hoping this doesn't lead to the need for an abortion...

It boggles the mind that ANYONE would have a problem with birth control. Free condoms, free the Pill!

The GOP has lost it's mind.
You're late to the party. The GOP isn't against birth control. That was a

...wait for it...

lie. If liberalism made sense they wouldn't have to resort to lies. But it doesn't so they do. And this is one of the more stupid ones.

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