House Intelligence Committee Phone Records Search Doesn't Imperil America!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The media again shows itself to be a disappointment in fulfilling its role to inform and draw out and report on the public discussion of issues and events taking place within the country. Major news outlets MSNBC and CNN are treating the recent disclosure that the Trump administration's Department of Justice used their subpoena or warrant power to get the phone Records of the Democrat Chairman of the intelligence committee, some of his staff along with some of their family members like it's President Nixon Watergate scandal with their O President Trump used the power of the DOJ to spy on his political enemies. The media needs to stop with their sensationalizing perspective, the DOJ's actions were legitimate. Prior to President Trump's first impeachment there was a leak about President Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the majority of Americans don't like President Trump because he is a President that put his own interests above the country's so they are not bothered about the leak. The leak involved the situation that during a phone call between President Trump and President Zelensky, President Trump indirectly communicated to President Zelensky that if he wanted the U.S. aid necessary to defend his country he would have to investigate former Vice-President Biden's involvement in getting the rid of a prior Ukranian General Prosecutor and a theory that it was Ukrainian agents not Russian agents that hacked the DNC server during the 2016 campaign season; because America's National Security is so complicated when the U.S. President talks to another foreign country's leader the United States National Security Association staff has to listen in, one of the NSA staff who listened to this conversation thought President Trump was breaking the law and leaked the contents of the phone call in violation of America's laws prohibiting the leak of classified information. President Trump's action during the call were extremely sleazy so most people could care less about the leak. But to those members of the Government charged with upholding the integrity of our country's system of keeping classified information classified this was a big deal so they got the Chairman and his staff''s phone records to see if they could identify the leaker. This was perfectly legitimate people need to consider should it be okay that if Executive Branch staffers think the law is being violated they can break classification rules; what if a likeable President like Joe Biden has a phone conversation with Ukrainian President Zelensky about all of Russia's unusual activity on the Ukrainian Border over the past year and President Biden says to President Zelensky if Putin sends in his little green men into eastern Ukraine I am going to give you A,B,C, and D military resources to repel the assault and one of the NSA staffers listening in on the call decides President Biden cannot do this on his own he needs Congressional approval to do it and so leaks the content of the call and it becomes public and therefore Vladimir learns of it and does the expected thing and picks up the phone and calls the Russian top General Yuri and says what do you need to counter A thru D and General Yuri outlines what is needed and Putin says you got it and so the Ukrainian people's vital security protections are just eviscerated!

The media needs to stop focusing on this unimportant issue of Congressional phone records and cover thoroughly important issues like how is this hundreds of billions of new infrastructure money Congress is now readying going to be spent. Is the road and bridge money going to be squandered away repaving roads and putting side walls on highways or will America get meaningful improvements in its Transportation Infrastructure system! Will the power grid infrastructure money be used "winterizing" power generation systems and other elements of the system when owners of those elements who make a good profit on their business have shirked their responsibility to insure their equipment operates in foreseeable cold climate conditions or will the power grid money be used laying new and additional power lines and transformers to run from solar and wind electricity generating facilities to communities that need the electricity. Will the renewable power infrastructure money be spent on utility supplying size systems that are already price competitive with natural gas and coal or will it be spent on residential and commercial where the money can bring a lot of systems into existence that would not otherwise be the case! Will the electric vehicle charging station infrastructure money be squandered on stations that will be outdated in ten years or less wouldn't it be prudent to use the money to pay for individual homeowners charging stations so that it would make it easier and more affordable for individual Americans to buy an electric vehicle. Over the last twenty years there has been at least three times where the lack of water for residences, businesses and environmental needs for the state of California and neighboring states is beyond crisis level it is just causing devastation, the current times is one of these periods. Be it that this area of the country provides a large portion of the nation's overall food supply there exist the justification for Washington to permanently fix the problem. One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to know how to fix the problem; the area needs reservoirs built, along with a pipeline that runs from the pacific ocean to the reservoirs and desalination plants to make the water potable! What will Congress be doing in their infrastructure bill to solve this western United States problem! There is many more public policy issues on infrastructure that the media could better serve the American people by focusing on than they have to date!
The media again shows itself to be a disappointment in fulfilling its role to inform and draw out and report on the public discussion of issues and events taking place within the country. Major news outlets MSNBC and CNN are treating the recent disclosure that the Trump administration's Department of Justice used their subpoena or warrant power to get the phone Records of the Democrat Chairman of the intelligence committee, some of his staff along with some of their family members like it's President Nixon Watergate scandal with their O President Trump used the power of the DOJ to spy on his political enemies. The media needs to stop with their sensationalizing perspective, the DOJ's actions were legitimate. Prior to President Trump's first impeachment there was a leak about President Trump's phone call with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the majority of Americans don't like President Trump because he is a President that put his own interests above the country's so they are not bothered about the leak. The leak involved the situation that during a phone call between President Trump and President Zelensky, President Trump indirectly communicated to President Zelensky that if he wanted the U.S. aid necessary to defend his country he would have to investigate former Vice-President Biden's involvement in getting the rid of a prior Ukranian General Prosecutor and a theory that it was Ukrainian agents not Russian agents that hacked the DNC server during the 2016 campaign season; because America's National Security is so complicated when the U.S. President talks to another foreign country's leader the United States National Security Association staff has to listen in, one of the NSA staff who listened to this conversation thought President Trump was breaking the law and leaked the contents of the phone call in violation of America's laws prohibiting the leak of classified information. President Trump's action during the call were extremely sleazy so most people could care less about the leak. But to those members of the Government charged with upholding the integrity of our country's system of keeping classified information classified this was a big deal so they got the Chairman and his staff''s phone records to see if they could identify the leaker. This was perfectly legitimate people need to consider should it be okay that if Executive Branch staffers think the law is being violated they can break classification rules; what if a likeable President like Joe Biden has a phone conversation with Ukrainian President Zelensky about all of Russia's unusual activity on the Ukrainian Border over the past year and President Biden says to President Zelensky if Putin sends in his little green men into eastern Ukraine I am going to give you A,B,C, and D military resources to repel the assault and one of the NSA staffers listening in on the call decides President Biden cannot do this on his own he needs Congressional approval to do it and so leaks the content of the call and it becomes public and therefore Vladimir learns of it and does the expected thing and picks up the phone and calls the Russian top General Yuri and says what do you need to counter A thru D and General Yuri outlines what is needed and Putin says you got it and so the Ukrainian people's vital security protections are just eviscerated!

The media needs to stop focusing on this unimportant issue of Congressional phone records and cover thoroughly important issues like how is this hundreds of billions of new infrastructure money Congress is now readying going to be spent. Is the road and bridge money going to be squandered away repaving roads and putting side walls on highways or will America get meaningful improvements in its Transportation Infrastructure system! Will the power grid infrastructure money be used "winterizing" power generation systems and other elements of the system when owners of those elements who make a good profit on their business have shirked their responsibility to insure their equipment operates in foreseeable cold climate conditions or will the power grid money be used laying new and additional power lines and transformers to run from solar and wind electricity generating facilities to communities that need the electricity. Will the renewable power infrastructure money be spent on utility supplying size systems that are already price competitive with natural gas and coal or will it be spent on residential and commercial where the money can bring a lot of systems into existence that would not otherwise be the case! Will the electric vehicle charging station infrastructure money be squandered on stations that will be outdated in ten years or less wouldn't it be prudent to use the money to pay for individual homeowners charging stations so that it would make it easier and more affordable for individual Americans to buy an electric vehicle. Over the last twenty years there has been at least three times where the lack of water for residences, businesses and environmental needs for the state of California and neighboring states is beyond crisis level it is just causing devastation, the current times is one of these periods. Be it that this area of the country provides a large portion of the nation's overall food supply there exist the justification for Washington to permanently fix the problem. One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to know how to fix the problem; the area needs reservoirs built, along with a pipeline that runs from the pacific ocean to the reservoirs and desalination plants to make the water potable! What will Congress be doing in their infrastructure bill to solve this western United States problem! There is many more public policy issues on infrastructure that the media could better serve the American people by focusing on than they have to date!

If you notice last night, the Democrats (even some of the politicians who were targeted) weren't making too much hay out of this. A few of them suggested that the IG do an independent investigation and left it at that. And leaking isn't against the law unless it has to do with immediate national security. Pulling records like this is NOT normal. But typical for an administration that weaponized the DOJ to move against its perceived enemies.

Late breaking. That's what it looks like is going to happen.

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