House Republicans Pass $868 Mil in Cuts to WIC (women, infants, children)

no your missing the point......he is cutting from those who cant fend for themselves......i thought a good caring Democrat is beyond such things....if Arnold was the guy doing this Jim you would be right here calling him a Heartless Bastard....

No, you are the one missing the point. I am sure there is a need to cut from programs that serve the poor and impovished. But to do that at the same time you are advocating a tax cut for the wealthy is unthinkable. It is the lowest of lows. That is exactly what Paul Ryan's plan does.

And don't argue the old lame republican response that. cutting taxes for the rich, increases jobs. How did that work out for W? Obama has created twice the number of jobs as W did, in 2 years, to W's 8.

Now do you understand?

No, you are the one missing the point. I am sure there is a need to cut from programs that serve the poor and impovished.

there is a need?.....what need? you sound like the people you are bashing sound like a Republican now Jimmy....

But to do that at the same time you are advocating a tax cut for the wealthy is unthinkable

oh i have? want to show me where?......

Obama has created twice the number of jobs as W did, in 2 years, to W's 8.

and im delivering twice as many Unemployment Checks as i was back then.....and im talking Engineers and people with 4 year degrees.......and many of these guys said they voted for think they will again?.....

now do you understand?

Of course they will vote for the Mormon that is "unemployed?"
What's the justification/rationale for giving income tax breaks in the thousands of dollars to people who have children,

just because they have those children?
Harry, is Jerry Brown raising taxes as well? I think we need a combination of tax cuts and raising taxes to get the economy moving again.

he would like too....BUT....the point i am trying to make Sarah is....the Republicans are called Heartless Bastards when they cut these Programs, Brown does it....and of course he has a sound reason....Brown could have stood for those folk and said "i wont mess with those who have more Problems than any of us can even want to cut their aid you do it i wont......but he did it .....and of course,hey it had to be done,Jerry is no monster.....the healthy amongst us can handle cuts in things much better than a guy in a wheelchair using his tongue to steer the dam thing.....i can go out and work.....he might not be able too.....i can take a shit by myself....he needs help to do that....the Democrats are just as Heartless as any Republican as far as i am concerned.....
The problem is not budgeting. The problem is oxygen thievery.
Eliminate the worldwide military, euthanize all members of that club. That gene pool needs elimination.The desire to kill and control is a truly evil genetic fault.
Move to politicians( this includes their two legged guard dogs). Start at the very top and work your way all the way down to the scout-"master" and mayor.That is gene pool two, that is closely related to gene pool one, just far more intelligent, if you can call it that."Creative" is a better term. The military is the meatheads. Group two are the professional liars and thieves.
At that point you own the bankers(and their kings and THE queen). Tell them how it will be from now on...... or....... repeat steps one and two.

Have fun. I have a Psychopis Krameriana in bud that is ready to open.I'm going to go witness it..........a six to eight hour event. I find that to be truly important.
Ever sit for a few hours and watch a Morpho menelaus come from its chrysalis and dry it's wings ?

Eliminate the worldwide military, euthanize all members of that club

as long as your first in line....and dont get to close to that Butterfly your shit breath would no doubt kill it.....

I have a Psychopis Krameriana in bud

its spelled PSYCHOPSIS dumbass....try to come in here and act and like your some kind of Naturalist.........:lol:
No, you are the one missing the point. I am sure there is a need to cut from programs that serve the poor and impovished. But to do that at the same time you are advocating a tax cut for the wealthy is unthinkable. It is the lowest of lows. That is exactly what Paul Ryan's plan does.

And don't argue the old lame republican response that. cutting taxes for the rich, increases jobs. How did that work out for W? Obama has created twice the number of jobs as W did, in 2 years, to W's 8.

Now do you understand?

No, you are the one missing the point. I am sure there is a need to cut from programs that serve the poor and impovished.

there is a need?.....what need? you sound like the people you are bashing sound like a Republican now Jimmy....

But to do that at the same time you are advocating a tax cut for the wealthy is unthinkable

oh i have? want to show me where?......

Obama has created twice the number of jobs as W did, in 2 years, to W's 8.

and im delivering twice as many Unemployment Checks as i was back then.....and im talking Engineers and people with 4 year degrees.......and many of these guys said they voted for think they will again?.....

now do you understand?

Of course they will vote for the Mormon that is "unemployed?"
at least i know you could not respond to what i posted to what you said.....thanks for playing Jimmy....
I thought that the Democrat Congress failed to pass a budget last year. So, where would one go to look for last year's budget numbers which you claim show that the Democrats cut funding for WIC?

Key word search on Google maybe?
Here is a snipit of what I easily found...

Funds WIC at $6.048 billion. This figure includes $147 million provided by Rep. Rosa DeLauro’s (D-CT) amendment at full Committee consideration. This additional funding was stripped out on the House floor, and then reinserted by an offset that reduced all accounts in the Ag Approps bill by a 0.78 percent across-the-board cut. Even with the additional $147 million, the program is not expected to serve all those who are eligible. WIC was funded at $6.7 billion in FY2011.

I found that in 2 minutes. If you lefties used your brain you wouldn't have to rely on us so much. Ha ha

Actually, the figure I find (at a WIC site, no less) was funding at $6.748 billion as part of the CR, and NOT a legislative cut to the program by Democrats last year (as YOU claimed) because this CR for year 2011 was passed by the Republican controlled Congress. The date listed is April 12, 2011.

House Appropriators Announce Full Year CR WIC Funding for FY 2011 | NWICA

I'm the moron yet you can't tell the difference between when spending approval passes and when the republicans took over? So by your assessment when fiscal year 2011 began, august 2010, there was no money spent on wic? Your not too bright.
Secondly if your saviors had actually done their jobs and passed a budget instead of stop gap measures we might not have as many problems as we do. But your party was too busy having a party (with our money) to do their constitutional jobs. Idiots, the lot of ya.
If anyone thinks Republicans are on the side of women and children, they outta have their head examined. They only care about children BEFORE they are born. That much is obvious.
If anyone thinks Republicans are on the side of women and children, they outta have their head examined. They only care about children BEFORE they are born. That much is obvious.

The only thing obvious is the level of stupidity and hate you have to blanket 50% of our country with a dumb ass position like that.
If anyone thinks Republicans are on the side of women and children, they outta have their head examined. They only care about children BEFORE they are born. That much is obvious.

The only thing obvious is the level of stupidity and hate you have to blanket 50% of our country with a dumb ass position like that.

thats Dean Grampa.....if you dont agree with him your a lowlife Right Winger......has he hit you with the 90%/6% stat yet?......if not im sure its coming.....
If anyone thinks Republicans are on the side of women and children, they outta have their head examined. They only care about children BEFORE they are born. That much is obvious.

Democrats demonstrate their love of children by saddling them with $14 trillion in debt. The only children they seem to care about are the children of illegal aliens and welfare sluts who can't keep their legs shut.
Why should the elderly be off limits? They're the ones who created the Ponzi schemes. They should have to suffer like everyone else. Furthermore, the are by far the richest age quintile.

Not all of them are rich. Many still struggle.

However, it is not about the poor elderly to be off limits. You miss the mark. It is about priorities. Cutting off impoverished elderly people should be on the bottom of our do to list. Disturbingly, it is a top priority among many rw kooks.

Democrats demonstrate their love of children by saddling them with $14 trillion in debt. The only children they seem to care about are the children of illegal aliens and welfare sluts who can't keep their legs shut.

Exactly, that is why we need another Reagan, Bush, or Bush Jr. They never burden us with trillions in
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Not all of them are rich. Many still struggle.

However, it is not about the poor elderly to be off limits. You miss the mark. It is about priorities. Cutting off impoverished elderly people should be on the bottom of our do to list. Disturbingly, it is a top priority among many rw kooks.

Then turn Social Security and Medicare into welfare programs. That's all they really are anyway. It's time to admit it and cut our losses.

Exactly, that is why we need another Reagan, Bush, or Bush Jr. They never burden us with trillions in

Reagan had a Democrat Congress to contend with, and so did Bush his last two years. Obama is running up debt 4 times faster than Bush, but you defend him.

The debt is yours and Obama's. You own it now.
Hey if these poor people can't afford to feed and care for their children,

they should move to Afghanistan and apply for foreign aid.

How about not having children? Next thing you'll want me to believe is that there are no women having children to live on their benefits.
Then turn Social Security and Medicare into welfare programs. That's all they really are anyway. It's time to admit it and cut our losses.

I agree. I will advocate for free market solution, but that is just not gonna happen under our current paradigm.

Reagan had a Democrat Congress to contend with


Plus, Reagan increased spending in CA by a lot.

, and so did Bush his last two years.

You are such a hack. Bush was a spendthrift before Dems came into power. Then after Dems came into power, Bush got want he wanted.

Obama is running up debt 4 times faster than Bush, but you defend him.

The debt is yours and Obama's. You own it now.

I don't defend Obama. Heck, I didn't even vote for him.

Perhaps you want to try this again when you can get more honest.
Why didn't they cut both? Nothing should be off limits; everything should be cut. Period.

i agree ....except for the elderly and the Handicapped......

Why should the elderly be off limits? They're the ones who created the Ponzi schemes. They should have to suffer like everyone else. Furthermore, the are by far the richest age quintile.

Why should the elderly be off limits?

i had your attitude about 6 years ago until i seen first hand how our Government treats its Elderly.....its eye opener....

They're the ones who created the Ponzi schemes.

they are also the ones who helped create the living standards we have today...hey go tell your Grand parents that they are on their own.....then i will go tell mine...but you first....
Hey if these poor people can't afford to feed and care for their children,

they should move to Afghanistan and apply for foreign aid.

How about not having children? Next thing you'll want me to believe is that there are no women having children to live on their benefits.

It's a bit late to discourage someone from having a child once the child is born.
It's a bit late to discourage someone from having a child once the child is born.

When you give that person money, you encourage others who haven't yet made the mistake to do it also.

Ignoring the incentives government programs create is one of the main idiocies of liberalism.
i had your attitude about 6 years ago until i seen first hand how our Government treats its Elderly.....its eye opener....

"Its elderly?" When did the elderly become government property? Why should the government treat the elderly any different than anyone else in this country?

they are also the ones who helped create the living standards we have today...hey go tell your Grand parents that they are on their own.....then i will go tell mine...but you first....

All they did is go to work and pay their bills. They also voted in scumbags like FDR, Harry Truman, and Jimmy Carter. In that way they drastically lowered our standard of living. People like Henry Ford, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are the ones who improved our standard of living, not the vast class of dolts who are good for nothing but brute labor.

Here's the deal: I'll pay for my grand parents and you can pay for yours.

That's how things used to be in this country.
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