House Republicans Pass $868 Mil in Cuts to WIC (women, infants, children)

So if "insurance don't do shit" then the answer is "government insurance"?....
You people are a fucking miracle.
Oh, since you brought up estates getting eaten up, why is it your side is so intent on having the federal government confiscate the majority of them upon the death of the owner?
Face palm.

sorry Medicare was very little help......Medi-Cal was even worse.....and all the threads we have been in together you still think im for what you state here?.....having the federal government confiscate the majority of them upon the death of the owner?
.......geezus you pay attention dont you its my turn to do the face palm.....
So if "insurance don't do shit" then the answer is "government insurance"?....
You people are a fucking miracle.
Oh, since you brought up estates getting eaten up, why is it your side is so intent on having the federal government confiscate the majority of them upon the death of the owner?
Face palm.

sorry Medicare was very little help......Medi-Cal was even worse.....and all the threads we have been in together you still think im for what you state here?.....having the federal government confiscate the majority of them upon the death of the owner?
.......geezus you pay attention dont you its my turn to do the face palm.....
Look Ed, if the private sector doesn't insure these people, then the public sector must. Very simple.
Liberals are for death taxes. In fact at 55% many liberal politicians thought that number was too low. So what are you talking about, Norton?
Liberals are for death taxes.

Every American is for the death tax. Taxing uber wealthy estates is on of the first places that we should tax.

America was built off of hard work and ingenuity, not perpetual and inherited wealth.

Go back to England and support the Queen.
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Big fucking deal....cutting out some fraud, waste and abuse from the Federal spending.

But they leave farm subsidies unchanged.

I gotta say that while cuts need to be made to the budget, when Republicans cut food assistance to women, infants, and children while insisting on maintaining the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, it only serves to reinforce the image of Republicans' as being cold and heartless.

Seems pretty foolish to me. It makes what they tried to do to Medicare look positively altruistic in comparison.

A spending bill to fund the nation's food and farm programs would cut the Women, Infants and Children program, which offers food aid and educational support for low-income mothers and their children, by $868 million, or 13 percent. An international food assistance program that provides emergency aid and agricultural development would drop by more than $450 million, one-third of the program's budget. The legislation passed 217-203.

As they cut other programs, lawmakers rejected two proposals that would have saved money by lowering the maximum amount of money a farmer can receive in subsidies from the government. While fiscal conservatives and other critics of subsidies argued that they need to be cut as lawmakers look for ways to save, farm-state members said those cuts should be pushed back until Congress considers a new five-year farm bill next year.

Food Aid Cuts For Women, Children Passed By House Republicans
go fuck yourself, double-taxing people's money is you.

I am evil. That is why I would end all taxation on income, savings, and investment and apply a progressive consumption tax that will bring in half our tax revenues that our government gets now since I believe in fiscal conservatism and limited government.

I am fucking evil for believing in limited government. Tell us why you bring the truth of big government and irresponsible spending?
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A consumption tax is stupid because it would stunt economic growth.

A flat tax for everyone is best, you pay 20% across the gimmicks and no bullshit.

Also the death tax is bullshit because many times people have invested their money into an estate for their family, then the Govt comes in and steals money from it via the death tax.

Taxing dead people???? What the fuck.

go fuck yourself, double-taxing people's money is you.

I am evil. That is why I would end all taxation on income, savings, and investment and apply a progressive consumption tax that will bring in half our tax revenues that our government gets now since I believe in fiscal conservatism and limited government.

I am fucking evil for believing in limited government. Tell us why you bring the truth of big government and irresponsible spending?
Uh dumbfuck....the economy doesn't grow if people don't buy shit. People putting their money under their bed, in a piggy bank, etc doesn't stimulate the economy.

I have an A.B. in Economics and a MBA, you're talking to the wrong person if you think you're smarter than me.

A consumption tax is stupid because it would stunt economic growth.

Wrong. Economic growth comes from savings, not consumption.

Nice job at failing.

Plus, go back to England if you want to support monarchy and mercantilism.
Uh dumbfuck....the economy doesn't grow if people don't buy shit. People putting their money under their bed, in a piggy bank, etc doesn't stimulate the economy.

I have an A.B. in Economics and a MBA, you're talking to the wrong person if you think you're smarter than me.

I am smarter than you. Economic growth comes from capital accumulation (i.e. investment), not unbridled consumption.

Your degrees are worthless.
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Liberals are for death taxes.

Every American is for the death tax. Taxing uber wealthy estates is on of the first places that we should tax.

America was built off of hard work and ingenuity, not perpetual and inherited wealth.

Go back to England and support the Queen.
Every greedy non-producing American..
What makes you think you are entitled to the wealth of other just because they pass away?
Why should for instance a lifetime of work be confiscated by government? Do you feel as though you are owed?
This issue is all about jealousy.
You people view taxation not as a method to raise revenue but as a means to punish those who you think have "won the lottery of life". You use the force of government sanctions to fulfill yourself.
And suppose we have a guy who worked in a blue collar environment, saved and scrimped all his life, built himself a comfortable nest egg, saved it for his children's future. Bought a vacation home cheap that dramatically increased in value due to market forces...He has built wealth in his property and his savings and investments....Now, do you think you are entitled to any of this? You wish to see the children of this man deprived of their birthright?
Or is this your self involved idea of getting even.
Listen, do your own work and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing.
House Republicans Pass $868 Mil in Cuts to WIC (women, infants, children)

But they leave farm subsidies unchanged.

Corporate tools.

The reason farm subsidies are unchanged is that they're the ones growing the food for the politicians "Food for Peace Program." I watched it on C-Span they argued that cutting out "Food for Peace Program" would cut the throat of the farmers. So, its better we cut the poorest people in America the children, sick and elderly.

We have to scream at the politicians AMERICA FIRST NOT LAST!!!!!

That’s why I mentioned we give food aid to Pakistan from Food for Peace and they turn around and build 100 nuclear warheads in their country. Does that make sense? All the while they're pretending to be our friend as long as the money keeps rolling in. We have the stupidest politicians in the world, they can’t even buy friends.

And suppose we have a guy who worked in a blue collar environment, saved and scrimped all his life, built himself a comfortable nest egg, saved it for his children's future. Bought a vacation home cheap that dramatically increased in value due to market forces...He has built wealth in his property and his savings and investments....Now, do you think you are entitled to any of this? You wish to see the children of this man deprived of their birthright?

The estate tax does not apply to people like this. This is more rw kook talking points.

Listen, do your own work and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing.

I am actually an anarchist at heart. However, as of now, we need government in our lives.

Tell me where the best place to tax is? I say estates and consumption. However you got your panties in a ruffle and disagree with me.

A flat tax won't work until we solve the crony capitalism which you rw kooks love.
You are a dumbfuck hiding behind a computer, go hang your Jr High degree on your mom's fridge....she'll be impressed.

Investment doesn't mean shit if nobody is going to consume a good or service in the end. You can build a billion dollar Hooters in Los Angeles but if nobody comes in and buys the food and drinks, it's a loss of investment.

Simple minds like you don't understand these concepts, now go away dumbfuck.

Uh dumbfuck....the economy doesn't grow if people don't buy shit. People putting their money under their bed, in a piggy bank, etc doesn't stimulate the economy.

I have an A.B. in Economics and a MBA, you're talking to the wrong person if you think you're smarter than me.

I am smarter than you. Economic growth comes from capital accumulation (i.e. investment), not unbridled consumption.

Your degrees are worthless.
You are a dumbfuck hiding behind a computer, go hang your Jr High degree on your mom's fridge....she'll be impressed.

Investment doesn't mean shit if nobody is going to consume a good or service in the end. You can build a billion dollar Hooters in Los Angeles but if nobody comes in and buys the food and drinks, it's a loss of investment.

Simple minds like you don't understand these concepts, now go away dumbfuck.

I have more qualifications than you on this subject, but I am not a self-righteous asshole who doesn't know shit.

Economic growth comes from investment, not consumption.
You are a piece of shit with no college degree in this area, I doubt you even stepped foot in a college classroom ever....including junior college.

I will not respond to you since you are like a bum on the street outside my condo.

You are a dumbfuck hiding behind a computer, go hang your Jr High degree on your mom's fridge....she'll be impressed.

Investment doesn't mean shit if nobody is going to consume a good or service in the end. You can build a billion dollar Hooters in Los Angeles but if nobody comes in and buys the food and drinks, it's a loss of investment.

Simple minds like you don't understand these concepts, now go away dumbfuck.

I have more qualifications than you on this subject, but I am not a self-righteous asshole who doesn't know shit.

Economic growth comes from investment, not consumption.
Uh dumbfuck....the economy doesn't grow if people don't buy shit. People putting their money under their bed, in a piggy bank, etc doesn't stimulate the economy.

I have an A.B. in Economics and a MBA, you're talking to the wrong person if you think you're smarter than me.

I am smarter than you. Economic growth comes from capital accumulation (i.e. investment), not unbridled consumption.
I'm smarter than you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have a degree in shit for brains..
Hey Fritz Hollings, no one said anything about unbridled consumerism.
Business hires workers, workers make product, other workers convey product to market, other workers sell product to CONSUMERS.....All of the workers in the chain are also taxpaying consumers. They buy stuff which causes the cycle to start all over again.
Every part of the economy is ties to the others.
Which planet are you from?
You are a piece of shit with no college degree in this area, I doubt you even stepped foot in a college classroom ever....including junior college.

I will not respond to you since you are like a bum on the street outside my condo.

I teach economics and statistics. Bye.
Uh dumbfuck....the economy doesn't grow if people don't buy shit. People putting their money under their bed, in a piggy bank, etc doesn't stimulate the economy.

I have an A.B. in Economics and a MBA, you're talking to the wrong person if you think you're smarter than me.

I am smarter than you. Economic growth comes from capital accumulation (i.e. investment), not unbridled consumption.
I'm smarter than you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have a degree in shit for brains..
Hey Fritz Hollings, no one said anything about unbridled consumerism.
Business hires workers, workers make product, other workers convey product to market, other workers sell product to CONSUMERS.....All of the workers in the chain are also taxpaying consumers. They buy stuff which causes the cycle to start all over again.
Every part of the economy is ties to the others.
Which planet are you from?
I didn't originate this attack, your homeboy did.

I will stand by my statement. Economic growth comes from investment, not consumption. However, retards will throw a fucking hissy over this simple fact.

Did you wear a helmet as a child?

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