How a $Billion saved could be spent.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
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At an average cost of $1500, 60,000 homes could be properly insulated (attic insulation). This could make a city several times as large much more energy efficient.
At an average cost of $1500, 60,000 homes could be properly insulated (attic insulation). This could make a city several times as large much more energy efficient.
more socialism eh......road to more waste.
more socialism eh......road to more waste.
Saving fuel is in the national interest, and it's the only way it can be done effectively. In fact, tax credits are already being given for additional insulating.

I would have claimed the credit when I added insulation to my attic, but the paperwork was too much of a hassle.

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At an average cost of $1500, 60,000 homes could be properly insulated (attic insulation). This could make a city several times as large much more energy efficient.
Sure but the party of efficiency doesn't want to spend the money on anything but billionaire tax cuts and border things. Unfortunately, the other party doesn't want to do anything practical because building giant bird frying solar mirrors in the desert comes with a bigger price tag and everybody knows the bigger the price tag the more moral it is.
At an average cost of $1500, 60,000 homes could be properly insulated (attic insulation). This could make a city several times as large much more energy efficient.

How about just producing more energy? "Man-made climate change" is a hoax and it's not like we're ever going to run out of fossil fuels.
Saving fuel is in the national interest, and it's the only way it can be done effectively. In fact, tax credits are already being given for additional insulating.

I would have claimed the credit when I added insulation to my attic, but the paperwork was too much of a hassle. it with your own money
How about just producing more energy? "Man-made climate change" is a hoax and it's not like we're ever going to run out of fossil fuels.
That won't save homeowners any money. Using less is the best way. You'll die of old age before market forces save you anything.
$1,500 might get a contractor to knock on your door ... maybe ... it's at least $300 to get the job inspected afterwards ...

Unfaced R-30 runs $1.63/sq ft at Lowe's ... so, $1,630 just for the attic ... no labor ... get your brother-in-law and his Sawz-All ...

Billions NOT spent means Billions NOT collected ... why I'm not a Democrat ...
A billion saved is a billion earned. Case ya didn't know we have a huge deficit
We're going to save multiple billions, some to pay down debt, others for sensible programs. While tax money is collected from individuals it should be spent for the national interest.
$1,500 might get a contractor to knock on your door ... maybe ... it's at least $300 to get the job inspected afterwards ...

Unfaced R-30 runs $1.63/sq ft at Lowe's ... so, $1,630 just for the attic ... no labor ... get your brother-in-law and his Sawz-All ...

Billions NOT spent means Billions NOT collected ... why I'm not a Democrat ...
$1500 is the average price. Insulating today is a very competitive business.
Fine idea on it's face but by the time you were required to use union contractors and minority businesses the cost would balloon to 20K a unit.....The DNC needs it's cut you know.

Then they would only do half of it and disappear for six months. ;)
$1500 is the average price. Insulating today is a very competitive business.

I wasn't aware you worked in the industry ... I'm perfectly aware of the competition in the field ... and one must cheat to compete ...

Do you not believe attic insulation costs $1.63 per square foot? ... {Cite} ... for a basic 1,000 square foot home, it costs $1,630 just for the insulation ... labor is extra, and this is dangerous work, worker's comp insurance is STEEP ...

Sadly ... home insulation has been building code for the past 50 years ... if your home isn't insulted already, you've been cheated ...

Two-story homes built of only 2x4's is structurally sound ... the only reason we use 2x6's on the outer walls is for more insulation ... and I've seen a few videos where we're up to 2x8's in the far north ...

ALSO ... don't overlook infiltration ... cold outside air leaking inside and precious heated air leaking outside ... windows and doors are the worst offenders ... but look and feel around for drafts ... use marijuana smoke if that's legal where you live, otherwise smoke a pack of cigarettes ...
At an average cost of $1500, 60,000 homes could be properly insulated (attic insulation). This could make a city several times as large much more energy efficient.
Don't expect a penny to be spent helping civilians who are too poor to afford to insulate their attics.
Don't expect a penny to be spent helping civilians who are too poor to afford to insulate their attics.

That's exactly who would benefit ... The Rich would just pay the extra heating bill rather than weatherize their skylights ...

We did this in the 1980's ... insulated poor folks homes ... Weatherization Assistance Program ... back when Washington cared ...
Fine idea on it's face but by the time you were required to use union contractors and minority businesses the cost would balloon to 20K a unit.....The DNC needs it's cut you know.

Then they would only do half of it and disappear for six months. ;)
That assumes that the DNC has any power of the purse.

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