How About a Federal Law Banning Third Trimester Abortions (with limited exceptions)?

It will not work. Nobody is trusting of giving the government the right to choose, when the people that elect government are considered unworthy to choose. This is why, constitutional amendments (when the state could not prevent the measure, getting before the people [though they tried] have uniformly passed, protecting the rights of women to make their own healthcare and pregnancy decisions without government control or penalty of lawfare to deny their rights.
Go tell that asshole Fauci.
It's been tried. The closest they came was the Clinton administration and he vetoed it. Democrats won't give an inch and as a matter of fact if you can believe former democrat governor Dr. Northam they want to expand infanticide to newborn infants.
While I agree that abortion is a medical issue that should be governed by State Medical Boards, I wonder if a federal law might become necessary to at least narrow the scope of this ongoing debate. It seems to me that the vast majority of Americans are opposed to late term abortions unless very special circumstances are involved, such as gross fetal abnormality or the life of the mother.

Perhaps a federal law banning this procedure (with these exceptions) would be acceptable to both sides?
That law was Roe vs Wade
While I agree that abortion is a medical issue that should be governed by State Medical Boards, I wonder if a federal law might become necessary to at least narrow the scope of this ongoing debate. It seems to me that the vast majority of Americans are opposed to late term abortions unless very special circumstances are involved, such as gross fetal abnormality or the life of the mother.

Perhaps a federal law banning this procedure (with these exceptions) would be acceptable to both sides?

Look, after a certain date the baby should be given up for adoption and not murdered when it is 9 months old. If it is a medical thing, then that is something else. The idiot reps think they will save America with a 50-state abortion ban and lowering taxes for the rich.

Personally I believe you should be encouraging dems to abort ALL their save the planet. When you ban abortion, all you are doing is bringing a majority of more little dems into the world that will grow up to destroy America. Abort those filthy little IM2's before they can even take their first breath. Suck those little commie fetuses out of those skanky dem vag's with a Shopvac and throw them into the closest trash can. And I'm all for adult dems aborting themselves as well...we must save the planet!

abortion fujb.jpg
Look, after a certain date the baby should be given up for adoption and not murdered when it is 9 months old. If it is a medical thing, then that is something else.

Late term abortions account for only about 1% of abortions and are done because of medical issues for the Mother or fetal abnormalities meaning the child us very unlikely to survive.

The scare tactic some use that claim abortions just before birth for birth control are just silly.

Look, after a certain date the baby should be given up for adoption and not murdered when it is 9 months old. If it is a medical thing, then that is something else. The idiot reps think they will save America with a 50-state abortion ban and lowering taxes for the rich.

Personally I believe you should be encouraging dems to abort ALL their save the planet. When you ban abortion, all you are doing is bringing a majority of more little dems into the world that will grow up to destroy America. Abort those filthy little IM2's before they can even take their first breath. Suck those little commie fetuses out of those skanky dem vag's with a Shopvac and throw them into the closest trash can. And I'm all for adult dems aborting themselves as well...we must save the planet!

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Infanticide is against Federal, State and Local Law. No infant is being murdered as it is delivered. Stop with the lies.
I thought abortion was supposed to be a state by state thing with no federal law at all.

Democrats are always bragging about Europe all the time and how the US should be like them so we should adopt what they have in Europe, which averages around 12 weeks, unless there is a problem with the fetus or the welfare of the mother. I want to hear democrats say that a woman no longer has the right to choose after 12 weeks but for those circumstances.
how about voting to legislate some forced snip snipping to curb irresponsible fly unzipping ... you know ... against HIS will?

False equivalency.

How about in States where women can abort freely, men can legally "abort" as well, thus leaving the woman solely responsible for the child?

Make then man go first so the woman has all the information she needs.
False equivalency.

um, no. bodily autonomy is bodily autonomy & forcing a procedure against one's permission is EXACTLY the same.

How about in States where women can abort freely,

what about it? the gov'ment isn't paying for it.

men can legally "abort" as well, thus leaving the woman solely responsible for the child?

well, since it would be the female who is solely responsible for the gestation, & birthing, & will be also be raising that child alone, then the male - who was a willing participant in that risk... should be at the very least financially responsible.

Make then man go first so the woman has all the information she needs.

wtf does that even mean?
um, no. bodily autonomy is bodily autonomy & forcing a procedure against one's permission is EXACTLY the same.

what about it? the gov'ment isn't paying for it.

well, since it would be the female who is solely responsible for the gestation, & birthing, & will be also be raising that child alone, then the male - who was a willing participant in that risk... should be at the very least financially responsible.

wtf does that even mean?

The thing is in States with legal abortion the woman has an out, but the man doesn't. how is that equality under the law?

It means no more baby daddies.
nor any state authority.
The states can organize and establish whatever sorts of societies they wish to have. There is nothing in the Constitution to prevent that. A government of, for and by the people allows them to do that without interference from an all power central government.

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