How About a Federal Law Banning Third Trimester Abortions (with limited exceptions)?

The thing is in States with legal abortion the woman has an out, but the man doesn't.

then he shouldn't be unzipping anything even though his risk is far lower than hers whether she gestates or not.

how is that equality under the law?

tell you what - when biological males can become pregnant, we'll continue this nutty conversation.

It means no more baby daddies.

it means that there would be far less children forced to be born if males could give birth.

The states can organize and establish whatever sorts of societies they wish to have.

do you think it's constitutional to restrict females from traveling out of the borders of their state if they are pregnant because of risk of obtaining an abortion?
then he shouldn't be unzipping anything even though his risk is far lower than hers whether she gestates or not.

tell you what - when biological males can become pregnant, we'll continue this nutty conversation.

it means that there would be far less children forced to be born if males could give birth.


Then the counter argument is she shouldn't be spreading her legs.

The rest is just Prog fantasy bullshit.

If women have a legal out to the responsibilities of parenthood why shouldn't men have the same?

They both had sex. Why can one get out of the consequences and the other cannot?
Then the counter argument is she shouldn't be spreading her legs.

but she has ALL the burden ( physically, emotionally & at least 1/2 financially ) of doing that for the next 18 years if she has no choice.

The rest is just Prog fantasy bullshit.

If women have a legal out to the responsibilities of parenthood why shouldn't men have the same?

see above.

They both had sex. Why can one get out of the consequences and the other cannot?

see above.
but she has ALL the burden ( physically, emotionally & at least 1/2 financially ) of doing that for the next 18 years if she has no choice.


see above.

see above.

My scenario is in a State that allows for at will abortions.

So NY, California, etc.
My scenario is in a State that allows for at will abortions.

So NY, California, etc.

answer is still the same. her body gestates & takes its physical burden alone. her emotional state is only hers as well. & financially is at least 50%... more so if there is no 2 parent household.

so all is not equal no matter how you slice it or dice it.
answer is still the same. her body gestates & takes its physical burden alone. her emotional state is only hers as well. & financially is at least 50%... more so if there is no 2 parent household.

so all is not equal no matter how you slice it or dice it.

Still avoiding the entire concept. Both sides can choose to "abort" in this situation, currently only one side can.

Why should the woman only have the choice if we ask for equal protection under the law?

Figures you are too stupid to get the concept.
So BOTH SIDES claim to be against late term abortions, yet both are opposed to a Federal ban on them (with exceptions)?

This seems to ignore the question of personhood, which will have to be addressed in the future.
It has nothing to do with the physical, this is purely from a legal standpoint.

If women have a legal way to remove the responsibility of parenthood, why don't men have an equivalent?

They do. It's call adoption.

Abortion is about prior to birth, not after. After birth the woman can put the baby up for adoption and not be legally responsible. If the father want's to assume responsibility he can or let the adoption surrender occur.

So BOTH SIDES claim to be against late term abortions, yet both are opposed to a Federal ban on them (with exceptions)?

This seems to ignore the question of personhood, which will have to be addressed in the future.

It's not a question of being "for or against" late term abortions. It's about where the decision resides in terms of the life and/or health of the mother and or the life/health of the baby.

Whether that very difficult decision should be made by men in the state capital or between the parents and their doctor based on medical necessity.

They do. It's call adoption.

Abortion is about prior to birth, not after. After birth the woman can put the baby up for adoption and not be legally responsible. If the father want's to assume responsibility he can or let the adoption surrender occur.


I'm saying one has a legal way to remove responsibility, and the other doesn't, in States permitting on demand abortions.
Legislatures are the people's representatives voting.

You want to go with pure democracy?
Yes, on issues of importance, where the state representatives do not represent the majority of state's citizens.

We have referendums on the ballot almost every national election. I've seen and voted on as many as 5 referendum votes on one ballot.....

State governments are democracies, the federal govt is a republic.

We have had referendums since Maine became a state.
Yes, on issues of importance, where the state representatives do not represent the majority of state's citizens.

We have referendums on the ballot almost every national election. I've seen and voted on as many as 5 referendum votes on one ballot.....

State governments are democracies, the federal govt is a republic.

We have had referendums since Maine became a state.

State governments are representative republics as well. They have Constitutions, and while referendums can be helpful, they can also be an example of "be careful what you wish for"

Are you really dumb enough to think State governments are pure democracies?
State governments are representative republics as well. They have Constitutions, and while referendums can be helpful, they can also be an example of "be careful what you wish for"

Are you really dumb enough to think State governments are pure democracies?
Are you dumb enough to think there are ANY countries in the world that are PURE Democracies?
WRONG!!! One uniform law, applied fairly and equally that protects the life of the Mother and the Child. To much cut and paste otherwise.
She's Not a "Mother" and the Fetus Is Not a "Child"

The Illiterate Liberal Language Lords, proving the worthlessness of college education, are ignorant of the meaning of "Begging the Question." They Influence their captive audience into thinking it means, "which leads to the question."

But "begging" is used in the sense of asking for what is not yours. And "question" means the conclusion being sought, as in "quest."

Calling a pregnant woman a "mother" pushes into the statement the Christofascist ideology, showing how bossy and dishonest the preacher-creatures are.

The example of begging the question that was most fatal to our freedom was sneaked into Marbury vs. Madison. The Supreme Court dictatorship interpreted the Constitution as giving it the sole right to interpret the Constitution.
How many times do you have to be reminded about the horrific "partial birth abortion" procedure. It's not about the health of the mother as Bill Clinton declared when he vetoed it. It's dangerous and it has to be painful to the mother to turn a fully formed baby inside the birth canal to produce a feet first birth. The intent is to comply with the law that prohibits infanticide by killing a viable baby when it's technically not born because it's eyes and the top of the head is still in the birth canal. Stab it in the back of the head and suck it's brain out. You wouldn't do it to a dog litter but the political climate and lack of concern in the media makes it a relative common process.

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