How AGW fraudsters turn October into hottest month!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
You know........the lying perpetuated by these total nutters is just getting out of control. They will say/do anything to achieve their socialist agenda's!!! Anybody who doesn't see these k00ks as a religion really needs a good clock cleaning!!:slap:
Those adjustments are brutal... Makes the whole record worthless for anything outside of the trash container..


When you look at how badly the adjustments manipulate the climate record you can see just how disingenuous these bastards are.. Liars, Liars, Liars!!!
We'll call this the official denier surrender thread.

Nearly every denier here is now a full-time delusional conspiracy crank. A moron who guzzles his cult's piss with gusto. A pale mewling spineless thing that attempts to walk upright and fails. A kook loser.

Deniers, your cult has collapsed. Now, you're just weeping over its passing. You need to accept it and move on.
We'll call this the official denier surrender thread.

Nearly every denier here is now a full-time delusional conspiracy crank. A moron who guzzles his cult's piss with gusto. A pale mewling spineless thing that attempts to walk upright and fails. A kook loser.

Deniers, your cult has collapsed. Now, you're just weeping over its passing. You need to accept it and move on.
Which of course is why green issues poll so low on level of importance.......i see 2 grubers grubing away desperately
The sound of crickets is resounding............

When the religion gets utterly pwned, expect the same response as always...................shoot the messenger!!!:gay:

But facts are facts.........anybody with half a brain can read that graph!!! These frauds screw with the raw data all the time and the religion knows it too. That's fair play for them..........distort.......confuse.........fake..........whatever it takes. The article speaks for itself.

People will note.........the AGW k00ks have zero retort on this except to denigrate the organization exposing the fraud.:fu:

And by the way..........anybody in this forum should note.......this fraudulent fake Mamooth posts the same lame-ass drivel in almost every single post on this substance........none........just a "my head is exploding" rant about deniers being a cult. Just this week, nuts like Mamooth are telling us China will be using vast amounts of solar energy in 10 years and are going to dump coal. But don't take my word for it........note the consistency in the pronounced level of weak.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface: Facts don't matter to these people. I could post a pic of myself and they'd tell me Im an African American.

Why do we see this in here? Because these people and their agenda is sliding backwards faster than a Bill Cosby victim!! And they know it too........thus, the level of angst in their posts. The people of America are freezing their balls off almost the whole year.......exactly opposite of what these fakes predicted. So their heads are exploding. Thousands of record cold events here in the last several days. Like almost 6 feet of snow in Buffalo.......Lake Superior is freezing over already and its not even near December yet!! These people look like complete loon morons to any people NOT obsessed with climate change!! They really, really think the American people give a rats ass about the temperatures in Cambodia.:biggrin: Every single solitary poll warming is so far down the list of public concerns, its akin to Mel Gibson's Hollywood career in 2014.

fAiL.........and Im enjoying the shit out of it!!!:banana::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies:
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We'll call this the official denier surrender thread.

Nearly every denier here is now a full-time delusional conspiracy crank. A moron who guzzles his cult's piss with gusto. A pale mewling spineless thing that attempts to walk upright and fails. A kook loser.

Deniers, your cult has collapsed. Now, you're just weeping over its passing. You need to accept it and move on.

Hey look.. A Moron that thinks everyone bought the lie they are telling...:fu:
Really? I saw no evidence of that from the sites I visited. In fact, it seemed to be just another blog, and not a very intellectually advanced one at that.
Billy Boob, the people that publish real science in peer reviewed journals are my instructors. In the journals, and lectures in the class room.
When the religion gets utterly pwned, expect the same response as always...................shoot the messenger!!!:gay:

But facts are facts.........anybody with half a brain can read that graph!!! These frauds screw with the raw data all the time and the religion knows it too. That's fair play for them..........distort.......confuse.........fake..........whatever it takes. The article speaks for itself.

Once the facts dispel their myths, those who cling to any bogus theory (see: 9/11 or Sandy Hook conspiracy theorists) are exposed not as seekers of truth but rather rag-tag members of a belief movement.
I wonder why the NOAA still uses land based thermometers when we have satellites that monitor our temperatures almost worldwide?

Billy Boob, the people that publish real science in peer reviewed journals are my instructors. In the journals, and lectures in the class room.
And? Peer review has been usurped by those that have an agenda.

Science used to be non political, its not that way anymore.


The Wall Street Journal is not a science journal, and since Ruppert took it over, not a very good source to quote from at all.

And the articles in the journals have little to do with politics, mostly observations on the cryosphere, the warming and acidification of the ocean, and melting of the permafrost.
The whole "peer review" scam narrative is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past the point of anybody caring. Might have mattered some back in the days where Al Gore mattered. Those days are long gone now. The whole "peer review" talking point holds sway in Starbucks and the nether-regions of the internet, but nowhere else. Regular people dismiss that stuff now.....because the peer review teams are the same teams making all these predictions over the years that fall flat on their face.

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