How did this happen


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
And does anyone care?

Feds reviewed only one bid for Obamacare website design

Federal officials considered only one firm to design the Obamacare health insurance exchange website that has performed abysmally since its Oct. 1 debut.

Rather than open the contracting process to a competitive public solicitation with multiple bidders, officials in the Department of Health and Human Services' Centers for Medicare and Medicaid accepted a sole bidder, CGI Federal, the U.S. subsidiary of a Canadian company with an uneven record of IT pricing and contract performance.

CMS officials are tight-lipped about why CGI was chosen or how it happened. They also refuse to say if other firms competed with CGI, or if there was ever a public solicitation for building, the backbone of Obamacare’s problem-plagued web portal.

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Obamacare was designed to fail so that people would scream for a 'single payer', truly socialist system.

No suprise they gave the job to someone who had a track record of failure.
And does anyone care?

Feds reviewed only one bid for Obamacare website design

Federal officials considered only one firm to design the Obamacare health insurance exchange website that has performed abysmally since its Oct. 1 debut.

Rather than open the contracting process to a competitive public solicitation with multiple bidders, officials in the Department of Health and Human Services' Centers for Medicare and Medicaid accepted a sole bidder, CGI Federal, the U.S. subsidiary of a Canadian company with an uneven record of IT pricing and contract performance.

CMS officials are tight-lipped about why CGI was chosen or how it happened. They also refuse to say if other firms competed with CGI, or if there was ever a public solicitation for building, the backbone of Obamacare’s problem-plagued web portal.

Must be more of the 'smart power'
I didn't have time to drive my thread yesterday, but this will compliment your OP deltex1.

The situation is worse than you thought. From my thread....

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. This truly goes into the "you can't make this shit up file".


The parent company of the IT firm is from Montreal Quebec. (that's Canada for those that failed geography). This means this job was outsourced.


It gets worse. A very very liberal government in Ontario fired them for incompetence.

The Obama administration hired them though and awarded them 6 contracts.

Check it out. Just think how badly your government is going to run your healthcare system.
You should be scared shitless.

Canadian provincial health officials last year fired the parent company of CGI Federal, the prime contractor for the problem-plagued Obamacare health exchange websites, the Washington Examiner has learned.

CGI Federal’s parent company, Montreal-based CGI Group, was officially terminated in September 2012 by an Ontario government health agency after the firm missed three years of deadlines and failed to deliver the province’s flagship online medical registry.

The online registry was supposed to be up and running by June 2011.

Officials at the U.S. government's Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services awarded six technology contracts worth $87 million to CGI Federal for Obamacare website work, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

The CMS officials refused to say if federal officials knew of its parent company’s IT failure in Canada when awarding the six contracts.

Canadian officials fired IT firm behind troubled Obamacare website |


Oh and it really is worth the read to see what other contracts they have in the US.
Apparently not.

Can anyone say Halliburton and no bid contracts?

Apparently that only matters when an R is in office.

Thanks for reminding me

Papa Obama used them too with a No-Bid Contract


That is the way things work. Each side seems more than happy to roast the other on the special interest that it serves and then as son as they take over – silence.

Obama’s ‘transparent’ government is one of the starkest pieces of bullshit that I have ever had the misfortune of hearing. His administration has only increased the rank corruption.
CGI was one of 16 companies that had been qualified by HHS during President George W. Bush's second term to deliver, without public competition, a variety of hardware, software and communication products and services.

another example of Bi-Partisanship ... funded by American Tax Payers, of course.


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