How George W. Bush became the head of the new American Dominionist Church/State

Sky Dancer

Jan 21, 2009
The First Prince of the Theocratic States of America

It happened quietly, with barely a mention in the media. Only the Washington Post dutifully reported it.[1] And only Kevin Phillips saw its significance in his new book, American Dynasty.[2] On December 24, 2001, Pat Robertson resigned his position as President of the Christian Coalition.

Behind the scenes religious conservatives were abuzz with excitement. They believed Robertson had stepped down to allow the ascendance of the President of the United States of America to take his rightful place as the head of the true American Holy Christian Church.

Robertson’s act was symbolic, but it carried a secret and solemn revelation to the faithful. It was the signal that the Bush administration was a government under God that was led by an anointed President who would be the first regent in a dynasty of regents awaiting the return of Jesus to earth. The President would now be the minister through whom God would execute His will in the nation. George W. Bush accepted his scepter and his sword with humility, grace and a sense of exultation.

As Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court explained a few months later, the Bible teaches and Christians believe “… that government …derives its moral authority from God. Government is the ‘minister of God’ with powers to ‘revenge,’ to ‘execute wrath,’ including even wrath by the sword…”[3]

George W. Bush began to wield the sword of God’s revenge with relish from the beginning of his administration, but most of us missed the sword play. I have taken the liberty to paraphrase an illustration from Leo Strauss, the father of the neo-conservative movement, which gives us a clue of how the hiding is done:
The Despoiling of America

I've been hung up on these theocrats but I'm starting to realize it's a conspiracy theory. Compelling, nonetheless.
I heard the sword is magical and that it can summon demons and stuff. This story is REALLY important.
It is important. It's important to protect our nation from theocracy movements. It is like a conspiracy story. Compelling, seemingly well documented.
So is the conspiracy story surrounding the Kennedy assassination, the Truthers, and the Birthers. Hope you enjoy living in tin hat land.
It is important. It's important to protect our nation from theocracy movements. It is like a conspiracy story. Compelling, seemingly well documented.

So name for us a SINGLE act Bush did that advanced this theocracy?

Jee, I was thinking it's a conspiracy theory. I'll have some fun with it and make fun of myself. But now that you got me thinking.... how about Bush faith based initiatives? Starting a holy war?

George W. Bush has used the word "Crusade" to describe his war against the people he calls "evildoers." Bush clearly believes that the United States of America is a Christian nation, and that the government should be used to promote Christian religious projects.
"General Wesley Clark reports in his latest book that the White House has drawn up a list of exclusively Muslim nations to target as enemies over the next four years (Afghanistan, Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and the Sudan - two down, six to go).
Bush says that he's fighting against terrorism everywhere, yet refuses to touch Christian terrorist groups, even those that are organizing within the United States. Bush seems only interested in fighting Muslim terrorists. In Iraq, a government-paid chaplain has been baptizing American soldiers as Christians in exchange for giving them water to take showers. Now, it has been discovered that one of Bush's top generals in his wars against evildoers, General William G. Boykin, believes that these wars are being fought against Satan himself. In public, this military officer and aide to Bush insists that the mission of the American military is to defeat Islam in the name of Christianity. So far, the Bush White House has refused to distance itself from Boykin's claim, and defends Boykin's appropriation of the American military for religious purposes as "free speech".

The Gospel of General Boykin

Preaching in his military uniform before a religious congregation in Oregon this June, General Boykin proclaimed, "we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christian. Did I say Judeo-Christian? Yes. Judeo-Christian."
He continued, "The enemy that has come against our nation is a spiritual enemy. His name is Satan. And if you do not believe that Satan is real, you are ignoring the same Bible that tells you about God." To that same congregation, still in military uniform, General Boykin said of George W. Bush that, "He was appointed by God" to be leader of the United States."
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So is the conspiracy story surrounding the Kennedy assassination, the Truthers, and the Birthers. Hope you enjoy living in tin hat land.

Hate to break the news to you but the evidence is overwhelming the CIA killed kennedy.If you ever did any research you would know two CIA men came forward during the HSCA in the 70's when the investigation was winding down and admitted their involvement in it,saying-we did this,where do you want to go with the investigation? they of course ignored the lead.they ignored anything that pointed toward government involvement.

They could not ignore the proof any longer that the warren commission was a fairy tale and there was more than one shooter anymore with all the evidence that surfaced over the years and even THEY admitted there was more than on shooter saying his assassination was the result of a probable conspiracy and that it was the mob but they could not locate the other shooter.Since the mob was tied into the CIA,they of course did not have a serious investigation in it which is why one member on that committe resigned from that investigation.

there is even more evidence 9/11 was an inside David Ray Griffins book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING.there is also Jim Marrs book INSIDE JOB.

the tin hat land are the people like you apologists who accept the those fairy tales by those commissions.:cuckoo:
Sky Dancer, in my lifetime this conspiracy began with Reagan and the Moral Majority.
Problem solved. The current president is a secret moooooooslim.
Sky Dancer, in my lifetime this conspiracy began with Reagan and the Moral Majority.

Dominionism, like many fundamentalist denominations of Christianity, holds that every word in the Bible is the literal, unerring word of god. But unlike more "typical" Christian fundamentalism, it opposes the idea that Christians should stay out of politics, and explicitly mandates that they work to bring about a theocracy. Dominionism calls for Christians to take literally Genesis 1:26: "... let man have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." D. James Kennedy sums up their calling:

"As the vice-regents of God, we are to bring His truth and His will to bear on every sphere of our world and our society. We are to exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government ... our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors -- in short, over every aspect and institution of human society." (quoted in the Christian Science Monitor, March 16, 2005)

These are the people giving benedictions at presidential functions and breaking bread with U.S. Senators. They must be stopped - and they can be.
Dominionism: Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.
It is important. It's important to protect our nation from theocracy movements. It is like a conspiracy story. Compelling, seemingly well documented.

So name for us a SINGLE act Bush did that advanced this theocracy?

Jee, I was thinking it's a conspiracy theory. I'll have some fun with it and make fun of myself. But now that you got me thinking.... how about Bush faith based initiatives? Starting a holy war?

George W. Bush has used the word "Crusade" to describe his war against the people he calls "evildoers." Bush clearly believes that the United States of America is a Christian nation, and that the government should be used to promote Christian religious projects.
"General Wesley Clark reports in his latest book that the White House has drawn up a list of exclusively Muslim nations to target as enemies over the next four years (Afghanistan, Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and the Sudan - two down, six to go).
Bush says that he's fighting against terrorism everywhere, yet refuses to touch Christian terrorist groups, even those that are organizing within the United States. Bush seems only interested in fighting Muslim terrorists. In Iraq, a government-paid chaplain has been baptizing American soldiers as Christians in exchange for giving them water to take showers. Now, it has been discovered that one of Bush's top generals in his wars against evildoers, General William G. Boykin, believes that these wars are being fought against Satan himself. In public, this military officer and aide to Bush insists that the mission of the American military is to defeat Islam in the name of Christianity. So far, the Bush White House has refused to distance itself from Boykin's claim, and defends Boykin's appropriation of the American military for religious purposes as "free speech".

The Gospel of General Boykin

Preaching in his military uniform before a religious congregation in Oregon this June, General Boykin proclaimed, "we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christian. Did I say Judeo-Christian? Yes. Judeo-Christian."
He continued, "The enemy that has come against our nation is a spiritual enemy. His name is Satan. And if you do not believe that Satan is real, you are ignoring the same Bible that tells you about God." To that same congregation, still in military uniform, General Boykin said of George W. Bush that, "He was appointed by God" to be leader of the United States."
God's War? Bush's Holy Warrior

How does allowing government funds to be distributed to the needy through ANY religious organization equate to Christians establishing a theocracy? You are aware the program included all RELIGIONS?

How does one General voicing an opinion equate to a Christian take over of the Government?

And please cite for me in the articles of Congress authorizing the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq ANY mention of religion at all.
So name for us a SINGLE act Bush did that advanced this theocracy?

Jee, I was thinking it's a conspiracy theory. I'll have some fun with it and make fun of myself. But now that you got me thinking.... how about Bush faith based initiatives? Starting a holy war?

George W. Bush has used the word "Crusade" to describe his war against the people he calls "evildoers." Bush clearly believes that the United States of America is a Christian nation, and that the government should be used to promote Christian religious projects.
"General Wesley Clark reports in his latest book that the White House has drawn up a list of exclusively Muslim nations to target as enemies over the next four years (Afghanistan, Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and the Sudan - two down, six to go).
Bush says that he's fighting against terrorism everywhere, yet refuses to touch Christian terrorist groups, even those that are organizing within the United States. Bush seems only interested in fighting Muslim terrorists. In Iraq, a government-paid chaplain has been baptizing American soldiers as Christians in exchange for giving them water to take showers. Now, it has been discovered that one of Bush's top generals in his wars against evildoers, General William G. Boykin, believes that these wars are being fought against Satan himself. In public, this military officer and aide to Bush insists that the mission of the American military is to defeat Islam in the name of Christianity. So far, the Bush White House has refused to distance itself from Boykin's claim, and defends Boykin's appropriation of the American military for religious purposes as "free speech".

The Gospel of General Boykin

Preaching in his military uniform before a religious congregation in Oregon this June, General Boykin proclaimed, "we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christian. Did I say Judeo-Christian? Yes. Judeo-Christian."
He continued, "The enemy that has come against our nation is a spiritual enemy. His name is Satan. And if you do not believe that Satan is real, you are ignoring the same Bible that tells you about God." To that same congregation, still in military uniform, General Boykin said of George W. Bush that, "He was appointed by God" to be leader of the United States."
God's War? Bush's Holy Warrior

How does allowing government funds to be distributed to the needy through ANY religious organization equate to Christians establishing a theocracy? You are aware the program included all RELIGIONS?

How does one General voicing an opinion equate to a Christian take over of the Government?

And please cite for me in the articles of Congress authorizing the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq ANY mention of religion at all.

Bush said he was told by God to invade Iraq. He then lied to the American public and to Congress about WMD to justify war.

In his State of the Union address, Bush renewed a call for Congress to make permanent his faith-based proposals that would allow religious organizations to compete for more government contracts and grants without a strict separation between their religious activities and social service programs.

On February 4, 2004, the U.S. House of Representatives voted for provisions in a social services bill that allow religiously based job discrimination in publicly funded programs run by churches.
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[ame=]YouTube - Theocracy Watch: Dominion Theology (1/5)[/ame]
Jee, I was thinking it's a conspiracy theory. I'll have some fun with it and make fun of myself. But now that you got me thinking.... how about Bush faith based initiatives? Starting a holy war?

George W. Bush has used the word "Crusade" to describe his war against the people he calls "evildoers." Bush clearly believes that the United States of America is a Christian nation, and that the government should be used to promote Christian religious projects.
"General Wesley Clark reports in his latest book that the White House has drawn up a list of exclusively Muslim nations to target as enemies over the next four years (Afghanistan, Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and the Sudan - two down, six to go).
Bush says that he's fighting against terrorism everywhere, yet refuses to touch Christian terrorist groups, even those that are organizing within the United States. Bush seems only interested in fighting Muslim terrorists. In Iraq, a government-paid chaplain has been baptizing American soldiers as Christians in exchange for giving them water to take showers. Now, it has been discovered that one of Bush's top generals in his wars against evildoers, General William G. Boykin, believes that these wars are being fought against Satan himself. In public, this military officer and aide to Bush insists that the mission of the American military is to defeat Islam in the name of Christianity. So far, the Bush White House has refused to distance itself from Boykin's claim, and defends Boykin's appropriation of the American military for religious purposes as "free speech".

The Gospel of General Boykin

Preaching in his military uniform before a religious congregation in Oregon this June, General Boykin proclaimed, "we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christian. Did I say Judeo-Christian? Yes. Judeo-Christian."
He continued, "The enemy that has come against our nation is a spiritual enemy. His name is Satan. And if you do not believe that Satan is real, you are ignoring the same Bible that tells you about God." To that same congregation, still in military uniform, General Boykin said of George W. Bush that, "He was appointed by God" to be leader of the United States."
God's War? Bush's Holy Warrior

How does allowing government funds to be distributed to the needy through ANY religious organization equate to Christians establishing a theocracy? You are aware the program included all RELIGIONS?

How does one General voicing an opinion equate to a Christian take over of the Government?

And please cite for me in the articles of Congress authorizing the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq ANY mention of religion at all.

Bush said he was told by God to invade Iraq. He then lied to the American public and to Congress about WMD to justify war.

In his State of the Union address, Bush renewed a call for Congress to make permanent his faith-based proposals that would allow religious organizations to compete for more government contracts and grants without a strict separation between their religious activities and social service programs.

On February 4, 2004, the U.S. House of Representatives voted for provisions in a social services bill that allow religiously based job discrimination in publicly funded programs run by churches.
Faith Base Initiative

there's only one thing i hate more than religious nuts.....

....and that's anti-religious nuts. :cuckoo:
How does allowing government funds to be distributed to the needy through ANY religious organization equate to Christians establishing a theocracy? You are aware the program included all RELIGIONS?

How does one General voicing an opinion equate to a Christian take over of the Government?

And please cite for me in the articles of Congress authorizing the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq ANY mention of religion at all.

Bush said he was told by God to invade Iraq. He then lied to the American public and to Congress about WMD to justify war.

In his State of the Union address, Bush renewed a call for Congress to make permanent his faith-based proposals that would allow religious organizations to compete for more government contracts and grants without a strict separation between their religious activities and social service programs.

On February 4, 2004, the U.S. House of Representatives voted for provisions in a social services bill that allow religiously based job discrimination in publicly funded programs run by churches.
Faith Base Initiative

there's only one thing i hate more than religious nuts.....

....and that's anti-religious nuts. :cuckoo:

I'm not anti-religion. I'm a Buddhist. I'm anti-faith based initiatives. I think religious freedom is precious. I believe that we get to keep our religious freedom by keeping the wall of separation between church and state.
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[ame=]YouTube - Sarah Palin: Stealth Dominionist[/ame]

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