How Hezbollah indoctrinates preschoolers to embrace 'resistance' against Israel


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
The language of Love for Israel

Hezbollah, the Shi’ite terrorist organization in Lebanon, wastes little time in raising the next generation of jihadists determined to fight Israel.

A Lebanese journalism student posted an item on his blog which features a children’s magazine geared toward preschoolers who are taught the merits of “resistance” and “martyrdom.”

Mahdi Magazine is a monthly magazine issued by Hezbollah’s youth scout movement, which also bears the name “Mahdi.” (According to Shi’ite Islamic doctrine, the Mahdi is the redeemer of Islam who will rule for up to 19 years before the Day of Judgment before ridding the world of evil.)

The magazine features colorful illustrations, rhymes, poems, and written exercises interspersed with military terminology, battle lore from Hezbollah’s wars fought with Israel, and short stories honoring fallen Hezbollah fighters.

The cover features a large birthday cake sitting atop a school bus, all under the heading “I resist.”

The magazine also includes an instruction guide for parents designed to aid them in indoctrinating “the idea of resistance.”

Children leafing through the magazine are also taught that “the reason behind your nationalism should be the love of the resistance.”

Perhaps most disturbing of all is the military imagery used in the magazine, where one can see illustrations and drawings of children dressed in military uniform while sitting on a tank.

There is also the “grenade and assault rifle pattern exercise” as well as one inventive game known as “help the bunny cross the minefield.”

Children are also given a coloring exercise which involves filling in the illustration of a Hezbollah terrorist as he is praying near the battlefront, an assault rifle just a few feet away.

The contents of the magazine was posted by a Lebanese journalist, Khaled Alameddine.
I bet Israel does the same thing. Jews are the chosen people, we are the shinning light, God gave us Israel. All the same old crap. All Muslims are terrorists. Iran is going to nuke us.
I bet Israel does the same thing. Jews are the chosen people, we are the shinning light, God gave us Israel. All the same old crap. All Muslims are terrorists. Iran is going to nuke us.

Men are god's gift to the earth and women have less worth than a man. Women cannot live on their own or get custody of their children is divorced or widowed. Women can't walk to the store on their own or pick their own clothing. If there is not male relative to be subservient to they are left to beg for food in the streets. They aren't allowed to talk to a male they are not related to............
Do you think this type of behavior should be acceptable? Is this how you are treated by men? You are enjoying the freedom to speak and form your own opinions. Would you not speak up if you had to live in those conditions? Would you think it a blessing to be beaten, kicked or threatened with death because you are female?

Why should Israel?
The language of Love for Israel

Hezbollah, the Shi’ite terrorist organization in Lebanon, wastes little time in raising the next generation of jihadists determined to fight Israel.

A Lebanese journalism student posted an item on his blog which features a children’s magazine geared toward preschoolers who are taught the merits of “resistance” and “martyrdom.”

Mahdi Magazine is a monthly magazine issued by Hezbollah’s youth scout movement, which also bears the name “Mahdi.” (According to Shi’ite Islamic doctrine, the Mahdi is the redeemer of Islam who will rule for up to 19 years before the Day of Judgment before ridding the world of evil.)

The magazine features colorful illustrations, rhymes, poems, and written exercises interspersed with military terminology, battle lore from Hezbollah’s wars fought with Israel, and short stories honoring fallen Hezbollah fighters.

The cover features a large birthday cake sitting atop a school bus, all under the heading “I resist.”

The magazine also includes an instruction guide for parents designed to aid them in indoctrinating “the idea of resistance.”

Children leafing through the magazine are also taught that “the reason behind your nationalism should be the love of the resistance.”

Perhaps most disturbing of all is the military imagery used in the magazine, where one can see illustrations and drawings of children dressed in military uniform while sitting on a tank.

There is also the “grenade and assault rifle pattern exercise” as well as one inventive game known as “help the bunny cross the minefield.”

Children are also given a coloring exercise which involves filling in the illustration of a Hezbollah terrorist as he is praying near the battlefront, an assault rifle just a few feet away.

The contents of the magazine was posted by a Lebanese journalist, Khaled Alameddine.

There is no greater policy failure of the US over the last 50 years that compares to not wiping the iranian regime off the map, nor of israel for obliterating hezbollah and removing the shia from lebanon and sending them back to iran. There are only a few political items on my bucket list, and along with seeing a putin hanging in Moscow's Red Square, those are the first two items on it.
I bet Israel does the same thing. Jews are the chosen people, we are the shinning light, God gave us Israel. All the same old crap. All Muslims are terrorists. Iran is going to nuke us.

Sure c-nt, every day the israeli school system teaches their kids to want to murder all muslims, that modernity is bad, that war is good, that advancement is bad, and that only war with muslims is a worthwhile endeavor. You're mentally ill, and have really nothing of value to offer. I suspect that that is the case off the web as well.
I bet Israel does the same thing. Jews are the chosen people, we are the shinning light, God gave us Israel. All the same old crap. All Muslims are terrorists. Iran is going to nuke us.

Penelope----do you live under a rock? did you ever meet a jew ---or more specifically an Israeli? can you cite an example of the BS you emit?.
I cannot fathom from whence you derive your stupidity----unless you live on
some mountain ------with very bitter inebriates Long ago as a part of my
work I was kinda forced to monitor alcohol rehab for about four weeks. You
remind me of the chronic alcoholics. An alternative possibility is that you come
from some third world muslim country-----like bangla desh
I bet Israel does the same thing. Jews are the chosen people, we are the shinning light, God gave us Israel. All the same old crap. All Muslims are terrorists. Iran is going to nuke us.

Penelope----do you live under a rock? did you ever meet a jew ---or more specifically an Israeli? can you cite an example of the BS you emit?.
I cannot fathom from whence you derive your stupidity----unless you live on
some mountain ------with very bitter inebriates Long ago as a part of my
work I was kinda forced to monitor alcohol rehab for about four weeks. You
remind me of the chronic alcoholics. An alternative possibility is that you come
from some third world muslim country-----like bangla desh

It has to be one of two things. Either Penelope is a Muslim who was educated in a madrassa where they taught her to hate the Jews (she says she lives in Michigan, and we all know how there are many Muslims in that state) or she is a skinhead who went to a school like this.

Entire 8216 Nazi 8217 School Class under Investigation in Germany Israel Video Network

There are plenty of Neo Nazi groups up her way.

American National Socialist Party, Neo-Nazi
  1. American Nazi Party, Neo-Nazi, Westland
  2. Aryan Nations 88, Neo-Nazi
  3. Battalion 14, Neo-Nazi, Jackson
  4. Blood and Honour America Division, Racist Skinhead
  5. Brotherhood of Klans Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Ku Klux Klan
  6. By Yahweh's Design, Christian Identity, Stevensville
  7. Charles Darwin Research Institute, White Nationalist, Port Huron
  8. Council of Conservative Citizens, White Nationalist, Caledonia
  9. Crew 38, Racist Skinhead, Detroit
  10. Firm 22, Racist Skinhead
  11. Gallows Tree Wotansvolk Alliance, Neo-Nazi, Grand Rapids
I bet Israel does the same thing. Jews are the chosen people, we are the shinning light, God gave us Israel. All the same old crap. All Muslims are terrorists. Iran is going to nuke us.

Penelope----do you live under a rock? did you ever meet a jew ---or more specifically an Israeli? can you cite an example of the BS you emit?.
I cannot fathom from whence you derive your stupidity----unless you live on
some mountain ------with very bitter inebriates Long ago as a part of my
work I was kinda forced to monitor alcohol rehab for about four weeks. You
remind me of the chronic alcoholics. An alternative possibility is that you come
from some third world muslim country-----like bangla desh

It has to be one of two things. Either Penelope is a Muslim who was educated in a madrassa where they taught her to hate the Jews (she says she lives in Michigan, and we all know how there are many Muslims in that state) or she is a skinhead who went to a school like this.

Entire 8216 Nazi 8217 School Class under Investigation in Germany Israel Video Network

There are plenty of Neo Nazi groups up her way.

American National Socialist Party, Neo-Nazi
  1. American Nazi Party, Neo-Nazi, Westland
  2. Aryan Nations 88, Neo-Nazi
  3. Battalion 14, Neo-Nazi, Jackson
  4. Blood and Honour America Division, Racist Skinhead
  5. Brotherhood of Klans Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Ku Klux Klan
  6. By Yahweh's Design, Christian Identity, Stevensville
  7. Charles Darwin Research Institute, White Nationalist, Port Huron
  8. Council of Conservative Citizens, White Nationalist, Caledonia
  9. Crew 38, Racist Skinhead, Detroit
  10. Firm 22, Racist Skinhead
  11. Gallows Tree Wotansvolk Alliance, Neo-Nazi, Grand Rapids

I am inclined to think of her as emerging from a mountain range or trailor trash
background -----very alcohol STEEPED ------I may be wrong
I bet Israel does the same thing. Jews are the chosen people, we are the shinning light, God gave us Israel. All the same old crap. All Muslims are terrorists. Iran is going to nuke us.

Penelope----do you live under a rock? did you ever meet a jew ---or more specifically an Israeli? can you cite an example of the BS you emit?.
I cannot fathom from whence you derive your stupidity----unless you live on
some mountain ------with very bitter inebriates Long ago as a part of my
work I was kinda forced to monitor alcohol rehab for about four weeks. You
remind me of the chronic alcoholics. An alternative possibility is that you come
from some third world muslim country-----like bangla desh

It has to be one of two things. Either Penelope is a Muslim who was educated in a madrassa where they taught her to hate the Jews (she says she lives in Michigan, and we all know how there are many Muslims in that state) or she is a skinhead who went to a school like this.

Entire 8216 Nazi 8217 School Class under Investigation in Germany Israel Video Network

There are plenty of Neo Nazi groups up her way.

American National Socialist Party, Neo-Nazi
  1. American Nazi Party, Neo-Nazi, Westland
  2. Aryan Nations 88, Neo-Nazi
  3. Battalion 14, Neo-Nazi, Jackson
  4. Blood and Honour America Division, Racist Skinhead
  5. Brotherhood of Klans Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Ku Klux Klan
  6. By Yahweh's Design, Christian Identity, Stevensville
  7. Charles Darwin Research Institute, White Nationalist, Port Huron
  8. Council of Conservative Citizens, White Nationalist, Caledonia
  9. Crew 38, Racist Skinhead, Detroit
  10. Firm 22, Racist Skinhead
  11. Gallows Tree Wotansvolk Alliance, Neo-Nazi, Grand Rapids

I am inclined to think of her as emerging from a mountain range or trailor trash
background -----very alcohol STEEPED ------I may be wrong

I just wish she would ask the leader of her skinhead group if there could be more meetings at the local Ratskeller, You can tell she is vey lonely with nothing going on in her real life so a few more meetings with people face to face each week at the Ratskeller might perk her up.
I bet Israel does the same thing. Jews are the chosen people, we are the shinning light, God gave us Israel. All the same old crap. All Muslims are terrorists. Iran is going to nuke us.
No, they don't. Typical idiotic response from Penelope bin al Abdullah
I bet Israel does the same thing. Jews are the chosen people, we are the shinning light, God gave us Israel. All the same old crap. All Muslims are terrorists. Iran is going to nuke us.

Penelope----do you live under a rock? did you ever meet a jew ---or more specifically an Israeli? can you cite an example of the BS you emit?.
I cannot fathom from whence you derive your stupidity----unless you live on
some mountain ------with very bitter inebriates Long ago as a part of my
work I was kinda forced to monitor alcohol rehab for about four weeks. You
remind me of the chronic alcoholics. An alternative possibility is that you come
from some third world muslim country-----like bangla desh

It has to be one of two things. Either Penelope is a Muslim who was educated in a madrassa where they taught her to hate the Jews (she says she lives in Michigan, and we all know how there are many Muslims in that state) or she is a skinhead who went to a school like this.

Entire 8216 Nazi 8217 School Class under Investigation in Germany Israel Video Network

There are plenty of Neo Nazi groups up her way.

American National Socialist Party, Neo-Nazi
  1. American Nazi Party, Neo-Nazi, Westland
  2. Aryan Nations 88, Neo-Nazi
  3. Battalion 14, Neo-Nazi, Jackson
  4. Blood and Honour America Division, Racist Skinhead
  5. Brotherhood of Klans Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Ku Klux Klan
  6. By Yahweh's Design, Christian Identity, Stevensville
  7. Charles Darwin Research Institute, White Nationalist, Port Huron
  8. Council of Conservative Citizens, White Nationalist, Caledonia
  9. Crew 38, Racist Skinhead, Detroit
  10. Firm 22, Racist Skinhead
  11. Gallows Tree Wotansvolk Alliance, Neo-Nazi, Grand Rapids
Of course Penelope is a Muslim

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