How is the boycott going?

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That's really a ridiculous statement. If you truely believe that, you don't get what BDS is all about. It's not about Judaism, it's about Zionism and colonial oppression.

Oh really? So that's what the majority of muslims say and You believe...

I really tried to argue the anti-semitic statement by the zionist,
unfortunately all I see is muslims using intellectual words to justify
their JIHAD.

Their actions in order to BLOCK THE FREE SPEECH and justifying it with same
pseudo-intellectual arguments the European philosophers themselves created many
years ago.

Yeah explain an educated anti zionist jew in the ME what the BDS is...

Go read some koran and haddith to understand who are the manipulators of Your sympathy.
Seems you have no idea what Jihad is either.

Well do You? I live in land where it's practices daily, in our parliament, in closed communities,
in intifadas explosions and swastika graffiti...Come on teach me.

Now tell me do muslims have a conclusive single definition of JIHAD?

There's no consensus in Islam on this subjects!

So of course...YOU KNOW... wrong audience.

So in post #1107 you go to great lengths to explain that BDS is Jihad, now you say there is no consensus in Islam on this subject. OK, moving away slowly :cuckoo::scared1:

So is it?

When muslims are mostly literate and can actually understand what Jihad means
Your argument can be valid.

Until then Jihad in Islam is what those Immams preach, and we know that very well.
BDS coming from those same sources is Jihad, especially when muslims themselves
see it as Jihad.

It helps if you lay off the alcohol and/or drugs when you post, makes it possible to understand what you're trying to say.

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Israel is a start up leader, so it is not likely a boycott will ever really harm the country. It really only hurts certain palestnians that work for a few Israeli companies

Of course not, the US taxpayer support Israel.

So they should, and stop supporting islamonazi terrorism
Oh really? So that's what the majority of muslims say and You believe...

I really tried to argue the anti-semitic statement by the zionist,
unfortunately all I see is muslims using intellectual words to justify
their JIHAD.

Their actions in order to BLOCK THE FREE SPEECH and justifying it with same
pseudo-intellectual arguments the European philosophers themselves created many
years ago.

Yeah explain an educated anti zionist jew in the ME what the BDS is...

Go read some koran and haddith to understand who are the manipulators of Your sympathy.
Seems you have no idea what Jihad is either.

Well do You? I live in land where it's practices daily, in our parliament, in closed communities,
in intifadas explosions and swastika graffiti...Come on teach me.

Now tell me do muslims have a conclusive single definition of JIHAD?

There's no consensus in Islam on this subjects!

So of course...YOU KNOW... wrong audience.

So in post #1107 you go to great lengths to explain that BDS is Jihad, now you say there is no consensus in Islam on this subject. OK, moving away slowly :cuckoo::scared1:

So is it?

When muslims are mostly literate and can actually understand what Jihad means
Your argument can be valid.

Until then Jihad in Islam is what those Immams preach, and we know that very well.
BDS coming from those same sources is Jihad, especially when muslims themselves
see it as Jihad.

It helps if you lay off the alcohol and/or drugs when you post, makes it possible to understand what you're trying to say.

So thats your problem is it, mixing alcohol and drugs
Palestinians are calling for their people to boycott Al-Aqsa and the mount even though Israel has arranged for more transportation from both G and WB for the Ramadan month.

Boycott the mount? That is going to hurt Israel? It will only hurt muslims. If anything it will allow jews to visit the mount without being harassed, christians too. It will prevent palestinians from throwing stones at those praying at the wall.

How would muslims boycotting the mount break Israelis economy? It would mean the need for less security.

What next, palestinians giving up their Israeli paid jobs? Israel will just hire more Israelis instead and be able to end entry to palestinians.

and this while the PA resigns their government because of hamas
How successful is a boycott when Israeli good fill the shelves in WB stores? Other people outside of the region call for a boycott but the palestinians themselves don't?
How far will any boycott go with the WB buying Israeli goods and seeking Israeli jobs, or with a possible truce deal between hamas and Israel? Of what use is a boycott if the PA government resigned? Of what purposed does any boycott expect to achieve by trying to harm Israel when the palestinians need a strong Israel government and economy to help the palestinians regroup? They need the trade and services they get through Israel. They need access through Israel.

They need Israel. Boycotting in an attempt to hurt Israel is a bit like cutting off their own nose, ears and gouging out their eyes.
There is no real sense.
Israel "ain't goin' no where" so any harm to Israel will only make the situation for the palestinians worse.
How successful is a boycott when Israeli good fill the shelves in WB stores? Other people outside of the region call for a boycott but the palestinians themselves don't?
How far will any boycott go with the WB buying Israeli goods and seeking Israeli jobs, or with a possible truce deal between hamas and Israel? Of what use is a boycott if the PA government resigned? Of what purposed does any boycott expect to achieve by trying to harm Israel when the palestinians need a strong Israel government and economy to help the palestinians regroup? They need the trade and services they get through Israel. They need access through Israel.

They need Israel. Boycotting in an attempt to hurt Israel is a bit like cutting off their own nose, ears and gouging out their eyes.
There is no real sense.
Israel "ain't goin' no where" so any harm to Israel will only make the situation for the palestinians worse.
As I stated before, the boycotters do not care about the plight of the Palestinians affected by their boycotts. Their one track minds just want to hate and hurt Israel and let the chips fall where they may.
They need Israel. Boycotting in an attempt to hurt Israel is a bit like cutting off their own nose, ears and gouging out their eyes.
There is no real sense.
Israel "ain't goin' no where" so any harm to Israel will only make the situation for the palestinians worse.
Sounds exactly like the arguments against sanctions applied to the other Bantustan nation.
To all of you who post BDS is no threat to Zionist Israel, Bibbi disagrees with you!

Israel brands Palestinian-led boycott movement a strategic threat World news The Guardian

The hate and attacks behind the the BDS movement is harmful. The boycott itself is minimal at best. The propaganda is a pain in the neck but not fatal. It takes time, attention and money away from things that would help palestinians and PA/Israeli relations.
It does not help the palestinians, it is just another for, of anti-semitism to attack Israel with. It is a tool of hate mongers not of those seeking any amicable solutions
Yeah JIHAD IS a concern for the whole world, BDS being one of those tactics
in the religious war against Jews and infidels.
Are Jews not infidels?

People of the book should not be infidels, but protected brothers in faith. They might not believe in Mohammed as prophet, but they believe in other prophets and in god.
Are Christians infidels? Not that it matters, but out of curiosity as to the workings of the crazy Abrahamic sects.
So why separate them from other infidels? Unless you're implying Christians are not infidels either from also being 'People of the Book'

Not that it matters really, all the Abrahamic religions are batshit crazy in their [extremisms]. Comes from being derived from mad desert dwellers I guess.

In any case the really significant BDS events will come from outside that region imo, as has been demonstrated by Orange.

Well I don't separate infidels, let the muslims deal with it,
but they do single out the Jew as the main enemy.

Orange from Israel is good for the average Israeli's pocket.
Stealing from the original then calling it a fake...a logic people have.

Beginning to understand why Judaism is only for Hebrews.
To all of you who post BDS is no threat to Zionist Israel, Bibbi disagrees with you!

Israel brands Palestinian-led boycott movement a strategic threat World news The Guardian

The hate and attacks behind the the BDS movement is harmful. The boycott itself is minimal at best. The propaganda is a pain in the neck but not fatal. It takes time, attention and money away from things that would help palestinians and PA/Israeli relations.
It does not help the palestinians, it is just another for, of anti-semitism to attack Israel with. It is a tool of hate mongers not of those seeking any amicable solutions

There is no hatred behind BDS other than that of an oppressed people against their oppressor, which is both normal and natural. The predominant "emotion" behind BDS is the sense of injustice and outrage against the continuing illegal Zionist occupation of Palestine. The true hatred comes from the Zionist camp. Did I mention that Nethanyahu disagrees with you? Israel brands Palestinian-led boycott movement a strategic threat World news The Guardian
Oh really? So that's what the majority of muslims say and You believe...

I really tried to argue the anti-semitic statement by the zionist,
unfortunately all I see is muslims using intellectual words to justify
their JIHAD.

Their actions in order to BLOCK THE FREE SPEECH and justifying it with same
pseudo-intellectual arguments the European philosophers themselves created many
years ago.

Yeah explain an educated anti zionist jew in the ME what the BDS is...

Go read some koran and haddith to understand who are the manipulators of Your sympathy.
Seems you have no idea what Jihad is either.

Well do You? I live in land where it's practices daily, in our parliament, in closed communities,
in intifadas explosions and swastika graffiti...Come on teach me.

Now tell me do muslims have a conclusive single definition of JIHAD?

There's no consensus in Islam on this subjects!

So of course...YOU KNOW... wrong audience.

So in post #1107 you go to great lengths to explain that BDS is Jihad, now you say there is no consensus in Islam on this subject. OK, moving away slowly :cuckoo::scared1:

So is it?

When muslims are mostly literate and can actually understand what Jihad means
Your argument can be valid.

Until then Jihad in Islam is what those Immams preach, and we know that very well.
BDS coming from those same sources is Jihad, especially when muslims themselves
see it as Jihad.

It helps if you lay off the alcohol and/or drugs when you post, makes it possible to understand what you're trying to say.

Want an explanation using fingers or wooden blocks?
Don't drink for years, sorry to disappoint.
And about drugs...well man I am not stupid to support Jihad in anyway,

So I know what Jihad is and it's tactics every muslim has to use.
Interested? Wanna quotes from koran chuch? Think about the wave of reaction.
One who can read can figure out "jihad"...go read hadith and koran.

But since there's no consensus in islam on the laws and interpretations,
since MOST MUSLIMs ARE ILLITERATE -jihad is what's being actualized
as different deceitful tactics, GENOCIDE of jews using drugs, AFFIRMED LYING TO INFIDELS, propaganda and mainly IDENTITY MURDER OF ALL INFIDELS BEFORE EXECUTION AND MASSACRE.

But trully actual juhad is HIT-AND-RUN TO CAVES whining of injustice evoking emotions,
victimizing themselves.
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