How is the boycott going?

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You sound just like pro-Apartheid racists of years ago. Congratulations.

Embarrassing 1985 column by George Will opposing U.S. sanctions on South Africa in which he argues that “the current campaigning against South Africa is a fad, a moral Hula Hoop, fun for a while.”

Ottawa Citizen - Google News Archive Search

Give us a break, Hitler's book "mein kampf" and the Russian "protocols of the elders of zion" are sold in millions

"You sound like...." You sound like a HITLER YOUTH (or call it :"HAMAS YOUTH" no difference).
Don't know if it has changed but the Church considered Muslims and Jews infidels.

Yep ande they teach NAZI JEW HATRED don't they freddy boy

You are insane Phoney. You need to take a break. These absurd accusations on nearly every post is absolutely nutso.

Here's the hypocrisy, beyond sinister- Our GOD is not the same.

Previous "jesus on earth"-

So innocent You are montelatici. A true peace-loving Hippie.

"Yeshu was such a good Hippie, now that's WHY THEY KILLED HIM"

It's rooted in there, but hippies only see positive things everywhere.

"Yeshu was such a good Hippie, now that's WHY THEY KILLED HIM"

It's rooted in there, but hippies only see positive things everywhere.

Interesting. All of these are Americans...Zionist Israel's firmest allies.

The Nazi POPE is American?
Argentinians are American?
Catholithism is American?

You really think we're stupid??
Yeah? Got a cite for that? I think it's pure hasbara bullshit.

IINA Report on Literacy – 40% of Muslim World’s Population is Illiterate

Jeddah: Illiteracy is stunningly rampant in the Muslim world. Nearly 40 percent, (with varying percentages in the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation) of the Muslim world’s population cannot read or write, which means that there are hundreds of millions of illiterates in the OIC countries, mostly female, according to a report prepared by OIC and obtained by the International Islamic News Agency (IINA), last month.

"Yeshu was such a good Hippie, now that's WHY THEY KILLED HIM"

It's rooted in there, but hippies only see positive things everywhere.

Romans killed Jesus. A king was appointed by roman. There could be no other 'king of the jews'. Jesus was a threat to roman rule an was killed for it. Over the years they crucified more than 250,000 jews. For some it took days to die, and their bodies were left to hang there well after death. It was a reminder of Roman authority.

The pope declared the Jews were not responsible for Jesus' death. JEWS DID NOT KILL HIM
Yeah? Got a cite for that? I think it's pure hasbara bullshit.

IINA Report on Literacy – 40% of Muslim World’s Population is Illiterate

Jeddah: Illiteracy is stunningly rampant in the Muslim world. Nearly 40 percent, (with varying percentages in the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation) of the Muslim world’s population cannot read or write, which means that there are hundreds of millions of illiterates in the OIC countries, mostly female, according to a report prepared by OIC and obtained by the International Islamic News Agency (IINA), last month.


Countries Compared by Education Literacy Total population. International Statistics at

"arabic is the soul of our religion. If we don't know arabic we cannot worship alla"

Well that's Afghanistan (most illiterate around 80%)

"A muslim who cannot read arabic,is a BAD muslim"

Illiteracy and birth rates:
Muslims illiterate and bear more children Gogoi IBNLive Videos

Illiterate Fanatics in Paris Islamic Voice

ISLAMICVOICE: 40% are illiterate
IINA Report on Literacy 40 of Muslim World s Population is Illiterate Islamic Voice

Now examining my sentence literally proves me WRONG. MY MISTAKE.

Only 40% can't read or write, well but that deals with the local language.
I don't care for them to not know English or French. What we discussed was "Jihad"
a religious fight from koran against infidels.

What was discussed is their ability to read and understand koran and haddith.

The most muslim populated country is Indonesia-not and arabic country,
as Pakistan, India, Afghanistan and the most of MUSLIM COUNTRIES.

So are muslims capable (on the average) of reading and interpreting koran in arabic?

Out of 60% literate ONLY in their local tongue, how many know arabic?

My conclusion: It's less than a half.
Yeah? Got a cite for that? I think it's pure hasbara bullshit.

IINA Report on Literacy – 40% of Muslim World’s Population is Illiterate

Jeddah: Illiteracy is stunningly rampant in the Muslim world. Nearly 40 percent, (with varying percentages in the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation) of the Muslim world’s population cannot read or write, which means that there are hundreds of millions of illiterates in the OIC countries, mostly female, according to a report prepared by OIC and obtained by the International Islamic News Agency (IINA), last month.
Country Literacy rate (all) Male Literacy Female Literacy Gender Difference
Palestine 95.6% 98.1% 93.1% 5.0%

List of countries by literacy rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So we were talking about the muslim world at large.
So jebustinians probably know what's in the koran. What about the rest of them-not arabs?

"Yeshu was such a good Hippie, now that's WHY THEY KILLED HIM"

It's rooted in there, but hippies only see positive things everywhere.

Romans killed Jesus. A king was appointed by roman. There could be no other 'king of the jews'. Jesus was a threat to roman rule an was killed for it. Over the years they crucified more than 250,000 jews. For some it took days to die, and their bodies were left to hang there well after death. It was a reminder of Roman authority.

The pope declared the Jews were not responsible for Jesus' death. JEWS DID NOT KILL HIM

Matthew 27
Jesus Handed Over to Pontius Pilate
27 When morning came, all the chief priests and elders of the people plotted against Jesus to put Him to death. And when they had bound Him, they led Him away and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate the governor.

"Yeshu was such a good Hippie, now that's WHY THEY KILLED HIM"

It's rooted in there, but hippies only see positive things everywhere.

Romans killed Jesus. A king was appointed by roman. There could be no other 'king of the jews'. Jesus was a threat to roman rule an was killed for it. Over the years they crucified more than 250,000 jews. For some it took days to die, and their bodies were left to hang there well after death. It was a reminder of Roman authority.

The pope declared the Jews were not responsible for Jesus' death. JEWS DID NOT KILL HIM

Matthew 27
Jesus Handed Over to Pontius Pilate
27 When morning came, all the chief priests and elders of the people plotted against Jesus to put Him to death. And when they had bound Him, they led Him away and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate the governor.

Thank You for supporting my argument.
And showing what a catholic really thinks of JEWS as a whole, maybe those verses made the POPE accept Naziism....
Catholics believe the bible, but we also are taught to believe that 1. Not all Jews wanted Jesus to be crucified (just the leaders) and 2. The Jews of today had nothing to do with his death and 3. Collective Punishment is wrong.
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The Pope said exactly what I said. He does not deny the Bible.

From your link.

"In the book, Benedict re-enacts Jesus' final hours, including his death sentence for blasphemy, then analyzes each Gospel account to explain why Jews as a whole cannot be blamed for it. Rather, Benedict concludes, it was the "Temple aristocracy" and a few supporters of the figure Barabbas who were responsible.
Interesting is he for Islamic rule over Jerusalem or the Israeli?
Is he for this boycott?
Benedict is retired. He is no longer Pope. I think Francis supports the boycott, he supports Palestinian rights, especially the Christian Palestinian,s many being members of the Roman Catholic Church.

I think he would be happy with a secular, democratic state with equal rights for all the inhabitants, as I would.

"Yeshu was such a good Hippie, now that's WHY THEY KILLED HIM"

It's rooted in there, but hippies only see positive things everywhere.

Interesting. All of these are Americans...Zionist Israel's firmest allies.

The Nazi POPE is American?
Argentinians are American?
Catholithism is American?

You really think we're stupid??

No, just you. I was commenting on those specific video clips.
You sound just like pro-Apartheid racists of years ago. Congratulations.

Embarrassing 1985 column by George Will opposing U.S. sanctions on South Africa in which he argues that “the current campaigning against South Africa is a fad, a moral Hula Hoop, fun for a while.”

Ottawa Citizen - Google News Archive Search

Give us a break, Hitler's book "mein kampf" and the Russian "protocols of the elders of zion" are sold in millions

"You sound like...." You sound like a HITLER YOUTH (or call it :"HAMAS YOUTH" no difference).

...or Magshimey Herut, no difference either.
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