How is the boycott going?

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To all of you who post BDS is no threat to Zionist Israel, Bibbi disagrees with you!

Israel brands Palestinian-led boycott movement a strategic threat World news The Guardian

The hate and attacks behind the the BDS movement is harmful. The boycott itself is minimal at best. The propaganda is a pain in the neck but not fatal. It takes time, attention and money away from things that would help palestinians and PA/Israeli relations.
It does not help the palestinians, it is just another for, of anti-semitism to attack Israel with. It is a tool of hate mongers not of those seeking any amicable solutions

There is no hatred behind BDS other than that of an oppressed people against their oppressor, which is both normal and natural. The predominant "emotion" behind BDS is the sense of injustice and outrage against the continuing illegal Zionist occupation of Palestine. The true hatred comes from the Zionist camp. Did I mention that Nethanyahu disagrees with you? Israel brands Palestinian-led boycott movement a strategic threat World news The Guardian

BULL SHIT the same RACIST scum that march for the UAF, ANL and hope not soap are the ones you see waving RACIST placards and protesting illegally against Jewish stores. One was asked on Camera to explain why he was protesting against the sale of Jewish goods in a Jewish store but not protesting against the arab muslim store down the street selling the same goods. He blustered and said something about "well they are not Jews innit".
The Pope said exactly what I said. He does not deny the Bible.

From your link.

"In the book, Benedict re-enacts Jesus' final hours, including his death sentence for blasphemy, then analyzes each Gospel account to explain why Jews as a whole cannot be blamed for it. Rather, Benedict concludes, it was the "Temple aristocracy" and a few supporters of the figure Barabbas who were responsible.

Is that the same Bible that the Catholics wrote to suit their own peccadillo's of orgies, drugs, drunkenness, rape, voyeurism, pederasty and other fetishes. The same bible that was reworked over and over again until it no longer resembles what was written in the 1C C.E.
Seems Jewish Americans don't think BDS is "anti-semitic"

"In the June 13 news article “In Israel, concerns rising over boycott movement,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the movement to boycott Israel or disinvest from those doing business in the occupied territories as “anti-Semitic.” Similarly, Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who recently presided over a meeting that raised more than $20 million to fight this movement, referred to it as “anti-Semitic.” Whether one agrees with this movement or not, and many Jews are leading participants, the fact is that it is in no way “anti-Semitic.”

Judaism is a religion of universal values. Israel is a sovereign state. It has violated international law by occupying the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The boycott movement is a nonviolent effort to show opposition to this occupation, similar, its advocates argue, to the movement of sanctions against South Africa to show opposition to apartheid. Hatred of Judaism or Jews, which is what constitutes anti-Semitism, appears to be absent from these boycott efforts.

Only by redefining “anti-Semitism” to mean criticism of Israel can such a charge be sustained. Israel’s policies in the occupied territories should be debated on their merits, and defenders of the occupation should not hide behind false charges of “anti-Semitism.”---Allan C. Brownfeld, of the American Council for Judaism
The Pope said exactly what I said. He does not deny the Bible.

From your link.

"In the book, Benedict re-enacts Jesus' final hours, including his death sentence for blasphemy, then analyzes each Gospel account to explain why Jews as a whole cannot be blamed for it. Rather, Benedict concludes, it was the "Temple aristocracy" and a few supporters of the figure Barabbas who were responsible.

Is that the same Bible that the Catholics wrote to suit their own peccadillo's of orgies, drugs, drunkenness, rape, voyeurism, pederasty and other fetishes. The same bible that was reworked over and over again until it no longer resembles what was written in the 1C C.E.

I think your attack on Roman Catholicism is uncalled for, especially an attack on the bible, our Holy Book.
The Pope said exactly what I said. He does not deny the Bible.

From your link.

"In the book, Benedict re-enacts Jesus' final hours, including his death sentence for blasphemy, then analyzes each Gospel account to explain why Jews as a whole cannot be blamed for it. Rather, Benedict concludes, it was the "Temple aristocracy" and a few supporters of the figure Barabbas who were responsible.

Is that the same Bible that the Catholics wrote to suit their own peccadillo's of orgies, drugs, drunkenness, rape, voyeurism, pederasty and other fetishes. The same bible that was reworked over and over again until it no longer resembles what was written in the 1C C.E.

I think your attack on Roman Catholicism is uncalled for, especially an attack on the bible, our Holy Book.

Your attacks on the Jews is uncalled for so what are you going to do about it armchair warrior
Guys - this thread has devolved way away from the topic. Discussions about Nazi's etc belong elsewhere. Personal flaming belongs in the Flame Zone. Let's get back to the topic please.
The Pope said exactly what I said. He does not deny the Bible.

From your link.

"In the book, Benedict re-enacts Jesus' final hours, including his death sentence for blasphemy, then analyzes each Gospel account to explain why Jews as a whole cannot be blamed for it. Rather, Benedict concludes, it was the "Temple aristocracy" and a few supporters of the figure Barabbas who were responsible.

Is that the same Bible that the Catholics wrote to suit their own peccadillo's of orgies, drugs, drunkenness, rape, voyeurism, pederasty and other fetishes. The same bible that was reworked over and over again until it no longer resembles what was written in the 1C C.E.

I think your attack on Roman Catholicism is uncalled for, especially an attack on the bible, our Holy Book.

Your attacks on the Jews is uncalled for so what are you going to do about it armchair warrior

What attacks on the Jews? Name one.
Seems Jewish Americans don't think BDS is "anti-semitic"

"In the June 13 news article “In Israel, concerns rising over boycott movement,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the movement to boycott Israel or disinvest from those doing business in the occupied territories as “anti-Semitic.” Similarly, Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who recently presided over a meeting that raised more than $20 million to fight this movement, referred to it as “anti-Semitic.” Whether one agrees with this movement or not, and many Jews are leading participants, the fact is that it is in no way “anti-Semitic.”

Judaism is a religion of universal values. Israel is a sovereign state. It has violated international law by occupying the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The boycott movement is a nonviolent effort to show opposition to this occupation, similar, its advocates argue, to the movement of sanctions against South Africa to show opposition to apartheid. Hatred of Judaism or Jews, which is what constitutes anti-Semitism, appears to be absent from these boycott efforts.

Only by redefining “anti-Semitism” to mean criticism of Israel can such a charge be sustained. Israel’s policies in the occupied territories should be debated on their merits, and defenders of the occupation should not hide behind false charges of “anti-Semitism.”---Allan C. Brownfeld, of the American Council for Judaism
Somebody needs to tell those clowns that the anti-Semite card is no longer the ace of trump.
Seems Jewish Americans don't think BDS is "anti-semitic"

"In the June 13 news article “In Israel, concerns rising over boycott movement,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the movement to boycott Israel or disinvest from those doing business in the occupied territories as “anti-Semitic.” Similarly, Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who recently presided over a meeting that raised more than $20 million to fight this movement, referred to it as “anti-Semitic.” Whether one agrees with this movement or not, and many Jews are leading participants, the fact is that it is in no way “anti-Semitic.”

Judaism is a religion of universal values. Israel is a sovereign state. It has violated international law by occupying the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The boycott movement is a nonviolent effort to show opposition to this occupation, similar, its advocates argue, to the movement of sanctions against South Africa to show opposition to apartheid. Hatred of Judaism or Jews, which is what constitutes anti-Semitism, appears to be absent from these boycott efforts.

Only by redefining “anti-Semitism” to mean criticism of Israel can such a charge be sustained. Israel’s policies in the occupied territories should be debated on their merits, and defenders of the occupation should not hide behind false charges of “anti-Semitism.”---Allan C. Brownfeld, of the American Council for Judaism
Somebody needs to tell those clowns that the anti-Semite card is no longer the ace of trump.

You're here-it's beyond valid.
The Pope said exactly what I said. He does not deny the Bible.

From your link.

"In the book, Benedict re-enacts Jesus' final hours, including his death sentence for blasphemy, then analyzes each Gospel account to explain why Jews as a whole cannot be blamed for it. Rather, Benedict concludes, it was the "Temple aristocracy" and a few supporters of the figure Barabbas who were responsible.

Is that the same Bible that the Catholics wrote to suit their own peccadillo's of orgies, drugs, drunkenness, rape, voyeurism, pederasty and other fetishes. The same bible that was reworked over and over again until it no longer resembles what was written in the 1C C.E.

I think your attack on Roman Catholicism is uncalled for, especially an attack on the bible, our Holy Book.

Your attacks on the Jews is uncalled for so what are you going to do about it armchair warrior

What attacks on the Jews? Name one.

Constant claims of every link proving you wrong to be Zionist hasbara propaganda, instead of producing a separate link proving your claims. Your constant accusations of colonisation, invasion, mass murder, land theft based on nothing more that your own racist hatred of the Jews
Seems Jewish Americans don't think BDS is "anti-semitic"

"In the June 13 news article “In Israel, concerns rising over boycott movement,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the movement to boycott Israel or disinvest from those doing business in the occupied territories as “anti-Semitic.” Similarly, Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who recently presided over a meeting that raised more than $20 million to fight this movement, referred to it as “anti-Semitic.” Whether one agrees with this movement or not, and many Jews are leading participants, the fact is that it is in no way “anti-Semitic.”

Judaism is a religion of universal values. Israel is a sovereign state. It has violated international law by occupying the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The boycott movement is a nonviolent effort to show opposition to this occupation, similar, its advocates argue, to the movement of sanctions against South Africa to show opposition to apartheid. Hatred of Judaism or Jews, which is what constitutes anti-Semitism, appears to be absent from these boycott efforts.

Only by redefining “anti-Semitism” to mean criticism of Israel can such a charge be sustained. Israel’s policies in the occupied territories should be debated on their merits, and defenders of the occupation should not hide behind false charges of “anti-Semitism.”---Allan C. Brownfeld, of the American Council for Judaism
Somebody needs to tell those clowns that the anti-Semite card is no longer the ace of trump.

But proving racial hatred is and wins the hand every time. If it wasn't you would not be so aggressively against its use.
Seems Jewish Americans don't think BDS is "anti-semitic"

"In the June 13 news article “In Israel, concerns rising over boycott movement,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the movement to boycott Israel or disinvest from those doing business in the occupied territories as “anti-Semitic.” Similarly, Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who recently presided over a meeting that raised more than $20 million to fight this movement, referred to it as “anti-Semitic.” Whether one agrees with this movement or not, and many Jews are leading participants, the fact is that it is in no way “anti-Semitic.”

Judaism is a religion of universal values. Israel is a sovereign state. It has violated international law by occupying the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The boycott movement is a nonviolent effort to show opposition to this occupation, similar, its advocates argue, to the movement of sanctions against South Africa to show opposition to apartheid. Hatred of Judaism or Jews, which is what constitutes anti-Semitism, appears to be absent from these boycott efforts.

Only by redefining “anti-Semitism” to mean criticism of Israel can such a charge be sustained. Israel’s policies in the occupied territories should be debated on their merits, and defenders of the occupation should not hide behind false charges of “anti-Semitism.”---Allan C. Brownfeld, of the American Council for Judaism
Somebody needs to tell those clowns that the anti-Semite card is no longer the ace of trump.

You're here-it's beyond valid.

The only anti-Semites here are the Zionists and their "useful idiot" fellow travellers.
Seems Jewish Americans don't think BDS is "anti-semitic"

"In the June 13 news article “In Israel, concerns rising over boycott movement,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the movement to boycott Israel or disinvest from those doing business in the occupied territories as “anti-Semitic.” Similarly, Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who recently presided over a meeting that raised more than $20 million to fight this movement, referred to it as “anti-Semitic.” Whether one agrees with this movement or not, and many Jews are leading participants, the fact is that it is in no way “anti-Semitic.”

Judaism is a religion of universal values. Israel is a sovereign state. It has violated international law by occupying the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The boycott movement is a nonviolent effort to show opposition to this occupation, similar, its advocates argue, to the movement of sanctions against South Africa to show opposition to apartheid. Hatred of Judaism or Jews, which is what constitutes anti-Semitism, appears to be absent from these boycott efforts.

Only by redefining “anti-Semitism” to mean criticism of Israel can such a charge be sustained. Israel’s policies in the occupied territories should be debated on their merits, and defenders of the occupation should not hide behind false charges of “anti-Semitism.”---Allan C. Brownfeld, of the American Council for Judaism
Somebody needs to tell those clowns that the anti-Semite card is no longer the ace of trump.

But proving racial hatred is and wins the hand every time. If it wasn't you would not be so aggressively against its use.
I see it played all the time when there is none.

Like the boy who cried wolf.
Seems Jewish Americans don't think BDS is "anti-semitic"

"In the June 13 news article “In Israel, concerns rising over boycott movement,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the movement to boycott Israel or disinvest from those doing business in the occupied territories as “anti-Semitic.” Similarly, Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who recently presided over a meeting that raised more than $20 million to fight this movement, referred to it as “anti-Semitic.” Whether one agrees with this movement or not, and many Jews are leading participants, the fact is that it is in no way “anti-Semitic.”

Judaism is a religion of universal values. Israel is a sovereign state. It has violated international law by occupying the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The boycott movement is a nonviolent effort to show opposition to this occupation, similar, its advocates argue, to the movement of sanctions against South Africa to show opposition to apartheid. Hatred of Judaism or Jews, which is what constitutes anti-Semitism, appears to be absent from these boycott efforts.

Only by redefining “anti-Semitism” to mean criticism of Israel can such a charge be sustained. Israel’s policies in the occupied territories should be debated on their merits, and defenders of the occupation should not hide behind false charges of “anti-Semitism.”---Allan C. Brownfeld, of the American Council for Judaism
Somebody needs to tell those clowns that the anti-Semite card is no longer the ace of trump.

You're here-it's beyond valid.

The only anti-Semites here are the Zionists and their "useful idiot" fellow travellers.

Says the king of the anti semitic Jew haters
Seems Jewish Americans don't think BDS is "anti-semitic"

"In the June 13 news article “In Israel, concerns rising over boycott movement,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the movement to boycott Israel or disinvest from those doing business in the occupied territories as “anti-Semitic.” Similarly, Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who recently presided over a meeting that raised more than $20 million to fight this movement, referred to it as “anti-Semitic.” Whether one agrees with this movement or not, and many Jews are leading participants, the fact is that it is in no way “anti-Semitic.”

Judaism is a religion of universal values. Israel is a sovereign state. It has violated international law by occupying the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The boycott movement is a nonviolent effort to show opposition to this occupation, similar, its advocates argue, to the movement of sanctions against South Africa to show opposition to apartheid. Hatred of Judaism or Jews, which is what constitutes anti-Semitism, appears to be absent from these boycott efforts.

Only by redefining “anti-Semitism” to mean criticism of Israel can such a charge be sustained. Israel’s policies in the occupied territories should be debated on their merits, and defenders of the occupation should not hide behind false charges of “anti-Semitism.”---Allan C. Brownfeld, of the American Council for Judaism
Somebody needs to tell those clowns that the anti-Semite card is no longer the ace of trump.

But proving racial hatred is and wins the hand every time. If it wasn't you would not be so aggressively against its use.
I see it played all the time when there is none.

Like the boy who cried wolf.

Only in your fantasy world where Jews are there to be abused, just like Nazi Germany
the call for a boycott by muslims of al-aqsa during ramadan seem to have fallen on deaf ears.
Veolia pull the plug on it's operations in Zionist Israel, every little helps. :)

Veolia sells its activities in Israel Veolia

Barclays seels it's stake in Elbit

Barclays blockaded over arms trade shares - UK Indymedia

Chip...chip...chip...there goes another brick in the edifice.

Veolia did not sell because of Israel of boycott. It was a debt consolidation move

Barclays was about arms sales, not just about Israel.

Both are from last year and nothing new. Neither is because of the BDS movement against Israeli goods from the WB.
Veolia pull the plug on it's operations in Zionist Israel, every little helps. :)

Veolia sells its activities in Israel Veolia

Barclays seels it's stake in Elbit

Barclays blockaded over arms trade shares - UK Indymedia

Chip...chip...chip...there goes another brick in the edifice.

Veolia did not sell because of Israel of boycott. It was a debt consolidation move

Barclays was about arms sales, not just about Israel.

Both are from last year and nothing new. Neither is because of the BDS movement against Israeli goods from the WB.

Of course it was...."debt consolidation move" yeah..OK...whatever you say. ;)
Barclays has long and bitter experience of BDS movements during the aparheid S. Africa era, they're getting ahead of the game this time, like Deutsche Bank did in 2010. - news - Deutsche Bank announces divestment from Elbit
Seems Jewish Americans don't think BDS is "anti-semitic"

"In the June 13 news article “In Israel, concerns rising over boycott movement,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the movement to boycott Israel or disinvest from those doing business in the occupied territories as “anti-Semitic.” Similarly, Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, who recently presided over a meeting that raised more than $20 million to fight this movement, referred to it as “anti-Semitic.” Whether one agrees with this movement or not, and many Jews are leading participants, the fact is that it is in no way “anti-Semitic.”

Judaism is a religion of universal values. Israel is a sovereign state. It has violated international law by occupying the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The boycott movement is a nonviolent effort to show opposition to this occupation, similar, its advocates argue, to the movement of sanctions against South Africa to show opposition to apartheid. Hatred of Judaism or Jews, which is what constitutes anti-Semitism, appears to be absent from these boycott efforts.

Only by redefining “anti-Semitism” to mean criticism of Israel can such a charge be sustained. Israel’s policies in the occupied territories should be debated on their merits, and defenders of the occupation should not hide behind false charges of “anti-Semitism.”---Allan C. Brownfeld, of the American Council for Judaism
Somebody needs to tell those clowns that the anti-Semite card is no longer the ace of trump.

But proving racial hatred is and wins the hand every time. If it wasn't you would not be so aggressively against its use.
I see it played all the time when there is none.

Like the boy who cried wolf.

Only in your fantasy world where Jews are there to be abused, just like Nazi Germany
I think that the readers can see how the hypocritical anti-Semitic clowns salivate over this movement even though they probably buy things manufactured in countries that should be boycotted.

BDS Hates Israel More than it Loves Human Rights - Israel News
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