How many blame republicans?

You seem to be missing something. The number you gave are Congress in full, both Democrat and Republican.

It seems to me that what your numbers need to show is the count of Democrats in Congress and how many of them voted for the Approval of the war.

Just my humble opinion in reading this discussion.


out of 535 members in Congress 375 members voted for approval of the war.


Democratic 82 126 one did not vote
126 (61%) of 208 Democratic Representatives voted against the resolution.
21 (42%) of 50 Democratic Senators voted against the resolution
and thats not a large majority of Democrats. A majority but not a large majority

Okay two things about this because I have not been digging into the discussion between you and Maineman.

One: do you have a link to back up these numbers? Just curious where you got them from.

Two: I thought you were arguing that the majority supported the resolution... is that not correct? Your numbers say:

61% in the House voted against the resolution and 42% of Senate Democrats voted against the resolution. So you would be correct for the Senate but wrong for the house and the combined total would be:

111 of 258 (43%) Democrats who supported the resolution. That is not a majority that supported the resolution.

Per your info:

Total Democrats in Congress 208 + 50 = 258

Reps that supported the resolution 208 - 126 = 82

Senators that supported the resolution 50 - 21 = 29

111 of 258 Democrats supported the resolution. That would only be 43%

Please check my facts on that and make sure I am reading both of your arguments correctly.


It was my agruement that the majority of Congress supported the war. but here is the link

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fool, your precious repugs hold you in every bit as much contempt as the dems do.

Never said that the Republicans were flawless or great but they surpass anything the democrats have. So having less control of the government means nothing? SO ARE YOU THIS DEFENSIVE WHEN SOMEONE BLAME'S THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? Do you say "Fool, your precious demis hold you in every bit as much contempt as the Rep. do"
Here's what I love about liberals: for the past eight years, they blamed Republicans and Bush for everything, so they complained and complained until the Democrats got the majority and a Democrat got elected President. Now the main thing you hear is about how Republicans are the party of no and wont do enough to help. Uh, weren't you guys just complaining about how dumb and corrupt Republicans are? Why is it so important that they join in to help? Super-majority, liberal Democrat in the White House, and they're still complaining about the lack of bipartisanship. Every item on the Democrat's agenda could've been checked off by now if they had any follow-through; they wouldn't need a single Republican vote.

It's just proof Republicans are meant to be the scapegoats for ineffectual Democratic legislators. Shoot, you guys might as well have went on and elected McCain/Palin and let the Republicans maintain their majorities. At least then our problems would really be theirs responsibility to fix.
Can you count?
435 members in the house of Representatives
297 voted for the war approval
100 members in the U.S Senate
77voted for the war approval

That is a majority

Don't mention it I was glad I could help you understand what a majority is.

You seem to be missing something. The number you gave are Congress in full, both Democrat and Republican.

It seems to me that what your numbers need to show is the count of Democrats in Congress and how many of them voted for the Approval of the war.

Just my humble opinion in reading this discussion.


out of 535 members in Congress 375 members voted for approval of the war.


Democratic 82 126 one did not vote
126 (61%) of 208 Democratic Representatives voted against the resolution.
21 (42%) of 50 Democratic Senators voted against the resolution
and thats not a large majority of Democrats. A majority but not a large majority

bingo. Like I fucking SAID (in post #98).... a majority of congressional democrats voted AGAINST the use of force resolution... and you said that I was wrong (in post #109). That was a lie...because, as you now admit, I was NOT wrong.

took you long enough.
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Nancy Pelosi said they are going to blame Bush until the problems go away. In other words, they are going to blame Bush until they can't any more. That is how utterly corrupt and incompetent the Democrap party has become. They are gonna get their collective asses kicked in November so Obama can see what a good ass kicking really looks like before he gets his ass kicked in Nov, 2012.

Now all of you democrat party hacks just keep on blaming Bush. Please.
You seem to be missing something. The number you gave are Congress in full, both Democrat and Republican.

It seems to me that what your numbers need to show is the count of Democrats in Congress and how many of them voted for the Approval of the war.

Just my humble opinion in reading this discussion.


out of 535 members in Congress 375 members voted for approval of the war.


Democratic 82 126 one did not vote
126 (61%) of 208 Democratic Representatives voted against the resolution.
21 (42%) of 50 Democratic Senators voted against the resolution
and thats not a large majority of Democrats. A majority but not a large majority

bingo. Like I fucking SAID (in post #98).... a majority of congressional democrats voted AGAINST the use of force resolution... and you said that I was wrong (in post #109). That was a lie...because, as you now admit, I was NOT wrong.

took you long enough.

DAM YOU ARE FUCKING TOUCHE ARE YOU ON THE RAG TONIGHT? i MADE A FUCKING MISTAKE. I said that the majority of Congress voted for the war you were talking only about the democrst, and you said I lied.. But wait what about those democrats that voted to support the war? Like Joe Biden Clinton Polise Kennedy? Come on big mnan klets hear fopr those democrats.
Nancy Pelosi said they are going to blame Bush until the problems go away. In other words, they are going to blame Bush until they can't any more. That is how utterly corrupt and incompetent the Democrap party has become. They are gonna get their collective asses kicked in November so Obama can see what a good ass kicking really looks like before he gets his ass kicked in Nov, 2012.

Now all of you democrat party hacks just keep on blaming Bush. Please.
As long as they are in control it will never change.
out of 535 members in Congress 375 members voted for approval of the war.


Democratic 82 126 one did not vote
126 (61%) of 208 Democratic Representatives voted against the resolution.
21 (42%) of 50 Democratic Senators voted against the resolution
and thats not a large majority of Democrats. A majority but not a large majority

bingo. Like I fucking SAID (in post #98).... a majority of congressional democrats voted AGAINST the use of force resolution... and you said that I was wrong (in post #109). That was a lie...because, as you now admit, I was NOT wrong.

took you long enough.

DAM YOU ARE FUCKING TOUCHE ARE YOU ON THE RAG TONIGHT? i MADE A FUCKING MISTAKE. I said that the majority of Congress voted for the war you were talking only about the democrst, and you said I lied.. But wait what about those democrats that voted to support the war? Like Joe Biden Clinton Polise Kennedy? Come on big mnan klets hear fopr those democrats.

I never once tried to suggest that ALL democrats voted against the resolution. Unfortunately some voted for it.

I myself made a pledge to never vote for a democrat who had voted for the resolution and not later admitted that it had been a mistake.

Like I said.... you called me out, and I am perfectly willing to be called out when I am wrong. However, when someone calls me out and I am right, that pisses me off... did then, and will so in the future.

Keep that in mind.
and subsequently ran away from it when your lies were exposed.

I lied? show the lie.

you suggested that a majority of democrats in congress supported the Iraq war. that will ALWAYS be a lie. I laid it out for you and you ran away from it.... go back and follow the thread if you need to.

A majority of Democrats in the Senate and a large enough number in the House to get the War resolution PASSED....the bill COULD NOT have passed without them...Democrats like now SEC. of STATE Hillary Clinton, VICE PRESIDENT Bidon, and other very prominent leaders in the Dem. Party...

The number is irrelevant and just clever strawman bullshit...THE BILL COULD NOT HAVE PASSED WITHOUT DEMOCRAT SUPPORT

We try to put the blame exactly where it belongs, not where some left leaning rag newspaper claims it should be...

[ame=]YouTube - Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis[/ame]
Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis

I've got if you need it...(undeniable video)
Democrats voted for the war because the Bush administration said they had "proof" of:

The location of WMD's
Connections between Saddam and al Qaeda

Then add in the rhetoric, "You are with us or with the terrorists" and "wallah"! You have Democratic support?

Who would have suspected the President of the United States of America of being a "lying sack of shit" and tricking the American People into a "fake war"? Who would have thought it? I believed those things. Everyone I know believed them. Many Republicans STILL believe them.


[ame=]YouTube - Pre- WAR Intelligence. Three Words: The Vice President[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - No Saddam bin Laden Link[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Liar Liar Iraq On Fire[/ame]
Democrats voted for the war because the Bush administration said they had "proof" of:

The location of WMD's
Connections between Saddam and al Qaeda

Then add in the rhetoric, "You are with us or with the terrorists" and "wallah"! You have Democratic support?

Who would have suspected the President of the United States of America of being a "lying sack of shit" and tricking the American People into a "fake war"? Who would have thought it? I believed those things. Everyone I know believed them. Many Republicans STILL believe them.


YouTube - Pre- WAR Intelligence. Three Words: The Vice President

YouTube - No Saddam bin Laden Link

YouTube - Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11

YouTube - Liar Liar Iraq On Fire

Before Bush there was Clinton saying the same thing.

We try to put the blame exactly where it belongs, not where some left leaning rag newspaper claims it should be...

[ame=]YouTube - Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis[/ame]
Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis

I've got if you need it...(undeniable video)

Thats just an old movie to them it might as well be a silent movie they refuse to listen to it.
Democrats voted for the war because the Bush administration said they had "proof" of:

The location of WMD's
Connections between Saddam and al Qaeda

Then add in the rhetoric, "You are with us or with the terrorists" and "wallah"! You have Democratic support?

Who would have suspected the President of the United States of America of being a "lying sack of shit" and tricking the American People into a "fake war"? Who would have thought it? I believed those things. Everyone I know believed them. Many Republicans STILL believe them.


YouTube - Pre- WAR Intelligence. Three Words: The Vice President

YouTube - No Saddam bin Laden Link

YouTube - Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11

YouTube - Liar Liar Iraq On Fire

Before Bush there was Clinton saying the same thing.

Clinton didn't invade Iraq so just stop.
Democrats voted for the war because the Bush administration said they had "proof" of:

And the most fantastic part of it all, Bush fooled those well educated and Washington experienced Democrats even before he got there...he must have been a fuckin' genius...

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." Letter to President Clinton, signed by: -- Democratic Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others, Oct. 9, 1998

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." -Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998

"Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies." -- Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999
Democrats voted for the war because the Bush administration said they had "proof" of:

The location of WMD's
Connections between Saddam and al Qaeda

Then add in the rhetoric, "You are with us or with the terrorists" and "wallah"! You have Democratic support?

Who would have suspected the President of the United States of America of being a "lying sack of shit" and tricking the American People into a "fake war"? Who would have thought it? I believed those things. Everyone I know believed them. Many Republicans STILL believe them.


YouTube - Pre- WAR Intelligence. Three Words: The Vice President

YouTube - No Saddam bin Laden Link

YouTube - Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11

YouTube - Liar Liar Iraq On Fire

Before Bush there was Clinton saying the same thing.

Clinton didn't invade Iraq so just stop.

Have you ever read what Bill Clinton said about Iraq?

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