How many blame republicans?

"We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country." -- Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

Man.....VICE PRESIDENT for the 8 would think HE SHOULD KNOW THE FACTS
Before Bush there was Clinton saying the same thing.

Clinton didn't invade Iraq so just stop.

Have you ever read what Bill Clinton said about Iraq?

What did Bill Clinton say about Iraq.....?

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

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The fact seems to be that G. Bush got fooled by the previous administration into believing Saddam was a hell of bigger threat than he really
Clinton was the genius....
The biggest problem with Republicans is their refusal to wait.

The Iraq war is still going on.

The Afgan war is still going on.

The economy still sucks.

They should wait until these things BECOME history before they try to REWRITE HISTORY.

Do they think we are so stupid we can't remember what happened yesterday and today?

What a lot of nerve.
Clinton didn't invade Iraq so just stop.

Have you ever read what Bill Clinton said about Iraq?

What did Bill Clinton say about Iraq.....?

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

Want more ?
So Bush had this informatiion that clinton had so clinton lied to Bush.
The biggest problem with Republicans is their refusal to wait.

The Iraq war is still going on.

The Afgan war is still going on.

The economy still sucks.

They should wait until these things BECOME history before they try to REWRITE HISTORY.

Do they think we are so stupid we can't remember what happened yesterday and today?

What a lot of nerve.

Yes I think anyone who lays all the blame solely at the republicans is that stupid.
Democrats voted for the war because the Bush administration said they had "proof" of:

The location of WMD's
Connections between Saddam and al Qaeda

Then add in the rhetoric, "You are with us or with the terrorists" and "wallah"! You have Democratic support?

Who would have suspected the President of the United States of America of being a "lying sack of shit" and tricking the American People into a "fake war"? Who would have thought it? I believed those things. Everyone I know believed them. Many Republicans STILL believe them.


YouTube - Pre- WAR Intelligence. Three Words: The Vice President

YouTube - No Saddam bin Laden Link

YouTube - Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11

YouTube - Liar Liar Iraq On Fire

Before Bush there was Clinton saying the same thing.

Clinton didn't invade Iraq so just stop.

Thats right George Bush did the CIC........AFTER he asked for and RECEIVED the blessing of the UNITED STATES CONGRESS .....duly voted on and passed by a majority of the Congress...including a substantial number of Democrats in the House and and MAJORITY of DEMOCRATS in the SENATE...............CASE FREAKIN' CLOSED
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The biggest problem with Republicans is their refusal to wait.

The Iraq war is still going on.

The Afgan war is still going on.

The economy still sucks.

They should wait until these things BECOME history before they try to REWRITE HISTORY.

Do they think we are so stupid we can't remember what happened yesterday and today?

What a lot of nerve.

Yes I think anyone who lays all the blame solely at the republicans is that stupid.
bigrebnc, meet rdean.

Yes, he really is that stupid.
The biggest problem with Republicans is their refusal to wait.

The Iraq war is still going on.

The Afgan war is still going on.

The economy still sucks.

They should wait until these things BECOME history before they try to REWRITE HISTORY.

Do they think we are so stupid we can't remember what happened yesterday and today?

What a lot of nerve.

How could you not remember ... I'm posting the undeniable quotes from even before Bush got to DC....what the hell more do you want....a confession from the Democrats? That ain't gonna happen.
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Have you ever read what Bill Clinton said about Iraq?

What did Bill Clinton say about Iraq.....?

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

Want more ?
So Bush had this informatiion that clinton had so clinton lied to Bush.

What he's saying is that Bush didn't believe Clinton when Clinton left a document that "An Attack was Imminent by al Qaeda", but Bush did believe that Saddam had WMDs. This is why Bush attacked Iraq instead of going after Bin Laden. He was so fucking stupid, that he was "confused" by Bill Clinton.


Oh these white wingers. They are insane.
What he's saying is that Bush didn't believe Clinton when Clinton left a document that "An Attack was Imminent by al Qaeda", but Bush did believe that Saddam had WMDs. This is why Bush attacked Iraq instead of going after Bin Laden. He was so fucking stupid, that he was "confused" by Bill Clinton.


Oh these white wingers. They are insane.
Forgetting Afghanistan, aren't you?

Shall we go over vote-counts for *that* one too?
Republicans don't just say government is bad, they prove it. They are the problem, and their followers suck too. They insist they are conservatives and that Reagan and Bush were great. Clueless. They watch the American middle class disappear, and their own salaries cut, and they say that the good old days are gone and are never coming back. Thank god they are old and dieing off every day.
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How can you run government if you don't believe in government. Why aren't tea baggers considered anti American but liberals who wanted Bush impeached for war crimes and treason were?
the fact remains: a majority of congressional democrats thought it was a bad idea to invade, conquer and oppupy Iraq in order to effect regime change and to rid Saddam of his (non-existent) stockpiles of WMD's.

try as they might, republicans cannot change the fact that they overwhelmingly supported our invasion of Iraq to rid Saddam of weapons he didn't have, and that invasion has had enormous easily calculated costs in blood and treasure, and not many calculatable benefits.

Prior to the invasion of Iraq, Saddam and his secular baathists stood as a bulwark minimizing Iran's plans for regional theocratic hegemony. Now, Iraq is run by a shiite majority sympathetic to Iran and will, in all probability, closely align themselves with Iran upon our eventual departure.
the fact remains: a majority of congressional democrats thought it was a bad idea to invade, conquer and oppupy Iraq in order to effect regime change and to rid Saddam of his (non-existent) stockpiles of WMD's.

try as they might, republicans cannot change the fact that they overwhelmingly supported our invasion of Iraq to rid Saddam of weapons he didn't have, and that invasion has had enormous easily calculated costs in blood and treasure, and not many calculatable benefits.

Prior to the invasion of Iraq, Saddam and his secular baathists stood as a bulwark minimizing Iran's plans for regional theocratic hegemony. Now, Iraq is run by a shiite majority sympathetic to Iran and will, in all probability, closely align themselves with Iran upon our eventual departure.

Not only that, eventually, Iraq will kick out all those American oil companies AFTER we have finished rebuilding Iraq including making sure they have the military we THOUGHT they had when we invaded.

And after the treaties and contracts signed by Bush and the Republicans, we are "stuck with the bill". They fucked us good and balls deep. NOT Iraq, no, it was the Republicans.
Sure, we can borrow to rebuild Iraq, but when it comes to rebuilding this country, Republicans are against all that "spending". Are they actually working with al Qaeda? Seems like it.
the fact remains: a majority of congressional democrats thought it was a bad idea to invade, conquer and oppupy Iraq in order to effect regime change and to rid Saddam of his (non-existent) stockpiles of WMD's.

try as they might, republicans cannot change the fact that they overwhelmingly supported our invasion of Iraq to rid Saddam of weapons he didn't have, and that invasion has had enormous easily calculated costs in blood and treasure, and not many calculatable benefits.

Prior to the invasion of Iraq, Saddam and his secular baathists stood as a bulwark minimizing Iran's plans for regional theocratic hegemony. Now, Iraq is run by a shiite majority sympathetic to Iran and will, in all probability, closely align themselves with Iran upon our eventual departure.
Were you still active-duty then, Commander?
Whether you were, or not...are you going to sit there and tell me you weren't chanting, "Bomb those fuckers!" when it was all going down??
What he's saying is that Bush didn't believe Clinton when Clinton left a document that "An Attack was Imminent by al Qaeda", but Bush did believe that Saddam had WMDs. This is why Bush attacked Iraq instead of going after Bin Laden. He was so fucking stupid, that he was "confused" by Bill Clinton.


Oh these white wingers. They are insane.
Forgetting Afghanistan, aren't you?

Shall we go over vote-counts for *that* one too?

Forgetting Afghanistan? No way. The entire world was on our side. We could have killed Bin Laden and put any kind of government we wanted in Afghanistan and even the Russians would have supported us. Did we? No, we went to Iraq? WTF????

And Bin Laden?

[ame=]YouTube - Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version)[/ame]

Bin Laden's been marginalized? It's Bush who's gone. Bin Laden is still sending us notes.
What did Bill Clinton say about Iraq.....?

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." --President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

Want more ?
So Bush had this informatiion that clinton had so clinton lied to Bush.

What he's saying is that Bush didn't believe Clinton when Clinton left a document that "An Attack was Imminent by al Qaeda", but Bush did believe that Saddam had WMDs. This is why Bush attacked Iraq instead of going after Bin Laden. He was so fucking stupid, that he was "confused" by Bill Clinton.


Oh these white wingers. They are insane.

I am going to look forward to 2010 election and the 2012 election Because most liberals will be removed from government, obama will be gone and it will put poeople like you can go back underground howling about how much you hate America. Michelle can go back and be unproud of America, obama can go back to his racist hate filled pastor.



A man presents NUMERICAL facts and figures,

about who was in power,

and this has denigrated into



Are you arguing with the FACTS of the NUMBERS???

WTF is the matter with you people???


wtf IS it?
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Republicans don't just say government is bad, they prove it. They are the problem, and their followers suck too. They insist they are conservatives and that Reagan and Bush were great. Clueless. They watch the American middle class disappear, and their own salaries cut, and they say that the good old days are gone and are never coming back. Thank god they are old and dieing off every day.

From your reply I could start 5 more thread. You are cluless. How have the Republicans proved they are the problem? Is that because you want it to be that way? Just because you want it to be that way doesn't make it true. obama wants to make the middle class disappear he has this thing call spread the wealth. He wilkl take many froim the rich and give it to the poor while crushing the ones in the middle in his attempt to give the wealth back to the rightful owners. I guess you are a big fan of Castor. Do you have a picture of stalin in your wallet?

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