How many blame republicans?

That's odd, then why did Bush Jr. say in his first economic speech to Congress (February 2001) that he intended to take the "surplus" and give it back to the people? The budget surplus was $236 billion (however you, and Limbaugh, wish to spin it) and was done through a series of tax increases and spending cuts (just what Republicans SHOULD be advocating now, instead of just the latter).
I see you don't like facts but when you try to push something as fact when it isn't you get all pissed. You can't changed it.

You don't think Bush said that? Here ya go:

Bush Speech to Congress: 27 Feb 2001

Why is it that you refuse to take Bush at his word in regards to Iraq but take him at his word in regards to a surplus?
Here are the facts address them please address them.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999
Near every democrat in the House of representatives voted AGAINST IT....

This WAS THE REPUBLICAN medicare pill bill, NOT the democratic.

May I remind you, the House kept a 15 minute vote that came to the NO VOTES winning, opened for 3 HOURS so that they could twist republican congressmen that voted against it to change their vote to yes.... it took them 3 hours to bribe and twist arms until they finally had enough votes to pass the bill....

and that republican congressman Billy Tauzine who was in charge of the bill let PHARMA write it and also LOCKED Democrats out of the negotiations...AND Tauzine quit after he got his bill passed and went to WORK FOR PHARMA with a multi million dollar salary....for him getting PHARMA'S bill passed with no ability to negotiate with foreign countries and no ability to negotiate for bulk discounts....
Ironic, since the repubs stole Medicare D from the democrats, isn't it?

Only after they realized the only ones who consistently VOTE are people over 50, and they needed to stay in power. They then embarked on allowing Big Pharma to write the bill.
Sure, since 2007. Nobody with half a brain buys that, genius. - Bush seeks to increase minority homeownership
In a bid to boost minority homeownership, President Bush will ask Congress for authority to eliminate the down-payment requirement for Federal Housing Administration loans.

You can find his speeches on that in many places. Feel free to search for yourself. Although the house of cards came crashing down on Democrats' watch, it took many years building to the crescendo, my friend. These events didn't happen as a result of only one year of Democratic control. You continue to be easy to dumb down:

The Financial Crisis Timeline

your bucket has a hole in it.........................or two



the craps are covering up for ACORN which got the cheap or free loans and have been for years​

Those old videos prove squat. Since nobody (NOBODY) was aware of the little securities packaging that was being done by the lending banks, with no SEC oversight, posting what lawmakers said before it all came crashing down is moot.

What are you smoking? Those old video's as you call them prove plenty. that there was a problem and the Republicans tried to address but listen to what the democrats had to say abnout it. I would imagine that if the Republicans would have had a super majority we would not have been in this mess.The democrats could have fillabustered because the Republicans did not have a 60 majority to stop a fillabuster.
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Great point, but lets not forget if it had not been for 9/11 we never would have went to Iraq in the first place and the events leading up to 9/11 was due to clinton and his adminastraition dropping the ball. But the biggest mess of all is the community re-envestment act that help to build the mega giants Fredy Mac and Fanny Mae. with their fall thus fell the U.S. Economy.

Oh sweet jesus, here we go. Now you want to change the subject to the blame game for 911 and the Iraq war? Holy shit, did you get dumped off another board or something and you've gotta post everything in your repertoire? Both those subjects have been debated to death, ad nauseam. I'm bored with you. Bye.

No I didn't change the subject but the subject was brought up and I addressed it.

and subsequently ran away from it when your lies were exposed.
That's odd, then why did Bush Jr. say in his first economic speech to Congress (February 2001) that he intended to take the "surplus" and give it back to the people? The budget surplus was $236 billion (however you, and Limbaugh, wish to spin it) and was done through a series of tax increases and spending cuts (just what Republicans SHOULD be advocating now, instead of just the latter).

actually the republicans touted that there was a $5 TRILLION 10 year projected surplus and they wanted to give it back to the tax payers because it was theirs.

They took the Social security projected surplus and GAVE the majority of it TO THE WEALTHIEST who do not pay SS tax on their entire earnings...only on about 95k at the time, IF they pay any AT ALL...
they should have taken the SS surplus money and given an SS tax break not an income tax break, it was SS surpluses ya know?

Yes, that one speech said VOLUMES!!
Bush Speech to Congress: 27 Feb 2001

what? THIS LIE? they spent every dime of the Social Security SURPLUS of 2.3 trillion in their budget....

To make sure the retirement savings of America's seniors are not diverted to any other program, my budget protects all $2.6 trillion of the Social Security surplus for Social Security and for Social Security alone.

Most were supportive of going to Iraq hin side is 20/20 no one knew that the information that was given was flawed. but Saddam did violate the terms of the cease fire of 91.

Now as to the CRA being a villian or not would you agree that loaning money to people who could never repay the loan is a dangerous thing? If the government forced the banks to do this then it was because of the CRA.

Apparently it was a good thing, since Bush expanded the CRA concept by promoting no money down loans, with fewer qualifications for those loans.

Did bush do that or are you twisting tha fact? Now if he did do this why would he try regulate Fredy mac and Fanny Mae in 2003?

There used to be a White House link to Bush's announcement, but it's been scrubbed from because he doesn't rent that house anymore. But you can maybe find something imbedded here, a FoxNews article on the subject (which may be more to your liking). As for F&F and its relationship to Bush's homeownership program, he wanted to see more conventional loans made by private mortgage companies. Well, he got that wish all right. Where are they now? - Bush Ties Policy to Record Home Ownership - You Decide 2004
Oh sweet jesus, here we go. Now you want to change the subject to the blame game for 911 and the Iraq war? Holy shit, did you get dumped off another board or something and you've gotta post everything in your repertoire? Both those subjects have been debated to death, ad nauseam. I'm bored with you. Bye.

No I didn't change the subject but the subject was brought up and I addressed it.

and subsequently ran away from it when your lies were exposed.

I lied? show the lie.
your bucket has a hole in it.........................or two



the craps are covering up for ACORN which got the cheap or free loans and have been for years​

Those old videos prove squat. Since nobody (NOBODY) was aware of the little securities packaging that was being done by the lending banks, with no SEC oversight, posting what lawmakers said before it all came crashing down is moot.

What are you smoking? Those old video's as you call them prove plenty. that there was a problem and the Republicans tried to address but listen to what the democrats had to say abnout it. I would imagine that if the Republicans would have had a super majority we would not have been in this mess.The democrats could have fillabustered because the Republicans did not have a 60 majority to stop a fillabuster.

no the republicans did not try to fix a thing....they were lobbied with big cash by freddie mac so they BACKED OFF of it....they were no better.
Is there something incorrect that I may have said? Or is it the truth that you hate to see?

As CaliforniaGirl said regarding people's opinions based on whatever their choice of media tells them, you've so obviously ONLY listened and watched and read from right wing media that it's laughable. My truth's better'n your truth. :lol:

Then show us something specific. Nothing wrong with "right wing media" if the truth is there. Disagreeing does not equate to having your facts wrong.

This guy will argue that my facts are wrong, when they're posted straight from the horse's mouth (Bush's). No, there's nothing wrong with RW media unless it's pretending to be fair and balanced. Same thing with left-wing media. But in this convoluted economy (and society), it's almost a requirement that people expose themselves to both "sides" before forming a conclusion. Otherwise, they're being dictated to only by one "side" (as CG suggested). Now I can't remember if she said it here or someplace else.
Near every democrat in the House of representatives voted AGAINST IT....

This WAS THE REPUBLICAN medicare pill bill, NOT the democratic.

May I remind you, the House kept a 15 minute vote that came to the NO VOTES winning, opened for 3 HOURS so that they could twist republican congressmen that voted against it to change their vote to yes.... it took them 3 hours to bribe and twist arms until they finally had enough votes to pass the bill....

and that republican congressman Billy Tauzine who was in charge of the bill let PHARMA write it and also LOCKED Democrats out of the negotiations...AND Tauzine quit after he got his bill passed and went to WORK FOR PHARMA with a multi million dollar salary....for him getting PHARMA'S bill passed with no ability to negotiate with foreign countries and no ability to negotiate for bulk discounts....
Ironic, since the repubs stole Medicare D from the democrats, isn't it?
not the same bill, but certainly the democrats wanted a pill bill, just NOT this one that catered to pharma and is bankrupting us.

Poison Pill - Barbara T. Dreyfuss

read it if you reason i could never be a republican..... :eek:

and yes, i know the democrats have had their scummy times too...but i doubt anyone could outdo the republican sleaziness recorded in the article.

I think it's Neil Volz, Ney’s former chief of staff, who has written a book and will be interviewed on C-Span's Q&A tonight (repeats at 6AM tomorrow). I guess they're all out of jail now.
Ironic, since the repubs stole Medicare D from the democrats, isn't it?
not the same bill, but certainly the democrats wanted a pill bill, just NOT this one that catered to pharma and is bankrupting us.

Poison Pill - Barbara T. Dreyfuss

read it if you reason i could never be a republican..... :eek:

and yes, i know the democrats have had their scummy times too...but i doubt anyone could outdo the republican sleaziness recorded in the article.
What...You really think there aren't scads of dems who aren't in the pockets of BigPharm, and equally adept at giving them their own sweetheart deals?

Don't be naïve.

Yes, there are, including Obama who cut a deal with Big Pharma on the donut hole. It made me sick to see him cave like that.
I see you don't like facts but when you try to push something as fact when it isn't you get all pissed. You can't changed it.

You don't think Bush said that? Here ya go:

Bush Speech to Congress: 27 Feb 2001

Why is it that you refuse to take Bush at his word in regards to Iraq but take him at his word in regards to a surplus?
Here are the facts address them please address them.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

Start another thread. PLEASE. Again, with no sourced background to support simple "numbers," they mean nothing.
Just a bump of liberal horseshit.

And what exactly would that make yours? Conservative purity? :lol: Try conservative whitewash.

facts vs. horseshit. you do understand which is better?

I suppose that depends on what you are attempting to accomplish. I'm no farmer, but I suspect horseshit makes a better fertilizer than fact. ;)

Well, maybe not better than some of the things we all throw around here as "fact", me included.

Okay, I have been trying to decide whether or not I should even bother getting into this thread, but decided I may as well.

I have to ask... blame Republicans for what?

If you think I am going to take your OP and say, you are right the blame lies on Democrats, you have another thing coming. My personal feeling is that the blame lies on both parties regardless of who had control at any given time and for how long. The fact is, in my opinion, that there is not a lot of difference in whether or not a politician is a Republican or a Democrats. They still want our freedoms the only difference is which freedom do they want to take first.

So you tell me what issue(s) are you talking about, but don't expect me to say, I blame only this or that party for most of the issues as blame lies more in the politicians rather than the parties.


You are one of the few maybe you haven't noticed though that there is a lot of blame being pushed off on the Republicans.
How about Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae failures?

Oh sorry, I have noticed it.

I simply don't agree that it should be entirely pushed off on Republicans nor do I believe that Republicans are entirely without fault.

It is that way in most issues as far as I can tell.

Now, please don't ask me where I find fault with the Republicans in this case, because that is a big issue and quite frankly I'm not sure I can lay my fingers on a good answer to it. Although, I have little doubt that some blame can be placed with the Republicans in regards to the issue.

You don't think Bush said that? Here ya go:

Bush Speech to Congress: 27 Feb 2001

Why is it that you refuse to take Bush at his word in regards to Iraq but take him at his word in regards to a surplus?
Here are the facts address them please address them.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

Start another thread. PLEASE. Again, with no sourced background to support simple "numbers," they mean nothing.

Libearls can't stand the facts if they don't support their views.
Okay, I have been trying to decide whether or not I should even bother getting into this thread, but decided I may as well.

I have to ask... blame Republicans for what?

If you think I am going to take your OP and say, you are right the blame lies on Democrats, you have another thing coming. My personal feeling is that the blame lies on both parties regardless of who had control at any given time and for how long. The fact is, in my opinion, that there is not a lot of difference in whether or not a politician is a Republican or a Democrats. They still want our freedoms the only difference is which freedom do they want to take first.

So you tell me what issue(s) are you talking about, but don't expect me to say, I blame only this or that party for most of the issues as blame lies more in the politicians rather than the parties.


You are one of the few maybe you haven't noticed though that there is a lot of blame being pushed off on the Republicans.
How about Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae failures?

Oh sorry, I have noticed it.

I simply don't agree that it should be entirely pushed off on Republicans nor do I believe that Republicans are entirely without fault.

It is that way in most issues as far as I can tell.

Now, please don't ask me where I find fault with the Republicans in this case, because that is a big issue and quite frankly I'm not sure I can lay my fingers on a good answer to it. Although, I have little doubt that some blame can be placed with the Republicans in regards to the issue.

Are you also aware that the Republicans tried to regulate Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae in 2003,2005,2006? But they did not have enough power to stop any Democratic fillabuster.
Ironic, since the repubs stole Medicare D from the democrats, isn't it?
not the same bill, but certainly the democrats wanted a pill bill, just NOT this one that catered to pharma and is bankrupting us.

Poison Pill - Barbara T. Dreyfuss

read it if you reason i could never be a republican..... :eek:

and yes, i know the democrats have had their scummy times too...but i doubt anyone could outdo the republican sleaziness recorded in the article.
What...You really think there aren't scads of dems who aren't in the pockets of BigPharm, and equally adept at giving them their own sweetheart deals?

Don't be naïve.

you CLEARLY DID NOT read the link I provided dude....there is MUCH MUCH MUCH more to it than PHARMA.....IF you had read the full link, I would bet you would be just as disgusted and appalled as I was....even with being a conservative leaning person, it will go beyond what you could ever dream of as scuzziness...
Those old videos prove squat. Since nobody (NOBODY) was aware of the little securities packaging that was being done by the lending banks, with no SEC oversight, posting what lawmakers said before it all came crashing down is moot.

What are you smoking? Those old video's as you call them prove plenty. that there was a problem and the Republicans tried to address but listen to what the democrats had to say abnout it. I would imagine that if the Republicans would have had a super majority we would not have been in this mess.The democrats could have fillabustered because the Republicans did not have a 60 majority to stop a fillabuster.

no the republicans did not try to fix a thing....they were lobbied with big cash by freddie mac so they BACKED OFF of it....they were no better.

You do realize that you are using the New York Post as a source? The New York Post is also a propanda tool for the DNC, same as with the New York Times.
Problem is they haven't been in a position to wreck havoc for over 4 years and said havoc didn't take place until 07. [check the dates on the banking and housing crisis]

So....who's to blame for our economy??? Congress. The President doesn't set banking regulations....Congress does. Who spends money from the Treasury....Congress. Who's to blame for all of the hell that broke loose in 08'?

Those who've been in charge since Jan 07'

Democraps in Congress.

Sure, since 2007. Nobody with half a brain buys that, genius. - Bush seeks to increase minority homeownership
In a bid to boost minority homeownership, President Bush will ask Congress for authority to eliminate the down-payment requirement for Federal Housing Administration loans.

You can find his speeches on that in many places. Feel free to search for yourself. Although the house of cards came crashing down on Democrats' watch, it took many years building to the crescendo, my friend. These events didn't happen as a result of only one year of Democratic control. You continue to be easy to dumb down:

The Financial Crisis Timeline

your bucket has a hole in it.........................or two



the craps are covering up for ACORN which got the cheap or free loans and have been for years​


All that time I spent putting up charts and links.

Yes, in 2001 and 2003 the Bush Administration did make such a claim. It was also during that time, the Republicans and the Bush Administration deregulated Wall Street. Then in 2004, there was an "accounting scandal" at Freddie/Fannie. This called them to pull back from the mortgage market. Then Wall Street stepped in and that is where the problem started. Freddie/Fannie passed out more than 70% of all low cost home mortgages. That market MOVED to Wall Street, where they were passed out like candy corn, bundled, sold as "securities", insured and when the "securities" tanked, collected the insurance.

How come the Republicans on this board still blame Freddie/Fannie even when every economist, Fox Business News, Forbes, and the rest of the world, blame it on Wall Street? It's like the "theory of Evolution". The evidence doesn't matter, they still believe in "magical creation".
You are one of the few maybe you haven't noticed though that there is a lot of blame being pushed off on the Republicans.
How about Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae failures?

Oh sorry, I have noticed it.

I simply don't agree that it should be entirely pushed off on Republicans nor do I believe that Republicans are entirely without fault.

It is that way in most issues as far as I can tell.

Now, please don't ask me where I find fault with the Republicans in this case, because that is a big issue and quite frankly I'm not sure I can lay my fingers on a good answer to it. Although, I have little doubt that some blame can be placed with the Republicans in regards to the issue.

Are you also aware that the Republicans tried to regulate Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae in 2003,2005,2006? But they did not have enough power to stop any Democratic fillabuster.

lie lie lie lie lie like a rug...

the republicans NEVER EVEN BROUGHT THE BILL TO THE FLOOR, for a vote....

NEVER, nada, nothing from the republicans that the senators or congress could even vote was held back from debate by republican leadership...

plus freddie mac LOBBIED THE REPUBLICANS in congress to PREVENT the bill from coming to the floor for debate.

Freddie Mac secretly paid a Republican consulting firm $2 million in a bid to kill legislation three years ago that would have regulated and trimmed the mortgage finance giant and its sister company, Fannie Mae.

Freddie - which along with Fannie this year has required a taxpayer-back rescue plan to avoid collapse - hired the Washington consulting firm DCI to target a regulatory overhaul bill sponsored by Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb. In a yearlong effort, the firm lobbied 17 Republican senators in 13 states, according to documents obtained by the Associated Press. The bill died January 2007.


repubs were just giving a ''song and a dance'' to look good...they too did NOT want to regulate fannie and freddie.

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