How Many Charity Hustlers Are On The Payroll?


Sep 23, 2010
All of the intelligence agencies in the world working together could not find out exactly how many United Nations charity hustlers are on the UN’s payroll. I am talking about those UN employees whose paycheck is issued by the UN. Back in 2003 Madame Short Legs gave me a number to work with:

"The United Nations Is a Huge Bureaucracy"

“Nope. A bureaucracy certainly, but not huge. The annual budget for core U.N. functions—based in New York City, Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna, and five regional commissions—is about $1.25 billion, or roughly what the Pentagon spends every 32 hours. The U.N. Secretariat has reduced its staff by just under 25 percent over the last 20 years and has had a zero-growth budget since 1996. The entire U.N. system, composed of the secretariat and 29 other organizations, employs a little more than 50,000 people, or just 2,000 more than work for the city of Stockholm. Total annual expenditures by all U.N. funds, programs, and specialized agencies equal about one fourth the municipal budget of New York City.”

Think Again: The United Nations
By Madeleine K Albright
September 1, 2003​

For the past ten years I worked with the number 50,000; assuming it had gone up to around 60,000. Now I am really confused.

UNRWA is currently the largest agency-subdivision of the United Nations, employing a staff of 30,000, most of whom are Palestinians.

December 21, 2013
UNRWA: 64 Years Later
By Jordan Schachtel

Articles: UNRWA: 64 Years Later

It’s illogical to think that UNRWA represents half of all UN employees. So how many UN parasites are sucking high teat in all of the UN’s agencies, agency-subdivisions, and specialized agencies? It’s frightening to think there are categories nobody ever heard of. Not so with peacekeeping. Everybody’s heard about military personnel assigned to the UN by their governments, while few know about UN parasites attached to peacekeeping operations.

Click on the link for details about individual peacekeeping operations:

Peacekeeping Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet as of 31 October 2013

[Note: statistical information on civilian personnel is as of 31 August 2013, unless otherwise specified]

Peacekeeping operations since 1948: 68
Current peacekeeping operations: 15
Current peace operations directed by the Department of​
Peacekeeping Operations: 16*
[*In addition to peacekeeping operations, DPKO directs one political mission: the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).]


Uniformed personnel: 98,014
Troops: 83,343
Police: 12,807
Military observers: 1,864​
Civilian personnel: 16,822 (as of 31 August)
International: 5,128
Local: 11,694​
UN Volunteers: 2,001
Total number of personnel serving in 15 peacekeeping operations: 116,837
Total number of personnel serving in 16 DPKO-led peace operations: 118,580
Countries contributing uniformed personnel: 119
Total fatalities: 3,164

Financial aspects

Approved resources for the period from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014: about $7.54 billion
Outstanding contributions to peacekeeping (as of 31 October 2013): about $3.26 billion​

Wouldn’t it be nice to see the nationality breakdown of UN employees just to find out if Americans are employed in relation to the money they give? How many are not Americans? More importantly, how many UN employees are anti-America? A fair question when you look at the Americans assigned to the UN who are anti-America:

Samantha Power Downplays Jihadist Threat During Visit To Central African Republic
By Joseph A. Klein Saturday, December 21, 2013

Samantha Power Downplays Jihadist Threat During Visit To Central African Republic

I’d also like to see an accurate list of the money each of the member states kick-in every year. I read somewhere that many countries never come up with a penny. Americans pick up their markers so they don’t get kicked out. I think the rules say you’re out if you don’t pay your dues for two years in a row.

Incidentally, back in the Clinton years the late Senator Jesse Helms (1921 - 2008 ), when he was Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, refused to pay UN dues. There was some speculation that the US would get the boot under the 2 year rule. I forget all of the details, but it’s too bad the US did not get kicked out.

And just what in hell is a “not huge bureaucracy” doing with all of those charity hustlers on the payroll to begin with?

Bottom line: The UN should never have been more than a debating society. Since it opened shop in 1945 the UN grew, and continues to grow, in leaps and bounds; so it’s no wonder the charity hustlers are pushing for taxing authority in UN treaties! They’ll need taxing authority of some kind in the near future if all of those hustlers expect to get decent Christmas bonuses in the coming years. Oops! Sorry. It should be “Holiday bonuses” or “Ramadan bonuses.”
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Remember this:

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The U.N. special representative in Iraq and at least 16 others died Tuesday in a bomb explosion that ripped through the organization's headquarters in Baghdad.

Sergio Vieira de Mello, a veteran U.N. official appointed to the post in May, was killed when a bomb-laden cement truck exploded beneath the window of his office in the Canal Hotel at about 4:30 p.m. [12:30 p.m. GMT; 8:30 a.m. EDT].

Truck bomb kills chief U.N. envoy to Iraq
17 dead, 100 injured by explosion at U.N. headquarters
Wednesday, August 20, 2003 Posted: 2:09 AM EDT (0609 GMT) - Truck bomb kills chief U.N. envoy to Iraq - Aug. 20, 2003

At the time, UN-lovers in the media were outraged because most Americans were not outraged. I’ll never forget one TV report showing the UN flag —— engulfed in black smoke —— flapping in the breeze as though UN headquarters in Baghdad was Fort McHenry. The only thing missing was a picture of Francis Scott Key with the Star Spangled playing in the background.

Things are looking up.

How’s this for poetic justice. The Muslims our own UN-loving douche bags empowered with their Arab Spring are threatening UN personnel. Abdul-Zahra should be invited to Manhattan where there is a larger selection to choose from:

BAGHDAD (AP) — The shadowy leader of a powerful al-Qaida group fighting in Syria sought to kidnap United Nations workers . . .

AP Exclusive: Al-Qaida leader targeting UN workers
By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA— Dec. 25, 2013 5:21 PM EST

AP Exclusive: Al-Qaida leader targeting UN workers

I can only hope that Americans won’t be ordered to risk their lives for UN personnel since nobody was sent to help Americans under attack in Benghazi. Better still, I’d like to see every Muslim government walk out of the UN. If not a mass exodus then boot the UN out of their countries.

Incidentally, whatever Al-Qaida does in Syria can be laid on John Kerry’s doorstep.
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Are they for real?

After protracted negotiations, the 193 nation assembly on Friday agreed to cut 221 staff at the UN headquarters and ordered a one-year pay freeze for the more than 10,000 workers in New York.

What in hell do 10,000 people do every working day? An automobile assembly plant does not employ that many workers. The mere fact that 9,779 charity hustlers are still on the payroll is preposterous.

What is the average salary of UN charity hustlers working in Manhattan? How much is their benefit package including pensions and lifelong health coverage?

Who the hell represented American taxpayers in the negotiations? I am willing to bet that it was just like our public sector unions sitting on both sides of the bargaining table. It would be humorous if it wasn’t so self-important.

I’ll also wager that the 221 were laid-off not fired. And you can be certain that most were chopped from the lowest pay grade.

Incidentally, why does the UN provide interpreters? Each country should pay for their own interpreters. Or their representatives can speak English. In truth, they do not have to listen, or talk, which is probably the best thing. Indeed, everyone from a foreign country attached to the UN should pay the freight for their own needs.

If UN charity hustlers are going to get away with their human Rights bullcrap let them live like working people. I would even close UN cafeterias and dining rooms. UN employees can bring a sandwich for lunch.


I do not expect UN big shots to brown-bag it. They can get their lunch from street vendors:


Instead of eating in a UN dining room:


Finally, Bush the Younger lent the UN a few billion dollars to renovate that shit-hole. I assume the loan was repaid from the dues and assessments paid by US taxpayers. It wasn’t exactly a case of Peter stealing from Paul. It was more like Peter and Paul pulling the stickup together.
Everytime I ride on the road that is parallel to the East River-----in manhattan----and
approach the UN BUILDING-------I imagine a GIANT FOOT----emerging from a cloud----
and KICKING the UN building into the EAST RIVER------it is an enjoyable fantasy.
Its been TOOL long since I have had such an experience------I must do it again---someday
soon. The UN building does not belong on the banks of the HOLY EAST RIVER----
it should be shipped over to MECCA --------
Everytime I ride on the road that is parallel to the East River-----in manhattan----and
approach the UN BUILDING-------I imagine a GIANT FOOT----emerging from a cloud----
and KICKING the UN building into the EAST RIVER------it is an enjoyable fantasy.
Its been TOOL long since I have had such an experience------I must do it again---someday
soon. The UN building does not belong on the banks of the HOLY EAST RIVER----
it should be shipped over to MECCA --------

To irosie91: Thanks for my first pleasant thought of the new year.

Way back when Bush the Younger gave the UN the renovation loan, I said America should build them a new headquarters in any country of their choice except here. I knew that UN-loving American traitors would never let those parasites leave this country; so I suggested moving them to an island far out in the Aleutian Chain.

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